// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Cci;
using Microsoft.DiaSymReader;
namespace Roslyn.Test.Utilities
internal class MockSymUnmanagedWriter : SymUnmanagedWriter
private Exception MakeException() => new SymUnmanagedWriterException("MockSymUnmanagedWriter error message");
public override int DocumentTableCapacity { get => throw MakeException(); set => throw MakeException(); }
public override void Dispose()
// Dispose shall not throw
public override void CloseMethod()
throw MakeException();
public override void CloseScope(int endOffset)
throw MakeException();
public override void CloseTokensToSourceSpansMap()
throw MakeException();
public override void DefineCustomMetadata(byte[] metadata, IMethodDefinition methodDefinition)
throw MakeException();
public override int DefineDocument(string name, Guid language, Guid vendor, Guid type, Guid algorithmId, ReadOnlySpan<byte> checksum, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source)
throw MakeException();
public override bool DefineLocalConstant(string name, object value, int constantSignatureToken)
throw MakeException();
public override void DefineLocalVariable(int index, string name, int attributes, int localSignatureToken)
throw MakeException();
public override void DefineSequencePoints(int documentIndex, int count, int[] offsets, int[] startLines, int[] startColumns, int[] endLines, int[] endColumns)
throw MakeException();
public override void GetSignature(out Guid guid, out uint stamp, out int age)
throw MakeException();
public override IEnumerable<ArraySegment<byte>> GetUnderlyingData()
throw MakeException();
public override void MapTokenToSourceSpan(int token, int documentIndex, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
throw MakeException();
public override void OpenMethod(int methodToken)
throw MakeException();
public override void OpenScope(int startOffset)
throw MakeException();
public override void OpenTokensToSourceSpansMap()
throw MakeException();
public override void SetAsyncInfo(int moveNextMethodToken, int kickoffMethodToken, int catchHandlerOffset, ReadOnlySpan<int> yieldOffsets, ReadOnlySpan<int> resumeOffsets)
throw MakeException();
public override void SetEntryPoint(int entryMethodToken)
throw MakeException();
public override void SetSourceLinkData(byte[] data)
throw MakeException();
public override void SetSourceServerData(byte[] data)
throw MakeException();
public override void UpdateSignature(Guid guid, uint stamp, int age)
throw MakeException();
public override void UsingNamespace(string importString)
throw MakeException();
public override void WriteTo(Stream stream)
throw MakeException();
public override void AddCompilerInfo(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, ushort revision, string name)
throw MakeException();