// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Undo unit for TextContainer.DeleteContent calls.
using MS.Internal;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Xml;
namespace System.Windows.Documents
// Undo unit for TextContainer.DeleteContent calls.
internal class TextTreeDeleteContentUndoUnit : TextTreeUndoUnit
// Constructors
#region Constructors
// Creates a new instance.
// start/end span the content to copy into the new undo unit -- they
// should always share the same scoping TextElement.
internal TextTreeDeleteContentUndoUnit(TextContainer tree, TextPointer start, TextPointer end) : base(tree, start.GetSymbolOffset())
TextTreeNode node;
TextTreeNode haltNode;
Invariant.Assert(start.GetScopingNode() == end.GetScopingNode(), "start/end have different scope!");
node = start.GetAdjacentNode(LogicalDirection.Forward);
haltNode = end.GetAdjacentNode(LogicalDirection.Forward);
// Walk the content, copying runs as we go.
_content = CopyContent(node, haltNode);
#endregion Constructors
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
// Called by the undo manager. Restores tree state to its condition
// when the unit was created. Assumes the tree state matches conditions
// just after the unit was created.
// Note that inside the scope of this call we'll also create redo records,
// which are very fragmented -- one for each TextPointerContext run.
// In the future, if we have perf issues, we could consider disabling
// reentrant calls to the UndoManager and instead manually adding a single
// undo unit here to prevent the fragmentation.
public override void DoCore()
TextPointer navigator;
ContentContainer container;
// We need forward gravity to make following inserts work.
navigator = new TextPointer(this.TextContainer, this.SymbolOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward);
for (container = _content; container != null; container = container.NextContainer)
#endregion Public Methods
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
// Used also in TextTreeExtractElementUndoUnit
internal static TableColumn[] SaveColumns(Table table)
TableColumn[] savedColumns;
if (table.Columns.Count > 0)
savedColumns = new TableColumn[table.Columns.Count];
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < table.Columns.Count; columnIndex++)
savedColumns[columnIndex] = CopyColumn(table.Columns[columnIndex]);
savedColumns = null;
return savedColumns;
// Used also in TextTreeExtractElementUndoUnit
internal static void RestoreColumns(Table table, TableColumn[] savedColumns)
if (savedColumns != null)
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < savedColumns.Length; columnIndex++)
if (table.Columns.Count <= columnIndex)
private static TableColumn CopyColumn(TableColumn sourceTableColumn)
TableColumn newTableColumn = new TableColumn();
LocalValueEnumerator properties = sourceTableColumn.GetLocalValueEnumerator();
while (properties.MoveNext())
LocalValueEntry propertyEntry = properties.Current;
if (!propertyEntry.Property.ReadOnly)
newTableColumn.SetValue(propertyEntry.Property, propertyEntry.Value);
return newTableColumn;
#endregion Internal Methods
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
// Walks the tree from node to the end of its sibling list,
// copying content along the way,
// halting when/if haltNode is encountered. haltNode may be
// null, in which case we walk to the end of the sibling list.
// Returns a ContentContainer holding a deep copy of all content
// walked.
// This method is called recursively when TextElement nodes
// are encountered.
private ContentContainer CopyContent(TextTreeNode node, TextTreeNode haltNode)
ContentContainer firstContainer;
ContentContainer container;
ContentContainer nextContainer;
TextTreeTextNode textNode;
TextTreeObjectNode objectNode;
TextTreeTextElementNode elementNode;
firstContainer = null;
container = null;
while (node != haltNode && node != null)
textNode = node as TextTreeTextNode;
if (textNode != null)
node = CopyTextNode(textNode, haltNode, out nextContainer);
objectNode = node as TextTreeObjectNode;
if (objectNode != null)
node = CopyObjectNode(objectNode, out nextContainer);
Invariant.Assert(node is TextTreeTextElementNode, "Unexpected TextTreeNode type!");
elementNode = (TextTreeTextElementNode)node;
node = CopyElementNode(elementNode, out nextContainer);
if (container == null)
firstContainer = nextContainer;
container.NextContainer = nextContainer;
container = nextContainer;
return firstContainer;
// Copies a run of text into a ContentContainer.
// Returns the next node to examine.
private TextTreeNode CopyTextNode(TextTreeTextNode textNode, TextTreeNode haltNode, out ContentContainer container)
SplayTreeNode node;
char[] text;
int count;
int symbolOffset;
Invariant.Assert(textNode != haltNode, "Expect at least one node to copy!");
symbolOffset = textNode.GetSymbolOffset(this.TextContainer.Generation);
// Get a count of all the characters we're about to copy.
count = 0;
node = textNode;
count += textNode.SymbolCount;
node = textNode.GetNextNode();
textNode = node as TextTreeTextNode;
while (textNode != null && textNode != haltNode);
// Allocate storage.
text = new char[count];
// Copy the text.
TextTreeText.ReadText(this.TextContainer.RootTextBlock, symbolOffset, count, text, 0 /*startIndex*/);
container = new TextContentContainer(text);
return (TextTreeNode)node;
/// <summary>
/// Copies an embedded UIElement into a ContentContainer.
/// Returns the next node to examine.
/// </summary>
private TextTreeNode CopyObjectNode(TextTreeObjectNode objectNode, out ContentContainer container)
string xml = XamlWriter.Save(objectNode.EmbeddedElement);
container = new ObjectContentContainer(xml, objectNode.EmbeddedElement);
return (TextTreeNode)objectNode.GetNextNode();
// Copies a TextElement and all its contained content into a ContentContainer.
// Returns the next node to examine.
private TextTreeNode CopyElementNode(TextTreeTextElementNode elementNode, out ContentContainer container)
if(elementNode.TextElement is Table)
container = new TableElementContentContainer(elementNode.TextElement as Table,
CopyContent((TextTreeNode)elementNode.GetFirstContainedNode(), null));
container = new ElementContentContainer(elementNode.TextElement.GetType(),
CopyContent((TextTreeNode)elementNode.GetFirstContainedNode(), null));
return (TextTreeNode)elementNode.GetNextNode();
#endregion Private methods
// Private Types
#region Private Types
// ContentContainer encapsulates a serialized copy of one of
// - Text run.
// - UIElement.
// - TextElement.
private abstract class ContentContainer
// Inserts the content held by this container at a specified position.
// Navigator is positioned just past the new content on return.
// Navigator is expected to have forward gravity.
internal abstract void Do(TextPointer navigator);
// The content following this container. Always a different
// container type.
internal ContentContainer NextContainer
get { return _nextContainer; }
set { _nextContainer = value; }
private ContentContainer _nextContainer;
// A serialized text run.
private class TextContentContainer : ContentContainer
internal TextContentContainer(char[] text)
_text = text;
// Inserts the content held by this container at a specified position.
// Navigator is positioned just past the new content on return.
// Navigator is expected to have forward gravity.
internal override void Do(TextPointer navigator)
navigator.TextContainer.InsertTextInternal(navigator, _text);
// The text covered by this run.
private readonly char[] _text;
// A serialized UIElement.
private class ObjectContentContainer : ContentContainer
internal ObjectContentContainer(string xml, object element)
_xml = xml;
// Store a strong reference to the deleted element.
// Note that we are not supposed to use this reference in any other way
// as just to prevent garbage collector to delete object.
// We need to keep it in memory for ensuring that image cache
// keeps the same uri references to image bitmaps.
// Otherwise uri-s of packaged (pasted) images will be broken
// on undo.
_element = element;
// Inserts the content held by this container at a specified position.
// Navigator is positioned just past the new content on return.
// Navigator is expected to have forward gravity.
internal override void Do(TextPointer navigator)
DependencyObject embeddedObject = null;
// Get the object to be inserted.
// If xml is null which we set it not to call SaveAsXml in the partial trust envirnment,
// create the dummy Grid object to be inserted so that we can sync TextContainer
// count with the undo unit.
if (_xml != null)
embeddedObject = (DependencyObject)XamlReader.Load(new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(_xml)));
catch (XamlParseException e)
Invariant.Assert(e != null); // Placed here for debugging convenience - to be able to see the exception.
// When we cannot parse the object back, we loose it and substitute by an empty Grid
// as an embeddedElement placeholder.
if (embeddedObject == null)
embeddedObject = new Grid();
navigator.TextContainer.InsertEmbeddedObjectInternal(navigator, embeddedObject);
// Serialized UIElement xml.
private readonly string _xml;
// Stores a strong reference to the deleted content to make sure
// that all image data remains in image cache.
// The object is not supposed to be used in any other sense
// in this undo unit - only as a strong reference.
// Image cache keeps the association between an image bitmap data
// and its source url until the bitmapdata is referred to by a strong reference.
// That's why we need this.
private readonly Object _element;
// A serialized TextElement.
private class ElementContentContainer : ContentContainer
// Creates a new instance.
// childContainer holds all content covered by this TextElement.
internal ElementContentContainer(Type elementType, PropertyRecord[] localValues, ResourceDictionary resources, ContentContainer childContainer)
_elementType = elementType;
_localValues = localValues;
_childContainer = childContainer;
_resources = resources;
// Inserts the content held by this container at a specified position.
// Navigator is positioned just past the new content on return.
// Navigator is expected to have forward gravity.
internal override void Do(TextPointer navigator)
ContentContainer container;
TextElement element;
// Insert the element.
element = (TextElement)Activator.CreateInstance(_elementType);
element.Reposition(navigator, navigator);
// Get inside its scope.
// Set local values.
// Shouldn't we call this with deferLoad=true and call EndDeferLoad after all parameters set?
navigator.TextContainer.SetValues(navigator, TextTreeUndoUnit.ArrayToLocalValueEnumerator(_localValues));
// Restore resources
element.Resources = _resources;
// Insert contained content.
for (container = _childContainer; container != null; container = container.NextContainer)
// Move outside the element's scope again.
// TextElement type.
private readonly Type _elementType;
// Local property values set on the TextElement.
private readonly PropertyRecord []_localValues;
// Resources defined locally on the TextElement
private readonly ResourceDictionary _resources;
// Contained content.
private readonly ContentContainer _childContainer;
// A serialized Table Element
private class TableElementContentContainer : ElementContentContainer
internal TableElementContentContainer(Table table, PropertyRecord []localValues, ContentContainer childContainer) :
base(table.GetType(), localValues, table.Resources, childContainer)
_cpTable = table.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(table.ContentStart);
_columns = SaveColumns(table);
internal override void Do(TextPointer navigator)
if(_columns != null)
TextPointer textPointerTable = new TextPointer(navigator.TextContainer.Start, _cpTable, LogicalDirection.Forward);
Table table = (Table) textPointerTable.Parent;
RestoreColumns(table, _columns);
private TableColumn[] _columns;
private int _cpTable;
#endregion Private Types
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
// Serialized content.
private readonly ContentContainer _content;
#endregion Private Fields