// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Standard
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper for common Win32 status codes.
/// </summary>
internal struct Win32Error
private readonly int _value;
// NOTE: These public static field declarations are automatically
// picked up by (HRESULT's) ToString through reflection.
/// <summary>The operation completed successfully.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_SUCCESS = new Win32Error(0);
/// <summary>Incorrect function.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION = new Win32Error(1);
/// <summary>The system cannot find the file specified.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = new Win32Error(2);
/// <summary>The system cannot find the path specified.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = new Win32Error(3);
/// <summary>The system cannot open the file.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES = new Win32Error(4);
/// <summary>Access is denied.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = new Win32Error(5);
/// <summary>The handle is invalid.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE = new Win32Error(6);
/// <summary>Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY = new Win32Error(14);
/// <summary>There are no more files.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES = new Win32Error(18);
/// <summary>The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION = new Win32Error(32);
/// <summary>The parameter is incorrect.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = new Win32Error(87);
/// <summary>The data area passed to a system call is too small.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = new Win32Error(122);
/// <summary>Cannot nest calls to LoadModule.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_NESTING_NOT_ALLOWED = new Win32Error(215);
/// <summary>Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_KEY_DELETED = new Win32Error(1018);
/// <summary>Element not found.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_NOT_FOUND = new Win32Error(1168);
/// <summary>There was no match for the specified key in the index.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_NO_MATCH = new Win32Error(1169);
/// <summary>An invalid device was specified.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_BAD_DEVICE = new Win32Error(1200);
/// <summary>The operation was canceled by the user.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_CANCELLED = new Win32Error(1223);
/// <summary>The window class was already registered.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS = new Win32Error(1410);
/// <summary>The specified datatype is invalid.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE = new Win32Error(1804);
/// <summary>Invalid window handle.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE = new Win32Error(1400);
/// <summary>This operation returned because the timeout period expired.</summary>
public static readonly Win32Error ERROR_TIMEOUT = new Win32Error(1460);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new Win32 error.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i">The integer value of the error.</param>
public Win32Error(int i)
_value = i;
/// <summary>Performs HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 conversion.</summary>
/// <param name="error">The Win32 error being converted to an HRESULT.</param>
/// <returns>The equivilent HRESULT value.</returns>
public static explicit operator HRESULT(Win32Error error)
// #define __HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x)
// ((HRESULT)(x) <= 0 ? ((HRESULT)(x)) : ((HRESULT) (((x) & 0x0000FFFF) | (FACILITY_WIN32 << 16) | 0x80000000)))
if (error._value <= 0)
return new HRESULT((uint)error._value);
return HRESULT.Make(true, Facility.Win32, error._value & 0x0000FFFF);
// Method version of the cast operation
/// <summary>Performs HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 conversion.</summary>
/// <param name="error">The Win32 error being converted to an HRESULT.</param>
/// <returns>The equivilent HRESULT value.</returns>
return (HRESULT)this;
/// <summary>Performs the equivalent of Win32's GetLastError()</summary>
/// <returns>A Win32Error instance with the result of the native GetLastError</returns>
public static Win32Error GetLastError()
return new Win32Error(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return ((Win32Error)obj)._value == _value;
catch (InvalidCastException)
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return _value.GetHashCode();
/// <summary>
/// Compare two Win32 error codes for equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="errLeft">The first error code to compare.</param>
/// <param name="errRight">The second error code to compare.</param>
/// <returns>Whether the two error codes are the same.</returns>
public static bool operator ==(Win32Error errLeft, Win32Error errRight)
return errLeft._value == errRight._value;
/// <summary>
/// Compare two Win32 error codes for inequality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="errLeft">The first error code to compare.</param>
/// <param name="errRight">The second error code to compare.</param>
/// <returns>Whether the two error codes are not the same.</returns>
public static bool operator !=(Win32Error errLeft, Win32Error errRight)
return !(errLeft == errRight);
internal enum Facility
/// <summary>FACILITY_NULL</summary>
Null = 0,
/// <summary>FACILITY_RPC</summary>
Rpc = 1,
/// <summary>FACILITY_DISPATCH</summary>
Dispatch = 2,
/// <summary>FACILITY_STORAGE</summary>
Storage = 3,
/// <summary>FACILITY_ITF</summary>
Itf = 4,
/// <summary>FACILITY_WIN32</summary>
Win32 = 7,
/// <summary>FACILITY_WINDOWS</summary>
Windows = 8,
/// <summary>FACILITY_CONTROL</summary>
Control = 10,
/// <summary>MSDN doced facility code for ESE errors.</summary>
Ese = 0xE5E,
/// <summary>FACILITY_WINCODEC (WIC)</summary>
WinCodec = 0x898,
/// <summary>Wrapper for HRESULT status codes.</summary>
internal struct HRESULT
private readonly uint _value;
// NOTE: These public static field declarations are automatically
// picked up by ToString through reflection.
/// <summary>S_OK</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT S_OK = new HRESULT(0x00000000);
/// <summary>S_FALSE</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT S_FALSE = new HRESULT(0x00000001);
/// <summary>E_PENDING</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT E_PENDING = new HRESULT(0x8000000A);
/// <summary>E_NOTIMPL</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT E_NOTIMPL = new HRESULT(0x80004001);
/// <summary>E_NOINTERFACE</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT E_NOINTERFACE = new HRESULT(0x80004002);
/// <summary>E_POINTER</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT E_POINTER = new HRESULT(0x80004003);
/// <summary>E_ABORT</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT E_ABORT = new HRESULT(0x80004004);
/// <summary>E_FAIL</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT E_FAIL = new HRESULT(0x80004005);
/// <summary>E_UNEXPECTED</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT E_UNEXPECTED = new HRESULT(0x8000FFFF);
/// <summary>STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION = new HRESULT(0x80030001);
/// <summary>REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG = new HRESULT(0x80040154);
/// <summary>DESTS_E_NO_MATCHING_ASSOC_HANDLER. Win7 internal error code for Jump Lists.</summary>
/// <remarks>There is no Assoc Handler for the given item registered by the specified application.</remarks>
public static readonly HRESULT DESTS_E_NO_MATCHING_ASSOC_HANDLER = new HRESULT(0x80040F03);
/// <summary>DESTS_E_NORECDOCS. Win7 internal error code for Jump Lists.</summary>
/// <remarks>The given item is excluded from the recent docs folder by the NoRecDocs bit on its registration.</remarks>
public static readonly HRESULT DESTS_E_NORECDOCS = new HRESULT(0x80040F04);
/// <summary>DESTS_E_NOTALLCLEARED. Win7 internal error code for Jump Lists.</summary>
/// <remarks>Not all of the items were successfully cleared</remarks>
public static readonly HRESULT DESTS_E_NOTALLCLEARED = new HRESULT(0x80040F05);
/// <summary>E_ACCESSDENIED</summary>
/// <remarks>Win32Error ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.</remarks>
public static readonly HRESULT E_ACCESSDENIED = new HRESULT(0x80070005);
/// <summary>E_OUTOFMEMORY</summary>
/// <remarks>Win32Error ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY.</remarks>
public static readonly HRESULT E_OUTOFMEMORY = new HRESULT(0x8007000E);
/// <summary>E_INVALIDARG</summary>
/// <remarks>Win32Error ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.</remarks>
public static readonly HRESULT E_INVALIDARG = new HRESULT(0x80070057);
/// <summary>INTSAFE_E_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT INTSAFE_E_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW = new HRESULT(0x80070216);
/// <summary>COR_E_OBJECTDISPOSED</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT COR_E_OBJECTDISPOSED = new HRESULT(0x80131622);
/// <summary>WC_E_GREATERTHAN</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT WC_E_GREATERTHAN = new HRESULT(0xC00CEE23);
/// <summary>WC_E_SYNTAX</summary>
public static readonly HRESULT WC_E_SYNTAX = new HRESULT(0xC00CEE2D);
/// <summary>
/// Create an HRESULT from an integer value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i"></param>
public HRESULT(uint i)
_value = i;
public static HRESULT Make(bool severe, Facility facility, int code)
//#define MAKE_HRESULT(sev,fac,code) \
// ((HRESULT) (((unsigned long)(sev)<<31) | ((unsigned long)(fac)<<16) | ((unsigned long)(code))) )
// Severity has 1 bit reserved.
// bitness is enforced by the boolean parameter.
// Facility has 11 bits reserved (different than SCODES, which have 4 bits reserved)
// MSDN documentation incorrectly uses 12 bits for the ESE facility (e5e), so go ahead and let that one slide.
// And WIC also ignores it the documented size...
Assert.Implies((int)facility != (int)((int)facility & 0x1FF), facility == Facility.Ese || facility == Facility.WinCodec);
// Code has 4 bits reserved.
Assert.AreEqual(code, code & 0xFFFF);
return new HRESULT((uint)((severe ? (1 << 31) : 0) | ((int)facility << 16) | code));
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public Facility Facility
return GetFacility((int)_value);
public static Facility GetFacility(int errorCode)
// #define HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) (((hr) >> 16) & 0x1fff)
return (Facility)((errorCode >> 16) & 0x1fff);
/// <summary>
/// retrieve HRESULT_CODE
/// </summary>
public int Code
return GetCode((int)_value);
public static int GetCode(int error)
// #define HRESULT_CODE(hr) ((hr) & 0xFFFF)
return (int)(error & 0xFFFF);
#region Object class override members
/// <summary>
/// Get a string representation of this HRESULT.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override string ToString()
// Use reflection to try to name this HRESULT.
// This is expensive, but if someone's ever printing HRESULT strings then
// I think it's a fair guess that they're not in a performance critical area
// (e.g. printing exception strings).
// This is less error prone than trying to keep the list in the function.
// To properly add an HRESULT's name to the ToString table, just add the HRESULT
// like all the others above.
// CONSIDER: This data is static. It could be cached
// after first usage for fast lookup since the keys are unique.
foreach (FieldInfo publicStaticField in typeof(HRESULT).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
if (publicStaticField.FieldType == typeof(HRESULT))
var hr = (HRESULT)publicStaticField.GetValue(null);
if (hr == this)
return publicStaticField.Name;
// Try Win32 error codes also
if (Facility == Facility.Win32)
foreach (FieldInfo publicStaticField in typeof(Win32Error).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
if (publicStaticField.FieldType == typeof(Win32Error))
var error = (Win32Error)publicStaticField.GetValue(null);
if ((HRESULT)error == this)
return $"HRESULT_FROM_WIN32({publicStaticField.Name})";
// If there's no good name for this HRESULT,
// return the string as readable hex (0x########) format.
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"0x{_value:X8}");
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return ((HRESULT)obj)._value == _value;
catch (InvalidCastException)
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return _value.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(HRESULT hrLeft, HRESULT hrRight)
return hrLeft._value == hrRight._value;
public static bool operator !=(HRESULT hrLeft, HRESULT hrRight)
return !(hrLeft == hrRight);
public bool Succeeded
get { return (int)_value >= 0; }
public bool Failed
get { return (int)_value < 0; }
public void ThrowIfFailed()
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2201:DoNotRaiseReservedExceptionTypes", Justification="Only recreating Exceptions that were already raised.")]
public void ThrowIfFailed(string message)
if (Failed)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
message = ToString();
message += $" ({ToString()})";
// Wow. Reflection in a throw call. Later on this may turn out to have been a bad idea.
// If you're throwing an exception I assume it's OK for me to take some time to give it back.
// I want to convert the HRESULT to a more appropriate exception type than COMException.
// Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR does this for me, but the general call uses GetErrorInfo
// if it's set, and then ignores the HRESULT that I've provided. This makes it so this
// call works the first time but you get burned on the second. To avoid this, I use
// the overload that explicitly ignores the IErrorInfo.
// In addition, the function doesn't allow me to set the Message unless I go through
// the process of implementing an IErrorInfo and then use that. There's no stock
// implementations of IErrorInfo available and I don't think it's worth the maintenance
// overhead of doing it, nor would it have significant value over this approach.
Exception e = MS.Internal.PresentationFramework.SecurityHelper.GetExceptionForHR((int)_value);
// ArgumentNullException doesn't have the right constructor parameters,
// (nor does Win32Exception...)
// but E_POINTER gets mapped to NullReferenceException,
// so I don't think it will ever matter.
Assert.IsFalse(e is ArgumentNullException);
// If we're not getting anything better than a COMException from Marshal,
// then at least check the facility and attempt to do better ourselves.
if (e.GetType() == typeof(COMException))
switch (Facility)
case Facility.Win32:
e = CreateWin32Exception(Code, message);
e = new COMException(message, (int)_value);
ConstructorInfo cons = e.GetType().GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(string) });
if (null != cons)
e = cons.Invoke(new object[] { message }) as Exception;
throw e;
/// <summary>
/// Convert the result of Win32 GetLastError() into a raised exception.
/// </summary>
public static void ThrowLastError()
// Only expecting to call this when we're expecting a failed GetLastError()
private static Exception CreateWin32Exception(int code, string message)
return new Win32Exception(code, message);