File: AlphaFlattener\PrimitiveRenderer.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\ReachFramework\ReachFramework.csproj (ReachFramework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;              // for ArrayList
using System.Windows;                  // for Rect                        WindowsBase.dll
using System.Windows.Media;            // for Geometry, Brush, ImageData. PresentationCore.dll
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;    // for BitmapSource
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Microsoft.Internal.AlphaFlattener
    /// <summary>
    /// Render a primitive to IProxyDrawingContext
    /// </summary>
    internal class PrimitiveRenderer
        #region Public Methods
        // External API
        public void RenderImage(ImageProxy image, Rect dest, Geometry clip, Matrix trans, string desp)
            if (image == null)
            Geometry bounds;
            bool clipToBounds;
            if (clip == null)
                // no clipping needed, draw everything
                bounds = Utility.TransformGeometry(new RectangleGeometry(dest), trans);
                clipToBounds = false;
                // clip to provided geometry. it's already in world space
                bounds = clip;
                clipToBounds = true;
            RenderImage(image, dest, bounds, clipToBounds, 0, trans, desp);
        // External API
        public void DrawGeometry(Geometry cur, string desp, GeometryPrimitive gp)
            if (cur == null)
            int start = 0;
            PrimitiveInfo topPI;
            Geometry topBounds;
            Geometry inter;
            if (_pen != null)
                Debug.Assert(_brush == null, "no brush");
                if ((_overlapping != null) && FindIntersection(gp.WidenGeometry, ref start, out topPI, out topBounds, out inter))
                    cur    = gp.WidenGeometry;
                    _brush = _pen.StrokeBrush;
                    _pen   = null;
                    // Draw the stroking as filling widened path
                    FillGeometry(topPI, cur, desp + "_widen", null, null, start, inter, topBounds);
                    FillGeometry(topPI, cur, null, null, null, start, inter, topBounds);
                    // Render to dc if nothing on top
                    _dc.DrawGeometry(_brush, _pen, cur, _clip, Matrix.Identity, ProxyDrawingFlags.None);
                if (FindIntersection(cur, ref start, out topPI, out topBounds, out inter))
                    FillGeometry(topPI, cur, desp, null, null, start, inter, topBounds);
                    // Render to dc if nothing on top
                    _dc.DrawGeometry(_brush, _pen, cur, _clip, Matrix.Identity, ProxyDrawingFlags.None);
        // External API
        public bool DrawGlyphs(GlyphRun glyphrun, Rect bounds, Matrix trans, string desp)
            if (glyphrun == null)
                return true;
            int start = 0;
            PrimitiveInfo topPI;
            Geometry topBounds;
            Geometry inter;
            // If glyph has intersection with something on the top, change to geometry fill
            // Use bounding rectangle to test for overlapping first, avoinding expensive BuildGeometry call
            if ((_overlapping != null) && FindIntersection(new RectangleGeometry(bounds), ref start, out topPI, out topBounds, out inter))
                start = 0;
                Geometry cur = glyphrun.BuildGeometry();
                cur = Utility.TransformGeometry(cur, trans);
                if (FindIntersection(cur, ref start, out topPI, out topBounds, out inter))
                    // FillGeometry expects brush in world space. Apply trans to brush.
                    if (_brush != null)
                        _brush = _brush.ApplyTransformCopy(trans);
                    FillGeometry(topPI, cur, desp, null, null, start, inter, topBounds);
                    return true;
            return _dc.DrawGlyphs(glyphrun, _clip, trans, _brush);
        #region Public Properties
        public Geometry Clip
            set { _clip = value; }
        public BrushProxy Brush
                return _brush;
                _brush = value;
        public PenProxy Pen
                return _pen;
                _pen = value;
        public List<int> Overlapping
            set { _overlapping = value; }
        public List<PrimitiveInfo> Commands
            set { _commands = value; }
        public IProxyDrawingContext DC
            set { _dc = value; }
        public bool Disjoint
            set { _disjoint = value; }
        #region Private Static Methods
        private static Matrix ReverseMap(Matrix trans, Rect dest, double width, double height)
            // Render the intersection using blended image
            Matrix mat = Matrix.Identity;
            // Transformation from source rect to destination
            mat.Scale(dest.Width / width, dest.Height / height);
            mat.Translate(dest.Left, dest.Top);
            // Transformation from source rect to canvas coordinate space
            // from canvas to source rect
            return mat;
        private static string Oper(string t1, char op, string t2)
            char[] opers = new char[2];
            opers[0] = '-';
            opers[1] = '*';
            if ((op != '-') && t1.IndexOfAny(opers) >= 0)
                t1 = "(" + t1 + ")";
            if (t2.IndexOfAny(opers) >= 0)
                t2 = "(" + t2 + ")";
            return t1 + op + t2;
        #region Private Methods
        private void RenderImage(
            ImageProxy image, 
            Rect       dest, 
            Geometry   bounds, 
            bool       clipToBounds, 
            int        start, 
            Matrix     trans,
            string     desp
            PrimitiveInfo topPI;
            Geometry topBounds;
            Geometry inter;
            if (FindIntersection(bounds, ref start, out topPI, out topBounds, out inter))
                Primitive p = topPI.primitive;
                Geometry diff = Utility.Exclude(bounds, topBounds, trans);
                // DrawImage may modify image
                ImageProxy imageBlend = new ImageProxy(image.GetImage());
                if (diff != null)
                    // Render cur - top
                    RenderImage(image, dest, diff, true, start + 1, trans, Oper(desp, '-',;
                    RenderImage(image, dest, diff, true, start + 1, trans, null);
                if (!p.IsTransparent)
           = Oper(, '-', Oper(desp, '.', "bounds"));
                    // Render the intersection using blended image
                    p.BlendOverImage(imageBlend, ReverseMap(trans, dest, imageBlend.PixelWidth, imageBlend.PixelHeight));
                    RenderImage(imageBlend, dest, inter, true, start + 1, trans, Oper(desp, '*',;
                    RenderImage(imageBlend, dest, inter, true, start + 1, trans, null);
                Geometry clip = _clip;
                bool empty = false;
                if (clipToBounds)
                    clip = Utility.Intersect(clip, bounds, Matrix.Identity, out empty);
                if (!empty)
                    _dc.DrawImage(image, dest, clip, trans);
        // Find the next Primitive having intersection with cur in overlapping list
        private bool FindIntersection(Geometry cur, ref int start, out PrimitiveInfo topPI, out Geometry topBounds, out Geometry inter)
            topPI = null;
            topBounds = null;
            inter = null;
            if (_overlapping == null)
                return false;
            // If not in a subtree which needs composition, igore overlapping list if all are opaque
            if (!_disjoint)
                bool allopaque = true;
                for (int s = start; s < _overlapping.Count; s++)
                    PrimitiveInfo pi = _commands[_overlapping[s]] as PrimitiveInfo;
                    if ((pi != null) && !pi.primitive.IsTransparent && !pi.primitive.IsOpaque)
                        allopaque = false;
                if (allopaque)
                    return false;
            // Search for all possible intersections
            while (start < _overlapping.Count)
                topPI = _commands[_overlapping[start]] as PrimitiveInfo;
                if (!topPI.primitive.IsTransparent) // Skip primitives with nothing to draw
                    topBounds = topPI.primitive.GetClippedShapeGeometry();
                    if (topBounds != null)
                        bool empty;
                        inter = Utility.Intersect(cur, topBounds, Matrix.Identity, out empty);
                        if (inter != null)
                            return true;
            return false;
        // Recursive
        // _brush must be in world space
        private void FillGeometry(Geometry cur, string desp, Geometry curAlt, string despAlt, int start)
            PrimitiveInfo pi;
            Geometry top;
            Geometry inter;
            if (FindIntersection(cur, ref start, out pi, out top, out inter))
                FillGeometry(pi, cur, desp, curAlt, despAlt, start, inter, top);
                if (curAlt != null)
                    cur  = curAlt;
                    desp = despAlt;
                // Render to dc if nothing on top
                _dc.DrawGeometry(_brush, _pen, cur, _clip, Matrix.Identity, ProxyDrawingFlags.None);
        // Recursive
        // _brush must be in world space
        private void FillGeometry(
            PrimitiveInfo topPI, 
            Geometry cur, 
            string desp, 
            Geometry curAlt, 
            string despAlt, 
            int start, 
            Geometry inter, 
            Geometry topBounds
            Primitive p = topPI.primitive;
            Geometry diff = Utility.Exclude(cur, topBounds, Matrix.Identity);
            if (diff != null)
                // Render cur [- topBounds] using original brush
                if (_disjoint)
                    FillGeometry(diff, Oper(desp, '-',, null, null, start + 1);
                    FillGeometry(diff, null, null, null, start + 1);
                    // Only diff = cur - topBounds need to be rendered. But it may generate more
                    // complicated path and gaps between objects
                    if (curAlt != null)
                        FillGeometry(diff, Oper(desp, '-',, curAlt, despAlt, start + 1);
                        FillGeometry(diff, null, curAlt, despAlt, start + 1);
                        FillGeometry(diff, Oper(desp, '-',, cur, desp, start + 1);
                        FillGeometry(diff, null, cur, desp, start + 1);
            //if (_disjoint || ! p.IsOpaque)
                if (topPI.primitive is ImagePrimitive)
                    // If primitve on the top is ImagePrimitive, change it to DrawImage with blended image.
                    // An alternative will be generating an image brush
                    ImagePrimitive ip = topPI.primitive as ImagePrimitive;
                    bool empty;
                    double imageWidth = ip.Image.Image.Width;
                    double imageHeight = ip.Image.Image.Height;
                    // Get clip in world space.
                    Geometry clip = Utility.Intersect(inter, Utility.TransformGeometry(new RectangleGeometry(ip.DstRect), ip.Transform), ip.Transform, out empty);
                    if (!empty)
                        // Get clip bounds in image space.
                        Geometry clipImageSpace = Utility.TransformGeometry(clip, ReverseMap(ip.Transform, ip.DstRect, imageWidth, imageHeight));
                        Rect drawBounds = clipImageSpace.Bounds;
                        // Clip image data to the intersection. Resulting draw bounds are in image space.
                        BitmapSource clippedImage = ip.Image.GetClippedImage(drawBounds, out drawBounds);
                        if (clippedImage != null)
                            // Transform draw bounds back to world space.
                            drawBounds.Scale(ip.DstRect.Width / imageWidth, ip.DstRect.Height / imageHeight);
                            drawBounds.Offset(ip.DstRect.Left, ip.DstRect.Top);
                            ImageProxy image = new ImageProxy(clippedImage);
                            // Blend image with other brush, then render composited image.
                            image.BlendOverBrush(false, _brush, ReverseMap(ip.Transform, drawBounds, image.PixelWidth, image.PixelHeight));
                            RenderImage(image, drawBounds, clip, true, start + 1, ip.Transform, Oper(desp, '*',;
                            RenderImage(image, drawBounds, clip, true, start + 1, ip.Transform, null);
                    // -- If top primitive opaque, skip the intersection
                    // -- If current primitive is completely covered by an opaque object, skip the intersection
                    if (p.IsOpaque) // && Utility.Covers(topBounds, cur))
                        cur = null;
                        // Render the intersection using blended brush
                        BrushProxy oldbrush = _brush;
                        _brush = p.BlendBrush(_brush);
                        FillGeometry(inter, Oper(desp, '*',, null, null, start + 1);
                        FillGeometry(inter, null, null, null, start + 1);
                        _brush = oldbrush;
                if (cur != null)
                    bool empty;
                    Geometry geo = Utility.Intersect(cur, _clip, Matrix.Identity, out empty);
                    if (geo != null)
                        topPI.primitive.Exclude(geo); // exclude cur & _clip
               = Oper(, '-', Oper(desp, '*', Oper(desp, '.', "c")));
        #region Private Fields
        private Geometry             _clip;
        private BrushProxy           _brush;    // primitive brush, possibly in world space
        private PenProxy             _pen;
        private List<int>            _overlapping;
        private List<PrimitiveInfo>  _commands;
        private IProxyDrawingContext _dc;
        private bool                 _disjoint;
    } // end of class PrimitiveRenderer
} // end of namespace