6 writes to _nodes
System.Collections (6)
System\Collections\Generic\PriorityQueue.cs (6)
71_nodes = Array.Empty<(TElement, TPriority)>(); 98_nodes = Array.Empty<(TElement, TPriority)>(); 118_nodes = new (TElement, TPriority)[initialCapacity]; 160_nodes = EnumerableHelpers.ToArray(items, out _size); 621Array.Resize(ref _nodes, _size); 649Array.Resize(ref _nodes, newcapacity);
35 references to _nodes
System.Collections (35)
System\Collections\Generic\PriorityQueue.cs (35)
177public int Capacity => _nodes.Length; 207if (_nodes.Length == currentSize) 236return _nodes[0].Element; 251TElement element = _nodes[0].Element; 275(TElement Element, TPriority Priority) root = _nodes[0]; 285_nodes[0] = (element, priority); 296_nodes[0] = (element, priority); 319(element, priority) = _nodes[0]; 345(element, priority) = _nodes[0]; 370(TElement Element, TPriority Priority) root = _nodes[0]; 408if (collection is not null && (count = collection.Count) > _nodes.Length - _size) 419collection.CopyTo(_nodes, 0); 425(TElement, TPriority)[] nodes = _nodes; 431nodes = _nodes; 471(count = collection.Count) > _nodes.Length - _size) 481(TElement, TPriority)[] nodes = _nodes; 487nodes = _nodes; 533(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)[] nodes = _nodes; 580Array.Clear(_nodes, 0, _size); 599if (_nodes.Length < capacity) 605return _nodes.Length; 618int threshold = (int)(_nodes.Length * 0.9); 631Debug.Assert(_nodes.Length < minCapacity); 636int newcapacity = GrowFactor * _nodes.Length; 643newcapacity = Math.Max(newcapacity, _nodes.Length + MinimumGrow); 662(TElement Element, TPriority Priority) lastNode = _nodes[lastNodeIndex]; 675_nodes[lastNodeIndex] = default; 699(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)[] nodes = _nodes; 729(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)[] nodes = _nodes; 762(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)[] nodes = _nodes; 795(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)[] nodes = _nodes; 844(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)[] nodes = _nodes; 885ReadOnlySpan<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)> nodes = _nodes.AsSpan(0, _size); 980Array.Copy(_queue._nodes, 0, array, index, _queue._size); 1022_current = localQueue._nodes[_index];