// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Definition and implementation of public PrintTicket class.
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Printing;
namespace MS.Internal.Printing.Configuration
/// <summary>
/// Represents Print Ticket settings.
/// </summary>
internal class InternalPrintTicket
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new instance of the InternalPrintTicket class with no settings.
/// </summary>
public InternalPrintTicket()
#if _DEBUG
_xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
// If client doesn't provide an XML PrintTicket, we will start with the
// built-in empty PrintTicket. We don't expect this loading will cause
// any exceptions.
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new instance of the InternalPrintTicket class with settings based on the XML form of PrintTicket.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlStream">Stream object containing the XML form of PrintTicket.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// The <paramref name="xmlStream"/> parameter is null.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="FormatException">
/// The stream object specified by <paramref name="xmlStream"/> parameter doesn't contain a well-formed XML PrintTicket.
/// The exception object's <see cref="Exception.Message"/> property describes why the XML is not well-formed.
/// And if not null, the exception object's <see cref="Exception.InnerException"/> property provides more details.
/// </exception>
public InternalPrintTicket(Stream xmlStream)
// Verify input parameter
#if _DEBUG
_xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
// After reading the data from the user supplied input stream, we do NOT
// reset the stream position. This allows us to provide consistent behavior
// for seekable and non-seekable streams. It's trivial for application to
// reset the stream position based on their own needs.
// Make sure the XML content we write out is in UTF-8.
XmlDeclaration xmlDecl = _xmlDoc.FirstChild as XmlDeclaration;
// WARNING: windows/wcp/Print/Reach/PrintConfig/PrtTicket_Public_Simple.cs
// assumes that our xml stream is _always_ UTF-8 encoded
if (xmlDecl != null)
// XML declaration already exists in the input PrintTicket XML stream.
// So enforce the UTF-8 encoding.
xmlDecl.Encoding = "UTF-8";
// There's no XML declaration in the input PrintTicket XML stream.
// So create the XML declaration with UTF-8 encoding.
xmlDecl = _xmlDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);
_xmlDoc.InsertBefore(xmlDecl, _xmlDoc.DocumentElement);
catch (XmlException e)
// We catch the XmlException thrown by XML parser and rethrow our own FormatException
// so that our client only needs to care about FormatException for non-well-formed Print Ticket.
throw NewPTFormatException(e.Message, e);
// Now the client supplied XML PrintTicket has been verified by XML
// parser as well-formed XML, but we still need to further verify that
// it is also well-formed PrintTicket
// Ideally we should delay load the XML PrintTicket into DOM only
// when client is reading or writing the content. But can we do delay
// loading and still be able to report non-well-formed PrintTicket error
// at constructor time?
#endregion Constructors
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Creates a duplicate of this InternalPrintTicket object.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The duplicated InternalPrintTicket object.</returns>
public InternalPrintTicket Clone()
// Design Guideline says do not implement ICloneable since that interface doesn't
// specify whether the clone is a deep copy or non-deep copy. So it's recommended
// that each type defines its own Clone or Copy methodology.
InternalPrintTicket clonePT = new InternalPrintTicket(this.XmlStream);
return clonePT;
/// <summary>
/// Saves this InternalPrintTicket object to the specified stream.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="outStream">The stream to which you want to save.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// The <paramref name="outStream"/> parameter is null.
/// </exception>
public void SaveTo(Stream outStream)
// Verify input parameter
// After writing the data to the user supplied output stream, we do NOT
// reset the stream position. This allows us to provide consistent behavior
// for seekable and non-seekable streams. It's trivial for application to
// reset the stream position based on their own needs.
#endregion Public Methods
#region Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="DocumentCollateSetting"/> object that specifies the document collate setting.
/// </summary>
public DocumentCollateSetting DocumentCollate
if (_docCollate == null)
_docCollate = new DocumentCollateSetting(this);
return _docCollate;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="JobDuplexSetting"/> object that specifies the job duplex setting.
/// </summary>
public JobDuplexSetting JobDuplex
if (_jobDuplex == null)
_jobDuplex = new JobDuplexSetting(this);
return _jobDuplex;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="JobNUpSetting"/> object that specifies the job NUp setting.
/// </summary>
public JobNUpSetting JobNUp
if (_jobNUp == null)
_jobNUp = new JobNUpSetting(this);
return _jobNUp;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="JobStapleSetting"/> object that specifies the job output stapling setting.
/// </summary>
public JobStapleSetting JobStaple
if (_jobStaple == null)
_jobStaple = new JobStapleSetting(this);
return _jobStaple;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageDeviceFontSubstitutionSetting"/> object that specifies the page device font substitution setting.
/// </summary>
public PageDeviceFontSubstitutionSetting PageDeviceFontSubstitution
if (_pageDeviceFontSubst == null)
_pageDeviceFontSubst = new PageDeviceFontSubstitutionSetting(this);
return _pageDeviceFontSubst;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageMediaSizeSetting"/> object that specifies the page media size setting.
/// </summary>
public PageMediaSizeSetting PageMediaSize
if (_pageMediaSize == null)
_pageMediaSize = new PageMediaSizeSetting(this);
return _pageMediaSize;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageMediaTypeSetting"/> object that specifies the page media type setting.
/// </summary>
public PageMediaTypeSetting PageMediaType
if (_pageMediaType == null)
_pageMediaType = new PageMediaTypeSetting(this);
return _pageMediaType;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageOrientationSetting"/> object that specifies the page orientation setting.
/// </summary>
public PageOrientationSetting PageOrientation
if (_pageOrientation == null)
_pageOrientation = new PageOrientationSetting(this);
return _pageOrientation;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageOutputColorSetting"/> object that specifies the page output color setting.
/// </summary>
public PageOutputColorSetting PageOutputColor
if (_pageOutputColor == null)
_pageOutputColor = new PageOutputColorSetting(this);
return _pageOutputColor;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageResolutionSetting"/> object that specifies the page resolution setting.
/// </summary>
public PageResolutionSetting PageResolution
if (_pageResolution == null)
_pageResolution = new PageResolutionSetting(this);
return _pageResolution;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageScalingSetting"/> object that specifies the page scaling setting.
/// </summary>
public PageScalingSetting PageScaling
if (_pageScaling == null)
_pageScaling = new PageScalingSetting(this);
return _pageScaling;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageTrueTypeFontModeSetting"/> object that specifies the page TrueType font handling mode setting.
/// </summary>
public PageTrueTypeFontModeSetting PageTrueTypeFontMode
if (_pageTrueTypeFontMode == null)
_pageTrueTypeFontMode = new PageTrueTypeFontModeSetting(this);
return _pageTrueTypeFontMode;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="JobPageOrderSetting"/> object that specifies the job page order setting.
/// </summary>
public JobPageOrderSetting JobPageOrder
if (_jobPageOrder == null)
_jobPageOrder = new JobPageOrderSetting(this);
return _jobPageOrder;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PagePhotoPrintingIntentSetting"/> object that specifies the page photo printing intent setting.
/// </summary>
public PagePhotoPrintingIntentSetting PagePhotoPrintingIntent
if (_pagePhotoIntent == null)
_pagePhotoIntent = new PagePhotoPrintingIntentSetting(this);
return _pagePhotoIntent;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageBorderlessSetting"/> object that specifies the page borderless setting.
/// </summary>
public PageBorderlessSetting PageBorderless
if (_pageBorderless == null)
_pageBorderless = new PageBorderlessSetting(this);
return _pageBorderless;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageOutputQualitySetting"/> object that specifies the page output quality setting.
/// </summary>
public PageOutputQualitySetting PageOutputQuality
if (_pageOutputQuality == null)
_pageOutputQuality = new PageOutputQualitySetting(this);
return _pageOutputQuality;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="JobInputBinSetting"/> object that specifies the job input bin setting.
/// </summary>
public JobInputBinSetting JobInputBin
if (_jobInputBin == null)
_jobInputBin = new JobInputBinSetting(this);
return _jobInputBin;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="DocumentInputBinSetting"/> object that specifies the document input bin setting.
/// </summary>
public DocumentInputBinSetting DocumentInputBin
if (_documentInputBin == null)
_documentInputBin = new DocumentInputBinSetting(this);
return _documentInputBin;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="PageInputBinSetting"/> object that specifies the page input bin setting.
/// </summary>
public PageInputBinSetting PageInputBin
if (_pageInputBin == null)
_pageInputBin = new PageInputBinSetting(this);
return _pageInputBin;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="JobCopyCountSetting"/> object that specifies the job copy count setting.
/// </summary>
public JobCopyCountSetting JobCopyCount
if (_jobCopyCount == null)
_jobCopyCount = new JobCopyCountSetting(this);
return _jobCopyCount;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="MemoryStream"/> object that contains the XML form of this PrintTicket object.
/// </summary>
public MemoryStream XmlStream
// There are clients that assume the backing buffer is publicly visible
// Do not call the MemoryStream constructor that makes the backing buffer private
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
ms.Position = 0;
return ms;
#endregion Public Properties
#region Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new FormatException instance for not-well-formed PrintTicket XML.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="detailMsg">detailed message about the violation of well-formness</param>
/// <returns>the new FormatException instance</returns>
internal static FormatException NewPTFormatException(string detailMsg)
return NewPTFormatException(detailMsg, null);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new FormatException instance for not-well-formed PrintTicket XML.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="detailMsg">detailed message about the violation of well-formness</param>
/// <param name="innerException">the exception that causes the violation of well-formness</param>
/// <returns>the new FormatException instance</returns>
internal static FormatException NewPTFormatException(string detailMsg, Exception innerException)
return new FormatException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
"{0} {1} {2}",
internal PrintTicketFeature GetBasePTFeatureObject(CapabilityName feature)
switch (feature)
case CapabilityName.DocumentCollate:
return this.DocumentCollate;
case CapabilityName.PageDeviceFontSubstitution:
return this.PageDeviceFontSubstitution;
case CapabilityName.JobDuplex:
return this.JobDuplex;
case CapabilityName.JobInputBin:
return this.JobInputBin;
case CapabilityName.DocumentInputBin:
return this.DocumentInputBin;
case CapabilityName.PageInputBin:
return this.PageInputBin;
case CapabilityName.PageOutputColor:
return this.PageOutputColor;
case CapabilityName.PageOutputQuality:
return this.PageOutputQuality;
case CapabilityName.PageBorderless:
return this.PageBorderless;
case CapabilityName.PageMediaType:
return this.PageMediaType;
case CapabilityName.JobPageOrder:
return this.JobPageOrder;
case CapabilityName.PageOrientation:
return this.PageOrientation;
case CapabilityName.JobNUp:
return this.JobNUp.PresentationDirection;
case CapabilityName.PagePhotoPrintingIntent:
return this.PagePhotoPrintingIntent;
case CapabilityName.JobStaple:
return this.JobStaple;
case CapabilityName.PageTrueTypeFontMode:
return this.PageTrueTypeFontMode;
return null;
#endregion internal Methods
#region Internal Properties
internal XmlDocument XmlDoc
return _xmlDoc;
internal XmlNamespaceManager NamespaceManager
return _nsMgr;
#endregion Internal Properties
#region Private Methods
#if _DEBUG
private void InitTrace()
// direct Trace output to console
Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out));
private void SetupNamespaceManager()
_nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(PrintSchemaPrefixes.Framework, PrintSchemaNamespaces.Framework);
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(PrintSchemaPrefixes.StandardKeywordSet, PrintSchemaNamespaces.StandardKeywordSet);
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(PrintSchemaPrefixes.xsi, PrintSchemaNamespaces.xsi);
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(PrintSchemaPrefixes.xsd, PrintSchemaNamespaces.xsd);
#endregion Private Methods
#region Private Fields
private XmlDocument _xmlDoc;
private XmlNamespaceManager _nsMgr;
// Features
private DocumentCollateSetting _docCollate;
private JobDuplexSetting _jobDuplex;
private JobNUpSetting _jobNUp;
private JobStapleSetting _jobStaple;
private PageDeviceFontSubstitutionSetting _pageDeviceFontSubst;
private PageMediaSizeSetting _pageMediaSize;
private PageMediaTypeSetting _pageMediaType;
private PageOrientationSetting _pageOrientation;
private PageOutputColorSetting _pageOutputColor;
private PageResolutionSetting _pageResolution;
private PageScalingSetting _pageScaling;
private PageTrueTypeFontModeSetting _pageTrueTypeFontMode;
private JobPageOrderSetting _jobPageOrder;
private PagePhotoPrintingIntentSetting _pagePhotoIntent;
private PageBorderlessSetting _pageBorderless;
private PageOutputQualitySetting _pageOutputQuality;
private JobInputBinSetting _jobInputBin;
private DocumentInputBinSetting _documentInputBin;
private PageInputBinSetting _pageInputBin;
// Parameters
private JobCopyCountSetting _jobCopyCount;
#endregion Private Fields