// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: This is a wrapper for DocumentPropertiesDialog, which caches the values which
// are displayed in the Dialog, and controls security access.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Packaging; // For Package
namespace MS.Internal.Documents.Application
/// <summary>
/// Singleton wrapper class for the DocumentPropertiesDialog.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class DocumentProperties
// Constructors
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Constructs the DocumentProperties class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uri"></param>
private DocumentProperties(Uri uri)
_uri = uri;
#endregion Constructors
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
/// <summary>
/// Current package CoreProperties
/// </summary>
internal PackageProperties CoreProperties
// multiple returns are bad, however allocating another local
// simply to return is worse
// also we can not cache this decision because the values
// may change when RM is on / off
if (_rmProperties != null)
return _rmProperties;
return _xpsProperties;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current singleton instance of DocumentProperties.
/// </summary>
internal static DocumentProperties Current
return _current;
/// <summary>
/// Image representing an XPS Document
/// </summary>
internal Image Image
return _image;
_image = value;
/// <summary>
/// Filename of the package.
/// </summary>
internal string Filename
if (_filename is null && _uri is not null)
_filename = Path.GetFileName(_uri.LocalPath);
return _filename;
/// <summary>
/// Size of the package.
/// </summary>
internal long FileSize
long fileSize = 0;
if (IsFileInfoValid)
fileSize = _fileInfo.Length;
return fileSize;
/// <summary>
/// Date package was created.
/// </summary>
internal DateTime? FileCreated
DateTime? fileCreated = null;
if (IsFileInfoValid)
fileCreated = _fileInfo.CreationTime;
return fileCreated;
/// <summary>
/// Date package was last modified.
/// </summary>
internal DateTime? FileModified
DateTime? fileModified = null;
if (IsFileInfoValid)
fileModified = _fileInfo.LastWriteTime;
return fileModified;
/// <summary>
/// Date package was last accessed.
/// </summary>
internal DateTime? FileAccessed
DateTime? fileAccessed = null;
if (IsFileInfoValid)
fileAccessed = _fileInfo.LastAccessTime;
return fileAccessed;
#endregion Internal Properties
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// This method copies members from one PackageProperties object to another.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This design is very fragile as if new properties are added by PackageProperties
/// we will quietly lose data. An improved implementation would be to have
/// PackageProperties implement this behavior or have a KeyValue pair exposed
/// that we would iterate through and copy.
/// </remarks>
internal static void Copy(PackageProperties source, PackageProperties target)
target.Category = source.Category;
target.ContentStatus = source.ContentStatus;
target.ContentType = source.ContentType;
target.Created = source.Created;
target.Creator = source.Creator;
target.Description = source.Description;
target.Identifier = source.Identifier;
target.Keywords = source.Keywords;
target.Language = source.Language;
target.LastModifiedBy = source.LastModifiedBy;
target.LastPrinted = source.LastPrinted;
target.Modified = source.Modified;
target.Revision = source.Revision;
target.Subject = source.Subject;
target.Title = source.Title;
target.Version = source.Version;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs and Initializes the static 'Current' DocumentProperties object which
/// is the singleton instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uri">The URI for the package.</param>
internal static void InitializeCurrentDocumentProperties(Uri uri)
// Ensure that DocumentProperties has not been constructed yet, and initialize a
// new instance.
Current == null,
"DocumentProperties initialized twice.");
if (Current == null)
_current = new DocumentProperties(uri);
internal void SetXpsProperties(PackageProperties properties)
_xpsProperties = properties;
internal void SetRightsManagedProperties(PackageProperties properties)
_rmProperties = properties;
/// <summary>
/// Confirms whether the XPS properties exactly match the RM properties
/// for purposes of determining whether the OPC properties have been changed
/// in violation of signing policy.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// This will return true if the properties match
/// or there are no RM properties in the package,
/// otherwise it will return false.
/// </returns>
internal bool VerifyPropertiesUnchanged()
if (_xpsProperties == null )
return false;
if (_rmProperties == null)
return true;
(String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Category, _rmProperties.Category, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.ContentStatus, _rmProperties.ContentStatus, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.ContentType, _rmProperties.ContentType, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Creator, _rmProperties.Creator, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Description, _rmProperties.Description, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Identifier, _rmProperties.Identifier, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Keywords, _rmProperties.Keywords, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Language, _rmProperties.Language, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.LastModifiedBy, _rmProperties.LastModifiedBy, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Revision, _rmProperties.Revision, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Subject, _rmProperties.Subject, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Title, _rmProperties.Title, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
String.Equals(_xpsProperties.Version, _rmProperties.Version, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
_xpsProperties.Created == _rmProperties.Created &&
_xpsProperties.LastPrinted == _rmProperties.LastPrinted &&
_xpsProperties.Modified == _rmProperties.Modified);
/// <summary>
/// ShowDialog: Displays the DocumentProperties dialog.
/// </summary>
internal void ShowDialog()
// Setup the dialog data once and cache it for future calls.
if (!_isDataAcquired)
_isDataAcquired = true;
// Refresh file information before showing the dialog.
if (_fileInfo != null)
// We intentionally `swallow exceptions here, since any failure
// will make _fileInfo invalid as determined by the property
// IsFileInfoValid. We also don't set _fileInfo to null so that
// we can call Refresh again. This is useful since the file may
// be inaccessible now but come back later.
catch (ArgumentException)
catch (IOException)
DocumentPropertiesDialog dialog = null;
dialog = new DocumentPropertiesDialog();
#endregion Internal Methods
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// AcquireData: Setup the URI related data for the dialog.
/// </summary>
private void AcquireData()
// Ensure URI exists.
if (_uri is null)
// Determine if the URI represents a file
if (_uri.IsFile)
// Determine the full path and assert for file permission
string filePath = _uri.LocalPath;
// Get the FileInfo for the current file
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
// Check that FileInfo is valid, and save it.
if (fileInfo.Exists)
_fileInfo = fileInfo;
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Properties
#region Private Properties
/// <summary>
/// True if the stored FileInfo is valid and can be used to determine
/// file properties.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the file has become completely inaccessible (i.e. the drive has
/// been disconnected, the UNC path is unreachable, etc.), according to
/// MSDN the Refresh call should throw an ArgumentException or
/// IOException. In reality it doesn't appear to ever throw. Instead,
/// if Refresh fails, any future calls to _fileInfo.Exists return
/// false. Accessing any of the file information properties at that
/// point throws an exception. As a result, if _fileInfo.Refresh()
/// fails, we can leave _fileInfo as is and simply check
/// _fileInfo.Exists before accessing it.
/// </remarks>
private bool IsFileInfoValid
return ((_fileInfo != null) && (_fileInfo.Exists));
#endregion Private Properties
// Private Fields
// These must be checked for null prior to use. If available, use the CLR properties
// above before these.
#region Private Fields
private static DocumentProperties _current = null;
private Uri _uri;
/// <summary>
/// The properties in the XpsPackage (OPC).
/// </summary>
private PackageProperties _xpsProperties = null;
/// <summary>
/// The properties for RightsManaged encrypted packages (OLE).
/// </summary>
private PackageProperties _rmProperties = null;
private bool _isDataAcquired;
private Image _image = null;
private string _filename = null;
private FileInfo _fileInfo;
#endregion Private Fields