// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks;
var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddHealthChecks().AddAsyncCheck("health-test", async (ct) =>
await Task.Delay(5_000, ct);
return HealthCheckResult.Healthy();
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
var name = $"test-{i:0000}";
var rb = builder.AddTestResource(name);
IResource parent = rb.Resource;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
name = name + $"-n{j}";
var nestedRb = builder.AddNestedResource(name, parent);
parent = nestedRb.Resource;
var serviceBuilder = builder.AddProject<Projects.Stress_ApiService>("stress-apiservice", launchProfileName: null);
name: "icon-test",
displayName: "Icon test",
executeCommand: (c) =>
return Task.FromResult(CommandResults.Success());
iconName: "CloudDatabase");
name: "icon-test-highlighted",
displayName: "Icon test highlighted",
executeCommand: (c) =>
return Task.FromResult(CommandResults.Success());
iconName: "CloudDatabase",
isHighlighted: true);
serviceBuilder.WithHttpEndpoint(5180, name: $"http");
for (var i = 1; i <= 30; i++)
var port = 5180 + i;
serviceBuilder.WithHttpEndpoint(port, name: $"http-{port}");
serviceBuilder.WithHttpCommand("/write-console", "Write to console", method: HttpMethod.Get, iconName: "ContentViewGalleryLightning");
serviceBuilder.WithHttpCommand("/increment-counter", "Increment counter", method: HttpMethod.Get, iconName: "ContentViewGalleryLightning");
serviceBuilder.WithHttpCommand("/big-trace", "Big trace", method: HttpMethod.Get, iconName: "ContentViewGalleryLightning");
serviceBuilder.WithHttpCommand("/trace-limit", "Trace limit", method: HttpMethod.Get, iconName: "ContentViewGalleryLightning");
serviceBuilder.WithHttpCommand("/log-message", "Log message", method: HttpMethod.Get, iconName: "ContentViewGalleryLightning");
serviceBuilder.WithHttpCommand("/log-message-limit", "Log message limit", method: HttpMethod.Get, iconName: "ContentViewGalleryLightning");
serviceBuilder.WithHttpCommand("/multiple-traces-linked", "Multiple traces linked", method: HttpMethod.Get, iconName: "ContentViewGalleryLightning");
// This project is only added in playground projects to support development/debugging
// of the dashboard. It is not required in end developer code. Comment out this code
// or build with `/p:SkipDashboardReference=true`, to test end developer
// dashboard launch experience, Refer to Directory.Build.props for the path to
// the dashboard binary (defaults to the Aspire.Dashboard bin output in the
// artifacts dir).
IResourceBuilder<IResource>? previousResourceBuilder = null;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var resourceBuilder = builder.AddProject<Projects.Stress_Empty>($"empty-{i:0000}");
if (previousResourceBuilder != null)
previousResourceBuilder = resourceBuilder;