File: Serialization\DrawingContextFlattener.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\ReachFramework\ReachFramework.csproj (ReachFramework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using Microsoft.Internal.AlphaFlattener;
using MS.Internal;
namespace System.Windows.Xps.Serialization
    #region internal class DrawingContextFlattener
    /// <summary>
    /// DrawingContext flattening filter
    /// 1) Convert animation to static value
    /// 2) Rasterize video/3D to bitmap
    /// 3) Convert shapes to Geometry
    /// 4) Convert VisualBrush to DrawingBrush
    /// 5) Convert DrawingImage to ImageBrush
    /// 6) Flatten DrawDrawing
    /// </summary>
    internal class DrawingContextFlattener
        #region Constants
        /// <summary>
        /// Percentage to inflate rasterization clip rectangle to prevent prematurely clipping
        /// Visuals at page edges.
        /// </summary>
        private const double RasterizationClipInflate = 0.2;
        #region Private Fields
        private IMetroDrawingContext _dc;
        // Stores pushed transforms. Each transform contains all prior transforms.
        private List<Matrix> _fullTransform = new List<Matrix>();
        // Pushed combined clipping in world space.
        private List<Geometry> _fullClip = new List<Geometry>();
        private Size     _pageSize;
        // Used to track visual brushes whos visuals are being traversed. We do this to detect cycles in the visual tree
        TreeWalkProgress _treeWalkProgress;
        #region Constructors
        internal DrawingContextFlattener(IMetroDrawingContext dc, Size pageSize, TreeWalkProgress treeWalkProgress)
            _dc       = dc;
            _pageSize = pageSize;
            _treeWalkProgress = treeWalkProgress;
        #region Public State
        public void Push(
            Transform transform,
            Geometry clip,
            double opacity,
            Brush opacityMask,
            Rect maskBounds,
            bool onePrimitive,
            String nameAttr,
            Visual node,
            Uri navigateUri,
            EdgeMode edgeMode)
            Debug.Assert(Utility.IsValid(opacity), "Invalid opacity should clip subtree");
            Matrix mat = Matrix.Identity;
            if (transform != null)
                mat = transform.Value;
            // opacity mask might be VisualBrush, hence ReduceBrush to reduce to DrawingBrush
            Debug.Assert(!BrushProxy.IsEmpty(opacityMask), "empty opacity mask should not result in Push");
                ReduceBrush(opacityMask, maskBounds),
            // prepend to transforms and clipping stack
            // transform clip to world space, intersect with current clip, and push
            if (clip == null)
                // push current clipping
                clip = Clip;
                clip = Utility.TransformGeometry(clip, Transform);
                bool empty;
                clip = Utility.Intersect(clip, Clip, Matrix.Identity, out empty);
                if (empty)
                    clip = Geometry.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Pop the most recent Push operation
        /// </summary>
        public void Pop()
            Debug.Assert(_fullTransform.Count == _fullClip.Count);
            int lastIndex = _fullTransform.Count - 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Transformation representing all pushed transformations.
        /// </summary>
        public Matrix Transform
                if (_fullTransform.Count == 0)
                    return Matrix.Identity;
                    return _fullTransform[_fullTransform.Count - 1];
        /// <summary>
        /// Intersection of all pushed clipping in world space.
        /// </summary>
        public Geometry Clip
                if (_fullClip.Count == 0)
                    return null;
                    return _fullClip[_fullClip.Count - 1];
        #region Public Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Add comment to output, as debugging aid or add extra information like document structure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str"></param>
        public void Comment(String str)
        /// <summary>
        /// Simplifies brush so we don't have to handle as many cases.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="brush"></param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Brush fill bounds; must not be empty if VisualBrush</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Cases simplified:
        /// - A lot of empty brush cases. See BrushProxy.IsEmpty.
        /// - GradientBrush where gradient colors are similar enough to be SolidColorBrush.
        /// - Reduce VisualBrush to DrawingBrush.
        /// - Reduce ImageBrush with DrawingImage to DrawingBrush.
        /// </remarks>
        private Brush ReduceBrush(Brush brush, Rect bounds)
            return BrushProxy.ReduceBrush(brush, bounds, Transform, _pageSize, _treeWalkProgress);            
        private Pen ReducePen(Pen pen, Rect bounds)
            if (PenProxy.IsNull(pen))
                return null;
            Brush b = ReduceBrush(pen.Brush, bounds);
            if (b == null)
                return null;
            if (! Object.ReferenceEquals(b, pen.Brush))
                pen = pen.CloneCurrentValue();
                pen.Brush = b;
            return pen;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a Geometry with the provided Brush and/or Pen.
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawGeometry(Brush brush, Pen pen, Geometry geometry)
            if (geometry != null)
                if (brush != null)
                    Rect bounds = geometry.Bounds;
                    brush = ReduceBrush(brush, bounds);
                if ((pen != null) && (pen.Brush != null))
                    Rect bounds = Rect.Empty;
                    if (VisualSerializer.NeedBounds(pen.Brush))
                        bounds = geometry.GetRenderBounds(pen);
                    pen = ReducePen(pen, bounds);
                    pen = null;
                // Draw even if brush/pen is null since geometry may be a hyperlink.
                // _dc should cull invisible geometries when necessary.
                _dc.DrawGeometry(brush, pen, geometry);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw an Image into the region specified by the Rect.
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawImage(ImageSource image, Rect rectangle)
            if (image != null)
                DrawingImage drawingImage;
                D3DImage d3dimage;
                if (image is BitmapSource)
                    // Apparently, IMetroDrawingContext.DrawImage only handles BitmapSources...
                    _dc.DrawImage(image, rectangle);
                else if ((drawingImage = image as DrawingImage) != null)
                    DrawGeometry(new DrawingBrush(drawingImage.Drawing), null, new RectangleGeometry(rectangle));
                else if ((d3dimage = image as D3DImage) != null)
                    _dc.DrawImage(d3dimage.CopyBackBuffer(), rectangle);
                    Invariant.Assert(false, "Unhandled ImageSource type!");
                // no image, but may still be a hyperlink
                _dc.DrawImage(null, rectangle);
        /// <summary>
        /// Clip visual bounds to rasterization clip rectangle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visualBounds"></param>
        /// <param name="visualToWorldTransform"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Rect PerformRasterizationClip(Rect visualBounds, Matrix visualToWorldTransform)
            if (! _pageSize.IsEmpty)
                Rect pageBox = new Rect(0, 0, _pageSize.Width, _pageSize.Height);
                    RasterizationClipInflate * pageBox.Width,
                    RasterizationClipInflate * pageBox.Height
            return visualBounds;
        /// <summary>
        /// Rasterizes Visual and its descendents with optional bitmap effect. Also handles Visual opacity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visual"></param>
        /// <param name="nameAttr">Preserve Visual name attribute</param>
        /// <param name="navigateUri">Preserve FixedPage.NavigateUri</param>
        /// <param name="edgeMode">Preserve RenderOptions.EdgeMode</param>
        /// <param name="visualTransform">Visual.Transform</param>
        /// <param name="visualToWorldTransform">Full transform from Visual to world space, including visual transform prepended</param>
        /// <param name="inheritedTransformHint">
        /// Transformation above VisualTreeFlattener instance. This is needed if we're reducing VisualBrush to
        /// DrawingBrush to increase rasterization fidelity if brush is small, but will eventually fill large region.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="clip">Clip in world space</param>
        /// <param name="effect">Optional bitmap effect</param>
        public void DrawRasterizedVisual(
            Visual visual,
            string nameAttr,
            Uri navigateUri,
            EdgeMode edgeMode,
            Transform visualTransform,
            Matrix visualToWorldTransform,
            Matrix inheritedTransformHint,
            Geometry clip,
            Effect effect
            Debug.Assert(visual != null);
            // Compute the bounding box of the visual and its descendants
            Rect bounds = VisualTreeHelper.GetContentBounds(visual);
            if (!Utility.IsRenderVisible(bounds))
            // transform clip to visual space
            if (clip != null)
                Matrix worldToVisualTransform = visualToWorldTransform;
                clip = Utility.TransformGeometry(clip, worldToVisualTransform);
            // Clip visual bounds to rasterization clipping geometry.
            // We can't clip to Visual clipping geometry, since bitmap effects are applied
            // without clipping. For example, the blur effect looks different if you clip first
            // then apply effect, compared to applying the effect and then clipping.
            bounds = PerformRasterizationClip(bounds, visualToWorldTransform);
            if (!Utility.IsRenderVisible(bounds))
            // Rasterize Visual to IMetroDrawingContext with optional banding, depending
            // on whether bitmap effect is present. We can Push/Pop/Draw directly on _dc
            // since the input we provide it is already normalized (no DrawingImage, for example).
            // We also don't need Transform or Clip to be updated.
                visualTransform == null ? Matrix.Identity : visualTransform.Value,
                /*onePrimitive=*/false, // we Push and DrawImage below, which counts as 2 primitives
            Matrix bitmapToVisualTransform;
            BitmapSource bitmap;
            // If we have an Effect, we may need to inflate the bounds to account for the effect's output.
            if (effect != null)
                bounds = effect.GetRenderBounds(bounds);
            // Rasterize visual in its entirety. Banding is not useful at this point since
            // the resulting bands are all kept in memory anyway. Plus transformation is applied
            // to the band, which causes gaps between bands if they're rotated (bug 1562237).
            // Banding is performed at GDIExporter layer just prior to sending images to the printer.
            bitmap = Utility.RasterizeVisual(
                visualToWorldTransform * inheritedTransformHint,
                out bitmapToVisualTransform
            if (bitmap != null)
                _dc.Push(bitmapToVisualTransform, null, 1.0, null, Rect.Empty, /*onePrimitive=*/true, null, null, null, EdgeMode.Unspecified);
                _dc.DrawImage(bitmap, new Rect(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height));
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a GlyphRun.
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawGlyphRun(Brush foreground, GlyphRun glyphRun)
            if (glyphRun != null)
                foreground = ReduceBrush(foreground, glyphRun.ComputeInkBoundingBox());
                // foreground may be null, but glyphrun may still be a hyperlink
                _dc.DrawGlyphRun(foreground, glyphRun);
    internal static class GeometryHelper
        const double FUZZ = 1e-6;           // Relative 0
        const double PI_OVER_180 = Math.PI / 180;  // PI/180
        //  Function: AcceptRadius
        //  Synopsis: Accept one radius
        //  Return:   false if the radius is too small compared to the chord length
        public static bool
            double rHalfChord2,    // (1/2 chord length)squared
            double rFuzz2,         // Squared fuzz
            ref double rRadius)   // The radius to accept (or not)
            Debug.Assert(rHalfChord2 >= rFuzz2);   // Otherewise we have no guarantee that the radius is not 0,
            // and we need to divide by the radius
            bool fAccept = (rRadius * rRadius > rHalfChord2 * rFuzz2);
            if (fAccept)
                if (rRadius < 0)
                    rRadius = 0;
            return fAccept;
        public static Point Add(Point a, Point b)
            return new Point(a.X + b.X, a.Y + b.Y);
        public static Point Sub(Point a, Point b)
            return new Point(a.X - b.X, a.Y - b.Y);
        // Dot Product
        public static double DotProduct(Point a, Point b)
            return a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y;
        public static double Determinant(Point a, Point b)
            return a.X * b.Y - a.Y * b.X;
        //  Function: GetArcAngle
        //  Synopsis: Get the number of Bezier arcs, and sine & cosine of each
        //  Notes:    This is a private utility used by ArcToBezier
        //            We break the arc into pieces so that no piece will span more than 90 degrees.
        //            The input points are on the unit circle
        public static void
            Point ptStart,      // Start point
            Point ptEnd,        // End point
            bool fIsLargeArc,     // Choose the larger of the 2 possible arcs if TRUE
            SweepDirection eSweepDirection,      // Direction n which to sweep the arc.
            out double rCosArcAngle, // Cosine of a the sweep angle of one arc piece
            out double rSinArcAngle, // Sine of a the sweep angle of one arc piece
            out int cPieces)      // Out: The number of pieces
            double rAngle;
            // The points are on the unit circle, so:
            rCosArcAngle = DotProduct(ptStart, ptEnd);
            rSinArcAngle = Determinant(ptStart, ptEnd);
            if (rCosArcAngle >= 0)
                if (fIsLargeArc)
                    // The angle is between 270 and 360 degrees, so
                    cPieces = 4;
                    // The angle is between 0 and 90 degrees, so
                    cPieces = 1;
                    return; // We already have the cosine and sine of the angle
                if (fIsLargeArc)
                    // The angle is between 180 and 270 degrees, so
                    cPieces = 3;
                    // The angle is between 90 and 180 degrees, so
                    cPieces = 2;
            // We have to chop the arc into the computed number of pieces.  For cPieces=2 and 4 we could
            // have uses the half-angle trig formulas, but for cPieces=3 it requires solving a cubic 
            // equation; the performance difference is not worth the extra code, so we'll get the angle,
            // divide it, and get its sine and cosine.
            Debug.Assert(cPieces > 0);
            rAngle = Math.Atan2(rSinArcAngle, rCosArcAngle);
            if (eSweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise)
                if (rAngle < 0)
                    rAngle += Math.PI * 2;
                if (rAngle > 0)
                    rAngle -= Math.PI * 2;
            rAngle /= cPieces;
            rCosArcAngle = Math.Cos(rAngle);
            rSinArcAngle = Math.Sin(rAngle);
        * Function Description:
        * Get the distance from a circular arc's endpoints to the control points of the
        * Bezier arc that approximates it, as a fraction of the arc's radius.
        * Since the result is relative to the arc's radius, it depends strictly on the
        * arc's angle. The arc is assumed to be of 90 degrees of less, so the angle is
        * determined by the cosine of that angle, which is derived from rDot = the dot 
        * product of two radius vectors.  We need the Bezier curve that agrees with
        * the arc's points and tangents at the ends and midpoint.  Here we compute the
        * distance from the curve's endpoints to its control points.
        * Since we are looking for the relative distance, we can work on the unit
        * circle. Place the center of the circle at the origin, and put the X axis as
        * the bisector between the 2 vectors.  Let a be the angle between the vectors. 
        * Then the X coordinates of the 1st & last points are cos(a/2).  Let x be the X
        * coordinate of the 2nd & 3rd points.  At t=1/2 we have a point at (1,0).
        * But the terms of the polynomial there are all equal:
        *           (1-t)^3 = t*(1-t)^2 = 2^2*(1-t) = t^3 = 1/8,
        * so from the Bezier formula there we have: 
        *           1 = (1/8) * (cos(a/2) + 3x + 3x + cos(a/2)), 
        * hence
        *           x = (1 - cos(a/2)) / 3
        * The X difference between that and the 1st point is:
        *           DX = x - cos(a/2) = 4(1 - cos(a/2)) / 3.
        * But DX = distance / sin(a/2), hence the distance is
        *           dist = (4/3)*(1 - cos(a/2)) / sin(a/2).
        * Created:  5/29/2001 MichKa
        public static double
        GetBezierDistance(  // Return the distance as a fraction of the radius
            double rDot,    // In: The dot product of the two radius vectors
            double rRadius) // In: The radius of the arc's circle (optional=1)
            double rRadSquared = rRadius * rRadius;  // Squared radius
            Debug.Assert(rDot >= -rRadSquared * .1);  // angle < 90 degrees
            Debug.Assert(rDot <= rRadSquared * 1.1);  // as dot product of 2 radius vectors
            double rDist = 0;   // Acceptable fallback value
            /* Rather than the angle a, we are given rDot = R^2 * cos(a), so we 
                multiply top and bottom by R:
                                dist = (4/3)*(R - Rcos(a/2)) / Rsin(a/2)
                and use some trig:
                        cos(a/2) = \/1 + cos(a) / 2
                                        ________________         __________
                        R*cos(a/2) = \/R^2 + R^2 cos(a) / 2 = \/R^2 + rDot / 2 */
            double rCos = (rRadSquared + rDot) / 2;   // =(R*cos(a))^2
            if (rCos < 0)   // Shouldn't happen but dist=0 will work
                return rDist;
            //                 __________________
            //  R*sin(a/2) = \/R^2 - R^2 cos(a/2)  
            double rSin = rRadSquared - rCos;         // =(R*sin(a))^2
            if (rSin <= 0)
                // 0 angle, we shouldn't be rounding the corner, but dist=0 is OK
                return rDist;
            rSin = Math.Sqrt(rSin); //   = R*cos(a)
            rCos = Math.Sqrt(rCos); //   = R*sin(a)
            rDist = 4 * (rRadius - rCos) / 3;
            if (rDist <= rSin * FUZZ)
                rDist = 0;
                rDist = 4 * (rRadius - rCos) / rSin / 3;
            return rDist;
        //  Function: ArcToBezier
        //  Synopsis: Compute the Bezier approximation of an arc
        //  Notes:    This utilitycomputes the Bezier approximation for an elliptical arc as it is defined
        //            in the SVG arc spec. The ellipse from which the arc is carved is axis-aligned in its
        //            own coordinates, and defined there by its x and y radii. The rotation angle defines 
        //            how the ellipse's axes are rotated relative to our x axis. The start and end points
        //            define one of 4 possible arcs; the sweep and large-arc flags determine which one of 
        //            these arcs will be chosen. See SVG spec for details.
        //            Returning cPieces = 0 indicates a line instead of an arc
        //                      cPieces = -1 indicates that the arc degenerates to a point 
        public static PointCollection ArcToBezier(
            double xStart,     // X coordinate of the last point
            double yStart,     // Y coordinate of the last point
            double xRadius,    // The ellipse's X radius
            double yRadius,    // The ellipse's Y radius
            double rRotation,  // Rotation angle of the ellipse's x axis
            bool fIsLargeArc,  // Choose the larger of the 2 possible arcs if TRUE
            SweepDirection eSweepDirection,   // Sweep the arc while increasing the angle if TRUE
            double xEnd,       // X coordinate of the last point
            double yEnd,       // Y coordinate of the last point
            out int cPieces)    // The number of output Bezier curves
            double rCosArcAngle, rSinArcAngle, xCenter, yCenter, r, rBezDist;
            Point vecToBez1, vecToBez2;
            Matrix matToEllipse;
            double rFuzz2 = FUZZ * FUZZ;
            bool fZeroCenter = false;
            cPieces = -1;
            // In the following, the line segment between between the arc's start and 
            // end points is referred to as "the chord".
            // Transform 1: Shift the origin to the chord's midpoint
            double x = (xEnd - xStart) / 2;
            double y = (yEnd - yStart) / 2;
            double rHalfChord2 = x * x + y * y;     // (half chord length)^2
            // Degenerate case: single point
            if (rHalfChord2 < rFuzz2)
                // The chord degeneartes to a point, the arc will be ignored
                return null;
            // Degenerate case: straight line
            if (!AcceptRadius(rHalfChord2, rFuzz2, ref xRadius) ||
                !AcceptRadius(rHalfChord2, rFuzz2, ref yRadius))
                // We have a zero radius, add a straight line segment instead of an arc
                cPieces = 0;
                return null;
            // Transform 2: Rotate to the ellipse's coordinate system
            rRotation = -rRotation * PI_OVER_180;
            double rCos = Math.Cos(rRotation);
            double rSin = Math.Sin(rRotation);
            r = x * rCos - y * rSin;
            y = x * rSin + y * rCos;
            x = r;
            // Transform 3: Scale so that the ellipse will become a unit circle
            x /= xRadius;
            y /= yRadius;
            // We get to the center of that circle along a verctor perpendicular to the chord   
            // from the origin, which is the chord's midpoint. By Pythagoras, the length of that
            // vector is sqrt(1 - (half chord)^2).
            rHalfChord2 = x * x + y * y;   // now in the circle coordinates   
            if (rHalfChord2 > 1)
                // The chord is longer than the circle's diameter; we scale the radii uniformly so 
                // that the chord will be a diameter. The center will then be the chord's midpoint,
                // which is now the origin.
                r = Math.Sqrt(rHalfChord2);
                xRadius *= r;
                yRadius *= r;
                xCenter = yCenter = 0;
                fZeroCenter = true;
                // Adjust the unit-circle coordinates x and y
                x /= r;
                y /= r;
                // The length of (-y,x) or (x,-y) is sqrt(rHalfChord2), and we want a vector
                // of length sqrt(1 - rHalfChord2), so we'll multiply it by:
                r = Math.Sqrt((1 - rHalfChord2) / rHalfChord2);
                if (fIsLargeArc != (eSweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise))
                // Going to the center from the origin=chord-midpoint
                    // in the direction of (-y, x)
                    xCenter = -r * y;
                    yCenter = r * x;
                    // in the direction of (y, -x)
                    xCenter = r * y;
                    yCenter = -r * x;
            // Transformation 4: shift the origin to the center of the circle, which then becomes
            // the unit circle. Since the chord's midpoint is the origin, the start point is (-x, -y)
            // and the endpoint is (x, y).
            Point ptStart = new Point(-x - xCenter, -y - yCenter);
            Point ptEnd = new Point(x - xCenter, y - yCenter);
            // Set up the matrix that will take us back to our coordinate system.  This matrix is
            // the inverse of the combination of transformation 1 thru 4.
            matToEllipse = new Matrix(rCos * xRadius, -rSin * xRadius,
                                      rSin * yRadius, rCos * yRadius,
                                      (xEnd + xStart) / 2, (yEnd + yStart) / 2);
            if (!fZeroCenter)
                // Prepend the translation that will take the origin to the circle's center
                matToEllipse.OffsetX += (matToEllipse.M11 * xCenter + matToEllipse.M21 * yCenter);
                matToEllipse.OffsetY += (matToEllipse.M12 * xCenter + matToEllipse.M22 * yCenter);
            // Get the sine & cosine of the angle that will generate the arc pieces
            GetArcAngle(ptStart, ptEnd, fIsLargeArc, eSweepDirection, out rCosArcAngle, out rSinArcAngle, out cPieces);
            // Get the vector to the first Bezier control point
            rBezDist = GetBezierDistance(rCosArcAngle, 1);
            if (eSweepDirection == SweepDirection.Counterclockwise)
                rBezDist = -rBezDist;
            vecToBez1 = new Point(-rBezDist * ptStart.Y, rBezDist * ptStart.X);
            PointCollection rslt = new PointCollection();
            // Add the arc pieces, except for the last
            for (int i = 1; i < cPieces; i++)
                // Get the arc piece's endpoint
                Point ptPieceEnd = new Point(ptStart.X * rCosArcAngle - ptStart.Y * rSinArcAngle,
                                    ptStart.X * rSinArcAngle + ptStart.Y * rCosArcAngle);
                vecToBez2 = new Point(-rBezDist * ptPieceEnd.Y, rBezDist * ptPieceEnd.X);
                rslt.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(Add(ptStart, vecToBez1)));
                rslt.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(Sub(ptPieceEnd, vecToBez2)));
                // Move on to the next arc
                ptStart = ptPieceEnd;
                vecToBez1 = vecToBez2;
            // Last arc - we know the endpoint
            vecToBez2 = new Point(-rBezDist * ptEnd.Y, rBezDist * ptEnd.X);
            rslt.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(Add(ptStart, vecToBez1)));
            rslt.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(Sub(ptEnd, vecToBez2)));
            rslt.Add(new Point(xEnd, yEnd));
            return rslt;
    /// <summary>
    /// IMetroDrawingContext implementation to convert VisualBrush to DrawingBrush to
    /// reduce the number of Brush types we need to handle.
    /// </summary>
    internal class DrawingFlattenDrawingContext : IMetroDrawingContext
        #region Public Properties
        private DrawingContext _context = null;
        // Records number of DrawingContext.Push calls part of each DrawingFlattenDrawingContext.Push call
        // for use in stack popping.
        private Stack _push = new Stack();
        #region Constructors
        public DrawingFlattenDrawingContext(DrawingContext context)
            Debug.Assert(context != null);
            _context = context;
        #region IMetroDrawingContext Members
        public void DrawGeometry(Brush brush, Pen pen, Geometry geometry)
            _context.DrawGeometry(brush, pen, geometry);
        public void DrawImage(ImageSource image, Rect rectangle)
            _context.DrawImage(image, rectangle);
        public void DrawGlyphRun(Brush foreground, GlyphRun glyphRun)
            _context.DrawGlyphRun(foreground, glyphRun);
        public void Push(
            Matrix transform,
            Geometry clip,
            double opacity,
            Brush opacityMask,
            Rect maskBounds,
            bool onePrimitive,
            // serialization attributes
            String nameAttr,
            Visual node,
            Uri navigateUri,
            EdgeMode edgeMode
            opacity = Utility.NormalizeOpacity(opacity);
            int pushCount = 0;
            if (!transform.IsIdentity)
                _context.PushTransform(new MatrixTransform(transform));
            if (clip != null)
            if (!Utility.IsOpaque(opacity))
            if (opacityMask != null)
        public void Pop()
            int popCount = (int)_push.Pop();
            for (int index = 0; index < popCount; index++)
        public void Comment(string message)