File: System\Windows\Markup\ProvideValueServiceProvider.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationFramework\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
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*  ServiceProvider class that is passed into MarkupExtensions.ProvideValue method
*  that understands the ParserContext.
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace System.Windows.Markup
    /// <summary>
    ///  Base class for all Xaml markup extensions.
    /// </summary>
    internal class ProvideValueServiceProvider : IServiceProvider, IProvideValueTarget, IXamlTypeResolver, IUriContext, IFreezeFreezables
        // Construction
        internal ProvideValueServiceProvider(ParserContext context)
            _context = context;
        internal ProvideValueServiceProvider()
        // Set the TargetObject/Property (for use by IProvideValueTarget).
        internal void SetData(object targetObject, object targetProperty)
            _targetObject = targetObject;
            _targetProperty = targetProperty;
        // Clear the TargetObject/Property (after a call to ProvideValue)
        internal void ClearData()
            _targetObject = _targetProperty = null;
        // IXamlTypeResolver implementation
        Type IXamlTypeResolver.Resolve(string qualifiedTypeName) // E.g. foo:Class
            return _context.XamlTypeMapper.GetTypeFromBaseString(qualifiedTypeName, _context, true);
        // IProvideValueTarget implementation
        object IProvideValueTarget.TargetObject
            get { return _targetObject; }
        object IProvideValueTarget.TargetProperty
            get { return _targetProperty; }
        // IUriContext implementation
        Uri IUriContext.BaseUri
            get { return _context.BaseUri; }
            set { throw new NotSupportedException(SR.ParserProvideValueCantSetUri); }
        bool IFreezeFreezables.FreezeFreezables
                return _context.FreezeFreezables;
        bool IFreezeFreezables.TryFreeze(string value, Freezable freezable)
            return _context.TryCacheFreezable(value, freezable);
        Freezable IFreezeFreezables.TryGetFreezable(string value)
            return _context.TryGetFreezable(value);
        // IServiceProvider implementation (this is the way to get to the
        // above interface implementations).
        public object GetService(Type service)
            // IProvideValueTarget is the only implementation that
            // doesn't need the ParserContext
            if( service == typeof(IProvideValueTarget))
                return this as IProvideValueTarget;
            if( _context != null )
                if( service == typeof(IXamlTypeResolver))
                    return this as IXamlTypeResolver;
                else if( service == typeof(IUriContext))
                    return this as IUriContext;
                else if (service == typeof(IFreezeFreezables))
                    return this as IFreezeFreezables;
            return null;
        // Data
        private ParserContext _context = null;
        private object _targetObject = null;
        private object _targetProperty = null;