File: System\Collections\Generic\SortedSet.TreeSubSet.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Collections\src\System.Collections.csproj (System.Collections)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
namespace System.Collections.Generic
    public partial class SortedSet<T>
        /// <summary>
        /// This class represents a subset view into the tree. Any changes to this view
        /// are reflected in the actual tree. It uses the comparer of the underlying tree.
        /// </summary>
        internal sealed class TreeSubSet : SortedSet<T>, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback
            private readonly SortedSet<T> _underlying;
            private readonly T? _min;
            private readonly T? _max;
            // keeps track of whether the count variable is up to date
            // up to date -> _countVersion = _underlying.version
            // not up to date -> _countVersion < _underlying.version
            private int _countVersion;
            // these exist for unbounded collections
            // for instance, you could allow this subset to be defined for i > 10. The set will throw if
            // anything <= 10 is added, but there is no upper bound. These features Head(), Tail(), were punted
            // in the spec, and are not available, but the framework is there to make them available at some point.
            private readonly bool _lBoundActive, _uBoundActive;
            // used to see if the count is out of date
            internal override bool versionUpToDate()
                return (version == _underlying.version);
            public TreeSubSet(SortedSet<T> Underlying, T? Min, T? Max, bool lowerBoundActive, bool upperBoundActive)
                : base(Underlying.Comparer)
                _underlying = Underlying;
                _min = Min;
                _max = Max;
                _lBoundActive = lowerBoundActive;
                _uBoundActive = upperBoundActive;
                root = _underlying.FindRange(_min, _max, _lBoundActive, _uBoundActive); // root is first element within range
                count = 0;
                version = -1;
                _countVersion = -1;
            internal override bool AddIfNotPresent(T item)
                if (!IsWithinRange(item))
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(item));
                bool ret = _underlying.AddIfNotPresent(item);
                Debug.Assert(this.versionUpToDate() && root == _underlying.FindRange(_min, _max));
                return ret;
            public override bool Contains(T item)
                Debug.Assert(versionUpToDate() && root == _underlying.FindRange(_min, _max));
                return base.Contains(item);
            internal override bool DoRemove(T item)
                if (!IsWithinRange(item))
                    return false;
                bool ret = _underlying.Remove(item);
                Debug.Assert(versionUpToDate() && root == _underlying.FindRange(_min, _max));
                return ret;
            public override void Clear()
                if (Count == 0)
                List<T> toRemove = new List<T>();
                BreadthFirstTreeWalk(n => { toRemove.Add(n.Item); return true; });
                while (toRemove.Count != 0)
                    toRemove.RemoveAt(toRemove.Count - 1);
                root = null;
                count = 0;
                version = _underlying.version;
            internal override bool IsWithinRange(T item)
                int comp = _lBoundActive ? Comparer.Compare(_min, item) : -1;
                if (comp > 0)
                    return false;
                comp = _uBoundActive ? Comparer.Compare(_max, item) : 1;
                return comp >= 0;
            internal override T MinInternal
                    Node? current = root;
                    T? result = default;
                    while (current != null)
                        int comp = _lBoundActive ? Comparer.Compare(_min, current.Item) : -1;
                        if (comp > 0)
                            current = current.Right;
                            result = current.Item;
                            if (comp == 0)
                            current = current.Left;
                    return result!;
            internal override T MaxInternal
                    Node? current = root;
                    T? result = default;
                    while (current != null)
                        int comp = _uBoundActive ? Comparer.Compare(_max, current.Item) : 1;
                        if (comp < 0)
                            current = current.Left;
                            result = current.Item;
                            if (comp == 0)
                            current = current.Right;
                    return result!;
            internal override bool InOrderTreeWalk(TreeWalkPredicate<T> action)
                if (root == null)
                    return true;
                // The maximum height of a red-black tree is 2*lg(n+1).
                // See page 264 of "Introduction to algorithms" by Thomas H. Cormen
                Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>(2 * (int)SortedSet<T>.Log2(count + 1)); // this is not exactly right if count is out of date, but the stack can grow
                Node? current = root;
                while (current != null)
                    if (IsWithinRange(current.Item))
                        current = current.Left;
                    else if (_lBoundActive && Comparer.Compare(_min, current.Item) > 0)
                        current = current.Right;
                        current = current.Left;
                while (stack.Count != 0)
                    current = stack.Pop();
                    if (!action(current))
                        return false;
                    Node? node = current.Right;
                    while (node != null)
                        if (IsWithinRange(node.Item))
                            node = node.Left;
                        else if (_lBoundActive && Comparer.Compare(_min, node.Item) > 0)
                            node = node.Right;
                            node = node.Left;
                return true;
            internal override bool BreadthFirstTreeWalk(TreeWalkPredicate<T> action)
                if (root == null)
                    return true;
                Queue<Node> processQueue = new Queue<Node>();
                Node current;
                while (processQueue.Count != 0)
                    current = processQueue.Dequeue();
                    if (IsWithinRange(current.Item) && !action(current))
                        return false;
                    if (current.Left != null && (!_lBoundActive || Comparer.Compare(_min, current.Item) < 0))
                    if (current.Right != null && (!_uBoundActive || Comparer.Compare(_max, current.Item) > 0))
                return true;
            internal override SortedSet<T>.Node? FindNode(T item)
                if (!IsWithinRange(item))
                    return null;
                Debug.Assert(this.versionUpToDate() && root == _underlying.FindRange(_min, _max));
                return base.FindNode(item);
            // this does indexing in an inefficient way compared to the actual sortedset, but it saves a
            // lot of space
            internal override int InternalIndexOf(T item)
                int count = -1;
                foreach (T i in this)
                    if (Comparer.Compare(item, i) == 0)
                        return count;
                Debug.Assert(this.versionUpToDate() && root == _underlying.FindRange(_min, _max));
                return -1;
            /// <summary>
            /// Checks whether this subset is out of date, and updates it if necessary.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="updateCount">Updates the count variable if necessary.</param>
            internal override void VersionCheck(bool updateCount = false) => VersionCheckImpl(updateCount);
            private void VersionCheckImpl(bool updateCount)
                Debug.Assert(_underlying != null);
                if (version != _underlying.version)
                    root = _underlying.FindRange(_min, _max, _lBoundActive, _uBoundActive);
                    version = _underlying.version;
                if (updateCount && _countVersion != _underlying.version)
                    count = 0;
                    InOrderTreeWalk(n => { count++; return true; });
                    _countVersion = _underlying.version;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns the number of elements <c>count</c> of the parent set.
            /// </summary>
            internal override int TotalCount()
                Debug.Assert(_underlying != null);
                return _underlying.Count;
            // This passes functionality down to the underlying tree, clipping edges if necessary
            // There's nothing gained by having a nested subset. May as well draw it from the base
            // Cannot increase the bounds of the subset, can only decrease it
            public override SortedSet<T> GetViewBetween(T? lowerValue, T? upperValue)
                if (_lBoundActive && Comparer.Compare(_min, lowerValue) > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(lowerValue));
                if (_uBoundActive && Comparer.Compare(_max, upperValue) < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(upperValue));
                return (TreeSubSet)_underlying.GetViewBetween(lowerValue, upperValue);
            internal override void IntersectWithEnumerable(IEnumerable<T> other)
                Debug.Assert(versionUpToDate() && root == _underlying.FindRange(_min, _max));
            void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) => GetObjectData(info, context);
            protected override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
                throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
            void IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(object? sender)
                throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
            protected override void OnDeserialization(object? sender) => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();