// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description:
// A generic class that allow instantiation of a tree of Framework[Content]Elements.
// This is used to specify an overall master template for a Control. The control
// author defines the default ControlTemplate and the app author can override this.
using System.Windows.Navigation; // PageFunctionBase
using System.ComponentModel; // DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute & DefaultValue
using System.Windows.Markup; // DependsOnAttribute
namespace System.Windows.Controls
/// <summary>
/// A generic class that allow instantiation of a tree of
/// Framework[Content]Elements. This is used to specify an
/// overall master template for a Control. The control author
/// defines the default ControlTemplate and the app author
/// can override this.
/// </summary>
[Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability=Readability.Unreadable)]
public class ControlTemplate : FrameworkTemplate
#region Construction
/// <summary>
/// ControlTemplate Constructor
/// </summary>
public ControlTemplate()
/// <summary>
/// ControlTemplate Constructor
/// </summary>
public ControlTemplate(Type targetType)
ValidateTargetType(targetType, "targetType");
_targetType = targetType;
#endregion Construction
#region PublicMethods
/// <summary>
/// Validate against the following rules
/// 1. One cannot use a ControlTemplate to template a FrameworkContentElement
/// 2. One cannot use a ControlTemplate to template a FrameworkElement other than a Control
/// 3. One cannot use a ControlTemplate to template a Control that isn't associated with it
/// </summary>
protected override void ValidateTemplatedParent(FrameworkElement templatedParent)
// Must have a non-null feTemplatedParent
// The target type of a ControlTemplate must match the
// type of the Control that it is being applied to
if (_targetType != null && !_targetType.IsInstanceOfType(templatedParent))
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TemplateTargetTypeMismatch, _targetType.Name, templatedParent.GetType().Name));
// One cannot use a ControlTemplate to template a Control that isn't associated with it
if (templatedParent.TemplateInternal != this)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.MustNotTemplateUnassociatedControl);
#endregion PublicMethods
#region PublicProperties
/// <summary>
/// TargetType for this ControlTemplate
/// </summary>
public Type TargetType
get { return _targetType; }
ValidateTargetType(value, "value");
_targetType = value;
/// <summary>
/// Collection of Triggers
/// </summary>
public TriggerCollection Triggers
if (_triggers == null)
_triggers = new TriggerCollection();
// If the template has been sealed prior to this the newly
// created TriggerCollection also needs to be sealed
if (IsSealed)
return _triggers;
#endregion PublicProperties
#region NonPublicMethods
// Validate against two rules
// 1. targetType must not null
// 2. targetType must be a Control or a subclass of it
private void ValidateTargetType(Type targetType, string argName)
if (targetType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(argName);
if (!typeof(Control).IsAssignableFrom(targetType) &&
!typeof(Page).IsAssignableFrom(targetType) &&
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.InvalidControlTemplateTargetType, targetType.Name));
#endregion NonPublicMethods
#region NonPublicProperties
// TargetType for ControlTemplate. This is override is
// so FrameworkTemplate can see this property.
internal override Type TargetTypeInternal
if (TargetType != null)
return TargetType;
return DefaultTargetType;
// Subclasses must provide a way for the parser to directly set the
// target type.
internal override void SetTargetTypeInternal(Type targetType)
TargetType = targetType;
// Collection of Triggers for a ControlTemplate. This is
// override is so FrameworkTemplate can see this property.
internal override TriggerCollection TriggersInternal
get { return Triggers; }
#endregion NonPublicProperties
#region Data
private Type _targetType;
private TriggerCollection _triggers;
// Target type is FrameworkElement by default
internal static readonly Type DefaultTargetType = typeof(Control);
#endregion Data