// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description:
// Implements the Avalon Journal Object
// The WCP application journal enables users to retrace their steps backward
// and forward in a linear navigation sequence. Whether a navigation application
// is hosted in the browser or in a standalone NavigationWindow, each navigation
// is persisted in the journal, and can be revisited in a linear sequence by
// using the Forward and Back buttons. An application can have multiple
// NavigationWindows. Each NavigationWindow has its own Journal.
// The Windows Client Platform will also provide some value adds over the
// current journaling behavior. Developers will be able to add their own journal entries,
// and to remove entries from the journal (within their own application).
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.AppModel;
namespace System.Windows.Navigation
/// <summary>
/// Journal object is provided for each NavigationWindow for linear
/// navigations in history. Developers can also add or remove entries
/// from the journal.
/// </summary>
/// <speclink>http://avalon/app/Journalling/Journaling.doc</speclink>
internal sealed class Journal : ISerializable
/// <summary>
/// Construct a new Journal instance.
/// </summary>
internal Journal()
void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue("_journalEntryList", _journalEntryList);
info.AddValue("_currentEntryIndex", _currentEntryIndex);
info.AddValue("_journalEntryId", _journalEntryId);
/// <summary>
/// Ctor for ISerializable implementation
/// </summary>
private Journal(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
_journalEntryList = (List<JournalEntry>)info.GetValue("_journalEntryList", typeof(List<JournalEntry>));
_currentEntryIndex = info.GetInt32("_currentEntryIndex");
_uncommittedCurrentIndex = _currentEntryIndex;
_journalEntryId = info.GetInt32("_journalEntryId");
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
#region Operator Overloads
/// <summary>
/// Gets the journal entry at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The zero-based index of the journal entry to get or set.</param>
/// <returns>The journal entry at the specified index.</returns>
// CONSIDER: Do we want to make this public or limit access to only entries which are navigable?
// If we want to expose an index, then we should also implement ICollection so they can get
// the count and Copy the Journal list as well (safe to do so since they have a separate copy
// that is pretty much read-only list of entries like the main one we hold onto, any changes in
// the copy won't be reflected here anyway). For now my vote is no, since they may end up
// iterating over a stale copy of the JournalEntry list whereas the Enumerator will always ensure
// they are looking at the current list
internal JournalEntry this[int index]
return _journalEntryList[index];
#endregion Operator Overloads
// Total number of entries in the journal including non-navigable entries
internal int TotalCount
return _journalEntryList.Count;
/// <summary>
/// Current index - could be in the middle of the list when in history
/// navigation. Else will be at the end of the list, a new entry will be
/// added at this index for normal navigations
/// </summary>
internal int CurrentIndex
return _currentEntryIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Get the current journal entry.
/// </summary>
internal JournalEntry CurrentEntry
if (_currentEntryIndex >= 0 && _currentEntryIndex < TotalCount)
return _journalEntryList[_currentEntryIndex];
return null;
internal bool HasUncommittedNavigation
get { return _uncommittedCurrentIndex != _currentEntryIndex; }
/// <summary>
/// The getter for the BackStack
/// </summary>
/// <value>Gets the BackStack</value>
internal JournalEntryStack BackStack
return _backStack;
/// <summary>
/// The getter for the ForwardStack
/// </summary>
/// <value>Gets the ForwardStack</value>
internal JournalEntryStack ForwardStack
return _forwardStack;
/// <summary>
/// Check if there are journal entries for going back.
/// </summary>
internal bool CanGoBack
return GetGoBackEntry() != null;
/// <summary>
/// Check if there are journal entries for going forward.
/// </summary>
internal bool CanGoForward
int index;
GetGoForwardEntryIndex(out index);
return index != -1;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a journal version used to invalidate old enumerators after journal data changes
/// </summary>
/// <value>Current journal version</value>
internal int Version
return _version;
internal JournalEntryFilter Filter
get { return _filter; }
_filter = value;
BackStack.Filter = _filter;
ForwardStack.Filter = _filter;
#endregion Internal Properties
// Internal Events
#region Internal Events
/// <summary>
/// Raised when the contents of the BackStack or ForwardStack changes.
/// Note that this doesn't always mean CanGoBack/CanGoForward has changed.
/// </summary>
internal event EventHandler BackForwardStateChange
add { _backForwardStateChange += value; }
remove { _backForwardStateChange -= value; }
EventHandler _backForwardStateChange;
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// Remove the top JournalEntry from back entry
/// </summary>
// Not a true "remove"
internal JournalEntry RemoveBackEntry()
int index = _currentEntryIndex; // start from current but do not change it
if (--index < 0)
return null;
} while (IsNavigable(_journalEntryList[index]) == false);
JournalEntry removedEntry = RemoveEntryInternal(index);
return removedEntry;
/// <summary>
/// Ensures current data about the current page is stored in the journal.
/// This either updates an existing entry or adds a new one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="journalEntry"></param>
internal void UpdateCurrentEntry(JournalEntry journalEntry)
Debug.Assert(journalEntry.ContentId != 0);
Debug.Assert(!(journalEntry.IsAlive() && journalEntry.JEGroupState.JournalDataStreams != null),
"Keep-alive content state should not be serialized.");
if (_currentEntryIndex > -1 && _currentEntryIndex < TotalCount)
// update existing entry using the old entry's index.
// Note: the new entry can be for a different NavigationService.
JournalEntry oldEntry = _journalEntryList[_currentEntryIndex];
journalEntry.Id = oldEntry.Id;
_journalEntryList[_currentEntryIndex] = journalEntry;
// add new entry to the front
journalEntry.Id = ++_journalEntryId;
// If the next navigation is not #fragment or CustomContentState, this entry should be
// remembered as the "exit" entry for the group, so when navigating back to the same
// page, it will be shown. (It is not necessarily the last one in the group.)
// Journal filtering will hide all other entries while at another page (different
// NavigationService.Content object).
journalEntry.JEGroupState.GroupExitEntry = journalEntry;
internal void RecordNewNavigation()
Debug.Assert(_uncommittedCurrentIndex == _currentEntryIndex,
"This method should be called only in steady state.");
// moves _currentEntryIndex forward
// clear forward entries if necessary
_uncommittedCurrentIndex = _currentEntryIndex;
if (!ClearForwardStack())
// If ClearForwardStack() didn't change the journal, UpdateView() needs to be
// called here to enable the Back button.
internal bool ClearForwardStack()
if (_currentEntryIndex >= TotalCount)
return false; // nothing to do
if(_uncommittedCurrentIndex > _currentEntryIndex)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_CannotClearFwdStack);
_journalEntryList.RemoveRange(_currentEntryIndex, _journalEntryList.Count - _currentEntryIndex);
return true;
internal void CommitJournalNavigation(JournalEntry navigated)
internal void AbortJournalNavigation()
_uncommittedCurrentIndex = _currentEntryIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Get the previous journal entry without changing any indexes.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Null if we cannot go back, otherwise the journal entry on the top of the back stack</returns>
internal JournalEntry BeginBackNavigation()
int index;
JournalEntry journalEntry = GetGoBackEntry(out index);
if (journalEntry == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.NoBackEntry);
_uncommittedCurrentIndex = index;
if (_uncommittedCurrentIndex == _currentEntryIndex)
return null; // See BeginForwardNavigation() for explanation of this special case.
return journalEntry;
internal JournalEntry BeginForwardNavigation()
int fwdEntryIndex;
GetGoForwardEntryIndex(out fwdEntryIndex);
if (fwdEntryIndex == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.NoForwardEntry);
_uncommittedCurrentIndex = fwdEntryIndex;
if (fwdEntryIndex == _currentEntryIndex)
// this is a special case where the user BeginBackNavigation() was called but not allowed to finish
// before BeginForwardNavigation() was called.
// Note that _uncommittedCurrentIndex may be less than _currentEntryIndex-1 at this
// point. That's because there might be non-navigable entries between the two indexes...
// Returning null indicates to the caller that it should stop any current navigation
// and remain at the current page. If reloading of the current page were allowed,
// its controls' state would be lost.
return null;
return _journalEntryList[fwdEntryIndex];
/// <summary>
/// For jump navigation this determines if it is a backwards or forwards navigation
/// </summary>
internal NavigationMode GetNavigationMode(JournalEntry entry)
int index = _journalEntryList.IndexOf(entry);
if (index <= _currentEntryIndex)
// If index = _currentEntryIndex it means the application is being navigated back to
// in the browser. The browser has just loaded the journal and is restoring the
// current page. This would also work if we chose "forward" but it must be one of the
// two so that NavigationService will complete the navigation with CommitJournalNavigation()
return NavigationMode.Back;
return NavigationMode.Forward;
internal void NavigateTo(JournalEntry target)
Debug.Assert(IsNavigable(target), "target must be navigable");
int index = _journalEntryList.IndexOf(target);
// When navigating back to a page which contains a previously navigated frame a
// saved journal entry is replayed to restore the frame's location, in many cases
// this entry is not in the journal.
if (index > -1)
_currentEntryIndex = index;
_uncommittedCurrentIndex = _currentEntryIndex;
internal int FindIndexForEntryWithId(int id)
// Search the list
for (int i = 0; i < TotalCount; i++)
if (this[i].Id == id)
return i;
// Didn't find it
return -1;
// This is only called from ApplicationProxyInternal.GetSaveHistoryBytes when
// we are persisting the entire journal; we only do that when we're quitting.
// [new] Also when navigating a Frame that has its own journal.
// What happens to a bunch of PageFunctions, some of which are KeepAlive
// and some of which are not? We'll get "holes" in the "call stack" when we go
// back.
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0050
internal void PruneKeepAliveEntries()
for (int i = TotalCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
JournalEntry je = _journalEntryList[i];
if (je.IsAlive())
// There can be keep-alive JEs creates for child frames.
DataStreams jds = je.JEGroupState.JournalDataStreams;
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0050
/// <remarks> The caller is responsible for calling UpdateView(). </remarks>
internal JournalEntry RemoveEntryInternal(int index)
Debug.Assert(index < TotalCount && index >= 0, "Invalid index passed to RemoveEntryInternal");
Debug.Assert(_uncommittedCurrentIndex == _currentEntryIndex,
"This method should be called only in steady state.");
JournalEntry theEntry = _journalEntryList[index];
Debug.Assert(theEntry != null, "Journal list state is messed up");
// Increase version always, see note above the data member declaration
if (_currentEntryIndex > index)
if (_uncommittedCurrentIndex > index)
return theEntry;
internal void RemoveEntries(Guid navSvcId)
for (int i = TotalCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// The entry at _currentEntryIndex is just a placeholder. It should not be deleted.
// Otherwise, the following entry (first one in the "forward stack") will get overwritten
// if a Back navigation occurs next.
if (i != _currentEntryIndex)
JournalEntry entry = _journalEntryList[i];
if (entry.NavigationServiceId == navSvcId)
//[IsKeepAlive() moved to NavigationService.IsContentKeepAlive()]
internal void UpdateView()
if (_backForwardStateChange != null)
_backForwardStateChange(this, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary> Returns the entry the GoBack command would navigate to; null/-1 if can't go back. </summary>
internal JournalEntry GetGoBackEntry(out int index)
for (index = _uncommittedCurrentIndex - 1; index >= 0; index--)
JournalEntry je = _journalEntryList[index];
if (IsNavigable(je))
return je;
return null; // and index=-1
internal JournalEntry GetGoBackEntry()
int unused;
return GetGoBackEntry(out unused);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the index of the entry the GoForward command would navigate to; -1 if can't
/// go forward.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This funtion is not symmetric to GetGoBackEntry() becaue of the special case when
/// _currentEntryIndex=TotalCount and _uncommittedCurrentIndex=TotalCount-1. Then there is
/// no JournalEntry object to return (but fwd navigation is allowed--to the current page).
/// </remarks>
internal void GetGoForwardEntryIndex(out int index)
// Special case: _uncommittedCurrentIndex=_currentEntryIndex=TotalCount-1.
// Then we can't go fwd. But if _currentEntryIndex=TotalCount, we can.
// See also the special case in BeginForwardNavigation().
index = _uncommittedCurrentIndex;
do {
if (index == _currentEntryIndex)
if (index >= TotalCount)
index = -1;
} while (!IsNavigable(_journalEntryList[index]));
#endregion Internal Methods
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
/// <summary> Checks that the internal indices are not out of range. If an index is equal
/// to TotalCount, it is valid, but there is no JournalEntry created yet (for the current page).
/// </summary>
private bool ValidateIndexes()
return _currentEntryIndex >= 0 && _currentEntryIndex <= TotalCount
&& _uncommittedCurrentIndex >= 0 && _uncommittedCurrentIndex <= TotalCount;
private void _Initialize()
_backStack = new JournalEntryBackStack(this);
_forwardStack = new JournalEntryForwardStack(this);
internal bool IsNavigable(JournalEntry entry)
if (entry == null)
return false;
// Fallback to entry.IsNavigable if the Filter hasn't been specified
return (Filter != null) ? Filter(entry) : entry.IsNavigable();
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
private JournalEntryFilter _filter;
JournalEntryBackStack _backStack;
JournalEntryForwardStack _forwardStack;
// This is where we get the id we assign to all JournalEntries.
// It will be incremented each time.
// This is stored in WINDOWDATA structure of the browser's travellog. Trident uses it to
// identify frame windows and decide if a frame journal entry is invocable or not. We use it
// to identify the JournalEntry which has the NavigationService Guid to identify navigable frame
// entries in the current context. When the travelentry is invoked we use this id to find
// the JournalEntry to navigate it to. Since we don't explicitly remove the entry from the browser's
// travellog when it is removed from the internal Avalon journal, we need to keep this id
// unique so we can respond correctly to the CanInvokeEntry calls from the browser. As such
// this id needs to be serialized so we can continue to assign unique numbers to each journal entry
// if we navigate away and back to the avalon app in the journal
// ISSUE: Multiple browser applications activated in the same browser window (incl. multiple
// instances of the same app) need to also use unique ids. Otherwise they can get mixed up.
// This can also happen when opening a new window from the current one (Ctrl+N). Then the
// TravelLog is copied.
// Unfortunately, IE does not distinguish the entries of multiple instances of the same
// DocObject when making calls on ITravelLogClient. It gives us only a DWORD for the id
// ('dwWindowID'). Attempts to ensure a globally unique instance id across all PresentationHost
// instances proved impractical due to restricted access rights. The solution here is to use
// the system tick count as an initial value and keep incrementing it. This should be good
// enough in all normal usage scenarios.
private int _journalEntryId = MS.Win32.SafeNativeMethods.GetTickCount();
private List<JournalEntry> _journalEntryList = new List<JournalEntry>();
private int _currentEntryIndex = 0;
// This index is used to support the case where the back/forward is called multiple times
// without letting the first navigation finish loading. For example if the page is at 'C'
// and the back stack contains 'b','a' and Back() is called twice the user should end up at
// 'a'. Navigation to 'b' starts but is canceled before it finishes when navigation to 'a' begins.
private int _uncommittedCurrentIndex = 0;
// Incremented everytime a journal entry is added/removed/updated. The enumerator
// operation will then be invalidated since the list it was enumerating over has now
// changed. This is the standard implementation used by the .Net ArrayList enumerator too.
// We could optimize for the case for when the changes happen at an index greater than
// the enumerator index (enumerator would do this check against a lastDirtyIndex that the
// journal would maintain). But this will be bad if we decided to implement ICollection later
// since we would then export the Count which would need to be invalidated as well.
// Also if the enumerator user maintains some kind of count of entries he is interested in
// then the index/count would be invalidated.
private int _version;
internal delegate bool JournalEntryFilter(JournalEntry entry);