File: artifacts\obj\System.Composition.TypedParts\Debug\net9.0\System.SR.cs
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Composition.TypedParts\src\System.Composition.TypedParts.csproj (System.Composition.TypedParts)
// <auto-generated>
using System.Reflection;
namespace FxResources.System.Composition.TypedParts
    internal static class SR { }
namespace System
    internal static partial class SR
        private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager s_resourceManager;
        internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager => s_resourceManager ?? (s_resourceManager = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(FxResources.System.Composition.TypedParts.SR)));
        /// <summary>Missing dependency '{0}' on '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionContextExtensions_MissingDependency => GetResourceString("CompositionContextExtensions_MissingDependency", @"Missing dependency '{0}' on '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>The default conventions for the container configuration have already been set.</summary>
        internal static string @ContainerConfiguration_DefaultConventionSet => GetResourceString("ContainerConfiguration_DefaultConventionSet", @"The default conventions for the container configuration have already been set.");
        /// <summary>Multiple imports have been configured for '{0}'. At most one import can be applied to a single site.</summary>
        internal static string @ContractHelpers_TooManyImports => GetResourceString("ContractHelpers_TooManyImports", @"Multiple imports have been configured for '{0}'. At most one import can be applied to a single site.");
        /// <summary>Multiple importing constructors were found on type '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @DiscoveredPart_MultipleImportingConstructorsFound => GetResourceString("DiscoveredPart_MultipleImportingConstructorsFound", @"Multiple importing constructors were found on type '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>No importing constructor was found on type '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @DiscoveredPart_NoImportingConstructorsFound => GetResourceString("DiscoveredPart_NoImportingConstructorsFound", @"No importing constructor was found on type '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>The method {0}.{1} has the OnImportsSatisfied attribute applied, but is not a public or internal parameterless instance method returning void.</summary>
        internal static string @OnImportsSatisfiedFeature_AttributeError => GetResourceString("OnImportsSatisfiedFeature_AttributeError", @"The method {0}.{1} has the OnImportsSatisfied attribute applied, but is not a public or internal parameterless instance method returning void.");
        /// <summary>Exported contract '{0}' of open generic part '{1}' does not match the generic arguments of the class.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeInspector_ArgumentMismatch => GetResourceString("TypeInspector_ArgumentMismatch", @"Exported contract '{0}' of open generic part '{1}' does not match the generic arguments of the class.");
        /// <summary>Exported contract type '{0}' is not assignable from part '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeInspector_ContractNotAssignable => GetResourceString("TypeInspector_ContractNotAssignable", @"Exported contract type '{0}' is not assignable from part '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Exported contract type '{0}' is not assignable from property '{1}' of part '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeInspector_ExportedContractTypeNotAssignable => GetResourceString("TypeInspector_ExportedContractTypeNotAssignable", @"Exported contract type '{0}' is not assignable from property '{1}' of part '{2}'.");
        /// <summary>The open generic export '{0}' on part '{1}' is not compatible with the contract '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeInspector_ExportNotCompatible => GetResourceString("TypeInspector_ExportNotCompatible", @"The open generic export '{0}' on part '{1}' is not compatible with the contract '{2}'.");
        /// <summary>Open generic part '{0}' cannot export non-generic contract '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeInspector_NoExportNonGenericContract => GetResourceString("TypeInspector_NoExportNonGenericContract", @"Open generic part '{0}' cannot export non-generic contract '{1}'.");