// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Text;
using MS.Utility;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Windows.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using MS.Win32;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Ink;
using MS.Internal.Interop;
using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework; // SafeSecurityHelper
using System.Windows.Baml2006;
using System.Xaml.Permissions;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace System.Windows
/// <summary>
/// SystemResources loads system theme data into the system resources collection.
/// </summary>
internal static class SystemResources
// ------------------------------------------------
// Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
#region Methods
/// <summary>
/// Returns a resource for the given key type from the system resources collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">The resource id to search for.</param>
/// <returns>The resource if it exists, null otherwise.</returns>
//[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647
internal static object FindThemeStyle(DependencyObjectType key)
// Find a cached theme style
object resource = _themeStyleCache[key];
if (resource != null)
// Found a cached value
if (resource == _specialNull)
// We cached a null, set it to a real null
return null; // Null resource found
return resource;
// Find the resource from the system resources collection
resource = FindResourceInternal(key.SystemType);
// The above read operation was lock free. Writing
// to the cache will need a lock though
lock (ThemeDictionaryLock)
if (resource != null)
// Cache the value
_themeStyleCache[key] = resource;
// Record nulls so we don't bother doing lookups for them later
// Any theme changes will clear these values
_themeStyleCache[key] = _specialNull;
return resource;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a resource of the given name from the system resources collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">The resource id to search for.</param>
/// <returns>The resource if it exists, null otherwise.</returns>
//[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647
internal static object FindResourceInternal(object key)
// Call Forwarded
return FindResourceInternal(key, false /*allowDeferredResourceReference*/, false /*mustReturnDeferredResourceReference*/);
internal static object FindResourceInternal(object key, bool allowDeferredResourceReference, bool mustReturnDeferredResourceReference)
// Ensure that resource changes on this thread can be heard and handled
object resource = null;
Type typeKey = null;
ResourceKey resourceKey = null;
bool isTraceEnabled = EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose);
// System resource keys can only be of type Type or of type ResourceKey
typeKey = key as Type;
resourceKey = (typeKey == null) ? (key as ResourceKey) : null;
if (isTraceEnabled)
EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose,
(key == null) ? "null" : key.ToString());
if ((typeKey == null) && (resourceKey == null))
// Not a valid key
if (isTraceEnabled)
EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientResourceFindEnd, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose);
return null;
// Check if the value was already cached
if (!FindCachedResource(key, ref resource, mustReturnDeferredResourceReference))
// Cache miss, do a lookup
if (isTraceEnabled)
EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientResourceCacheMiss, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose);
lock (ThemeDictionaryLock)
bool canCache = true;
SystemResourceKey sysKey = (resourceKey != null) ? resourceKey as SystemResourceKey : null;
if (sysKey != null)
// Check the list of system metrics
if (!mustReturnDeferredResourceReference)
resource = sysKey.Resource;
resource = new DeferredResourceReferenceHolder(sysKey, sysKey.Resource);
if (isTraceEnabled)
EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientResourceStock, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, sysKey.ToString());
// Do a dictionary lookup
resource = FindDictionaryResource(key, typeKey, resourceKey, isTraceEnabled, allowDeferredResourceReference, mustReturnDeferredResourceReference, out canCache);
if ((canCache && !allowDeferredResourceReference) || resource == null)
// Cache the resource
CacheResource(key, resource, isTraceEnabled);
if (isTraceEnabled)
EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientResourceFindEnd, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose);
return resource;
#region ResourceDictionaryDiagnostics Support
/// <summary>
/// Enumerates all themed <see cref="ResourceDictionary"/> instances
/// </summary>
internal static ReadOnlyCollection<ResourceDictionaryInfo> ThemedResourceDictionaries
List<ResourceDictionaryInfo> dictionaries = new List<ResourceDictionaryInfo>();
if (_dictionaries != null)
lock (ThemeDictionaryLock)
if (_dictionaries != null)
foreach (var dictionary in _dictionaries)
ResourceDictionaryInfo info = dictionary.Value.ThemedDictionaryInfo;
if (info.ResourceDictionary != null)
return dictionaries.AsReadOnly();
/// <summary>
/// Enumerates all generic <see cref="ResourceDictionary"/> instances
/// </summary>
internal static ReadOnlyCollection<ResourceDictionaryInfo> GenericResourceDictionaries
List<ResourceDictionaryInfo> dictionaries = new List<ResourceDictionaryInfo>();
if (_dictionaries != null)
lock (ThemeDictionaryLock)
if (_dictionaries != null)
foreach (var dictionary in _dictionaries)
ResourceDictionaryInfo info = dictionary.Value.GenericDictionaryInfo;
if (info.ResourceDictionary != null)
return dictionaries.AsReadOnly();
// ------------------------------------------------
// Implementation
// ------------------------------------------------
#region Implementation
//[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647
internal static void CacheResource(object key, object resource, bool isTraceEnabled)
// Thread safety handled by FindResourceInternal. Be sure to have locked _resourceCache.SyncRoot.
if (resource != null)
// Cache the value
_resourceCache[key] = resource;
if (isTraceEnabled)
EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientResourceCacheValue, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml, EventTrace.Level.Verbose);
// Record nulls so we don't bother doing lookups for them later
// Any theme changes will clear these values
_resourceCache[key] = _specialNull;
if (isTraceEnabled)
EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientResourceCacheNull, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml, EventTrace.Level.Verbose);
#region Resource Value Lookup
private static bool FindCachedResource(object key, ref object resource, bool mustReturnDeferredResourceReference)
// reading the cache is lock free
resource = _resourceCache[key];
bool found = (resource != null);
if (resource == _specialNull)
// We cached a null, set it to a real null
resource = null;
DispatcherObject dispatcherObject = resource as DispatcherObject;
// The current thread may not have access to this object.
if (found && mustReturnDeferredResourceReference)
resource = new DeferredResourceReferenceHolder(key, resource);
return found;
/// <summary>
/// Searches for a resource inside a ResourceDictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">The original key.</param>
/// <param name="typeKey">The key cast to Type.</param>
/// <param name="resourceKey">The key cast to ResourceKey.</param>
/// <param name="isTraceEnabled">Tracing on/off.</param>
/// <param name="allowDeferredResourceReference">
/// If this flag is true the resource will not actually be inflated from Baml.
/// Instead we will return an instance of DeferredDictionaryReference which
/// can later be used to query the resource
/// </param>
/// <param name="mustReturnDeferredResourceReference">
/// If this method is true this method will always return a
/// DeferredThemeResourceReference instance which envelopes the underlying resource.
/// </param>
/// <param name="canCache">Whether callers can cache the value.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static object FindDictionaryResource(
object key,
Type typeKey,
ResourceKey resourceKey,
bool isTraceEnabled,
bool allowDeferredResourceReference,
bool mustReturnDeferredResourceReference,
out bool canCache)
// Thread safety handled by FindResourceInternal. Be sure to have locked _resourceCache.SyncRoot.
Debug.Assert(typeKey != null || resourceKey != null, "typeKey or resourceKey should be non-null");
canCache = true;
object resource = null;
Assembly assembly = (typeKey != null) ? typeKey.Assembly : resourceKey.Assembly;
if ((assembly == null) || IgnoreAssembly(assembly))
// Without an assembly, we can't figure out which dictionary to look at.
// Also, ignore some common assemblies we know to not contain resources.
return null;
ResourceDictionaries dictionaries = EnsureDictionarySlot(assembly);
ResourceDictionary dictionary = dictionaries.LoadThemedDictionary(isTraceEnabled);
if (dictionary != null)
resource = LookupResourceInDictionary(dictionary, key, allowDeferredResourceReference, mustReturnDeferredResourceReference, out canCache);
if (resource == null)
dictionary = dictionaries.LoadGenericDictionary(isTraceEnabled);
if (dictionary != null)
resource = LookupResourceInDictionary(dictionary, key, allowDeferredResourceReference, mustReturnDeferredResourceReference, out canCache);
if (resource != null)
// Resources coming out of the dictionary may need to be frozen
return resource;
/// <summary>
/// Looks in the ResourceDictionary for the desired resource.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dictionary">The ResourceDictionary to look in.</param>
/// <param name="key">The key for the resource.</param>
/// <param name="allowDeferredResourceReference">
/// If this flag is true the resource will not actually be inflated from Baml.
/// Instead we will return an instance of DeferredDictionaryReference which
/// can later be used to query the resource
/// </param>
/// <param name="mustReturnDeferredResourceReference">
/// If this method is true this method will always return a
/// DeferredThemeResourceReference instance which envelopes the underlying resource.
/// </param>
/// <param name="canCache">Whether callers should cache the value.</param>
/// <returns>The resource if found and successfully loaded, null otherwise.</returns>
private static object LookupResourceInDictionary(
ResourceDictionary dictionary,
object key,
bool allowDeferredResourceReference,
bool mustReturnDeferredResourceReference,
out bool canCache)
object resource = null;
IsSystemResourcesParsing = true;
resource = dictionary.FetchResource(key, allowDeferredResourceReference, mustReturnDeferredResourceReference, out canCache);
IsSystemResourcesParsing = false;
return resource;
/// <summary>
/// Unbinds a Freezable from its Context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resource">The resource to freeze.</param>
private static void Freeze(object resource)
Freezable freezable = resource as Freezable;
if (freezable != null && !freezable.IsFrozen)
#region Dictionary Loading
/// <summary>
/// Returns the dictionary cache slot associated with the given assembly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assembly">The desired assembly</param>
/// <returns>The cache slot.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This method has exactly one caller (FindDictionaryResource) which in turn is called by
/// exactly one caller (FindResourceInternal(object,bool,bool). FindResourceInternal
/// synchronizes on ThemeDictionaryLock, which ensures that EnsureDictionarySlot always
/// executes under that lock.
/// </remarks>
private static ResourceDictionaries EnsureDictionarySlot(Assembly assembly)
ResourceDictionaries dictionaries = null;
if (_dictionaries != null)
_dictionaries.TryGetValue(assembly, out dictionaries);
// We will be caching data, create the cache
_dictionaries = new Dictionary<Assembly, ResourceDictionaries>(1);
if (dictionaries == null)
// Ensure the cache slot is created
dictionaries = new ResourceDictionaries(assembly);
_dictionaries.Add(assembly, dictionaries);
return dictionaries;
private static bool IgnoreAssembly(Assembly assembly)
return (assembly == MsCorLib) || (assembly == PresentationCore) || (assembly == WindowsBase);
private static Assembly MsCorLib
if (_mscorlib == null)
_mscorlib = typeof(string).Assembly;
return _mscorlib;
private static Assembly PresentationFramework
if (_presentationFramework == null)
_presentationFramework = typeof(FrameworkElement).Assembly;
return _presentationFramework;
private static Assembly PresentationCore
if (_presentationCore == null)
_presentationCore = typeof(UIElement).Assembly;
return _presentationCore;
private static Assembly WindowsBase
if (_windowsBase == null)
_windowsBase = typeof(DependencyObject).Assembly;
return _windowsBase;
/// <summary>
/// Loads and caches the generic and themed resource dictionaries for an assembly.
/// </summary>
internal class ResourceDictionaries
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance of this class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assembly">The assembly that this class represents.</param>
internal ResourceDictionaries(Assembly assembly)
_assembly = assembly;
// No themed or generic dictionary is loaded yet.
_themedDictionaryAssembly = null;
_themedDictionarySourceUri = null;
_genericDictionaryAssembly = null;
_genericDictionarySourceUri = null;
if (assembly == PresentationFramework)
// Since we know all the information about PresentationFramework in advance,
// we can pre-initialize that data.
_assemblyName = PresentationFrameworkName;
// There is no generic dictionary
_genericDictionary = null;
_genericLoaded = true;
_genericLocation = ResourceDictionaryLocation.None;
// Themed dictionaries are all external
_themedLocation = ResourceDictionaryLocation.ExternalAssembly;
_locationsLoaded = true;
_assemblyName = ReflectionUtils.GetAssemblyPartialName(assembly).ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Resets the themed dictionaries. This is used when the theme changes.
/// </summary>
internal void ClearThemedDictionary()
ResourceDictionaryInfo info = ThemedDictionaryInfo;
_themedLoaded = false;
_themedDictionary = null;
_themedDictionaryAssembly = null;
_themedDictionarySourceUri = null;
if (info.ResourceDictionary != null)
SystemResources.ThemedDictionaryUnloaded?.Invoke(null, new ResourceDictionaryUnloadedEventArgs(info));
/// <summary>
/// Returns the theme dictionary associated with this assembly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isTraceEnabled">Whether debug tracing is enabled.</param>
/// <returns>The dictionary if loaded, otherwise null.</returns>
internal ResourceDictionary LoadThemedDictionary(bool isTraceEnabled)
if (!_themedLoaded)
if (_preventReEnter || (_themedLocation == ResourceDictionaryLocation.None))
// We are already in the middle of parsing this resource dictionary, avoid infinite loops.
// OR, there are no themed resources.
return null;
IsSystemResourcesParsing = true;
_preventReEnter = true;
ResourceDictionary dictionary = null;
// Get the assembly to look inside for resources.
string dictionaryAssemblyName;
bool external = (_themedLocation == ResourceDictionaryLocation.ExternalAssembly);
if (external)
LoadExternalAssembly(false /* classic */, false /* generic */, out _themedDictionaryAssembly, out dictionaryAssemblyName);
_themedDictionaryAssembly = _assembly;
dictionaryAssemblyName = _assemblyName;
if (_themedDictionaryAssembly != null)
dictionary = LoadDictionary(_themedDictionaryAssembly, dictionaryAssemblyName, ThemedResourceName, isTraceEnabled, out _themedDictionarySourceUri);
if ((dictionary == null) && !external)
// Themed resources should have been inside the source assembly, but failed to load.
// Try falling back to external in case this is a theme that shipped later.
LoadExternalAssembly(false /* classic */, false /* generic */, out _themedDictionaryAssembly, out dictionaryAssemblyName);
if (_themedDictionaryAssembly != null)
dictionary = LoadDictionary(_themedDictionaryAssembly, dictionaryAssemblyName, ThemedResourceName, isTraceEnabled, out _themedDictionarySourceUri);
if ((dictionary == null) && UxThemeWrapper.IsActive)
// If a non-classic dictionary failed to load, then try to load classic.
if (external)
LoadExternalAssembly(true /* classic */, false /* generic */, out _themedDictionaryAssembly, out dictionaryAssemblyName);
_themedDictionaryAssembly = _assembly;
dictionaryAssemblyName = _assemblyName;
if (_themedDictionaryAssembly != null)
dictionary = LoadDictionary(_themedDictionaryAssembly, dictionaryAssemblyName, ClassicResourceName, isTraceEnabled, out _themedDictionarySourceUri);
_themedDictionary = dictionary;
_themedLoaded = true;
if (_themedDictionary != null)
SystemResources.ThemedDictionaryLoaded?.Invoke(null, new ResourceDictionaryLoadedEventArgs(ThemedDictionaryInfo));
_preventReEnter = false;
IsSystemResourcesParsing = false;
return _themedDictionary;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the generic dictionary associated with this assembly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isTraceEnabled">Whether debug tracing is enabled.</param>
/// <returns>The dictionary if loaded, otherwise null.</returns>
internal ResourceDictionary LoadGenericDictionary(bool isTraceEnabled)
if (!_genericLoaded)
if (_preventReEnter || (_genericLocation == ResourceDictionaryLocation.None))
// We are already in the middle of parsing this resource dictionary, avoid infinite loops.
return null;
IsSystemResourcesParsing = true;
_preventReEnter = true;
ResourceDictionary dictionary = null;
// Get the assembly to look inside
string dictionaryAssemblyName;
if (_genericLocation == ResourceDictionaryLocation.ExternalAssembly)
LoadExternalAssembly(false /* classic */, true /* generic */, out _genericDictionaryAssembly, out dictionaryAssemblyName);
_genericDictionaryAssembly = _assembly;
dictionaryAssemblyName = _assemblyName;
if (_genericDictionaryAssembly != null)
dictionary = LoadDictionary(_genericDictionaryAssembly, dictionaryAssemblyName, GenericResourceName, isTraceEnabled, out _genericDictionarySourceUri);
_genericDictionary = dictionary;
_genericLoaded = true;
if (_genericDictionary != null)
SystemResources.GenericDictionaryLoaded?.Invoke(null, new ResourceDictionaryLoadedEventArgs(GenericDictionaryInfo));
_preventReEnter = false;
IsSystemResourcesParsing = false;
return _genericDictionary;
/// <summary>
/// Loads the assembly attribute indicating where dictionaries are stored.
/// </summary>
private void LoadDictionaryLocations()
if (!_locationsLoaded)
ThemeInfoAttribute locations = ThemeInfoAttribute.FromAssembly(_assembly);
if (locations != null)
_themedLocation = locations.ThemeDictionaryLocation;
_genericLocation = locations.GenericDictionaryLocation;
_themedLocation = ResourceDictionaryLocation.None;
_genericLocation = ResourceDictionaryLocation.None;
_locationsLoaded = true;
/// <summary>
/// Loads an associated theme assembly based on a main assembly.
/// </summary>
private void LoadExternalAssembly(bool classic, bool generic, out Assembly assembly, out string assemblyName)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(_assemblyName.Length + 10);
if (generic)
else if (classic)
assemblyName = sb.ToString();
string fullName = ReflectionUtils.GetFullAssemblyNameFromPartialName(_assembly, assemblyName);
assembly = null;
assembly = Assembly.Load(fullName);
// There is no Assembly.Exists API to determine if an Assembly exists.
// There is also no way to determine if an Assembly's format is good prior to loading it.
// So, the exception must be caught. assembly will continue to be null and returned.
catch (FileNotFoundException)
catch (BadImageFormatException)
// Wires themes KnownTypeHelper
if (_assemblyName == PresentationFrameworkName && assembly != null)
Type knownTypeHelper = assembly.GetType("Microsoft.Windows.Themes.KnownTypeHelper");
if (knownTypeHelper != null)
/// <summary>
/// The string to use as the key to load the .NET resource stream that contains themed resources.
/// </summary>
internal static string ThemedResourceName
// the race conditions described in UxThemeWrapper apply
// here as well, and are solved with the same techniques
string themedResourceName = _themedResourceName;
while (themedResourceName == null)
themedResourceName = UxThemeWrapper.ThemedResourceName; // guaranteed not null
// try to update the shared member
string currentName = System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _themedResourceName, themedResourceName, null);
if (currentName != null && currentName != themedResourceName)
// another thread updated with a different value, which might
// be stale. To be safe, retry as if a fresh ThemeChange occurred
_themedResourceName = null;
themedResourceName = null;
return themedResourceName;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="ResourceDictionaryInfo"/> encapsulating information about the generic ResourceDictionary represented
/// by this <see cref="ResourceDictionaries"/> instance.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// It is possible that the ResourceDictionaryInfo instance returned here could be cached to improve performance.
/// (i) Typical applicaitons will have O(1) RD instances, (ii) this property will be called only during development
/// or debugging, (iii) caching will introduce some redundant storage of information (like _assembly, _genericDictionary)
/// or require additional refactoring to eliminate those redundances, and (iv) caching would potentially introduce
/// additional instances that would remain alive even in scenarios wherein a debugger is not attached. Given these
/// factors, we are not caching the ResourceDictionaryInfo instances returned by this property's getter.
/// </remarks>
internal ResourceDictionaryInfo GenericDictionaryInfo
return new ResourceDictionaryInfo(_assembly, _genericDictionaryAssembly, _genericDictionary, _genericDictionarySourceUri);
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="ResourceDictionaryInfo"/> encapsulating information about the themed ResourceDictionary represented
/// by this <see cref="ResourceDictionaries"/> instance.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// See remarks for <see cref="GenericDictionaryInfo"/>
/// </remarks>
internal ResourceDictionaryInfo ThemedDictionaryInfo
return new ResourceDictionaryInfo(_assembly, _themedDictionaryAssembly, _themedDictionary, _themedDictionarySourceUri);
/// <summary>
/// Loads a ResourceDictionary from within an assembly's .NET resource store.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assembly">The owning assembly.</param>
/// <param name="assemblyName">The name of the owning assembly.</param>
/// <param name="resourceName">The name of the desired theme resource.</param>
/// <param name="isTraceEnabled">Whether tracing is enabled.</param>
/// <param name="dictionarySourceUri">
/// Returns the pack:// Uri of the baml from which the ResourceDictionary instance returned
/// by this method was loaded. This Uri is captured for use with <see cref="ResourceDictionaryDiagnostics"/>.
/// </param>
/// <returns>The dictionary if found and loaded successfully, null otherwise.</returns>
private ResourceDictionary LoadDictionary(Assembly assembly, string assemblyName, string resourceName, bool isTraceEnabled, out Uri dictionarySourceUri)
ResourceDictionary dictionary = null;
dictionarySourceUri = null;
// Create the resource manager that will load the byte array
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager($"{assemblyName}.g", assembly);
resourceName = $"{resourceName}.baml";
// Load the resource stream
Stream stream = null;
stream = rm.GetStream(resourceName, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
// There is no ResourceManager.HasManifest in order to detect this case before an exception is thrown.
// Likewise, there is no way to know if loading a resource will fail prior to loading it.
// So, the exceptions must be caught. stream will continue to be null and handled accordingly later.
catch (MissingManifestResourceException)
// No usable resources in the assembly
catch (MissingSatelliteAssemblyException)
// No usable resources in the assembly
#if !DEBUG
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// Object not stored correctly
if (stream != null)
Baml2006ReaderSettings settings = new Baml2006ReaderSettings
OwnsStream = true,
LocalAssembly = assembly
// For system themes, we don't seem to be passing the BAML Uri to the Baml2006Reader
Baml2006Reader bamlReader = new Baml2006ReaderInternal(stream, new Baml2006SchemaContext(settings.LocalAssembly), settings);
System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriterSettings owSettings = XamlReader.CreateObjectWriterSettingsForBaml();
if (assembly != null)
owSettings.AccessLevel = XamlAccessLevel.AssemblyAccessTo(assembly);
AssemblyName asemblyName = new AssemblyName(assembly.FullName);
Uri streamUri = null;
string packUri = $"pack://application:,,,/{asemblyName.Name};v{asemblyName.Version.ToString()};component/{resourceName}";
if (Uri.TryCreate(packUri, UriKind.Absolute, out streamUri))
if (XamlSourceInfoHelper.IsXamlSourceInfoEnabled)
owSettings.SourceBamlUri = streamUri;
dictionarySourceUri = streamUri;
System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriter writer = new System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriter(bamlReader.SchemaContext, owSettings);
System.Xaml.XamlServices.Transform(bamlReader, writer);
dictionary = (ResourceDictionary)writer.Result;
if (isTraceEnabled && (dictionary != null))
EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordXamlBaml, EventTrace.Level.Verbose,
return dictionary;
internal static void OnThemeChanged()
_themedResourceName = null;
private ResourceDictionary _genericDictionary;
private ResourceDictionary _themedDictionary;
private bool _genericLoaded = false;
private bool _themedLoaded = false;
private bool _preventReEnter = false;
private bool _locationsLoaded = false;
private string _assemblyName;
private Assembly _assembly;
private ResourceDictionaryLocation _genericLocation;
private ResourceDictionaryLocation _themedLocation;
private static string _themedResourceName;
// Used for ResourceDictionaryDiagnostics support
private Assembly _themedDictionaryAssembly;
private Assembly _genericDictionaryAssembly;
private Uri _themedDictionarySourceUri;
private Uri _genericDictionarySourceUri;
#region Value Changes
/// <summary>
/// Ensures that a a notify-window is created corresponding to <see cref="ProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue"/>
/// This is the default HWND used to listen for theme-change messages.
/// When <see cref="IsPerMonitorDpiScalingActive"/> is true, additional notification windows are created
/// on-demand by <see cref="EnsureResourceChangeListener(DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo)"/>
/// as the need arises. For e.g., when <see cref="System.Windows.Interop.HwndHost"/> calls into <see cref="GetDpiAwarenessCompatibleNotificationWindow(HandleRef)"/>,
/// we would look for a notify-window that matches both (a) DPI Awareness Context and (b) DPI Scale factor of the foreign window from HwndHost to return. If none is found,
/// we would create one and add it to our list in <see cref="_hwndNotify"/> and return the newly created notify-window.
/// Over the lifetime of a DPI-aware application, unique notify-windows could be created for each combination
/// of <see cref="DpiAwarenessContextValue"/> + DPI that is observed - i.e., for each unique <see cref="DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo"/>. This
/// would be bounded by:
/// #(valid DpiAwarenessContextValues) + 2*#(unique DPI values that are observed during calls to <see cref="GetDpiAwarenessCompatibleNotificationWindow(HandleRef)"/>)
/// The only DpiAwarenessContextValues for which unique DPI values would matter are <see cref="DpiAwarenessContextValue.PerMonitorAware"/> and
/// <see cref="DpiAwarenessContextValue.PerMonitorAwareVersion2"/>. For <see cref="DpiAwarenessContextValue.SystemAware"/> and <see cref="DpiAwarenessContextValue.Unaware"/>,
/// the OS would never report back anything other than the System DPI and 96 respectively, and thus we would only ever maintain one entry for those
/// DpiAwarenessContextValues.
/// </summary>
private static void EnsureResourceChangeListener()
// Create a new notify window if we haven't already created any corresponding to ProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue for this thread.
if (_hwndNotify == null ||
_hwndNotifyHook == null ||
_hwndNotify.Count == 0 ||
_hwndNotify.Keys.FirstOrDefault((hwndDpiContext) => hwndDpiContext.DpiAwarenessContextValue == ProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue) == null)
_hwndNotify = new Dictionary<DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo, HwndWrapper>();
_hwndNotifyHook = new Dictionary<DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo, HwndWrapperHook>();
_dpiAwarenessContextAndDpis = new List<DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo>();
var hwndDpiInfo = CreateResourceChangeListenerWindow(ProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue);
/// <summary>
/// Ensures that a notify-window corresponding to a given HwndDpiInfo(=DpiAwarenessContextValue + DpiScale) has been
/// created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hwndDpiInfo">Represents a combination of <see cref="DpiAwarenessContextValue"/> and <see cref="DpiScale2"/></param>
/// <remarks>
/// Since we create the new window using the (left, top) screen coordinates of the monitor that contained the HWND
/// whose characteristics we are trying to match, we are guaranteed that the DPI Scale factor of the newly created HWND
/// would be identical to that of the reference HWND.
/// </remarks>
private static bool EnsureResourceChangeListener(DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo hwndDpiInfo)
// It's meaningless to ensure RCL for Invalid DACV
if (hwndDpiInfo.DpiAwarenessContextValue == DpiAwarenessContextValue.Invalid)
return false;
if (!_hwndNotify.ContainsKey(hwndDpiInfo))
var hwndDpiInfoKey =
if (hwndDpiInfoKey == hwndDpiInfo && // If hwndDpiInfoKey != hwndDpiInfo, something is wrong, abort.
return _hwndNotify.ContainsKey(hwndDpiInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Creates notify-window by switching the thread to <paramref name="dpiContextValue"/> temporarily, adds the
/// corresponding <see cref="HwndWrapper"/> to <see cref="_hwndNotify"/>, and registers relevant hooks
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dpiContextValue">DPI Awareness Context for which notify-window has to be ensured</param>
/// <param name="x">x-coordinate position on the screen where the window is to be created</param>
/// <param name="y">y-coordinate position on the screen where the window is to be created</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Assumes that <see cref="_hwndNotify"/> and <see cref="_hwndNotifyHook"/> have been initialized. This method
/// must only be called by <see cref="EnsureResourceChangeListener"/> or <see cref="EnsureResourceChangeListener(DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo)"/>
/// </remarks>
/// <returns><see cref="DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo"/> of the newly created <see cref="HwndWrapper"/>, which is also a new key added into <see cref="_hwndNotify"/></returns>
private static DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo CreateResourceChangeListenerWindow(DpiAwarenessContextValue dpiContextValue, int x = 0, int y = 0, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
Debug.Assert(_hwndNotify != null);
Debug.Assert(_hwndNotifyHook != null);
Debug.Assert(callerName.Equals(nameof(EnsureResourceChangeListener), StringComparison.InvariantCulture));
using (DpiUtil.WithDpiAwarenessContext(dpiContextValue))
// Create a top-level, invisible window so we can get the WM_THEMECHANGE notification
// and for HwndHost to park non-visible HwndHosts.
var hwndNotify =
new HwndWrapper(
classStyle: 0,
style: NativeMethods.WS_POPUP | NativeMethods.WS_DISABLED,
exStyle: 0,
x: x,
y: y,
width: 0,
height: 0,
name: "SystemResourceNotifyWindow",
parent: IntPtr.Zero,
hooks: null);
// Do not call into DpiUtil.GetExtendedDpiInfoForWindow()
// unless IsPerMonitorDpiscalingActive == true. DpiUtil.GetExtendedDpiInfoForWindow()
// in turn calls into methods that are only supported on platforms with high DPI
// support (for e.g., not supported on Windows 7).
var hwndDpiInfo =
IsPerMonitorDpiScalingActive ?
new DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo(dpiContextValue, GetDpiScaleForUnawareOrSystemAwareContext(dpiContextValue));
Debug.Assert(hwndDpiInfo.DpiAwarenessContextValue == dpiContextValue);
_hwndNotify[hwndDpiInfo] = hwndNotify;
_hwndNotify[hwndDpiInfo].Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished += OnShutdownFinished;
_hwndNotifyHook[hwndDpiInfo] = new HwndWrapperHook(SystemThemeFilterMessage);
return hwndDpiInfo;
private static void OnShutdownFinished(object sender, EventArgs args)
if (_hwndNotify != null && _hwndNotify.Count != 0)
foreach (var hwndDpiInfo in _dpiAwarenessContextAndDpis)
_hwndNotifyHook[hwndDpiInfo] = null;
_hwndNotify = null;
_hwndNotifyHook = null;
/// <summary>
/// Obtains the DPI Scale factor value given the current non-Per Monitor Aware DPI Awareness Context Value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dpiContextValue"></param>
/// <returns>DPI Scale value</returns>
/// <remarks>Defaults to System DPI if an invalid <paramref name="dpiContextValue"/> is supplied</remarks>
private static DpiScale2 GetDpiScaleForUnawareOrSystemAwareContext(DpiAwarenessContextValue dpiContextValue)
Debug.Assert(dpiContextValue == DpiAwarenessContextValue.Unaware || dpiContextValue == DpiAwarenessContextValue.SystemAware);
DpiScale2 dpiScale = null;
switch (dpiContextValue)
case DpiAwarenessContextValue.Unaware:
dpiScale = DpiScale2.FromPixelsPerInch(DpiUtil.DefaultPixelsPerInch, DpiUtil.DefaultPixelsPerInch);
case DpiAwarenessContextValue.SystemAware:
dpiScale = DpiUtil.GetSystemDpi();
return dpiScale;
private static void OnThemeChanged()
lock (ThemeDictionaryLock)
// Clear the resource cache
// Clear the themeStyleCache
// Clear the themed dictionaries
if (_dictionaries != null)
foreach (ResourceDictionaries dictionaries in _dictionaries.Values)
private static void OnSystemValueChanged()
lock (ThemeDictionaryLock)
// Collect the list of keys for the values that will need to be removed
// Note: We don't immediately remove them because the Key list is not
// static.
List<SystemResourceKey> keys = new List<SystemResourceKey>();
foreach (object key in _resourceCache.Keys)
SystemResourceKey resKey = key as SystemResourceKey;
if (resKey != null)
// Remove the values
int count = keys.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
private static object InvalidateTreeResources(Object args)
object[] argsArray = (object[])args;
PresentationSource source = (PresentationSource)argsArray[0];
if (!source.IsDisposed)
FrameworkElement fe = source.RootVisual as FrameworkElement;
if (fe != null)
bool isSysColorsOrSettingsChange = (bool)argsArray[1];
if (isSysColorsOrSettingsChange)
TreeWalkHelper.InvalidateOnResourcesChange(fe, null, ResourcesChangeInfo.SysColorsOrSettingsChangeInfo);
TreeWalkHelper.InvalidateOnResourcesChange(fe, null, ResourcesChangeInfo.ThemeChangeInfo);
System.Windows.Input.KeyboardNavigation.AlwaysShowFocusVisual = SystemParameters.KeyboardCues;
SystemResourcesAreChanging = true;
// Update FontFamily properties on root elements
SystemResourcesAreChanging = false;
PopupRoot popupRoot = fe as PopupRoot;
if (popupRoot != null && popupRoot.Parent != null)
return null;
/// <summary>
/// This method calls into PresentationCore internally to update Tabelt devices when the system settings change.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msg"></param>
/// <param name="wParam"></param>
/// <param name="lParam"></param>
private static void InvalidateTabletDevices(WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
// Don't forward messages to tablets if the stack is turned off.
// If the StylusLogic for this thread has not been instantiated, do not attempt to forward
// tablet messages. This stops potential instantiations of Dispatcher during process
// shutdown. StylusLogic should be instantiated by <see cref="HwndSource.Initialize">.
if (StylusLogic.IsStylusAndTouchSupportEnabled
&& StylusLogic.IsInstantiated
&& _hwndNotify != null
&& _hwndNotify.Count != 0)
Dispatcher dispatcher = Hwnd.Dispatcher;
if (dispatcher?.InputManager != null)
// Switch to using CurrentStylusLogic mechanism and guard against the stack
// not being enabled.
StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic.HandleMessage(msg, wParam, lParam);
private static void InvalidateResources(bool isSysColorsOrSettingsChange)
SystemResourcesHaveChanged = true;
Dispatcher dispatcher = isSysColorsOrSettingsChange ? null : Dispatcher.FromThread(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread);
if (dispatcher != null || isSysColorsOrSettingsChange)
foreach (PresentationSource source in PresentationSource.CriticalCurrentSources)
if (!source.IsDisposed && (isSysColorsOrSettingsChange || (source.Dispatcher == dispatcher)))
new DispatcherOperationCallback(InvalidateTreeResources),
new object[]{source, isSysColorsOrSettingsChange});
private static IntPtr SystemThemeFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
WindowMessage message = (WindowMessage)msg;
switch (message)
case WindowMessage.WM_DEVICECHANGE:
InvalidateTabletDevices(message, wParam, lParam);
// If there was an invalidation made to a Mouse metric,
// then resource references need to be invalidated.
if (SystemParameters.InvalidateDeviceDependentCache())
InvalidateResources(true); // Invalidate all resource since this should happen only once
case WindowMessage.WM_DISPLAYCHANGE:
InvalidateTabletDevices(message, wParam, lParam);
// If there was an invalidation made to a Display metric,
// then resource references need to be invalidated.
if (SystemParameters.InvalidateDisplayDependentCache())
InvalidateResources(true); // Invalidate all resource since this should happen only once
case WindowMessage.WM_POWERBROADCAST:
// If there was an invalidation made to a Power Setting,
// then resource references need to be invalidated.
if (NativeMethods.IntPtrToInt32(wParam) == NativeMethods.PBT_APMPOWERSTATUSCHANGE &&
InvalidateResources(true); // Invalidate all resource since this should happen only once
case WindowMessage.WM_THEMECHANGED:
InvalidateResources(false); // Only invalidate this thread's resources, other threads will get a chance
case WindowMessage.WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE:
// If there was an invalidation made to a system color or brush,
// then resource references need to be invalidated.
if (SystemColors.InvalidateCache())
InvalidateResources(true); // Invalidate all resource since this should happen only once
case WindowMessage.WM_SETTINGCHANGE:
InvalidateTabletDevices(message, wParam, lParam); // Update tablet device settings
// If there was an invalidation made to a system param or metric,
// then resource references need to be invalidated.
if (SystemParameters.InvalidateCache((int)wParam))
InvalidateResources(true); // Invalidate all resource since this should happen only once
// NOTICE-2005/06/17-WAYNEZEN,
// We have to invoke the below method after InvalidateResources.
// So the tablet ink HighContrastHelper can pick up the correct HighContrast setting.
if(ThemeManager.IsFluentThemeEnabled || ThemeManager.FluentEnabledWindows.Count > 0)
case WindowMessage.WM_TABLET_ADDED:
InvalidateTabletDevices(message, wParam, lParam);
case WindowMessage.WM_TABLET_DELETED:
InvalidateTabletDevices(message, wParam, lParam);
return IntPtr.Zero ;
internal static bool ClearBitArray(BitArray cacheValid)
bool changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < cacheValid.Count; i++)
if (ClearSlot(cacheValid, i))
changed = true;
return changed;
internal static bool ClearSlot(BitArray cacheValid, int slot)
if (cacheValid[slot])
cacheValid[slot] = false;
return true;
return false;
// Flag the parser to create DeferredThemeReferences for thread safety
internal static bool IsSystemResourcesParsing
return _parsing > 0;
if (value)
// This is the lock used to protect access to the
// theme dictionaries and the associated cache.
internal static object ThemeDictionaryLock
get { return _resourceCache.SyncRoot; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the <see cref="DpiAwarenessContextValue"/> of the current process
/// as reported by <see cref="HwndTarget"/>
/// If <see cref="HwndTarget"/> has yet to initialize this information, the process
/// is queried directly for this information.
/// </summary>
private static DpiAwarenessContextValue ProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue
if (HwndTarget.IsProcessUnaware == true)
return DpiAwarenessContextValue.Unaware;
if (HwndTarget.IsProcessSystemAware == true)
return DpiAwarenessContextValue.SystemAware;
if (HwndTarget.IsProcessPerMonitorDpiAware == true)
return DpiAwarenessContextValue.PerMonitorAware;
// HwndTarget has not been initialized yet - ask the current process
// directly for its process DPI Awareness context value
return DpiUtil.GetProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue(IntPtr.Zero);
/// <summary>
/// Reports whether per-monitor DPI scaling is active - i.e.,
/// the process is (a) manifested for per-monitor DPI awareness,
/// (b) WPF recognizes this and has met the right preconditions (TFM, AppContext
/// switches, OS version etc.) to turn on the DPI processing capabilities.
/// </summary>
private static bool IsPerMonitorDpiScalingActive
return HwndTarget.IsPerMonitorDpiScalingEnabled &&
(ProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue == DpiAwarenessContextValue.PerMonitorAware ||
ProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue == DpiAwarenessContextValue.PerMonitorAwareVersion2);
/// <summary>
/// This used to be the internal accessor for the
/// HWND intended to watch for messages. It has since been changed
/// into a private accessor, and replaced with <see cref="GetDpiCompatibleNotificationWindow(HandleRef)"/>
/// This accessor now returns the notify-window corresponding to the current process
/// only. When a notify window corresponding to another HWND is needed (for e.g., to
/// re-parent that HWND under the said notify-window), use <see cref="GetDpiCompatibleNotificationWindow(HandleRef)"/>
/// to obtain a matching (w.r.t. DPI Awareness Context) notify-window.
/// </summary>
private static HwndWrapper Hwnd
var hwndDpiInfo = _hwndNotify.Keys.FirstOrDefault((hwndDpiContext) => hwndDpiContext.DpiAwarenessContextValue == ProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue);
Debug.Assert(hwndDpiInfo != null);
// will throw when a match is not found, which should never happen because we just called Ensure...()
return _hwndNotify[hwndDpiInfo];
/// <summary>
/// Returns a notify-window with a DPI Awareness Context and DPI Scale factor that matches
/// that of <paramref name="hwnd"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hwnd">HWND to which DPI Awareness Context and DPI Scale factor is to be matched</param>
/// <returns>Appropriate notify-window</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Currently, this is used by <see cref="HwndHost"/> as a place to parent
/// child HWND's when they are disconnected.
/// We attempt to select a notify-window that matches the DPI Awareness Context and DPI Scale factor
/// of <paramref name="hwnd"/>. If one is not found, then we create a new notify-window that matches
/// those two characteristics.
/// Ensuring that the DPI Awareness contexts match is necessary to avoid unexpected behavior. The documentation
/// for (Win32 function) SetParent outlines the problems associated with re-parenting of HWND's with mismatched
/// DPI Awareness Contexts:
/// Unexpected behavior or errors may occur if hWndNewParent and hWndChild are running in different DPI awareness modes.
/// The table below outlines this behavior:
/// <list type="table">
/// <!-- Heading -->
/// <item>
/// <term>Operation</term>
/// <term>Windows 8.1</term>
/// <term>Windows 10(1607 and earlier)</term>
/// <term>Windows 10(1703 and later)</term>
/// </item>
/// <!-- In-proc behavior -->
/// <item>
/// <term>SetParent (In-Proc)</term>
/// <term>N/A</term>
/// <term><b>Forced reset</b> (of current process)</term>
/// <term><b>Fail</b>(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)</term>
/// </item>
/// <!-- Cross-proc behaviror -->
/// <item>
/// <term>SetParent(Cross-Proc)</term>
/// <term><b>Forced reset</b>(of child window's process)</term>
/// <term><b>Forced reset</b>(of child window's process)</term>
/// <term><b>Forced reset</b>(of child window's process)</term>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// This sort of unexpected behavior is further complicated by the fact that the HWND presented by HwndHost might,
/// in turn, host WPF controls again. (Some real-world applications, notably Visual Studio, use HwndHost to host
/// native windows that in turn host WPF again).
/// WPF does not make any allowances for changes to the DPI Awareness Context of an HWND/window after it has been created. Windows/Win32
/// does not have a consistent model for dealing with reparenting of HWND's (observe the "In-Proc" row in the above table) with
/// mismatched DPI Awareness Contexts, nor is there any notification mechanism when this happens.
/// Our data structures and book-keeping in the UI thread, as well as the render thread, could start deviating from reality in unexpected ways
/// if this were to happen. We do in fact dynamically query the DPI of HWND's as often as possible, but we have not designed the DPI support with
/// the assumption that the DPI Awareness Context of an HWND is mutable. The safest approach for us here is to avoid the problem before it is
/// created, and remove any potential for recharacterization of an HWND's DPI Awareness Context.
/// Ensuring that the DPI Scale Factor of the notify-window matches that of the reference HWND is only necessary when
/// working with Per-Monitor Aware (or Per Monitor Aware v2) HWND's. Matching of DPI Scale factor ensures that the
/// child-window (the one being supplied by HwndHost, and likely created and owned by the application, sometimes out-of-proc)
/// does not receive WM_DPICHANGED, WM_DPICHANGED_AFTERPARENT, WM_DPICHANGED_BEFOREPARENT messages, and in turn, it is not
/// susceptible to unexpected (and sometimes ill-defined - note that these notify-windows are zero sized windows) size-change
/// requests.
/// </remarks>
internal static HwndWrapper GetDpiAwarenessCompatibleNotificationWindow(HandleRef hwnd)
var processDpiAwarenessContextValue = ProcessDpiAwarenessContextValue;
// Do not call into DpiUtil.GetExtendedDpiInfoForWindow(), DpiUtil.GetWindowDpi etc.
// unless IsPerMonitorDpiscalingActive == true. DpiUtil.GetExtendedDpiInfoForWindow(),
// DpiUtil.GetWindowDpi() etc.in turn call into methods that are only supported on platforms
// with high DPI support (for e.g., not supported on Windows 7).
DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo hwndDpiInfo =
IsPerMonitorDpiScalingActive ?
DpiUtil.GetExtendedDpiInfoForWindow(hwnd.Handle, fallbackToNearestMonitorHeuristic: true) :
new DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo(processDpiAwarenessContextValue, GetDpiScaleForUnawareOrSystemAwareContext(processDpiAwarenessContextValue));
if (EnsureResourceChangeListener(hwndDpiInfo))
return _hwndNotify[hwndDpiInfo];
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Makes sure the listener window is the last one to get the Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished notification,
/// thus giving any child windows a chance to respond first. See HwndHost.BuildOrReparentWindow().
/// </summary>
internal static void DelayHwndShutdown()
if (_hwndNotify != null && _hwndNotify.Count != 0)
Dispatcher d = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
d.ShutdownFinished -= OnShutdownFinished;
d.ShutdownFinished += OnShutdownFinished;
#region Data
[ThreadStatic] private static int _parsing;
/// <summary>
/// List of {<see cref="DpiAwarenessContextValue"/> , <see cref="DpiScale2"/>} combinations for which notify-windows are being maintained
/// </summary>
[ThreadStatic] private static List<DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo> _dpiAwarenessContextAndDpis;
[ThreadStatic] private static Dictionary<DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo, HwndWrapper> _hwndNotify;
[ThreadStatic] private static Dictionary<DpiUtil.HwndDpiInfo, HwndWrapperHook> _hwndNotifyHook;
private static Hashtable _resourceCache = new Hashtable();
private static DTypeMap _themeStyleCache = new DTypeMap(100); // This is based upon the max DType.ID found in MSN scenario
private static Dictionary<Assembly, ResourceDictionaries> _dictionaries;
private static object _specialNull = new object();
internal const string GenericResourceName = "themes/generic";
internal const string ClassicResourceName = "themes/classic";
private static Assembly _mscorlib;
private static Assembly _presentationFramework;
private static Assembly _presentationCore;
private static Assembly _windowsBase;
internal const string PresentationFrameworkName = "PresentationFramework";
// SystemResourcesHaveChanged indicates to FE that the font properties need to be coerced
// when creating a new root element
internal static bool SystemResourcesHaveChanged;
// SystemResourcesAreChanging is used by FE when coercing the font properties to determine
// if it should return the current system metric or the value passed to the coerce callback
internal static bool SystemResourcesAreChanging;
// Events supporting ResourceDictionaryDiagnostics
internal static event EventHandler<ResourceDictionaryLoadedEventArgs> ThemedDictionaryLoaded;
internal static event EventHandler<ResourceDictionaryUnloadedEventArgs> ThemedDictionaryUnloaded;
internal static event EventHandler<ResourceDictionaryLoadedEventArgs> GenericDictionaryLoaded;
internal class DeferredResourceReference : DeferredReference
#region Constructor
internal DeferredResourceReference(ResourceDictionary dictionary, object key)
_dictionary = dictionary;
_keyOrValue = key;
#endregion Constructor
#region Methods
internal override object GetValue(BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource)
// If the _value cache is invalid fetch the value from
// the dictionary else just retun the cached value
if (_dictionary != null)
object value = _dictionary.GetValue(_keyOrValue, out bool canCache);
if (canCache)
// Note that we are replacing the _keyorValue field
// with the value and deleting the _dictionary field.
if (FrameworkAppContextSwitches.DisableDynamicResourceOptimization)
_keyOrValue = value;
// Update after removal from dictionary as we need the key for proper removal
_keyOrValue = value;
// Freeze if this value originated from a style or template
bool freezeIfPossible =
valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ThemeStyle ||
valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ThemeStyleTrigger ||
valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.Style ||
valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.TemplateTrigger ||
valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.StyleTrigger ||
valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ParentTemplate ||
valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ParentTemplateTrigger;
// This is to freeze values produced by deferred
// references within styles and templates
if (freezeIfPossible)
// tell any listeners (e.g. ResourceReferenceExpressions)
// that the value has been inflated
return value;
return _keyOrValue;
// Tell the listeners that we're inflated.
private void OnInflated()
if (_inflatedList != null)
foreach (ResourceReferenceExpression listener in _inflatedList)
// Gets the type of the value it represents
internal override Type GetValueType()
if (_dictionary != null)
// Take a peek at the element type of the ElementStartRecord
// within the ResourceDictionary's deferred content.
return _dictionary.GetValueType(_keyOrValue, out bool _);
return _keyOrValue?.GetType();
// remove this DeferredResourceReference from its ResourceDictionary
internal virtual void RemoveFromDictionary()
if (_dictionary != null)
if (FrameworkAppContextSwitches.DisableDynamicResourceOptimization)
_dictionary = null;
internal virtual void AddInflatedListener(ResourceReferenceExpression listener)
if (_inflatedList == null)
_inflatedList = new WeakReferenceList(this);
internal virtual void RemoveInflatedListener(ResourceReferenceExpression listener)
Debug.Assert(_inflatedList != null);
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal virtual object Key
get { return _keyOrValue; }
internal ResourceDictionary Dictionary
get { return _dictionary; }
set { _dictionary = value; }
internal virtual object Value
get { return _keyOrValue; }
set { _keyOrValue = value; }
internal virtual bool IsUnset
get { return false; }
internal bool IsInflated
get { return (_dictionary == null); }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
private ResourceDictionary _dictionary;
protected object _keyOrValue;
private WeakReferenceList _inflatedList;
#endregion Data
internal class DeferredAppResourceReference : DeferredResourceReference
#region Constructor
internal DeferredAppResourceReference(ResourceDictionary dictionary, object resourceKey)
: base(dictionary, resourceKey)
#endregion Constructor
#region Methods
internal override object GetValue(BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource)
lock (((ICollection)Application.Current.Resources).SyncRoot)
return base.GetValue(valueSource);
// Gets the type of the value it represents
internal override Type GetValueType()
lock (((ICollection)Application.Current.Resources).SyncRoot)
return base.GetValueType();
#endregion Methods
internal class DeferredThemeResourceReference : DeferredResourceReference
#region Constructor
internal DeferredThemeResourceReference(ResourceDictionary dictionary, object resourceKey, bool canCacheAsThemeResource)
:base(dictionary, resourceKey)
_canCacheAsThemeResource = canCacheAsThemeResource;
#endregion Constructor
#region Methods
internal override object GetValue(BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource)
lock (SystemResources.ThemeDictionaryLock)
// If the value cache is invalid fetch the value from
// the dictionary else just retun the cached value
if (Dictionary != null)
bool canCache;
object key = Key;
object value;
SystemResources.IsSystemResourcesParsing = true;
value = Dictionary.GetValue(key, out canCache);
if (canCache)
// Note that we are replacing the _keyorValue field
// with the value and deleting the _dictionary field.
Value = value;
Dictionary = null;
SystemResources.IsSystemResourcesParsing = false;
// Only cache keys that would be located by FindResourceInternal
if ((key is Type || key is ResourceKey) && _canCacheAsThemeResource && canCache)
SystemResources.CacheResource(key, value, false /*isTraceEnabled*/);
return value;
return Value;
// Gets the type of the value it represents
internal override Type GetValueType()
lock (SystemResources.ThemeDictionaryLock)
return base.GetValueType();
// remove this DeferredResourceReference from its ResourceDictionary
internal override void RemoveFromDictionary()
// DeferredThemeResourceReferences are never added to the dictionary's
// list of deferred references, so they don't need to be removed.
#endregion Methods
private bool _canCacheAsThemeResource;
/// <summary>
/// This signifies a DeferredResourceReference that is used as a place holder
/// for the front loaded StaticResource within a deferred content section.
/// </summary>
internal class DeferredResourceReferenceHolder : DeferredResourceReference
#region Constructor
internal DeferredResourceReferenceHolder(object resourceKey, object value)
:base(null, null)
_keyOrValue = new object[]{resourceKey, value};
#endregion Constructor
#region Methods
internal override object GetValue(BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource)
return Value;
// Gets the type of the value it represents
internal override Type GetValueType()
object value = Value;
return value?.GetType();
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override object Key
get { return ((object[])_keyOrValue)[0]; }
internal override object Value
get { return ((object[])_keyOrValue)[1]; }
set { ((object[])_keyOrValue)[1] = value; }
internal override bool IsUnset
get { return Value == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; }
#endregion Properties
internal class DeferredResourceReferenceList : IEnumerable<DeferredResourceReference>
private readonly object _syncRoot = new();
private readonly Dictionary<object, WeakReference<DeferredResourceReference>> _entries = new();
private int _potentiallyDeadEntryCount;
public void AddOrSet(DeferredResourceReference deferredResourceReference)
lock (_syncRoot)
_entries[deferredResourceReference.Key] = new WeakReference<DeferredResourceReference>(deferredResourceReference);
public void Remove(DeferredResourceReference deferredResourceReference)
lock (_syncRoot)
internal DeferredResourceReference Get(object resourceKey)
lock (_syncRoot)
_entries.TryGetValue(resourceKey, out var weakReference);
if (weakReference is null)
return null;
if (weakReference.TryGetTarget(out var deferredResourceReference))
return deferredResourceReference;
return null;
internal void ChangeDictionary(ResourceDictionary resourceDictionary)
lock (_syncRoot)
foreach (WeakReference<DeferredResourceReference> weakReference in _entries.Values)
if (weakReference.TryGetTarget(out var deferredResourceReference))
deferredResourceReference.Dictionary = resourceDictionary;
private void PurgeIfRequired()
if (_potentiallyDeadEntryCount > 25)
private void Purge()
private void Purge(List<DeferredResourceReference> aliveItems)
lock (_syncRoot)
List<object> deadKeys = new(Math.Min(_potentiallyDeadEntryCount, _entries.Count));
_potentiallyDeadEntryCount = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, WeakReference<DeferredResourceReference>> entry in _entries)
if (entry.Value.TryGetTarget(out var item) is false)
foreach (object deadKey in deadKeys)
public IEnumerator<DeferredResourceReference> GetEnumerator()
var aliveItems = new List<DeferredResourceReference>(_entries.Count);
return aliveItems.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();