File: src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\Shared\MS\Internal\HashHelper.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationFramework\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Static class to help work around hashing-related bugs.
using System;
using MS.Internal;                  // BaseHashHelper
namespace MS.Internal.Hashing.WindowsBase
namespace MS.Internal.Hashing.PresentationCore
using System.ComponentModel;        // ICustomTypeDescriptor
namespace MS.Internal.Hashing.PresentationFramework
#error Attempt to define HashHelper in an unknown assembly.
namespace MS.Internal.YourAssemblyName
    internal static class HashHelper
        // The class cctor registers this assembly's exceptional types with
        // the base helper.
        static HashHelper()
            Initialize();       // this makes FxCop happy - otherwise Initialize is "unused code"
            Type[] types = Type.EmptyTypes;
            Type[] types = new Type[] {
                typeof(System.Windows.Media.CharacterMetrics),      // bug 1612093
                typeof(System.Windows.Ink.ExtendedProperty),        // bug 1612101
                typeof(System.Windows.Media.FamilyTypeface),        // bug 1612103
                typeof(System.Windows.Media.NumberSubstitution),    // bug 1612105
                typeof(System.Windows.Markup.Localizer.BamlLocalizableResource),    // bug 1612118
                typeof(System.Windows.ComponentResourceKey),        // bug 1612119
            BaseHashHelper.RegisterTypes(typeof(HashHelper).Assembly, types);
            // initialize lower-level assemblies
        // certain objects don't have reliable hashcodes, and cannot be used
        // within a Hashtable, Dictionary, etc.
        internal static bool HasReliableHashCode(object item)
            return BaseHashHelper.HasReliableHashCode(item);
        // this method doesn't do anything, but calling it makes sure the static
        // cctor gets called
        internal static void Initialize()