// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace Roslyn.Test.PdbUtilities
public static class Token2SourceLineExporter
// NOTE: this type implementation is essentially an extraction from PdbReader
// located under ndp\clr\src\ToolBox\CCI2\PdbReader folder
private class PdbSource
internal readonly string name;
internal Guid doctype;
internal Guid language;
internal Guid vendor;
internal PdbSource(string name, Guid doctype, Guid language, Guid vendor)
this.name = name;
this.doctype = doctype;
this.language = language;
this.vendor = vendor;
private class PdbTokenLine
internal readonly uint token;
internal readonly uint file_id;
internal readonly uint line;
internal readonly uint column;
internal readonly uint endLine;
internal readonly uint endColumn;
internal PdbSource sourceFile;
internal PdbTokenLine/*?*/ nextLine;
internal PdbTokenLine(uint token, uint file_id, uint line, uint column, uint endLine, uint endColumn)
this.token = token;
this.file_id = file_id;
this.line = line;
this.column = column;
this.endLine = endLine;
this.endColumn = endColumn;
private class BitAccess
internal BitAccess(int capacity)
_buffer = new byte[capacity];
internal byte[] Buffer
get { return _buffer; }
private byte[] _buffer;
internal void FillBuffer(Stream stream, int capacity)
stream.Read(_buffer, 0, capacity);
_offset = 0;
internal void Append(Stream stream, int count)
int newCapacity = _offset + count;
if (_buffer.Length < newCapacity)
byte[] newBuffer = new byte[newCapacity];
Array.Copy(_buffer, newBuffer, _buffer.Length);
_buffer = newBuffer;
stream.Read(_buffer, _offset, count);
_offset += count;
internal int Position
get { return _offset; }
set { _offset = value; }
private int _offset;
internal void MinCapacity(int capacity)
if (_buffer.Length < capacity)
_buffer = new byte[capacity];
_offset = 0;
internal void Align(int alignment)
while ((_offset % alignment) != 0)
internal void ReadInt16(out short value)
value = (short)((_buffer[_offset + 0] & 0xFF) |
(_buffer[_offset + 1] << 8));
_offset += 2;
internal void ReadInt8(out sbyte value)
value = (sbyte)_buffer[_offset];
_offset += 1;
internal void ReadInt32(out int value)
value = (int)((_buffer[_offset + 0] & 0xFF) |
(_buffer[_offset + 1] << 8) |
(_buffer[_offset + 2] << 16) |
(_buffer[_offset + 3] << 24));
_offset += 4;
internal void ReadInt64(out long value)
value = (long)(((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 0] & 0xFF) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 1] << 8) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 2] << 16) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 3] << 24) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 4] << 32) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 5] << 40) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 6] << 48) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 7] << 56));
_offset += 8;
internal void ReadUInt16(out ushort value)
value = (ushort)((_buffer[_offset + 0] & 0xFF) |
(_buffer[_offset + 1] << 8));
_offset += 2;
internal void ReadUInt8(out byte value)
value = (byte)((_buffer[_offset + 0] & 0xFF));
_offset += 1;
internal void ReadUInt32(out uint value)
value = (uint)((_buffer[_offset + 0] & 0xFF) |
(_buffer[_offset + 1] << 8) |
(_buffer[_offset + 2] << 16) |
(_buffer[_offset + 3] << 24));
_offset += 4;
internal void ReadUInt64(out ulong value)
value = (ulong)(((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 0] & 0xFF) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 1] << 8) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 2] << 16) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 3] << 24) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 4] << 32) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 5] << 40) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 6] << 48) |
((ulong)_buffer[_offset + 7] << 56));
_offset += 8;
internal void ReadInt32(int[] values)
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
ReadInt32(out values[i]);
internal void ReadUInt32(uint[] values)
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
ReadUInt32(out values[i]);
internal void ReadBytes(byte[] bytes)
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
bytes[i] = _buffer[_offset++];
internal float ReadFloat()
float result = BitConverter.ToSingle(_buffer, _offset);
_offset += 4;
return result;
internal double ReadDouble()
double result = BitConverter.ToDouble(_buffer, _offset);
_offset += 8;
return result;
internal decimal ReadDecimal()
int[] bits = new int[4];
return new decimal(bits);
internal void ReadBString(out string value)
this.ReadUInt16(out var len);
value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_buffer, _offset, len);
_offset += len;
internal void ReadCString(out string value)
int len = 0;
while (_offset + len < _buffer.Length && _buffer[_offset + len] != 0)
value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_buffer, _offset, len);
_offset += len + 1;
internal void SkipCString(out string value)
int len = 0;
while (_offset + len < _buffer.Length && _buffer[_offset + len] != 0)
_offset += len + 1;
value = null;
internal void ReadGuid(out Guid guid)
ReadUInt32(out var a);
ReadUInt16(out var b);
ReadUInt16(out var c);
ReadUInt8(out var d);
ReadUInt8(out var e);
ReadUInt8(out var f);
ReadUInt8(out var g);
ReadUInt8(out var h);
ReadUInt8(out var i);
ReadUInt8(out var j);
ReadUInt8(out var k);
guid = unchecked(new Guid((int)a, (short)b, (short)c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k));
internal string ReadString()
int len = 0;
while (_offset + len < _buffer.Length && _buffer[_offset + len] != 0)
len += 2;
string result = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(_buffer, _offset, len);
_offset += len + 2;
return result;
private readonly struct BitSet
internal BitSet(BitAccess bits)
bits.ReadInt32(out _size); // 0..3 : Number of words
_words = new uint[_size];
internal bool IsSet(int index)
int word = index / 32;
if (word >= _size)
return false;
return ((_words[word] & GetBit(index)) != 0);
private static uint GetBit(int index)
return ((uint)1 << (index % 32));
internal bool IsEmpty
get { return _size == 0; }
private readonly int _size;
private readonly uint[] _words;
private class IntHashTable
#pragma warning disable format // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70711 tracks removing this suppression.
private static readonly int[] s_primes = [
3, 7, 11, 17, 23, 29, 37, 47, 59, 71, 89, 107, 131, 163, 197, 239, 293, 353, 431, 521, 631, 761, 919,
1103, 1327, 1597, 1931, 2333, 2801, 3371, 4049, 4861, 5839, 7013, 8419, 10103, 12143, 14591,
17519, 21023, 25229, 30293, 36353, 43627, 52361, 62851, 75431, 90523, 108631, 130363, 156437,
187751, 225307, 270371, 324449, 389357, 467237, 560689, 672827, 807403, 968897, 1162687, 1395263,
1674319, 2009191, 2411033, 2893249, 3471899, 4166287, 4999559, 5999471, 7199369];
#pragma warning restore format
private static int GetPrime(int minSize)
if (minSize < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Arg_HTCapacityOverflow");
for (int i = 0; i < s_primes.Length; i++)
int size = s_primes[i];
if (size >= minSize)
return size;
throw new ArgumentException("Arg_HTCapacityOverflow");
// Deleted entries have their key set to buckets
// The hash table data.
// This cannot be serialized
private struct @bucket
internal int key;
internal int hash_coll; // Store hash code; sign bit means there was a collision.
internal Object val;
private bucket[] _buckets;
// The total number of entries in the hash table.
private int _count;
// The total number of collision bits set in the hashtable
private int _occupancy;
private int _loadsize;
private readonly int _loadFactorPerc; // 100 = 1.0
private int _version;
// Constructs a new hashtable. The hashtable is created with an initial
// capacity of zero and a load factor of 1.0.
//| <include path='docs/doc[@for="IntHashTable.IntHashTable"]/*' />
internal IntHashTable()
: this(0, 100)
internal IntHashTable(int capacity, int loadFactorPerc)
if (capacity < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(capacity), "ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum");
if (loadFactorPerc is not (>= 10 and <= 100))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(loadFactorPerc), "ArgumentOutOfRange_IntHashTableLoadFactor");
// Based on perf work, .72 is the optimal load factor for this table.
_loadFactorPerc = (loadFactorPerc * 72) / 100;
int hashsize = GetPrime((int)(capacity / _loadFactorPerc));
_buckets = new bucket[hashsize];
_loadsize = (int)(_loadFactorPerc * hashsize) / 100;
if (_loadsize >= hashsize)
_loadsize = hashsize - 1;
private static uint InitHash(int key, int hashsize, out uint seed, out uint incr)
// Hashcode must be positive. Also, we must not use the sign bit, since
// that is used for the collision bit.
uint hashcode = (uint)key & 0x7FFFFFFF;
seed = (uint)hashcode;
// Restriction: incr MUST be between 1 and hashsize - 1, inclusive for
// the modular arithmetic to work correctly. This guarantees you'll
// visit every bucket in the table exactly once within hashsize
// iterations. Violate this and it'll cause obscure bugs forever.
// If you change this calculation for h2(key), update putEntry too!
incr = (uint)(1 + (((seed >> 5) + 1) % ((uint)hashsize - 1)));
return hashcode;
internal void Add(int key, Object value)
Insert(key, value, true);
internal Object this[int key]
if (key < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Argument_KeyLessThanZero");
// Take a snapshot of buckets, in case another thread does a resize
bucket[] lbuckets = _buckets;
uint hashcode = InitHash(key, lbuckets.Length, out var seed, out var incr);
int ntry = 0;
bucket b;
int bucketNumber = (int)(seed % (uint)lbuckets.Length);
b = lbuckets[bucketNumber];
if (b.val == null)
return null;
if (((b.hash_coll & 0x7FFFFFFF) == hashcode) && key == b.key)
return b.val;
seed += incr;
} while (b.hash_coll < 0 && ++ntry < lbuckets.Length);
return null;
//set {
// Insert(key, value, false);
private void expand()
rehash(GetPrime(1 + _buckets.Length * 2));
private void rehash()
private void rehash(int newsize)
// reset occupancy
_occupancy = 0;
// Don't replace any internal state until we've finished adding to the
// new bucket[]. This serves two purposes:
// 1) Allow concurrent readers to see valid hashtable contents
// at all times
// 2) Protect against an OutOfMemoryException while allocating this
// new bucket[].
bucket[] newBuckets = new bucket[newsize];
// rehash table into new buckets
int nb;
for (nb = 0; nb < _buckets.Length; nb++)
bucket oldb = _buckets[nb];
if (oldb.val != null)
putEntry(newBuckets, oldb.key, oldb.val, oldb.hash_coll & 0x7FFFFFFF);
// New bucket[] is good to go - replace buckets and other internal state.
_buckets = newBuckets;
_loadsize = (int)(_loadFactorPerc * newsize) / 100;
if (_loadsize >= newsize)
_loadsize = newsize - 1;
private void Insert(int key, Object nvalue, bool add)
if (key < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Argument_KeyLessThanZero");
if (nvalue == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(nvalue), "ArgumentNull_Value");
if (_count >= _loadsize)
else if (_occupancy > _loadsize && _count > 100)
// Assume we only have one thread writing concurrently. Modify
// buckets to contain new data, as long as we insert in the right order.
uint hashcode = InitHash(key, _buckets.Length, out var seed, out var incr);
int ntry = 0;
int emptySlotNumber = -1; // We use the empty slot number to cache the first empty slot. We chose to reuse slots
// create by remove that have the collision bit set over using up new slots.
int bucketNumber = (int)(seed % (uint)_buckets.Length);
// Set emptySlot number to current bucket if it is the first available bucket that we have seen
// that once contained an entry and also has had a collision.
// We need to search this entire collision chain because we have to ensure that there are no
// duplicate entries in the table.
// Insert the key/value pair into this bucket if this bucket is empty and has never contained an entry
// OR
// This bucket once contained an entry but there has never been a collision
if (_buckets[bucketNumber].val == null)
// If we have found an available bucket that has never had a collision, but we've seen an available
// bucket in the past that has the collision bit set, use the previous bucket instead
if (emptySlotNumber != -1)
{ // Reuse slot
bucketNumber = emptySlotNumber;
// We pretty much have to insert in this order. Don't set hash
// code until the value & key are set appropriately.
_buckets[bucketNumber].val = nvalue;
_buckets[bucketNumber].key = key;
_buckets[bucketNumber].hash_coll |= (int)hashcode;
// The current bucket is in use
// OR
// it is available, but has had the collision bit set and we have already found an available bucket
if (((_buckets[bucketNumber].hash_coll & 0x7FFFFFFF) == hashcode) &&
key == _buckets[bucketNumber].key)
if (add)
throw new ArgumentException("Argument_AddingDuplicate__" + _buckets[bucketNumber].key);
_buckets[bucketNumber].val = nvalue;
// The current bucket is full, and we have therefore collided. We need to set the collision bit
// we have remembered an available slot previously.
if (emptySlotNumber == -1)
{// We don't need to set the collision bit here since we already have an empty slot
if (_buckets[bucketNumber].hash_coll >= 0)
_buckets[bucketNumber].hash_coll |= unchecked((int)0x80000000);
seed += incr;
} while (++ntry < _buckets.Length);
// This code is here if and only if there were no buckets without a collision bit set in the entire table
if (emptySlotNumber != -1)
// We pretty much have to insert in this order. Don't set hash
// code until the value & key are set appropriately.
_buckets[emptySlotNumber].val = nvalue;
_buckets[emptySlotNumber].key = key;
_buckets[emptySlotNumber].hash_coll |= (int)hashcode;
// If you see this assert, make sure load factor & count are reasonable.
// Then verify that our double hash function (h2, described at top of file)
// meets the requirements described above. You should never see this assert.
throw new InvalidOperationException("InvalidOperation_HashInsertFailed");
private void putEntry(bucket[] newBuckets, int key, Object nvalue, int hashcode)
uint seed = (uint)hashcode;
uint incr = (uint)(1 + (((seed >> 5) + 1) % ((uint)newBuckets.Length - 1)));
int bucketNumber = (int)(seed % (uint)newBuckets.Length);
if ((newBuckets[bucketNumber].val == null))
newBuckets[bucketNumber].val = nvalue;
newBuckets[bucketNumber].key = key;
newBuckets[bucketNumber].hash_coll |= hashcode;
if (newBuckets[bucketNumber].hash_coll >= 0)
newBuckets[bucketNumber].hash_coll |= unchecked((int)0x80000000);
seed += incr;
} while (true);
private readonly struct DbiSecCon
internal DbiSecCon(BitAccess bits)
bits.ReadInt16(out section);
bits.ReadInt16(out pad1);
bits.ReadInt32(out offset);
bits.ReadInt32(out size);
bits.ReadUInt32(out flags);
bits.ReadInt16(out module);
bits.ReadInt16(out pad2);
bits.ReadUInt32(out dataCrc);
bits.ReadUInt32(out relocCrc);
internal readonly short section; // 0..1
internal readonly short pad1; // 2..3
internal readonly int offset; // 4..7
internal readonly int size; // 8..11
internal readonly uint flags; // 12..15
internal readonly short module; // 16..17
internal readonly short pad2; // 18..19
internal readonly uint dataCrc; // 20..23
internal readonly uint relocCrc; // 24..27
private class DbiModuleInfo
internal DbiModuleInfo(BitAccess bits, bool readStrings)
bits.ReadInt32(out opened);
new DbiSecCon(bits);
bits.ReadUInt16(out flags);
bits.ReadInt16(out stream);
bits.ReadInt32(out cbSyms);
bits.ReadInt32(out cbOldLines);
bits.ReadInt32(out cbLines);
bits.ReadInt16(out files);
bits.ReadInt16(out pad1);
bits.ReadUInt32(out offsets);
bits.ReadInt32(out niSource);
bits.ReadInt32(out niCompiler);
if (readStrings)
bits.ReadCString(out moduleName);
bits.ReadCString(out objectName);
bits.SkipCString(out moduleName);
bits.SkipCString(out objectName);
internal readonly int opened; // 0..3
internal readonly ushort flags; // 32..33
internal readonly short stream; // 34..35
internal readonly int cbSyms; // 36..39
internal readonly int cbOldLines; // 40..43
internal readonly int cbLines; // 44..57
internal readonly short files; // 48..49
internal readonly short pad1; // 50..51
internal readonly uint offsets;
internal readonly int niSource;
internal readonly int niCompiler;
internal readonly string moduleName;
internal readonly string objectName;
private readonly struct DbiHeader
internal DbiHeader(BitAccess bits)
bits.ReadInt32(out sig);
bits.ReadInt32(out ver);
bits.ReadInt32(out age);
bits.ReadInt16(out gssymStream);
bits.ReadUInt16(out vers);
bits.ReadInt16(out pssymStream);
bits.ReadUInt16(out pdbver);
bits.ReadInt16(out symrecStream);
bits.ReadUInt16(out pdbver2);
bits.ReadInt32(out gpmodiSize);
bits.ReadInt32(out secconSize);
bits.ReadInt32(out secmapSize);
bits.ReadInt32(out filinfSize);
bits.ReadInt32(out tsmapSize);
bits.ReadInt32(out mfcIndex);
bits.ReadInt32(out dbghdrSize);
bits.ReadInt32(out ecinfoSize);
bits.ReadUInt16(out flags);
bits.ReadUInt16(out machine);
bits.ReadInt32(out reserved);
internal readonly int sig; // 0..3
internal readonly int ver; // 4..7
internal readonly int age; // 8..11
internal readonly short gssymStream; // 12..13
internal readonly ushort vers; // 14..15
internal readonly short pssymStream; // 16..17
internal readonly ushort pdbver; // 18..19
internal readonly short symrecStream; // 20..21
internal readonly ushort pdbver2; // 22..23
internal readonly int gpmodiSize; // 24..27
internal readonly int secconSize; // 28..31
internal readonly int secmapSize; // 32..35
internal readonly int filinfSize; // 36..39
internal readonly int tsmapSize; // 40..43
internal readonly int mfcIndex; // 44..47
internal readonly int dbghdrSize; // 48..51
internal readonly int ecinfoSize; // 52..55
internal readonly ushort flags; // 56..57
internal readonly ushort machine; // 58..59
internal readonly int reserved; // 60..63
private readonly struct DbiDbgHdr
internal DbiDbgHdr(BitAccess bits)
bits.ReadUInt16(out snFPO);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snException);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snFixup);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snOmapToSrc);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snOmapFromSrc);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snSectionHdr);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snTokenRidMap);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snXdata);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snPdata);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snNewFPO);
bits.ReadUInt16(out snSectionHdrOrig);
internal readonly ushort snFPO; // 0..1
internal readonly ushort snException; // 2..3 (deprecated)
internal readonly ushort snFixup; // 4..5
internal readonly ushort snOmapToSrc; // 6..7
internal readonly ushort snOmapFromSrc; // 8..9
internal readonly ushort snSectionHdr; // 10..11
internal readonly ushort snTokenRidMap; // 12..13
internal readonly ushort snXdata; // 14..15
internal readonly ushort snPdata; // 16..17
internal readonly ushort snNewFPO; // 18..19
internal readonly ushort snSectionHdrOrig; // 20..21
private class PdbFileHeader
internal PdbFileHeader(Stream reader, BitAccess bits)
reader.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
bits.FillBuffer(reader, 52);
this.magic = new byte[32];
bits.ReadBytes(this.magic); // 0..31
bits.ReadInt32(out this.pageSize); // 32..35
bits.ReadInt32(out this.freePageMap); // 36..39
bits.ReadInt32(out this.pagesUsed); // 40..43
bits.ReadInt32(out this.directorySize); // 44..47
bits.ReadInt32(out this.zero); // 48..51
int directoryPages = ((((directorySize + pageSize - 1) / pageSize) * 4) + pageSize - 1) / pageSize;
this.directoryRoot = new int[directoryPages];
bits.FillBuffer(reader, directoryPages * 4);
internal readonly byte[] magic;
internal readonly int pageSize;
internal readonly int freePageMap;
internal readonly int pagesUsed;
internal readonly int directorySize;
internal readonly int zero;
internal readonly int[] directoryRoot;
private class PdbReader
internal PdbReader(Stream reader, int pageSize)
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.reader = reader;
internal void Seek(int page, int offset)
reader.Seek(page * pageSize + offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
internal void Read(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count)
reader.Read(bytes, offset, count);
internal int PagesFromSize(int size)
return (size + pageSize - 1) / (pageSize);
internal readonly int pageSize;
internal readonly Stream reader;
private class DataStream
internal DataStream()
internal DataStream(int contentSize, BitAccess bits, int count)
this.contentSize = contentSize;
if (count > 0)
this.pages = new int[count];
internal void Read(PdbReader reader, BitAccess bits)
Read(reader, 0, bits.Buffer, 0, contentSize);
internal void Read(PdbReader reader, int position,
byte[] bytes, int offset, int data)
if (position + data > contentSize)
throw new Exception(
"DataStream can't read off end of stream. (pos={0},siz={1})",
position, data));
if (position == contentSize)
int left = data;
int page = position / reader.pageSize;
int rema = position % reader.pageSize;
// First get remained of first page.
if (rema != 0)
int todo = reader.pageSize - rema;
if (todo > left)
todo = left;
reader.Seek(pages[page], rema);
reader.Read(bytes, offset, todo);
offset += todo;
left -= todo;
// Now get the remaining pages.
while (left > 0)
int todo = reader.pageSize;
if (todo > left)
todo = left;
reader.Seek(pages[page], 0);
reader.Read(bytes, offset, todo);
offset += todo;
left -= todo;
internal int Length
get { return contentSize; }
internal readonly int contentSize;
internal readonly int[] pages;
private class MsfDirectory
internal MsfDirectory(PdbReader reader, PdbFileHeader head, BitAccess bits)
int pages = reader.PagesFromSize(head.directorySize);
// 0..n in page of directory pages.
int directoryRootPages = head.directoryRoot.Length;
int pagesPerPage = head.pageSize / 4;
int pagesToGo = pages;
for (int i = 0; i < directoryRootPages; i++)
int pagesInThisPage = pagesToGo <= pagesPerPage ? pagesToGo : pagesPerPage;
reader.Seek(head.directoryRoot[i], 0);
bits.Append(reader.reader, pagesInThisPage * 4);
pagesToGo -= pagesInThisPage;
bits.Position = 0;
DataStream stream = new DataStream(head.directorySize, bits, pages);
stream.Read(reader, bits);
// 0..3 in directory pages
bits.ReadInt32(out var count);
// 4..n
int[] sizes = new int[count];
// n..m
streams = new DataStream[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (sizes[i] <= 0)
streams[i] = new DataStream();
streams[i] = new DataStream(sizes[i], bits,
internal readonly DataStream[] streams;
private struct CV_FileCheckSum
internal uint name; // Index of name in name table.
internal byte len; // Hash length
internal byte type; // Hash type
private enum SYM
S_END = 0x0006, // Block, procedure, "with" or thunk end
S_OEM = 0x0404, // OEM defined symbol
S_REGISTER_ST = 0x1001, // Register variable
S_CONSTANT_ST = 0x1002, // constant symbol
S_UDT_ST = 0x1003, // User defined type
S_COBOLUDT_ST = 0x1004, // special UDT for cobol that does not symbol pack
S_MANYREG_ST = 0x1005, // multiple register variable
S_BPREL32_ST = 0x1006, // BP-relative
S_LDATA32_ST = 0x1007, // Module-local symbol
S_GDATA32_ST = 0x1008, // Global data symbol
S_PUB32_ST = 0x1009, // a internal symbol (CV internal reserved)
S_LPROC32_ST = 0x100a, // Local procedure start
S_GPROC32_ST = 0x100b, // Global procedure start
S_VFTABLE32 = 0x100c, // address of virtual function table
S_REGREL32_ST = 0x100d, // register relative address
S_LTHREAD32_ST = 0x100e, // local thread storage
S_GTHREAD32_ST = 0x100f, // global thread storage
S_LPROCMIPS_ST = 0x1010, // Local procedure start
S_GPROCMIPS_ST = 0x1011, // Global procedure start
S_FRAMEPROC = 0x1012, // extra frame and proc information
S_COMPILE2_ST = 0x1013, // extended compile flags and info
S_MANYREG2_ST = 0x1014, // multiple register variable
S_LPROCIA64_ST = 0x1015, // Local procedure start (IA64)
S_GPROCIA64_ST = 0x1016, // Global procedure start (IA64)
S_LOCALSLOT_ST = 0x1017, // local IL sym with field for local slot index
S_PARAMSLOT_ST = 0x1018, // local IL sym with field for parameter slot index
S_ANNOTATION = 0x1019, // Annotation string literals
S_GMANPROC_ST = 0x101a, // Global proc
S_LMANPROC_ST = 0x101b, // Local proc
S_RESERVED1 = 0x101c, // reserved
S_RESERVED2 = 0x101d, // reserved
S_RESERVED3 = 0x101e, // reserved
S_RESERVED4 = 0x101f, // reserved
S_LMANDATA_ST = 0x1020,
S_GMANDATA_ST = 0x1021,
S_MANSLOT_ST = 0x1024,
S_MANREGREL_ST = 0x1026,
S_MANMANYREG2_ST = 0x1027,
S_MANTYPREF = 0x1028, // Index for type referenced by name from metadata
S_UNAMESPACE_ST = 0x1029, // Using namespace
S_ST_MAX = 0x1100, // starting point for SZ name symbols
S_OBJNAME = 0x1101, // path to object file name
S_THUNK32 = 0x1102, // Thunk Start
S_BLOCK32 = 0x1103, // block start
S_WITH32 = 0x1104, // with start
S_LABEL32 = 0x1105, // code label
S_REGISTER = 0x1106, // Register variable
S_CONSTANT = 0x1107, // constant symbol
S_UDT = 0x1108, // User defined type
S_COBOLUDT = 0x1109, // special UDT for cobol that does not symbol pack
S_MANYREG = 0x110a, // multiple register variable
S_BPREL32 = 0x110b, // BP-relative
S_LDATA32 = 0x110c, // Module-local symbol
S_GDATA32 = 0x110d, // Global data symbol
S_PUB32 = 0x110e, // a internal symbol (CV internal reserved)
S_LPROC32 = 0x110f, // Local procedure start
S_GPROC32 = 0x1110, // Global procedure start
S_REGREL32 = 0x1111, // register relative address
S_LTHREAD32 = 0x1112, // local thread storage
S_GTHREAD32 = 0x1113, // global thread storage
S_LPROCMIPS = 0x1114, // Local procedure start
S_GPROCMIPS = 0x1115, // Global procedure start
S_COMPILE2 = 0x1116, // extended compile flags and info
S_MANYREG2 = 0x1117, // multiple register variable
S_LPROCIA64 = 0x1118, // Local procedure start (IA64)
S_GPROCIA64 = 0x1119, // Global procedure start (IA64)
S_LOCALSLOT = 0x111a, // local IL sym with field for local slot index
S_PARAMSLOT = 0x111b, // local IL sym with field for parameter slot index
S_LMANDATA = 0x111c,
S_GMANDATA = 0x111d,
S_MANSLOT = 0x1120,
S_MANMANYREG = 0x1121,
S_MANREGREL = 0x1122,
S_MANMANYREG2 = 0x1123,
S_UNAMESPACE = 0x1124, // Using namespace
S_PROCREF = 0x1125, // Reference to a procedure
S_DATAREF = 0x1126, // Reference to data
S_LPROCREF = 0x1127, // Local Reference to a procedure
S_ANNOTATIONREF = 0x1128, // Reference to an S_ANNOTATION symbol
S_TOKENREF = 0x1129, // Reference to one of the many MANPROCSYM's
S_GMANPROC = 0x112a, // Global proc
S_LMANPROC = 0x112b, // Local proc
S_TRAMPOLINE = 0x112c, // trampoline thunks
S_MANCONSTANT = 0x112d, // constants with metadata type info
S_ATTR_FRAMEREL = 0x112e, // relative to virtual frame ptr
S_ATTR_REGISTER = 0x112f, // stored in a register
S_ATTR_REGREL = 0x1130, // relative to register (alternate frame ptr)
S_ATTR_MANYREG = 0x1131, // stored in >1 register
S_SEPCODE = 0x1132,
S_LOCAL = 0x1133, // defines a local symbol in optimized code
S_DEFRANGE = 0x1134, // defines a single range of addresses in which symbol can be evaluated
S_DEFRANGE2 = 0x1135, // defines ranges of addresses in which symbol can be evaluated
S_SECTION = 0x1136, // A COFF section in a PE executable
S_COFFGROUP = 0x1137, // A COFF group
S_EXPORT = 0x1138, // A export
S_CALLSITEINFO = 0x1139, // Indirect call site information
S_FRAMECOOKIE = 0x113a, // Security cookie information
S_DISCARDED = 0x113b, // Discarded by LINK /OPT:REF (experimental, see richards)
S_RECTYPE_MAX, // one greater than last
LINES = 0xF2,
private struct OemSymbol
internal Guid idOem; // an oem ID (GUID)
internal uint typind; // (type index) Type index
//internal byte[] rgl; // user data, force 4-byte alignment
private static readonly XmlWriterSettings s_xmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,
Indent = true,
IndentChars = " ",
NewLineChars = "\r\n",
public static string TokenToSourceMap2Xml(Stream read, bool maskToken = false)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(builder, s_xmlWriterSettings))
List<PdbTokenLine> list = [.. LoadTokenToSourceMapping(read).Values];
(x, y) =>
int result = x.line.CompareTo(y.line);
if (result != 0)
return result;
result = x.column.CompareTo(y.column);
if (result != 0)
return result;
result = x.endLine.CompareTo(y.endLine);
if (result != 0)
return result;
result = x.endColumn.CompareTo(y.endColumn);
if (result != 0)
return result;
return x.token.CompareTo(y.token);
foreach (var rec in list)
writer.WriteAttributeString("token", Token2String(rec.token, maskToken));
writer.WriteAttributeString("file", rec.sourceFile.name);
writer.WriteAttributeString("start-line", rec.line.ToString());
writer.WriteAttributeString("start-column", rec.column.ToString());
writer.WriteAttributeString("end-line", rec.endLine.ToString());
writer.WriteAttributeString("end-column", rec.endColumn.ToString());
writer.WriteEndElement(); // "token-location";
writer.WriteEndElement(); // "token-map";
return builder.ToString();
private static string Token2String(uint token, bool maskToken)
string result = token.ToString("X8");
if (maskToken)
result = result[..2] + "xxxxxx";
return "0x" + result;
private static Dictionary<uint, PdbTokenLine> LoadTokenToSourceMapping(Stream read)
var tokenToSourceMapping = new Dictionary<uint, PdbTokenLine>();
BitAccess bits = new BitAccess(512 * 1024);
PdbFileHeader head = new PdbFileHeader(read, bits);
PdbReader reader = new PdbReader(read, head.pageSize);
MsfDirectory dir = new MsfDirectory(reader, head, bits);
dir.streams[1].Read(reader, bits);
Dictionary<string, int> nameIndex = LoadNameIndex(bits);
if (!nameIndex.TryGetValue("/NAMES", out var nameStream))
throw new Exception("No `name' stream");
dir.streams[nameStream].Read(reader, bits);
IntHashTable names = LoadNameStream(bits);
dir.streams[3].Read(reader, bits);
LoadDbiStream(bits, out var modules, out var header, true);
if (modules != null)
for (int m = 0; m < modules.Length; m++)
var module = modules[m];
if (module.stream > 0)
dir.streams[module.stream].Read(reader, bits);
if (module.moduleName == "TokenSourceLineInfo")
LoadTokenToSourceInfo(bits, module, names, tokenToSourceMapping);
return tokenToSourceMapping;
private static Dictionary<string, int> LoadNameIndex(BitAccess bits)
Dictionary<string, int> result = [];
bits.ReadInt32(out var ver); // 0..3 Version
bits.ReadInt32(out var sig); // 4..7 Signature
bits.ReadInt32(out var age); // 8..11 Age
bits.ReadGuid(out var guid); // 12..27 GUID
// Read string buffer.
bits.ReadInt32(out var buf); // 28..31 Bytes of Strings
int beg = bits.Position;
int nxt = bits.Position + buf;
bits.Position = nxt;
// n+4..7 maximum ni.
bits.ReadInt32(out var cnt);
bits.ReadInt32(out var max);
BitSet present = new BitSet(bits);
BitSet deleted = new BitSet(bits);
if (!deleted.IsEmpty)
throw new Exception("Unsupported PDB deleted bitset is not empty.");
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
if (present.IsSet(i))
bits.ReadInt32(out var ns);
bits.ReadInt32(out var ni);
int saved = bits.Position;
bits.Position = beg + ns;
bits.ReadCString(out var name);
bits.Position = saved;
result.Add(name.ToUpperInvariant(), ni);
if (j != cnt)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Count mismatch. ({0} != {1})", j, cnt));
return result;
private static readonly Guid s_msilMetaData =
new Guid(unchecked((int)0xc6ea3fc9), 0x59b3, 0x49d6, 0xbc, 0x25, 0x09, 0x02, 0xbb, 0xab, 0xb4, 0x60);
private static void LoadTokenToSourceInfo(
BitAccess bits, DbiModuleInfo module, IntHashTable names, Dictionary<uint, PdbTokenLine> tokenToSourceMapping)
bits.Position = 0;
bits.ReadInt32(out var sig);
if (sig != 4)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid signature. (sig={0})", sig));
bits.Position = 4;
while (bits.Position < module.cbSyms)
bits.ReadUInt16(out var siz);
int star = bits.Position;
int stop = bits.Position + siz;
bits.Position = star;
bits.ReadUInt16(out var rec);
switch ((SYM)rec)
case SYM.S_OEM:
OemSymbol oem;
bits.ReadGuid(out oem.idOem);
bits.ReadUInt32(out oem.typind);
// internal byte[] rgl; // user data, force 4-byte alignment
if (oem.idOem == s_msilMetaData)
string name = bits.ReadString();
if (name == "TSLI")
bits.ReadUInt32(out var token);
bits.ReadUInt32(out var file_id);
bits.ReadUInt32(out var line);
bits.ReadUInt32(out var column);
bits.ReadUInt32(out var endLine);
bits.ReadUInt32(out var endColumn);
if (!tokenToSourceMapping.TryGetValue(token, out var tokenLine))
tokenToSourceMapping.Add(token, new PdbTokenLine(token, file_id, line, column, endLine, endColumn));
while (tokenLine.nextLine != null)
tokenLine = tokenLine.nextLine;
tokenLine.nextLine = new PdbTokenLine(token, file_id, line, column, endLine, endColumn);
bits.Position = stop;
throw new Exception(string.Format("OEM section: guid={0} ti={1}", oem.idOem, oem.typind));
case SYM.S_END:
bits.Position = stop;
bits.Position = stop;
bits.Position = module.cbSyms + module.cbOldLines;
int limit = module.cbSyms + module.cbOldLines + module.cbLines;
IntHashTable sourceFiles = ReadSourceFileInfo(bits, (uint)limit, names);
foreach (var tokenLine in tokenToSourceMapping.Values)
tokenLine.sourceFile = (PdbSource)sourceFiles[(int)tokenLine.file_id];
private static readonly Guid s_symDocumentTypeGuid = new Guid("{5a869d0b-6611-11d3-bd2a-0000f80849bd}");
private static IntHashTable ReadSourceFileInfo(BitAccess bits, uint limit, IntHashTable names)
IntHashTable checks = new IntHashTable();
int begin = bits.Position;
while (bits.Position < limit)
bits.ReadInt32(out var sig);
bits.ReadInt32(out var siz);
int place = bits.Position;
int endSym = bits.Position + siz;
switch ((DEBUG_S_SUBSECTION)sig)
while (bits.Position < endSym)
CV_FileCheckSum chk;
int ni = bits.Position - place;
bits.ReadUInt32(out chk.name);
bits.ReadUInt8(out chk.len);
bits.ReadUInt8(out chk.type);
PdbSource src = new PdbSource(/*(uint)ni,*/ (string)names[(int)chk.name], s_symDocumentTypeGuid, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty);
checks.Add(ni, src);
bits.Position += chk.len;
bits.Position = endSym;
bits.Position = endSym;
return checks;
private static IntHashTable LoadNameStream(BitAccess bits)
IntHashTable ht = new IntHashTable();
bits.ReadUInt32(out var sig); // 0..3 Signature
bits.ReadInt32(out var ver); // 4..7 Version
// Read (or skip) string buffer.
bits.ReadInt32(out var buf); // 8..11 Bytes of Strings
if (sig != 0xeffeeffe || ver != 1)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Unsupported Name Stream version. (sig={0:x8}, ver={1})", sig, ver));
int beg = bits.Position;
int nxt = bits.Position + buf;
bits.Position = nxt;
// Read hash table.
bits.ReadInt32(out var siz); // n+0..3 Number of hash buckets.
nxt = bits.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++)
bits.ReadInt32(out var ni);
if (ni != 0)
int saved = bits.Position;
bits.Position = beg + ni;
bits.ReadCString(out var name);
bits.Position = saved;
ht.Add(ni, name);
bits.Position = nxt;
return ht;
private static void LoadDbiStream(BitAccess bits, out DbiModuleInfo[] modules, out DbiDbgHdr header, bool readStrings)
DbiHeader dh = new DbiHeader(bits);
header = new DbiDbgHdr();
// Read gpmod section.
var modList = new List<DbiModuleInfo>();
int end = bits.Position + dh.gpmodiSize;
while (bits.Position < end)
DbiModuleInfo mod = new DbiModuleInfo(bits, readStrings);
if (bits.Position != end)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Error reading DBI stream, pos={0} != {1}", bits.Position, end));
if (modList.Count > 0)
modules = [.. modList];
modules = null;
// Skip the Section Contribution substream.
bits.Position += dh.secconSize;
// Skip the Section Map substream.
bits.Position += dh.secmapSize;
// Skip the File Info substream.
bits.Position += dh.filinfSize;
// Skip the TSM substream.
bits.Position += dh.tsmapSize;
// Skip the EC substream.
bits.Position += dh.ecinfoSize;
// Read the optional header.
end = bits.Position + dh.dbghdrSize;
if (dh.dbghdrSize > 0)
header = new DbiDbgHdr(bits);
bits.Position = end;