2 writes to _left
System.Collections.Immutable (2)
System\Collections\Immutable\ImmutableSortedDictionary_2.Node.cs (2)
86_left = left; 766_left = left;
25 references to _left
System.Collections.Immutable (25)
System\Collections\Immutable\ImmutableSortedDictionary_2.Node.cs (25)
104return _left == null; 116public Node? Left { get { return _left; } } 436_left!.Freeze(); 460return right.Mutate(left: tree.Mutate(right: right._left)); 473if (tree._left!.IsEmpty) 478ImmutableSortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Node left = tree._left; 511if (tree._left!.IsEmpty) 516Node rotatedLeftChild = tree.Mutate(left: RotateLeft(tree._left)); 530return tree._right!._height - tree._left!._height; 574return Balance(tree._left!) > 0 ? DoubleRight(tree) : RotateRight(tree); 644ImmutableSortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Node newLeft = _left!.SetOrAdd(key, value, keyComparer, valueComparer, overwriteExistingValue, out replacedExistingValue, out mutated); 661result = new Node(key, value, _left!, _right!); 690Debug.Assert(_right != null && _left != null); 701if (_right.IsEmpty && _left.IsEmpty) 705else if (_right.IsEmpty && !_left.IsEmpty) 707result = _left; 709else if (!_right.IsEmpty && _left.IsEmpty) 718while (!successor._left!.IsEmpty) 720successor = successor._left; 724result = successor.Mutate(left: _left, right: newRight); 729ImmutableSortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Node newLeft = _left.Remove(key, keyComparer, out mutated); 757Debug.Assert(_left != null && _right != null); 760return new Node(_key, _value, left ?? _left, right ?? _right); 774_height = checked((byte)(1 + Math.Max(_left._height, _right._height))); 805return _left!.Search(key, keyComparer);