File: artifacts\obj\System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter\Debug\net9.0\System.SR.cs
Project: src\src\libraries\System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter\src\System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.csproj (System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter)
// <auto-generated>
using System.Reflection;
namespace FxResources.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
    internal static class SR { }
namespace System
    internal static partial class SR
        private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager s_resourceManager;
        internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager => s_resourceManager ?? (s_resourceManager = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(FxResources.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.SR)));
        /// <summary>{0} Array</summary>
        internal static string @Array => GetResourceString("Array", @"{0} Array");
        /// <summary>(Collection)</summary>
        internal static string @Collection => GetResourceString("Collection", @"(Collection)");
        /// <summary>{0} cannot convert from {1}.</summary>
        internal static string @ConvertFromException => GetResourceString("ConvertFromException", @"{0} cannot convert from {1}.");
        /// <summary>{0} is not a valid value for {1}.</summary>
        internal static string @ConvertInvalidPrimitive => GetResourceString("ConvertInvalidPrimitive", @"{0} is not a valid value for {1}.");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is unable to convert '{1}' to '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ConvertToException => GetResourceString("ConvertToException", @"'{0}' is unable to convert '{1}' to '{2}'.");
        /// <summary>The value '{0}' is not a valid value for the enum '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @EnumConverterInvalidValue => GetResourceString("EnumConverterInvalidValue", @"The value '{0}' is not a valid value for the enum '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Type provided must be an Enum.</summary>
        internal static string @EnumInvalidValue => GetResourceString("EnumInvalidValue", @"Type provided must be an Enum.");
        /// <summary>Invalid event handler for the {0} event.</summary>
        internal static string @ErrorInvalidEventHandler => GetResourceString("ErrorInvalidEventHandler", @"Invalid event handler for the {0} event.");
        /// <summary>Invalid type for the {0} event.</summary>
        internal static string @ErrorInvalidEventType => GetResourceString("ErrorInvalidEventType", @"Invalid type for the {0} event.");
        /// <summary>Invalid type for the {0} property</summary>
        internal static string @ErrorInvalidPropertyType => GetResourceString("ErrorInvalidPropertyType", @"Invalid type for the {0} property");
        /// <summary>Accessor methods for the {0} event are missing.</summary>
        internal static string @ErrorMissingEventAccessors => GetResourceString("ErrorMissingEventAccessors", @"Accessor methods for the {0} event are missing.");
        /// <summary>Accessor methods for the {0} property are missing.</summary>
        internal static string @ErrorMissingPropertyAccessors => GetResourceString("ErrorMissingPropertyAccessors", @"Accessor methods for the {0} property are missing.");
        /// <summary>Invalid member name</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidMemberName => GetResourceString("InvalidMemberName", @"Invalid member name");
        /// <summary>(none)</summary>
        internal static string @none => GetResourceString("none", @"(none)");
        /// <summary>(null)</summary>
        internal static string @Null => GetResourceString("Null", @"(null)");
        /// <summary>The specified type is not a nullable type.</summary>
        internal static string @NullableConverterBadCtorArg => GetResourceString("NullableConverterBadCtorArg", @"The specified type is not a nullable type.");
        /// <summary>Runtime instantiation of this attribute is not allowed.</summary>
        internal static string @RuntimeInstanceNotAllowed => GetResourceString("RuntimeInstanceNotAllowed", @"Runtime instantiation of this attribute is not allowed.");
        /// <summary>(Text)</summary>
        internal static string @Text => GetResourceString("Text", @"(Text)");
        /// <summary>The primary and secondary objects are already associated with each other.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeDescriptorAlreadyAssociated => GetResourceString("TypeDescriptorAlreadyAssociated", @"The primary and secondary objects are already associated with each other.");
        /// <summary>The number of elements in the Type and Object arrays must match.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeDescriptorArgsCountMismatch => GetResourceString("TypeDescriptorArgsCountMismatch", @"The number of elements in the Type and Object arrays must match.");
        /// <summary>The type description provider {0} has returned null from {1} which is illegal.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeDescriptorProviderError => GetResourceString("TypeDescriptorProviderError", @"The type description provider {0} has returned null from {1} which is illegal.");
        /// <summary>Expected types in the collection to be of type {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeDescriptorExpectedElementType => GetResourceString("TypeDescriptorExpectedElementType", @"Expected types in the collection to be of type {0}.");
        /// <summary>Cannot create an association when the primary and secondary objects are the same.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeDescriptorSameAssociation => GetResourceString("TypeDescriptorSameAssociation", @"Cannot create an association when the primary and secondary objects are the same.");
        /// <summary>Color '{0}' is not valid.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidColor => GetResourceString("InvalidColor", @"Color '{0}' is not valid.");
        /// <summary>Text "{0}" cannot be parsed. The expected text format is "{1}".</summary>
        internal static string @TextParseFailedFormat => GetResourceString("TextParseFailedFormat", @"Text ""{0}"" cannot be parsed. The expected text format is ""{1}"".");
        /// <summary>IDictionary parameter contains at least one entry that is not valid. Ensure all values are consistent with the object's properties.</summary>
        internal static string @PropertyValueInvalidEntry => GetResourceString("PropertyValueInvalidEntry", @"IDictionary parameter contains at least one entry that is not valid. Ensure all values are consistent with the object's properties.");
        /// <summary>Invalid value '{1}' for parameter '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidParameter => GetResourceString("InvalidParameter", @"Invalid value '{1}' for parameter '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>Indicates whether the timer will be restarted when it is enabled.</summary>
        internal static string @TimerAutoReset => GetResourceString("TimerAutoReset", @"Indicates whether the timer will be restarted when it is enabled.");
        /// <summary>Indicates whether the timer is enabled to fire events at a defined interval.</summary>
        internal static string @TimerEnabled => GetResourceString("TimerEnabled", @"Indicates whether the timer is enabled to fire events at a defined interval.");
        /// <summary>The number of milliseconds between timer events.</summary>
        internal static string @TimerInterval => GetResourceString("TimerInterval", @"The number of milliseconds between timer events.");
        /// <summary>Occurs when the Interval has elapsed.</summary>
        internal static string @TimerIntervalElapsed => GetResourceString("TimerIntervalElapsed", @"Occurs when the Interval has elapsed.");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is not a valid value for 'Interval'. 'Interval' must be greater than {1}.</summary>
        internal static string @TimerInvalidInterval => GetResourceString("TimerInvalidInterval", @"'{0}' is not a valid value for 'Interval'. 'Interval' must be greater than {1}.");
        /// <summary>The object used to marshal the event handler calls issued when an interval has elapsed.</summary>
        internal static string @TimerSynchronizingObject => GetResourceString("TimerSynchronizingObject", @"The object used to marshal the event handler calls issued when an interval has elapsed.");
        /// <summary>Failed to create ToolboxItem of type: {0}</summary>
        internal static string @ToolboxItemAttributeFailedGetType => GetResourceString("ToolboxItemAttributeFailedGetType", @"Failed to create ToolboxItem of type: {0}");
        /// <summary>Scope must be PropertyTabScope.Document or PropertyTabScope.Component</summary>
        internal static string @PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope => GetResourceString("PropertyTabAttributeBadPropertyTabScope", @"Scope must be PropertyTabScope.Document or PropertyTabScope.Component");
        /// <summary>Couldn't find type {0}</summary>
        internal static string @PropertyTabAttributeTypeLoadException => GetResourceString("PropertyTabAttributeTypeLoadException", @"Couldn't find type {0}");
        /// <summary>tabClasses must have the same number of items as tabScopes</summary>
        internal static string @PropertyTabAttributeArrayLengthMismatch => GetResourceString("PropertyTabAttributeArrayLengthMismatch", @"tabClasses must have the same number of items as tabScopes");
        /// <summary>An array of tab type names or tab types must be specified</summary>
        internal static string @PropertyTabAttributeParamsBothNull => GetResourceString("PropertyTabAttributeParamsBothNull", @"An array of tab type names or tab types must be specified");
        /// <summary>COM object type descriptor functionality has been disabled in the app configuration and is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @ComObjectDescriptorsNotSupported => GetResourceString("ComObjectDescriptorsNotSupported", @"COM object type descriptor functionality has been disabled in the app configuration and is not supported.");
        /// <summary>(Default)</summary>
        internal static string @CultureInfoConverterDefaultCultureString => GetResourceString("CultureInfoConverterDefaultCultureString", @"(Default)");
        /// <summary>The {0} culture cannot be converted to a CultureInfo object on this computer.</summary>
        internal static string @CultureInfoConverterInvalidCulture => GetResourceString("CultureInfoConverterInvalidCulture", @"The {0} culture cannot be converted to a CultureInfo object on this computer.");
        /// <summary>Designer support has been disabled in the app configuration and is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @IDesignerHostNotSupported => GetResourceString("IDesignerHostNotSupported", @"Designer support has been disabled in the app configuration and is not supported.");
        /// <summary>The service instance must derive from or implement {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @ErrorInvalidServiceInstance => GetResourceString("ErrorInvalidServiceInstance", @"The service instance must derive from or implement {0}.");
        /// <summary>The service {0} already exists in the service container.</summary>
        internal static string @ErrorServiceExists => GetResourceString("ErrorServiceExists", @"The service {0} already exists in the service container.");
        /// <summary>Value of '{0}' cannot be empty.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidArgumentValue => GetResourceString("InvalidArgumentValue", @"Value of '{0}' cannot be empty.");
        /// <summary>Null is not a valid value for {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidNullArgument => GetResourceString("InvalidNullArgument", @"Null is not a valid value for {0}.");
        /// <summary>Duplicate component name '{0}'. Component names must be unique and case-insensitive.</summary>
        internal static string @DuplicateComponentName => GetResourceString("DuplicateComponentName", @"Duplicate component name '{0}'. Component names must be unique and case-insensitive.");
        /// <summary>The PasswordChar and PromptChar values cannot be the same.</summary>
        internal static string @MaskedTextProviderPasswordAndPromptCharError => GetResourceString("MaskedTextProviderPasswordAndPromptCharError", @"The PasswordChar and PromptChar values cannot be the same.");
        /// <summary>The specified character value is not allowed for this property.</summary>
        internal static string @MaskedTextProviderInvalidCharError => GetResourceString("MaskedTextProviderInvalidCharError", @"The specified character value is not allowed for this property.");
        /// <summary>The specified mask contains invalid characters.</summary>
        internal static string @MaskedTextProviderMaskInvalidChar => GetResourceString("MaskedTextProviderMaskInvalidChar", @"The specified mask contains invalid characters.");
        /// <summary>Parameter cannot be static.</summary>
        internal static string @InstanceDescriptorCannotBeStatic => GetResourceString("InstanceDescriptorCannotBeStatic", @"Parameter cannot be static.");
        /// <summary>Parameter must be static.</summary>
        internal static string @InstanceDescriptorMustBeStatic => GetResourceString("InstanceDescriptorMustBeStatic", @"Parameter must be static.");
        /// <summary>Parameter must be readable.</summary>
        internal static string @InstanceDescriptorMustBeReadable => GetResourceString("InstanceDescriptorMustBeReadable", @"Parameter must be readable.");
        /// <summary>Length mismatch.</summary>
        internal static string @InstanceDescriptorLengthMismatch => GetResourceString("InstanceDescriptorLengthMismatch", @"Length mismatch.");
        /// <summary>{0} on {1}</summary>
        internal static string @MetaExtenderName => GetResourceString("MetaExtenderName", @"{0} on {1}");
        /// <summary>Once a ListSortDescriptionCollection has been created it can't be modified.</summary>
        internal static string @CantModifyListSortDescriptionCollection => GetResourceString("CantModifyListSortDescriptionCollection", @"Once a ListSortDescriptionCollection has been created it can't be modified.");
        /// <summary>A valid license cannot be granted for the type {0}. Contact the manufacturer of the component for more information.</summary>
        internal static string @LicExceptionTypeOnly => GetResourceString("LicExceptionTypeOnly", @"A valid license cannot be granted for the type {0}. Contact the manufacturer of the component for more information.");
        /// <summary>An instance of type '{1}' was being created, and a valid license could not be granted for the type '{0}'. Please,  contact the manufacturer of the component for more information.</summary>
        internal static string @LicExceptionTypeAndInstance => GetResourceString("LicExceptionTypeAndInstance", @"An instance of type '{1}' was being created, and a valid license could not be granted for the type '{0}'. Please,  contact the manufacturer of the component for more information.");
        /// <summary>The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager is currently locked and cannot be changed.</summary>
        internal static string @LicMgrContextCannotBeChanged => GetResourceString("LicMgrContextCannotBeChanged", @"The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager is currently locked and cannot be changed.");
        /// <summary>The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager is already locked by another user.</summary>
        internal static string @LicMgrAlreadyLocked => GetResourceString("LicMgrAlreadyLocked", @"The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager is already locked by another user.");
        /// <summary>The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager can only be unlocked with the same contextUser.</summary>
        internal static string @LicMgrDifferentUser => GetResourceString("LicMgrDifferentUser", @"The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager can only be unlocked with the same contextUser.");
        /// <summary>(Collection)</summary>
        internal static string @CollectionConverterText => GetResourceString("CollectionConverterText", @"(Collection)");
        /// <summary>(New...)</summary>
        internal static string @InstanceCreationEditorDefaultText => GetResourceString("InstanceCreationEditorDefaultText", @"(New...)");
        /// <summary>Property accessor '{0}' on object '{1}' threw the following exception:'{2}'</summary>
        internal static string @ErrorPropertyAccessorException => GetResourceString("ErrorPropertyAccessorException", @"Property accessor '{0}' on object '{1}' threw the following exception:'{2}'");
        /// <summary>The checkout was canceled by the user.</summary>
        internal static string @CHECKOUTCanceled => GetResourceString("CHECKOUTCanceled", @"The checkout was canceled by the user.");
        /// <summary>(none)</summary>
        internal static string @toStringNone => GetResourceString("toStringNone", @"(none)");
        /// <summary>Relationships between {0}.{1} and {2}.{3} are not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @MemberRelationshipService_RelationshipNotSupported => GetResourceString("MemberRelationshipService_RelationshipNotSupported", @"Relationships between {0}.{1} and {2}.{3} are not supported.");
        /// <summary>BinaryFormatter serialization is obsolete and should not be used. See for more information.</summary>
        internal static string @BinaryFormatterMessage => GetResourceString("BinaryFormatterMessage", @"BinaryFormatter serialization is obsolete and should not be used. See for more information.");
        /// <summary>The type {0} is not registered. Call 'TypeDescriptor.RegisterType()' to register the type.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeIsNotRegistered => GetResourceString("TypeIsNotRegistered", @"The type {0} is not registered. Call 'TypeDescriptor.RegisterType()' to register the type.");
        /// <summary>Custom type providers must implement member {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @CustomTypeProviderNotImplemented => GetResourceString("CustomTypeProviderNotImplemented", @"Custom type providers must implement member {0}.");