// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using Standard;
namespace System.Windows
public static class SystemCommands
public static RoutedCommand CloseWindowCommand { get; private set; }
public static RoutedCommand MaximizeWindowCommand { get; private set; }
public static RoutedCommand MinimizeWindowCommand { get; private set; }
public static RoutedCommand RestoreWindowCommand { get; private set; }
public static RoutedCommand ShowSystemMenuCommand { get; private set; }
static SystemCommands()
CloseWindowCommand = new RoutedCommand("CloseWindow", typeof(SystemCommands));
MaximizeWindowCommand = new RoutedCommand("MaximizeWindow", typeof(SystemCommands));
MinimizeWindowCommand = new RoutedCommand("MinimizeWindow", typeof(SystemCommands));
RestoreWindowCommand = new RoutedCommand("RestoreWindow", typeof(SystemCommands));
ShowSystemMenuCommand = new RoutedCommand("ShowSystemMenu", typeof(SystemCommands));
private static void _PostSystemCommand(Window window, SC command)
IntPtr hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(window).Handle;
if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero || !NativeMethods.IsWindow(hwnd))
NativeMethods.PostMessage(hwnd, WM.SYSCOMMAND, new IntPtr((int)command), IntPtr.Zero);
public static void CloseWindow(Window window)
Verify.IsNotNull(window, "window");
_PostSystemCommand(window, SC.CLOSE);
public static void MaximizeWindow(Window window)
Verify.IsNotNull(window, "window");
_PostSystemCommand(window, SC.MAXIMIZE);
public static void MinimizeWindow(Window window)
Verify.IsNotNull(window, "window");
_PostSystemCommand(window, SC.MINIMIZE);
public static void RestoreWindow(Window window)
Verify.IsNotNull(window, "window");
_PostSystemCommand(window, SC.RESTORE);
/// <summary>Display the system menu at a specified location.</summary>
/// <param name="screenLocation">The location to display the system menu, in logical screen coordinates.</param>
public static void ShowSystemMenu(Window window, Point screenLocation)
Verify.IsNotNull(window, "window");
DpiScale dpi = window.GetDpi();
ShowSystemMenuPhysicalCoordinates(window, DpiHelper.LogicalPixelsToDevice(screenLocation, dpi.DpiScaleX, dpi.DpiScaleY));
internal static void ShowSystemMenuPhysicalCoordinates(Window window, Point physicalScreenLocation)
const uint TPM_RETURNCMD = 0x0100;
const uint TPM_LEFTBUTTON = 0x0;
const uint TPM_RIGHTBUTTON = 0x2;
Verify.IsNotNull(window, "window");
IntPtr hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(window).Handle;
if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero || !NativeMethods.IsWindow(hwnd))
IntPtr hmenu = NativeMethods.GetSystemMenu(hwnd, false);
uint cmd = NativeMethods.TrackPopupMenuEx(hmenu, TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD, (int)physicalScreenLocation.X, (int)physicalScreenLocation.Y, hwnd, IntPtr.Zero);
if (0 != cmd)
NativeMethods.PostMessage(hwnd, WM.SYSCOMMAND, new IntPtr(cmd), IntPtr.Zero);