// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.WebApi;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TestResults.WebApi;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi;
using Xunit;
namespace RunTests;
internal class TestHistoryManager
/// <summary>
/// Azure devops limits the number of tests returned per request to 10000.
/// </summary>
private const int MaxTestsReturnedPerRequest = 10_000;
/// <summary>
/// Looks up the last passing test run for the current build and stage to estimate execution times for each
/// tests. The dictionary is indexed by test full name.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<ImmutableDictionary<string, TimeSpan>> GetTestHistoryAsync(Options options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Access token that has permissions to lookup test history. This typically comes from the pipeline.
var accessToken = options.AccessToken ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN");
// ADO project that the build pipeline is located in.
var projectUri = options.ProjectUri ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_COLLECTIONURI");
// Id of the pipeline to get test history from.
var pipelineDefinitionIdStr = options.PipelineDefinitionId ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_DEFINITIONID");
// The phase name is used to filter the tests on the last passing build to only those that apply to the currently running phase.
// Note here that 'phaseName' corresponds to the 'jobName' defined in our pipeline yaml file and the job name env var is not correct.
// See https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/systemjobname-seems-to-be-incorrectly-assigned-and/1209736
var phaseName = options.PhaseName ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_PHASENAME");
// We use the target branch of the current build to lookup the last successful build for the same branch.
var targetBranch = options.TargetBranchName ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH") ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectUri) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(phaseName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetBranch) || !int.TryParse(pipelineDefinitionIdStr, out var pipelineDefinitionId))
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Missing required options to lookup test history, accessToken={accessToken}, projectUri={projectUri}, phaseName={phaseName}, targetBranchName={targetBranch}, pipelineDefinitionId={pipelineDefinitionIdStr}");
return ImmutableDictionary<string, TimeSpan>.Empty;
var credentials = new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, accessToken);
var connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(projectUri), credentials);
using var buildClient = connection.GetClient<BuildHttpClient>();
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Getting last successful build for branch {targetBranch}");
var adoBranch = $"refs/heads/{targetBranch}";
var lastSuccessfulBuild = await GetLastSuccessfulBuildAsync(pipelineDefinitionId, adoBranch, buildClient, cancellationToken);
if (lastSuccessfulBuild == null)
// If this is a new branch we may not have any historical data for it.
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Unable to get the last successful build for definition {pipelineDefinitionId} in {projectUri} and branch {targetBranch}");
return ImmutableDictionary<string, TimeSpan>.Empty;
using var testClient = connection.GetClient<TestResultsHttpClient>();
var runForThisStage = await GetRunForStageAsync(lastSuccessfulBuild, phaseName, testClient, cancellationToken);
if (runForThisStage == null)
// If this is a new stage, historical runs will not have any data for it.
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Unable to get a run with name {phaseName} from build {lastSuccessfulBuild.Url}.");
return ImmutableDictionary<string, TimeSpan>.Empty;
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Looking up test execution data for build {lastSuccessfulBuild.Id} on branch {targetBranch} and stage {phaseName}");
var totalTests = runForThisStage.TotalTests;
Dictionary<string, TimeSpan> testInfos = new();
var duplicateCount = 0;
// Get runtimes for all tests.
var timer = new Stopwatch();
for (var i = 0; i < totalTests; i += MaxTestsReturnedPerRequest)
var testResults = await GetTestResultsAsync(runForThisStage, i, MaxTestsReturnedPerRequest, testClient, cancellationToken);
foreach (var testResult in testResults)
// Helix outputs results for the whole dll work item suffixed with WorkItemExecution which we should ignore.
if (testResult.AutomatedTestName.Contains("WorkItemExecution"))
Logger.Log($"Skipping overall result for work item {testResult.AutomatedTestName}");
var testName = CleanTestName(testResult.AutomatedTestName);
if (!testInfos.TryAdd(testName, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(testResult.DurationInMs)))
// We can get duplicate tests if a test file is included in multiple assemblies (e.g. analyzer codestyle tests).
// This is fine, we'll just use capture one of the run times since it is the same test being run in both cases and unlikely to have different run times.
// Another case that can happen is if a test is incorrectly authored to have the same name and namespace as a test in another assembly. For example
// a test that applies to both VB and C#, but the tests in both the C# and VB assembly accidentally use the C# namespace.
// It may have a different run time, but ADO does not let us differentiate by assembly name, so we just have to pick one.
if (duplicateCount > 0)
Logger.Log($"Found {duplicateCount} duplicate tests in run {runForThisStage.Name}.");
var totalTestRuntime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(testInfos.Values.Sum(t => t.TotalMilliseconds));
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Retrieved {testInfos.Keys.Count} tests from AzureDevops in {timer.Elapsed}. Total runtime of all tests is {totalTestRuntime}");
return testInfos.ToImmutableDictionary();
private static string? GetEnvironmentVariable(string envVarName)
var envVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVarName);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(envVar))
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Missing environment variable {envVarName}");
return envVar;
private static string CleanTestName(string fullyQualifiedTestName)
// Some test names contain test arguments, so take everything before the first paren (since they are not valid in the fully qualified test name).
var beforeMethodArgs = fullyQualifiedTestName.Split('(')[0];
return beforeMethodArgs;
private static async Task<Build?> GetLastSuccessfulBuildAsync(int definitionId, string branchName, BuildHttpClient buildClient, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var builds = await buildClient.GetBuildsAsync2(
project: "public",
new int[] { definitionId },
resultFilter: BuildResult.Succeeded,
queryOrder: BuildQueryOrder.FinishTimeDescending,
maxBuildsPerDefinition: 1,
reasonFilter: BuildReason.IndividualCI,
branchName: branchName,
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
return builds?.FirstOrDefault();
catch (Exception ex)
// We will fallback to test count partitioning if we fail to query ADO.
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Caught exception querying ADO for passing build: {ex}");
return null;
private static async Task<TestRun?> GetRunForStageAsync(Build build, string phaseName, TestResultsHttpClient testClient, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// API requires us to pass a time range to query runs for. So just pass the times from the build.
var minTime = build.QueueTime!.Value;
var maxTime = build.FinishTime!.Value;
var runsInBuild = await testClient.QueryTestRunsAsync2("public", minTime, maxTime, buildIds: new int[] { build.Id }, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
// If the last successful builds had multiple attempts then there are potentially multiple runs with
// the same name. Take the last one as it will be the successful one.
var runForThisStage = runsInBuild.LastOrDefault(r => r.Name.Contains(phaseName));
return runForThisStage;
catch (Exception ex)
// We will fallback to test count partitioning if we fail to query ADO.
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Caught exception querying ADO for test runs: {ex}");
return null;
private static async Task<List<TestCaseResult>> GetTestResultsAsync(TestRun testRun, int skip, int top, TestResultsHttpClient testClient, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var testResults = await testClient.GetTestResultsAsync("public", testRun.Id, skip: skip, top: top, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
return testResults ?? new List<TestCaseResult>();
catch (Exception ex)
// We will fallback to test count partitioning if we fail to query ADO.
ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"Caught exception querying ADO for test runs: {ex}");
return new List<TestCaseResult>();