8 writes to _size
System.Collections (8)
System\Collections\Generic\PriorityQueue.cs (8)
160_nodes = EnumerableHelpers.ToArray(items, out _size); 212_size = currentSize + 1; 420_size = count; 437_size = i; 493_size = i; 535int newSize = --_size; 582_size = 0; 657int lastNodeIndex = --_size;
32 references to _size
System.Collections (32)
System\Collections\Generic\PriorityQueue.cs (32)
163if (_size > 1) 172public int Count => _size; 204int currentSize = _size; 231if (_size == 0) 246if (_size == 0) 270if (_size == 0) 317if (_size != 0) 343if (_size != 0) 368if (_size != 0) 408if (collection is not null && (count = collection.Count) > _nodes.Length - _size) 410Grow(checked(_size + count)); 413if (_size == 0) 442if (_size > 1) 471(count = collection.Count) > _nodes.Length - _size) 473Grow(checked(_size + count)); 476if (_size == 0) 580Array.Clear(_nodes, 0, _size); 619if (_size < threshold) 621Array.Resize(ref _nodes, _size); 700int lastParentWithChildren = GetParentIndex(_size - 1); 727Debug.Assert(0 <= nodeIndex && nodeIndex < _size); 759Debug.Assert(0 <= nodeIndex && nodeIndex < _size); 793Debug.Assert(0 <= nodeIndex && nodeIndex < _size); 796int size = _size; 841Debug.Assert(0 <= nodeIndex && nodeIndex < _size); 845int size = _size; 885ReadOnlySpan<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)> nodes = _nodes.AsSpan(0, _size); 950public int Count => _queue._size; 973if (array.Length - index < _queue._size) 980Array.Copy(_queue._nodes, 0, array, index, _queue._size); 1020if (_version == localQueue._version && ((uint)_index < (uint)localQueue._size)) 1037_index = _queue._size + 1;