// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.CodeDom.Compiler
public enum GeneratorSupport
ArraysOfArrays = 0x1,
EntryPointMethod = 0x2,
GotoStatements = 0x4,
MultidimensionalArrays = 0x8,
StaticConstructors = 0x10,
TryCatchStatements = 0x20,
ReturnTypeAttributes = 0x40,
DeclareValueTypes = 0x80,
DeclareEnums = 0x0100,
DeclareDelegates = 0x0200,
DeclareInterfaces = 0x0400,
DeclareEvents = 0x0800,
AssemblyAttributes = 0x1000,
ParameterAttributes = 0x2000,
ReferenceParameters = 0x4000,
ChainedConstructorArguments = 0x8000,
NestedTypes = 0x00010000,
MultipleInterfaceMembers = 0x00020000,
PublicStaticMembers = 0x00040000,
ComplexExpressions = 0x00080000,
Win32Resources = 0x00100000,
Resources = 0x00200000,
PartialTypes = 0x00400000,
GenericTypeReference = 0x00800000,
GenericTypeDeclaration = 0x01000000,
DeclareIndexerProperties = 0x02000000,