File: System\Windows\TemplateKey.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationFramework\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Base class for DataTemplateKey, TableTemplateKey.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using MS.Internal.Data;         // DataBindEngine.EnglishUSCulture
namespace System.Windows
    /// <summary> The TemplateKey object is used as the resource key for data templates</summary>
    public abstract class TemplateKey : ResourceKey, ISupportInitialize
        /// <summary> Constructor (called by derived classes only) </summary>
        protected TemplateKey(TemplateType templateType)
            _dataType = null;   // still needs to be initialized
            _templateType = templateType;
        /// <summary> Constructor (called by derived classes only) </summary>
        protected TemplateKey(TemplateType templateType, object dataType)
            Exception ex = ValidateDataType(dataType, "dataType");
            if (ex != null)
                throw ex;
            _dataType = dataType;
            _templateType = templateType;
#region ISupportInitialize
        /// <summary>Begin Initialization</summary>
        void ISupportInitialize.BeginInit()
            _initializing = true;
        /// <summary>End Initialization, verify that internal state is consistent</summary>
        void ISupportInitialize.EndInit()
            if (_dataType == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.PropertyMustHaveValue, "DataType", this.GetType().Name));
            _initializing = false;
#endregion ISupportInitialize
        /// <summary>
        /// The type for which the template is designed.  This is either
        /// a Type (for object data), or a string (for XML data).  In the latter
        /// case the string denotes the XML tag name.
        /// </summary>
        public object DataType
            get { return _dataType; }
                if (!_initializing)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.PropertyIsInitializeOnly, "DataType", this.GetType().Name));
                if (_dataType != null && value != _dataType)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.PropertyIsImmutable, "DataType", this.GetType().Name));
                Exception ex = ValidateDataType(value, "value");
                if (ex != null)
                    throw ex;
                _dataType = value;
        /// <summary> Override of Object.GetHashCode() </summary>
        public override int GetHashCode()
            // note that the hash code can change, but only during intialization
            // and only once (DataType can only be changed once, from null to
            // non-null, and that can only happen during [Begin/End]Init).
            // Technically this is still a violation of the "constant during
            // lifetime" rule, however in practice this is acceptable.  It is
            // very unlikely that someone will put a TemplateKey into a hashtable
            // before it is initialized.
            int hashcode = (int)_templateType;
            if (_dataType != null)
                hashcode += _dataType.GetHashCode();
            return hashcode;
        /// <summary> Override of Object.Equals() </summary>
        public override bool Equals(object o)
            TemplateKey key = o as TemplateKey;
            if (key != null)
                return  _templateType == key._templateType &&
                        Object.Equals(_dataType, key._dataType);
            return false;
        /// <summary> Override of Object.ToString() </summary>
        public override string ToString()
            Type type = DataType as Type;
            return (DataType != null)
                    ?   string.Create(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, $"{this.GetType().Name}({DataType})")
                    :   string.Create(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, $"{this.GetType().Name}(null)");
        /// <summary>
        ///     Allows SystemResources to know which assembly the template might be defined in.
        /// </summary>
        public override Assembly Assembly
                Type type = _dataType as Type;
                if (type != null)
                    return type.Assembly;
                return null;
        /// <summary> The different types of templates that use TemplateKey </summary>
        protected enum TemplateType
            /// <summary> DataTemplate </summary>
            /// <summary> TableTemplate </summary>
        // Validate against these rules
        //  1. dataType must not be null (except at initialization, which is tested at EndInit)
        //  2. dataType must be either a Type (object data) or a string (XML tag name)
        //  3. dataType cannot be typeof(Object)
        internal static Exception ValidateDataType(object dataType, string argName)
            Exception result = null;
            if (dataType == null)
                result = new ArgumentNullException(argName);
            else if (!(dataType is Type) && !(dataType is String))
                result = new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.MustBeTypeOrString, dataType.GetType().Name), argName);
            else if (typeof(Object).Equals(dataType))
                result = new ArgumentException(SR.DataTypeCannotBeObject, argName);
            return result;
        object _dataType;
        TemplateType _templateType;
        bool _initializing;