File: System\ComponentModel\LicenseManager.LicenseInteropHelper.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter\src\System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.csproj (System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
namespace System.ComponentModel
    public sealed partial class LicenseManager
        // A private implementation of a LicenseContext used for instantiating
        // managed objects exposed to COM. It has memory for the license key
        // of a single Type.
        private sealed class CLRLicenseContext : LicenseContext
            private readonly Type _type;
            private string? _key;
            private CLRLicenseContext(Type type, LicenseUsageMode mode)
                UsageMode = mode;
                _type = type;
            public static CLRLicenseContext CreateDesignContext(Type type)
                return new CLRLicenseContext(type, LicenseUsageMode.Designtime);
            public static CLRLicenseContext CreateRuntimeContext(Type type, string? key)
                var cxt = new CLRLicenseContext(type, LicenseUsageMode.Runtime);
                if (key != null)
                    cxt.SetSavedLicenseKey(type, key);
                return cxt;
            public override LicenseUsageMode UsageMode { get; }
            public override string? GetSavedLicenseKey(Type type, Assembly? resourceAssembly)
                if (type == _type)
                    return _key;
                return null;
            public override void SetSavedLicenseKey(Type type, string? key)
                if (type == _type)
                    _key = key;
        // Used from IClassFactory2 when retrieving LicInfo
        private sealed class LicInfoHelperLicenseContext : LicenseContext
            private readonly Dictionary<string, string> _savedLicenseKeys = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            public bool Contains(string assemblyName) => _savedLicenseKeys.ContainsKey(assemblyName);
            public override LicenseUsageMode UsageMode => LicenseUsageMode.Designtime;
            public override string? GetSavedLicenseKey(Type type, Assembly? resourceAssembly) => null;
            public override void SetSavedLicenseKey(Type type, string key)
                _savedLicenseKeys[type.AssemblyQualifiedName!] = key;
        // This is a helper class that supports the CLR's IClassFactory2 marshaling
        // support.
        private static class LicenseInteropHelper
            // Used to validate a type and retrieve license details
            // when activating a managed COM server from an IClassFactory2 instance.
            public static bool ValidateAndRetrieveLicenseDetails(
                LicenseContext context,
                Type type,
                out License? license,
                out string? licenseKey)
                context ??= LicenseManager.CurrentContext;
                return LicenseManager.ValidateInternalRecursive(
                    instance: null,
                    allowExceptions: false,
                    out license,
                    out licenseKey);
            // The CLR invokes this when instantiating an unmanaged COM
            // object. The purpose is to decide which IClassFactory method to
            // use.
            public static LicenseContext GetCurrentContextInfo(Type type, out bool isDesignTime, out string? key)
                LicenseContext licContext = LicenseManager.CurrentContext;
                isDesignTime = licContext.UsageMode == LicenseUsageMode.Designtime;
                key = null;
                if (!isDesignTime)
                    key = licContext.GetSavedLicenseKey(type, resourceAssembly: null);
                return licContext;