5 writes to NullDisplayText
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations.Test (3)
DataAnnotationsMetadataProviderTest.cs (2)
65{ new DisplayFormatAttribute() { NullDisplayText = "(null)" }, d => d.NullDisplayText, "(null)" }, 67new DisplayFormatAttribute() { NullDisplayText = "(null)" },
ModelMetadataProviderTest.cs (1)
210new DisplayFormatAttribute { NullDisplayText = "value" }, metadata => metadata.NullDisplayText
TagHelpersWebSite (2)
Models\Employee.cs (2)
15[DisplayFormat(NullDisplayText = "Not specified")] 28[DisplayFormat(NullDisplayText = "Not specified")]
11 references to NullDisplayText
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations (1)
DataAnnotationsMetadataProvider.cs (1)
244displayMetadata.NullDisplayText = displayFormatAttribute.NullDisplayText;
System.ComponentModel.Annotations (10)
System\ComponentModel\DataAnnotations\DisplayFormatAttribute.cs (10)
15private readonly LocalizableString _nullDisplayText = new LocalizableString(nameof(NullDisplayText)); 73/// Gets or sets the <see cref="Type" /> that contains the resources for <see cref="NullDisplayText" />. 74/// Using <see cref="NullDisplayTextResourceType" /> along with <see cref="NullDisplayText" />, allows the <see cref="GetNullDisplayText" /> 87/// This can be either a literal, non-localized string provided to <see cref="NullDisplayText" /> or the 88/// localized string found when <see cref="NullDisplayTextResourceType" /> has been specified and <see cref="NullDisplayText" /> 94/// <see cref="NullDisplayText" /> will be returned. 96/// When <see cref="NullDisplayTextResourceType" /> has been specified and <see cref="NullDisplayText" /> 100/// When <see cref="NullDisplayText" /> and <see cref="NullDisplayTextResourceType" /> have not been set, returns <c>null</c>. 104/// After setting both the <see cref="NullDisplayTextResourceType" /> property and the <see cref="NullDisplayText" /> property, 105/// but a public static property with a name matching the <see cref="NullDisplayText" /> value couldn't be found