File: artifacts\obj\System.ComponentModel.Composition\Debug\net9.0\System.SR.cs
Project: src\src\libraries\System.ComponentModel.Composition\src\System.ComponentModel.Composition.csproj (System.ComponentModel.Composition)
// <auto-generated>
using System.Reflection;
namespace FxResources.System.ComponentModel.Composition
    internal static class SR { }
namespace System
    internal static partial class SR
        private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager s_resourceManager;
        internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager => s_resourceManager ?? (s_resourceManager = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(FxResources.System.ComponentModel.Composition.SR)));
        /// <summary>'{0}' cannot be an empty string ("").</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentException_EmptyString => GetResourceString("ArgumentException_EmptyString", @"'{0}' cannot be an empty string ("""").");
        /// <summary>The value of argument '{0}' ({1}) is invalid for Enum type '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEnum => GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEnum", @"The value of argument '{0}' ({1}) is invalid for Enum type '{2}'.");
        /// <summary>The argument was a value type which is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentValueType => GetResourceString("ArgumentValueType", @"The argument was a value type which is not supported.");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is a reflection-only assembly which is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_AssemblyReflectionOnly => GetResourceString("Argument_AssemblyReflectionOnly", @"'{0}' is a reflection-only assembly which is not supported.");
        /// <summary>'{0}' cannot contain a null (Nothing in Visual Basic) element.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_NullElement => GetResourceString("Argument_NullElement", @"'{0}' cannot contain a null (Nothing in Visual Basic) element.");
        /// <summary>No exports were found that match the constraint: {0}</summary>
        internal static string @CardinalityMismatch_NoExports => GetResourceString("CardinalityMismatch_NoExports", @"No exports were found that match the constraint: {0}");
        /// <summary>More than one export was found that matches the constraint: {0}</summary>
        internal static string @CardinalityMismatch_TooManyExports_Constraint => GetResourceString("CardinalityMismatch_TooManyExports_Constraint", @"More than one export was found that matches the constraint: {0}");
        /// <summary>The composition failed because it did not complete within '{0:N0}' iterations. This is most likely caused by a cycle in the dependency graph of a part which is marked with a non-shared creation policy.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportEngine_ComposeTookTooManyIterations => GetResourceString("ImportEngine_ComposeTookTooManyIterations", @"The composition failed because it did not complete within '{0:N0}' iterations. This is most likely caused by a cycle in the dependency graph of a part which is marked with a non-shared creation policy.");
        /// <summary>Cannot cast the underlying exported value of type '{0}' to type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ContractMismatch_ExportedValueCannotBeCastToT => GetResourceString("ContractMismatch_ExportedValueCannotBeCastToT", @"Cannot cast the underlying exported value of type '{0}' to type '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Directory '{0}' could not be found.</summary>
        internal static string @DirectoryNotFound => GetResourceString("DirectoryNotFound", @"Directory '{0}' could not be found.");
        /// <summary>An exception occurred while trying to create an instance of type '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_PartConstructorThrewException => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_PartConstructorThrewException", @"An exception occurred while trying to create an instance of type '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>An exception occurred while trying to get the value of property '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ExportThrewException => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ExportThrewException", @"An exception occurred while trying to get the value of property '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>An exception occurred while calling the 'OnImportsSatisfied' method on type '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_PartOnImportsSatisfiedThrewException => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_PartOnImportsSatisfiedThrewException", @"An exception occurred while calling the 'OnImportsSatisfied' method on type '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>An exception occurred while trying to set the value of property '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportThrewException => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportThrewException", @"An exception occurred while trying to set the value of property '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>{0} did not originate from the ExportDefinitions property on this ComposablePart or its ComposablePartDefinition.</summary>
        internal static string @ExportDefinitionNotOnThisComposablePart => GetResourceString("ExportDefinitionNotOnThisComposablePart", @"{0} did not originate from the ExportDefinitions property on this ComposablePart or its ComposablePartDefinition.");
        /// <summary>Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because it does not implement ICollection&lt;T&gt; or is read-only. If the collection is not IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; or T[] it must implement ICollection&lt;T&gt; and be either pre-initialized or be writable with a default constructor.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionNotWritable => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionNotWritable", @"Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because it does not implement ICollection<T> or is read-only. If the collection is not IEnumerable<T> or T[] it must implement ICollection<T> and be either pre-initialized or be writable with a default constructor.");
        /// <summary>Cannot populate the value of enumerable member '{0}' because it is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). If the collection is not IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; or T[] it must implement ICollection&lt;T&gt; and be either pre-initialized or be writable with a default constructor.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionNull => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionNull", @"Cannot populate the value of enumerable member '{0}' because it is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). If the collection is not IEnumerable<T> or T[] it must implement ICollection<T> and be either pre-initialized or be writable with a default constructor.");
        /// <summary>Cannot compose part '{0}' because a cycle exists in the dependencies between the exports being composed. To break this cycle, consider changing some imports from constructor to property injection.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportEngine_PartCycle => GetResourceString("ImportEngine_PartCycle", @"Cannot compose part '{0}' because a cycle exists in the dependencies between the exports being composed. To break this cycle, consider changing some imports from constructor to property injection.");
        /// <summary>{0} did not originate from the ImportDefinitions property on this ComposablePart or its ComposablePartDefinition.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportDefinitionNotOnThisComposablePart => GetResourceString("ImportDefinitionNotOnThisComposablePart", @"{0} did not originate from the ImportDefinitions property on this ComposablePart or its ComposablePartDefinition.");
        /// <summary>Could not finishing composing object of type '{0}'. The import '{1}' was not satisfied.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportNotSetOnPart => GetResourceString("ImportNotSetOnPart", @"Could not finishing composing object of type '{0}'. The import '{1}' was not satisfied.");
        /// <summary>Cannot set the value of '{0}' because the member is not writable. If the member is a property, it must have an accessible setter; otherwise, if it is a field, it must not be read-only.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportNotWritable => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportNotWritable", @"Cannot set the value of '{0}' because the member is not writable. If the member is a property, it must have an accessible setter; otherwise, if it is a field, it must not be read-only.");
        /// <summary>Internal error occurred. Additional information: '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @InternalExceptionMessage => GetResourceString("InternalExceptionMessage", @"Internal error occurred. Additional information: '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>The Type '{0}' supplied is not a valid Metadata View.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidMetadataView => GetResourceString("InvalidMetadataView", @"The Type '{0}' supplied is not a valid Metadata View.");
        /// <summary>Interface '{0}' is not a valid MetadataView; MetadataViews do not support non-public interfaces, and interfaces that contain members that are not properties.</summary>
        internal static string @NotSupportedInterfaceMetadataView => GetResourceString("NotSupportedInterfaceMetadataView", @"Interface '{0}' is not a valid MetadataView; MetadataViews do not support non-public interfaces, and interfaces that contain members that are not properties.");
        /// <summary>Cannot create an instance of type '{0}' because a constructor could not be selected for construction. Ensure that the type either has a default constructor, or a single constructor marked with the 'System.ComponentModel.Composition.ImportingConstructorAttr ...</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_PartConstructorMissing => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_PartConstructorMissing", @"Cannot create an instance of type '{0}' because a constructor could not be selected for construction. Ensure that the type either has a default constructor, or a single constructor marked with the 'System.ComponentModel.Composition.ImportingConstructorAttribute'.");
        /// <summary>The {0} member must be overridden by a derived class.</summary>
        internal static string @NotImplemented_NotOverriddenByDerived => GetResourceString("NotImplemented_NotOverriddenByDerived", @"The {0} member must be overridden by a derived class.");
        /// <summary>This property cannot be set after the object's public surface has been accessed.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectAlreadyInitialized => GetResourceString("ObjectAlreadyInitialized", @"This property cannot be set after the object's public surface has been accessed.");
        /// <summary>This object has not been initialized - the property '{0}' must be set.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectMustBeInitialized => GetResourceString("ObjectMustBeInitialized", @"This object has not been initialized - the property '{0}' must be set.");
        /// <summary>The export '{0}' is not assignable to type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportNotAssignableFromExport => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportNotAssignableFromExport", @"The export '{0}' is not assignable to type '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Cannot get the value of property '{0}', because the member is not readable. The property must have an accessible getter.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ExportNotReadable => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ExportNotReadable", @"Cannot get the value of property '{0}', because the member is not readable. The property must have an accessible getter.");
        /// <summary>'{0}' contains a reflection-only type which is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_ElementReflectionOnlyType => GetResourceString("Argument_ElementReflectionOnlyType", @"'{0}' contains a reflection-only type which is not supported.");
        /// <summary>'definition' cannot be set after Activate has been called because ImportDefinition.IsRecomposable is false.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidOperation_DefinitionCannotBeRecomposed => GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_DefinitionCannotBeRecomposed", @"'definition' cannot be set after Activate has been called because ImportDefinition.IsRecomposable is false.");
        /// <summary>'exports' cannot be empty when ImportDefinition.ImportCardinality is ImportCardinality.ExactlyOne.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_ExportsEmpty => GetResourceString("Argument_ExportsEmpty", @"'exports' cannot be empty when ImportDefinition.ImportCardinality is ImportCardinality.ExactlyOne.");
        /// <summary>'exports' cannot contain more than one element when ImportDefinition.ImportCardinality is ImportCardinality.ZeroOrOne or ImportCardinality.ExactlyOne.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_ExportsTooMany => GetResourceString("Argument_ExportsTooMany", @"'exports' cannot contain more than one element when ImportDefinition.ImportCardinality is ImportCardinality.ZeroOrOne or ImportCardinality.ExactlyOne.");
        /// <summary>Unknown Origin</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionElement_UnknownOrigin => GetResourceString("CompositionElement_UnknownOrigin", @"Unknown Origin");
        /// <summary>Cannot activate part '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportEngine_PartCannotActivate => GetResourceString("ImportEngine_PartCannotActivate", @"Cannot activate part '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>Cannot set import '{0}' on part '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportEngine_PartCannotSetImport => GetResourceString("ImportEngine_PartCannotSetImport", @"Cannot set import '{0}' on part '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Cannot get export '{0}' from part '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportEngine_PartCannotGetExportedValue => GetResourceString("ImportEngine_PartCannotGetExportedValue", @"Cannot get export '{0}' from part '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>&lt;Empty&gt;</summary>
        internal static string @TypeCatalog_Empty => GetResourceString("TypeCatalog_Empty", @"<Empty>");
        /// <summary>GetExportedValue cannot be called before prerequisite import '{0}' has been set.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidOperation_GetExportedValueBeforePrereqImportSet => GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_GetExportedValueBeforePrereqImportSet", @"GetExportedValue cannot be called before prerequisite import '{0}' has been set.");
        /// <summary>Resulting in:</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_ErrorPrefix => GetResourceString("CompositionException_ErrorPrefix", @"Resulting in:");
        /// <summary>The composition produced multiple composition errors, with {0:N0} root causes. The root causes are provided below.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_MultipleErrorsWithMultiplePaths => GetResourceString("CompositionException_MultipleErrorsWithMultiplePaths", @"The composition produced multiple composition errors, with {0:N0} root causes. The root causes are provided below.");
        /// <summary>Review the CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_ReviewErrorProperty => GetResourceString("CompositionException_ReviewErrorProperty", @"Review the CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information.");
        /// <summary>The composition produced a single composition error, with {0:N0} root causes. The root causes are provided below.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_SingleErrorWithMultiplePaths => GetResourceString("CompositionException_SingleErrorWithMultiplePaths", @"The composition produced a single composition error, with {0:N0} root causes. The root causes are provided below.");
        /// <summary>The composition produced a single composition error. The root cause is provided below.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_SingleErrorWithSinglePath => GetResourceString("CompositionException_SingleErrorWithSinglePath", @"The composition produced a single composition error. The root cause is provided below.");
        /// <summary>Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while trying to access the collection value. If the collection is not IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; or T[] it must implement ICollection&lt;T&gt; and be either pre-initialized or be writable with a default cons ...</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionGetThrewException => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionGetThrewException", @"Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while trying to access the collection value. If the collection is not IEnumerable<T> or T[] it must implement ICollection<T> and be either pre-initialized or be writable with a default constructor.");
        /// <summary>Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while calling the Add method on the type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionAddThrewException => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionAddThrewException", @"Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while calling the Add method on the type '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while calling the Clear method on the type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionClearThrewException => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionClearThrewException", @"Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while calling the Clear method on the type '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while reading the IsReadOnly property on the type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionIsReadOnlyThrewException => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionIsReadOnlyThrewException", @"Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while reading the IsReadOnly property on the type '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while calling the default constructor on the type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionConstructionThrewException => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportCollectionConstructionThrewException", @"Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while calling the default constructor on the type '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>The member or parameter '{0}' is marked with multiple Import and ImportMany attributes. Only the first attribute encountered will be respected.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionTrace_Discovery_MemberMarkedWithMultipleImportAndImportMany => GetResourceString("CompositionTrace_Discovery_MemberMarkedWithMultipleImportAndImportMany", @"The member or parameter '{0}' is marked with multiple Import and ImportMany attributes. Only the first attribute encountered will be respected.");
        /// <summary>Property '{0}' has type '{1}' which is an invalid metadata type. Metadata can only contain values with a type that is available to be embedded at compile-time into attributes. For more details of what types are valid reference section 17.1.3 in the C# spec ...</summary>
        internal static string @Discovery_MetadataContainsValueWithInvalidType => GetResourceString("Discovery_MetadataContainsValueWithInvalidType", @"Property '{0}' has type '{1}' which is an invalid metadata type. Metadata can only contain values with a type that is available to be embedded at compile-time into attributes. For more details of what types are valid reference section 17.1.3 in the C# specification.");
        /// <summary>Member or Type '{0}' contains multiple metadata entries with the name '{1}'. The metadata entries could be coming from the ExportMetadataAttribute or from a property of a custom metadata attribute. Either remove the duplicate entries or enable the metadata ...</summary>
        internal static string @Discovery_DuplicateMetadataNameValues => GetResourceString("Discovery_DuplicateMetadataNameValues", @"Member or Type '{0}' contains multiple metadata entries with the name '{1}'. The metadata entries could be coming from the ExportMetadataAttribute or from a property of a custom metadata attribute. Either remove the duplicate entries or enable the metadata entry with name '{1}' to allow multiple entries via the IsMultiple property on ExportMetadataAttribute or AttributeUsage.AllowMultiple on custom metadata attributes.");
        /// <summary>Member or Type '{0}' contains a metadata entry with the name '{1}', which is a reserved metadata key name. Either remove this metadata entry or change the name associated with the entry.</summary>
        internal static string @Discovery_ReservedMetadataNameUsed => GetResourceString("Discovery_ReservedMetadataNameUsed", @"Member or Type '{0}' contains a metadata entry with the name '{1}', which is a reserved metadata key name. Either remove this metadata entry or change the name associated with the entry.");
        /// <summary>ExportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only export definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateExportDefinition are supported.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_InvalidExportDefinition => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_InvalidExportDefinition", @"ExportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only export definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateExportDefinition are supported.");
        /// <summary>Change in exports prevented by non-recomposable import '{0}' on part '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportEngine_PreventedByExistingImport => GetResourceString("ImportEngine_PreventedByExistingImport", @"Change in exports prevented by non-recomposable import '{0}' on part '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>ImportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only import definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition are supported.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_InvalidImportDefinition => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_InvalidImportDefinition", @"ImportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only import definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition are supported.");
        /// <summary>ComposablePartDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only part definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreatePartDefinition are supported.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_InvalidPartDefinition => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_InvalidPartDefinition", @"ComposablePartDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only part definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreatePartDefinition are supported.");
        /// <summary>The value of argument '{0}' ({1}) is not supported. Allowed values are : '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEnumInSet => GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEnumInSet", @"The value of argument '{0}' ({1}) is not supported. Allowed values are : '{2}'.");
        /// <summary>ImportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only import definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition based on members are supported. Use ReflectionModelServices.IsImportingParameter to determine whether a gi ...</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_InvalidMemberImportDefinition => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_InvalidMemberImportDefinition", @"ImportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only import definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition based on members are supported. Use ReflectionModelServices.IsImportingParameter to determine whether a given import definition is based on a member or a parameter.");
        /// <summary>ImportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only import definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition based on parameters are supported. Use ReflectionModelServices.IsImportingParameter to determine whether a ...</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_InvalidParameterImportDefinition => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_InvalidParameterImportDefinition", @"ImportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only import definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition based on parameters are supported. Use ReflectionModelServices.IsImportingParameter to determine whether a given import definition is based on a member or a parameter.");
        /// <summary>Accessors must not be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</summary>
        internal static string @LazyMemberInfo_AccessorsNull => GetResourceString("LazyMemberInfo_AccessorsNull", @"Accessors must not be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).");
        /// <summary>A member of type '{0}' must have exactly a single accessor of type '{0}'</summary>
        internal static string @LazyMemberInfo_InvalidAccessorOnSimpleMember => GetResourceString("LazyMemberInfo_InvalidAccessorOnSimpleMember", @"A member of type '{0}' must have exactly a single accessor of type '{0}'");
        /// <summary>All event accessors must be methods.</summary>
        internal static string @LazyMemberinfo_InvalidEventAccessors_AccessorType => GetResourceString("LazyMemberinfo_InvalidEventAccessors_AccessorType", @"All event accessors must be methods.");
        /// <summary>An event must have exactly three accessors.</summary>
        internal static string @LazyMemberInfo_InvalidEventAccessors_Cardinality => GetResourceString("LazyMemberInfo_InvalidEventAccessors_Cardinality", @"An event must have exactly three accessors.");
        /// <summary>All property accessors must be methods.</summary>
        internal static string @LazyMemberinfo_InvalidPropertyAccessors_AccessorType => GetResourceString("LazyMemberinfo_InvalidPropertyAccessors_AccessorType", @"All property accessors must be methods.");
        /// <summary>A property must have exactly two accessors.</summary>
        internal static string @LazyMemberInfo_InvalidPropertyAccessors_Cardinality => GetResourceString("LazyMemberInfo_InvalidPropertyAccessors_Cardinality", @"A property must have exactly two accessors.");
        /// <summary>A member must have at least one accessor.</summary>
        internal static string @LazyMemberInfo_NoAccessors => GetResourceString("LazyMemberInfo_NoAccessors", @"A member must have at least one accessor.");
        /// <summary>The lazily evaluated value of type '{0}' passed to the ReflectionModelServices API as part of the argument '{1}' must not return null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</summary>
        internal static string @LazyServices_LazyResolvesToNull => GetResourceString("LazyServices_LazyResolvesToNull", @"The lazily evaluated value of type '{0}' passed to the ReflectionModelServices API as part of the argument '{1}' must not return null (Nothing in Visual Basic).");
        /// <summary>Metadata can only contain values with a type that is available to be embedded at compile-time into attributes. For more details of what types are valid reference section 17.1.3 in the C# specification.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidMetadataValue => GetResourceString("InvalidMetadataValue", @"Metadata can only contain values with a type that is available to be embedded at compile-time into attributes. For more details of what types are valid reference section 17.1.3 in the C# specification.");
        /// <summary>Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because the exporter exported the metadata  for the item '{1}' with the value '{2}' as type '{3}' but the view imports it as type '{4}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ContractMismatch_InvalidCastOnMetadataField => GetResourceString("ContractMismatch_InvalidCastOnMetadataField", @"Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because the exporter exported the metadata  for the item '{1}' with the value '{2}' as type '{3}' but the view imports it as type '{4}'.");
        /// <summary>Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because the exporter exported the metadata for the item '{1}' with a null value and null is not a valid value for type '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ContractMismatch_NullReferenceOnMetadataField => GetResourceString("ContractMismatch_NullReferenceOnMetadataField", @"Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because the exporter exported the metadata for the item '{1}' with a null value and null is not a valid value for type '{2}'.");
        /// <summary>The MetadataView '{0}' is invalid because property '{1}' has a property set method.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidSetterOnMetadataField => GetResourceString("InvalidSetterOnMetadataField", @"The MetadataView '{0}' is invalid because property '{1}' has a property set method.");
        /// <summary>The composition remains unchanged. The changes were rejected because of the following error(s): {0}</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_ChangesRejected => GetResourceString("CompositionException_ChangesRejected", @"The composition remains unchanged. The changes were rejected because of the following error(s): {0}");
        /// <summary>The ComposablePart of type '{0}' cannot be recomposed because it is in an invalid state. It can only be recomposed if it has already been fully previewed or composed.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportEngine_InvalidStateForRecomposition => GetResourceString("ImportEngine_InvalidStateForRecomposition", @"The ComposablePart of type '{0}' cannot be recomposed because it is in an invalid state. It can only be recomposed if it has already been fully previewed or composed.");
        /// <summary>The atomicComposition can no longer be changed because the atomicComposition has already been completed.</summary>
        internal static string @AtomicComposition_AlreadyCompleted => GetResourceString("AtomicComposition_AlreadyCompleted", @"The atomicComposition can no longer be changed because the atomicComposition has already been completed.");
        /// <summary>The atomicComposition contains another inner atomicComposition and cannot be changed until the that inner atomicComposition has been completed.</summary>
        internal static string @AtomicComposition_PartOfAnotherAtomicComposition => GetResourceString("AtomicComposition_PartOfAnotherAtomicComposition", @"The atomicComposition contains another inner atomicComposition and cannot be changed until the that inner atomicComposition has been completed.");
        /// <summary>The atomicComposition already contains an inner atomicComposition and cannot contain more than one atomicComposition at a time.</summary>
        internal static string @AtomicComposition_AlreadyNested => GetResourceString("AtomicComposition_AlreadyNested", @"The atomicComposition already contains an inner atomicComposition and cannot contain more than one atomicComposition at a time.");
        /// <summary>Currently composing another batch in this ComposablePartExportProvider. Only one batch can be composed at a time.</summary>
        internal static string @ReentrantCompose => GetResourceString("ReentrantCompose", @"Currently composing another batch in this ComposablePartExportProvider. Only one batch can be composed at a time.");
        /// <summary>The importing constructor on type '{0}' is using ImportManyAttribute on parameter '{1}' with a non-assignable type. On constructor parameters the ImportManyAttribute only supports importing into types T[] or IEnumerable&lt;T&gt;.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionModel_ImportManyOnParameterCanOnlyBeAssigned => GetResourceString("ReflectionModel_ImportManyOnParameterCanOnlyBeAssigned", @"The importing constructor on type '{0}' is using ImportManyAttribute on parameter '{1}' with a non-assignable type. On constructor parameters the ImportManyAttribute only supports importing into types T[] or IEnumerable<T>.");
        /// <summary>Element: {0}</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_ElementPrefix => GetResourceString("CompositionException_ElementPrefix", @"Element: {0}");
        /// <summary>--&gt;</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_OriginSeparator => GetResourceString("CompositionException_OriginSeparator", @"-->");
        /// <summary>The ComposablePartDefinition '{0}' has been rejected. {1}</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionTrace_Rejection_DefinitionRejected => GetResourceString("CompositionTrace_Rejection_DefinitionRejected", @"The ComposablePartDefinition '{0}' has been rejected. {1}");
        /// <summary>The ComposablePartDefinition '{0}' that was previously rejected has been resurrected.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionTrace_Rejection_DefinitionResurrected => GetResourceString("CompositionTrace_Rejection_DefinitionResurrected", @"The ComposablePartDefinition '{0}' that was previously rejected has been resurrected.");
        /// <summary>The catalog '{0}' could not load assembly '{1}'. {2}</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionTrace_Discovery_AssemblyLoadFailed => GetResourceString("CompositionTrace_Discovery_AssemblyLoadFailed", @"The catalog '{0}' could not load assembly '{1}'. {2}");
        /// <summary>The ComposablePartDefinition '{0}' was ignored because it contains no exports.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionTrace_Discovery_DefinitionContainsNoExports => GetResourceString("CompositionTrace_Discovery_DefinitionContainsNoExports", @"The ComposablePartDefinition '{0}' was ignored because it contains no exports.");
        /// <summary>The ComposablePartDefinition '{0}' was ignored because it was marked with PartNotDiscoverableAttribute.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionTrace_Discovery_DefinitionMarkedWithPartNotDiscoverableAttribute => GetResourceString("CompositionTrace_Discovery_DefinitionMarkedWithPartNotDiscoverableAttribute", @"The ComposablePartDefinition '{0}' was ignored because it was marked with PartNotDiscoverableAttribute.");
        /// <summary>Unable to create an instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because a constructor could not be selected.  Ensure that the type implements a constructor which takes an argument of type IDictionary&lt;string, object&gt;.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_MetadataViewInvalidConstructor => GetResourceString("CompositionException_MetadataViewInvalidConstructor", @"Unable to create an instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because a constructor could not be selected.  Ensure that the type implements a constructor which takes an argument of type IDictionary<string, object>.");
        /// <summary>)</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_PathsCountSeparator => GetResourceString("CompositionException_PathsCountSeparator", @")");
        /// <summary>{0} {1}</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionException_OriginFormat => GetResourceString("CompositionException_OriginFormat", @"{0} {1}");
        /// <summary>{0} (Types='{1}').</summary>
        internal static string @TypeCatalog_DisplayNameFormat => GetResourceString("TypeCatalog_DisplayNameFormat", @"{0} (Types='{1}').");
        /// <summary>Import is not valid on an Indexer property.  The import '{0}' was not satisfied.</summary>
        internal static string @ImportNotValidOnIndexers => GetResourceString("ImportNotValidOnIndexers", @"Import is not valid on an Indexer property.  The import '{0}' was not satisfied.");
        /// <summary>Export is not valid on an Indexer property.  The export '{0}' was not retrieved.</summary>
        internal static string @ExportNotValidOnIndexers => GetResourceString("ExportNotValidOnIndexers", @"Export is not valid on an Indexer property.  The export '{0}' was not retrieved.");
        /// <summary>A ReflectionContext must have a default constructor.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionContext_Requires_DefaultConstructor => GetResourceString("ReflectionContext_Requires_DefaultConstructor", @"A ReflectionContext must have a default constructor.");
        /// <summary>The type specified in the ReflectionContextDiscoveryAttribute must be assignable to System.Reflection.ReflectionContext.</summary>
        internal static string @ReflectionContext_Type_Required => GetResourceString("ReflectionContext_Type_Required", @"The type specified in the ReflectionContextDiscoveryAttribute must be assignable to System.Reflection.ReflectionContext.");
        /// <summary>The composable part definition '{0}' was ignored because the export '{1}' has different generic parameters than the part type.</summary>
        internal static string @CompositionTrace_Discovery_DefinitionMismatchedExportArity => GetResourceString("CompositionTrace_Discovery_DefinitionMismatchedExportArity", @"The composable part definition '{0}' was ignored because the export '{1}' has different generic parameters than the part type.");
        /// <summary>'{0}' returns a mapped type that is a reflection-only type which is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @Argument_ReflectionContextReturnsReflectionOnlyType => GetResourceString("Argument_ReflectionContextReturnsReflectionOnlyType", @"'{0}' returns a mapped type that is a reflection-only type which is not supported.");
        /// <summary>Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because the implementation class : '{0}' does not implement the MetadataView interface '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ContractMismatch_MetadataViewImplementationDoesNotImplementViewInterface => GetResourceString("ContractMismatch_MetadataViewImplementationDoesNotImplementViewInterface", @"Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because the implementation class : '{0}' does not implement the MetadataView interface '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>The implementation type for the MetadataView '{0} can not be null.</summary>
        internal static string @ContractMismatch_MetadataViewImplementationCanNotBeNull => GetResourceString("ContractMismatch_MetadataViewImplementationCanNotBeNull", @"The implementation type for the MetadataView '{0} can not be null.");
        /// <summary>ExportFactory subclass '{0}' can not have more than two generic parameters.</summary>
        internal static string @ExportFactory_TooManyGenericParameters => GetResourceString("ExportFactory_TooManyGenericParameters", @"ExportFactory subclass '{0}' can not have more than two generic parameters.");
        /// <summary>This CompositionService does not support catalog changes.</summary>
        internal static string @NotSupportedCatalogChanges => GetResourceString("NotSupportedCatalogChanges", @"This CompositionService does not support catalog changes.");
        /// <summary>AtomicComposition encountered an unexpected Exception, review InnerException for details.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidOperation_RevertAndCompleteActionsMustNotThrow => GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_RevertAndCompleteActionsMustNotThrow", @"AtomicComposition encountered an unexpected Exception, review InnerException for details.");
        /// <summary>System.ComponentModel.Composition APIs are not supported on this platform.</summary>
        internal static string @PlatformNotSupported_ComponentModel_Composition => GetResourceString("PlatformNotSupported_ComponentModel_Composition", @"System.ComponentModel.Composition APIs are not supported on this platform.");
        /// <summary>Expecting genericTypeArguments to contain at least one Type</summary>
        internal static string @Expecting_AtleastOne_Type => GetResourceString("Expecting_AtleastOne_Type", @"Expecting genericTypeArguments to contain at least one Type");
        /// <summary>Expecting genericTypeArguments queue to be empty.</summary>
        internal static string @Expecting_Empty_Queue => GetResourceString("Expecting_Empty_Queue", @"Expecting genericTypeArguments queue to be empty.");
        /// <summary>Expecting type to be a generic type</summary>
        internal static string @Expecting_Generic_Type => GetResourceString("Expecting_Generic_Type", @"Expecting type to be a generic type");
        /// <summary>Internal error occurred. Additional information: '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @Diagnostic_InternalExceptionMessage => GetResourceString("Diagnostic_InternalExceptionMessage", @"Internal error occurred. Additional information: '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>To avoid unnecessary work when a trace level has not been enabled, check CanWriteXXX before calling this method.</summary>
        internal static string @Diagnostic_TraceUnnecessaryWork => GetResourceString("Diagnostic_TraceUnnecessaryWork", @"To avoid unnecessary work when a trace level has not been enabled, check CanWriteXXX before calling this method.");