File: System\ComponentModel\Composition\AttributedModel\AttributedPartCreationInfo.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.ComponentModel.Composition\src\System.ComponentModel.Composition.csproj (System.ComponentModel.Composition)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Primitives;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.ReflectionModel;
using System.Composition.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Internal;
namespace System.ComponentModel.Composition.AttributedModel
    internal sealed class AttributedPartCreationInfo : IReflectionPartCreationInfo
        private readonly Type _type;
        private readonly bool _ignoreConstructorImports;
        private readonly ICompositionElement? _origin;
        private PartCreationPolicyAttribute? _partCreationPolicy;
        private ConstructorInfo? _constructor;
        private List<ExportDefinition>? _exports;
        private List<ImportDefinition>? _imports;
        private HashSet<string>? _contractNamesOnNonInterfaces;
        public AttributedPartCreationInfo(Type type, PartCreationPolicyAttribute? partCreationPolicy, bool ignoreConstructorImports, ICompositionElement? origin)
            _type = type;
            _ignoreConstructorImports = ignoreConstructorImports;
            _partCreationPolicy = partCreationPolicy;
            _origin = origin;
        public Type GetPartType()
            return _type;
        public Lazy<Type> GetLazyPartType()
            return new Lazy<Type>(GetPartType, LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);
        public ConstructorInfo? GetConstructor()
            if (_constructor == null && !_ignoreConstructorImports)
                _constructor = SelectPartConstructor(_type);
            return _constructor;
        public IDictionary<string, object?> GetMetadata()
            return _type.GetPartMetadataForType(CreationPolicy);
        public IEnumerable<ExportDefinition> GetExports()
            return _exports!;
        public IEnumerable<ImportDefinition> GetImports()
            return _imports!;
        public bool IsDisposalRequired
                return typeof(IDisposable).IsAssignableFrom(GetPartType());
        public bool IsIdentityComparison
                return true;
        public bool IsPartDiscoverable()
            // The part should not be marked with the "NonDiscoverable"
            if (_type.IsAttributeDefined<PartNotDiscoverableAttribute>())
                return false;
            // The part should have exports
            if (!HasExports())
                return false;
            // If the part is generic, all exports should have the same number of generic parameters
            // (otherwise we have no way to specialize the part based on an export)
            if (!AllExportsHaveMatchingArity())
                // The function has already reported all violations via tracing
                return false;
            return true;
        private bool HasExports()
            return GetExportMembers(_type).Any() ||
        private bool AllExportsHaveMatchingArity()
            bool isArityMatched = true;
            if (_type.ContainsGenericParameters)
                int partGenericArity = _type.GetPureGenericArity();
                // each member should have the same arity
                foreach (MemberInfo member in GetExportMembers(_type).Concat(GetInheritedExports(_type)))
                    if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method)
                        // open generics are unsupported on methods
                        if (((MethodInfo)member).ContainsGenericParameters)
                            isArityMatched = false;
                            CompositionTrace.DefinitionMismatchedExportArity(_type, member);
                    if (member.GetDefaultTypeFromMember().GetPureGenericArity() != partGenericArity)
                        isArityMatched = false;
                        CompositionTrace.DefinitionMismatchedExportArity(_type, member);
            return isArityMatched;
        string ICompositionElement.DisplayName
            get { return GetDisplayName(); }
        ICompositionElement? ICompositionElement.Origin
            get { return _origin; }
        public override string ToString()
            return GetDisplayName();
        private string GetDisplayName()
            return GetPartType().GetDisplayName();
        private CreationPolicy CreationPolicy
                _partCreationPolicy ??= _type.GetFirstAttribute<PartCreationPolicyAttribute>() ?? PartCreationPolicyAttribute.Default;
                return _partCreationPolicy.CreationPolicy;
        private static ConstructorInfo? SelectPartConstructor(Type type)
            if (type.IsAbstract)
                return null;
            // Only deal with non-static constructors
            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
            ConstructorInfo[] constructors = type.GetConstructors(flags);
            // Should likely only happen for static or abstract types
            if (constructors.Length == 0)
                return null;
            // Optimize single default constructor.
            if (constructors.Length == 1 && constructors[0].GetParameters().Length == 0)
                return constructors[0];
            // Select the marked constructor if there is exactly one marked
            ConstructorInfo? importingConstructor = null;
            ConstructorInfo? defaultConstructor = null;
            foreach (ConstructorInfo constructor in constructors)
                // an importing constructor found
                if (constructor.IsAttributeDefined<ImportingConstructorAttribute>())
                    if (importingConstructor != null)
                        // more that one importing constructor - return null ot error out on creation
                        return null;
                        importingConstructor = constructor;
                // otherwise if we havent seen the default constructor yet, check if this one is it
                else if (defaultConstructor == null)
                    if (constructor.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                        defaultConstructor = constructor;
            return importingConstructor ?? defaultConstructor;
        private void DiscoverExportsAndImports()
            // NOTE : in most cases both of these will be null or not null at the same time
            // the only situation when that is not the case is when there was a failure during the previous discovery
            // and one of them ended up not being set. In that case we will force the discovery again so that the same exception is thrown.
            if ((_exports != null) && (_imports != null))
            _exports = GetExportDefinitions();
            _imports = GetImportDefinitions();
        private List<ExportDefinition> GetExportDefinitions()
            List<ExportDefinition> exports = new List<ExportDefinition>();
            _contractNamesOnNonInterfaces = new HashSet<string>();
            // GetExportMembers should only contain the type itself along with the members declared on it,
            // it should not contain any base types, members on base types or interfaces on the type.
            foreach (MemberInfo member in GetExportMembers(_type))
                foreach (ExportAttribute exportAttribute in member.GetAttributes<ExportAttribute>())
                    AttributedExportDefinition attributedExportDefinition = CreateExportDefinition(member, exportAttribute);
                    if (exportAttribute.GetType() == CompositionServices.InheritedExportAttributeType)
                        // Any InheritedExports on the type itself are contributed during this pass
                        // and we need to do the book keeping for those.
                        if (!_contractNamesOnNonInterfaces.Contains(attributedExportDefinition.ContractName))
                            exports.Add(new ReflectionMemberExportDefinition(member.ToLazyMember(), attributedExportDefinition, this));
                        exports.Add(new ReflectionMemberExportDefinition(member.ToLazyMember(), attributedExportDefinition, this));
            // GetInheritedExports should only contain InheritedExports on base types or interfaces.
            // The order of types returned here is important because it is used as a
            // priority list of which InhertedExport to choose if multiple exists with
            // the same contract name. Therefore ensure that we always return the types
            // in the hierarchy from most derived to the lowest base type, followed
            // by all the interfaces that this type implements.
            foreach (Type type in GetInheritedExports(_type))
                foreach (InheritedExportAttribute exportAttribute in type.GetAttributes<InheritedExportAttribute>())
                    AttributedExportDefinition attributedExportDefinition = CreateExportDefinition(type, exportAttribute);
                    if (!_contractNamesOnNonInterfaces.Contains(attributedExportDefinition.ContractName))
                        exports.Add(new ReflectionMemberExportDefinition(type.ToLazyMember(), attributedExportDefinition, this));
                        if (!type.IsInterface)
            _contractNamesOnNonInterfaces = null; // No need to hold this state around any longer
            return exports;
        private AttributedExportDefinition CreateExportDefinition(MemberInfo member, ExportAttribute exportAttribute)
            member.GetContractInfoFromExport(exportAttribute, out Type? typeIdentityType, out string contractName);
            return new AttributedExportDefinition(this, member, exportAttribute, typeIdentityType, contractName);
        private static IEnumerable<MemberInfo> GetExportMembers(Type type)
            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public |
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;
            // If the type is abstract only find local static exports
            if (type.IsAbstract)
                flags &= ~BindingFlags.Instance;
            else if (IsExport(type))
                yield return type;
            // Walk the fields
            foreach (FieldInfo member in type.GetFields(flags))
                if (IsExport(member))
                    yield return member;
            // Walk the properties
            foreach (PropertyInfo member in type.GetProperties(flags))
                if (IsExport(member))
                    yield return member;
            // Walk the methods
            foreach (MethodInfo member in type.GetMethods(flags))
                if (IsExport(member))
                    yield return member;
        private static IEnumerable<Type> GetInheritedExports(Type type)
            // If the type is abstract we aren't interested in type level exports
            if (type.IsAbstract)
                yield break;
            // The order of types returned here is important because it is used as a
            // priority list of which InhertedExport to choose if multiple exists with
            // the same contract name. Therefore ensure that we always return the types
            // in the hierarchy from most derived to the lowest base type, followed
            // by all the interfaces that this type implements.
            Type? currentType = type.BaseType;
            if (currentType == null)
                yield break;
            // Stopping at object instead of null to help with performance. It is a noticable performance
            // gain (~5%) if we don't have to try and pull the attributes we know don't exist on object.
            // We also need the null check in case we're passed a type that doesn't live in the runtime context.
            while (currentType != null && currentType.UnderlyingSystemType != CompositionServices.ObjectType)
                if (IsInheritedExport(currentType))
                    yield return currentType;
                currentType = currentType.BaseType;
            foreach (Type iface in type.GetInterfaces())
                if (IsInheritedExport(iface))
                    yield return iface;
        private static bool IsExport(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider)
            return attributeProvider.IsAttributeDefined<ExportAttribute>(false);
        private static bool IsInheritedExport(ICustomAttributeProvider attributedProvider)
            return attributedProvider.IsAttributeDefined<InheritedExportAttribute>(false);
        private List<ImportDefinition> GetImportDefinitions()
            List<ImportDefinition> imports = new List<ImportDefinition>();
            foreach (MemberInfo member in GetImportMembers(_type))
                ReflectionMemberImportDefinition importDefinition = AttributedModelDiscovery.CreateMemberImportDefinition(member, this);
            ConstructorInfo? constructor = GetConstructor();
            if (constructor != null)
                foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in constructor.GetParameters())
                    ReflectionParameterImportDefinition importDefinition = AttributedModelDiscovery.CreateParameterImportDefinition(parameter, this);
            return imports;
        private static IEnumerable<MemberInfo> GetImportMembers(Type type)
            if (type.IsAbstract)
                yield break;
            foreach (MemberInfo member in GetDeclaredOnlyImportMembers(type))
                yield return member;
            // Walk up the type chain until you hit object.
            if (type.BaseType != null)
                Type? baseType = type.BaseType;
                // Stopping at object instead of null to help with performance. It is a noticable performance
                // gain (~5%) if we don't have to try and pull the attributes we know don't exist on object.
                // We also need the null check in case we're passed a type that doesn't live in the runtime context.
                while (baseType != null && baseType.UnderlyingSystemType != CompositionServices.ObjectType)
                    foreach (MemberInfo member in GetDeclaredOnlyImportMembers(baseType))
                        yield return member;
                    baseType = baseType.BaseType;
        private static IEnumerable<MemberInfo> GetDeclaredOnlyImportMembers(Type type)
            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
            // Walk the fields
            foreach (FieldInfo member in type.GetFields(flags))
                if (IsImport(member))
                    yield return member;
            // Walk the properties
            foreach (PropertyInfo member in type.GetProperties(flags))
                if (IsImport(member))
                    yield return member;
        private static bool IsImport(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider)
            return attributeProvider.IsAttributeDefined<IAttributedImport>(false);