// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.AppModel;
using MS.Internal.Interop;
using MS.Win32;
using HRESULT = MS.Internal.Interop.HRESULT;
namespace System.Windows.Shell
/// <summary>
/// The list of possible reasons why a JumpItem would be rejected from a JumpList when applied.
/// </summary>
public enum JumpItemRejectionReason
/// <summary>
/// Unknown reason. This should not be used.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The item was rejected because it was invalid for a jump list. E.g. the file path didn't exist.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the application is running on a system where jump lists are not available (like XP or Vista)
/// items will get rejected with this reason.
/// </remarks>
/// <summary>
/// The item was rejected because the program was not registered to handle the file extension.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The item was rejected because the user had explicitly removed it since the last time a JumpList was applied.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// EventArgs for JumpList.JumpItemsRejected event.
/// </summary>
public sealed class JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs : EventArgs
public JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs()
: this(null, null)
{ }
public JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs(IList<JumpItem> rejectedItems, IList<JumpItemRejectionReason> reasons)
// If one of the collections is null then the other has to be, too.
if ((rejectedItems == null && reasons != null)
|| (reasons == null && rejectedItems != null)
|| (rejectedItems != null && reasons != null && rejectedItems.Count != reasons.Count))
throw new ArgumentException(SR.JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs_CountMismatch);
// We don't want the contents of the list getting modified in the event handler,
// so use a read-only copy
if (rejectedItems != null)
RejectedItems = new List<JumpItem>(rejectedItems).AsReadOnly();
RejectionReasons = new List<JumpItemRejectionReason>(reasons).AsReadOnly();
RejectedItems = new List<JumpItem>().AsReadOnly();
RejectionReasons = new List<JumpItemRejectionReason>().AsReadOnly();
public IList<JumpItem> RejectedItems { get; private set; }
public IList<JumpItemRejectionReason> RejectionReasons { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// EventArgs for JumpList.JumpItemsRemovedByUser event.
/// </summary>
public sealed class JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs : EventArgs
public JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs()
: this(null)
{ }
public JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs(IList<JumpItem> removedItems)
if (removedItems != null)
RemovedItems = new List<JumpItem>(removedItems).AsReadOnly();
RemovedItems = new List<JumpItem>().AsReadOnly();
public IList<JumpItem> RemovedItems { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Manage the tasks and files that Shell associates with this application.
/// This allows modification of the Jump List UI in Windows 7 that appears on the Taskbar and Start Menu.
/// </summary>
public sealed class JumpList : ISupportInitialize
static JumpList()
// Passing NULL for the HMODULE returns the running executable path.
_FullName = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleFileName(new HandleRef());
/// <summary>
/// Add the item at the specified file path to the application's JumpList's recent items.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This makes the item eligible for inclusion in the special Recent and Frequent categories.
/// </remarks>
public static void AddToRecentCategory(string itemPath)
Verify.FileExists(itemPath, "itemPath");
itemPath = Path.GetFullPath(itemPath);
/// <summary>
/// Add the item to the application's JumpList's recent items.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This makes the item eligible for inclusion in the special Recent and Frequent categories.
/// </remarks>
public static void AddToRecentCategory(JumpPath jumpPath)
Verify.IsNotNull(jumpPath, "jumpPath");
/// <summary>
/// Add the task at the specified file path to the application's JumpList's recent items.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This makes the item eligible for inclusion in the special Recent and Frequent categories.
/// </remarks>
public static void AddToRecentCategory(JumpTask jumpTask)
Verify.IsNotNull(jumpTask, "jumpTask");
// SHAddToRecentDocs only allows IShellLinks in Windows 7 and later.
// Silently fail this if that's not the case.
// We don't give feedback on success here, so this is okay.
if (Utilities.IsOSWindows7OrNewer)
IShellLinkW shellLink = CreateLinkFromJumpTask(jumpTask, false);
if (shellLink != null)
Utilities.SafeRelease(ref shellLink);
private class _RejectedJumpItemPair
public JumpItem JumpItem { get; set; }
public JumpItemRejectionReason Reason { get; set; }
private class _ShellObjectPair
// JumpPath/JumpTask
public JumpItem JumpItem { get; set; }
// IShellItem/IShellLink
public object ShellObject { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Releases all native references in a list of _ShellObjectPairs.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">The list from which to release the resources.</param>
public static void ReleaseShellObjects(List<_ShellObjectPair> list)
if (list != null)
foreach (_ShellObjectPair shellMap in list)
object o = shellMap.ShellObject;
shellMap.ShellObject = null;
Utilities.SafeRelease(ref o);
#region Attached Property Methods
/// <summary>
/// Set the JumpList attached property on an Application.
/// </summary>
public static void SetJumpList(Application application, JumpList value)
Verify.IsNotNull(application, "application");
lock (s_lock)
// If this was associated with a different application, remove the association.
JumpList oldValue;
if (s_applicationMap.TryGetValue(application, out oldValue) && oldValue != null)
oldValue._application = null;
// Associate the jumplist with the application so we can retrieve it later.
s_applicationMap[application] = value;
if (value != null)
value._application = application;
// Changes will only get applied if the list isn't in an ISupportInitialize block.
/// <summary>
/// Get the JumpList attached property for an Application.
/// </summary>
public static JumpList GetJumpList(Application application)
Verify.IsNotNull(application, "application");
JumpList value;
s_applicationMap.TryGetValue(application, out value);
return value;
// static lock to ensure integrity when modifying instances as attached properties on Application.
private static readonly object s_lock = new object();
private static readonly Dictionary<Application, JumpList> s_applicationMap = new Dictionary<Application, JumpList>();
private Application _application;
// Used to enforce the ISupportInitialize contract. It's not required to BeginInit to use this class,
// but it is useful for XAML scenarios so we can apply the changes when both EndInit has been called
// and the Application attached property has been set.
private bool? _initializing;
// The internal list of JumpItems in this JumpList
private List<JumpItem> _jumpItems;
public JumpList()
: this(null, false, false)
// Restore the ability to use ISupportInitialize.
_initializing = null;
public JumpList(IEnumerable<JumpItem> items, bool showFrequent, bool showRecent)
if (items != null)
_jumpItems = new List<JumpItem>(items);
_jumpItems = new List<JumpItem>();
ShowFrequentCategory = showFrequent;
ShowRecentCategory = showRecent;
// Using this constructor precludes using ISupportInitialize.
_initializing = false;
/// <summary>
/// Whether to show the special "Frequent" category.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This category is managed by the Shell and keeps track of items that are frequently accessed by this program.
/// Applications can request that specific items are included here by calling JumpList.AddToRecentCategory.
/// Because of duplication, applications generally should not have both ShowRecentCategory and ShowFrequentCategory set at the same time.
/// </remarks>
public bool ShowFrequentCategory {
set; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether to show the special "Recent" category.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This category is managed by the Shell and keeps track of items that have been recently accessed by this program.
/// Applications can request that specific items are included here by calling JumpList.AddToRecentCategory
/// Because of duplication, applications generally should not have both ShowRecentCategory and ShowFrequentCategory set at the same time.
/// </remarks>
public bool ShowRecentCategory {
/// <summary>
/// The list of JumpItems to be in the JumpList. After a call to Apply this list will contain only those items that were successfully added.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This object is not guaranteed to retain its identity after a call to Apply or other implicit setting of the JumpList.
/// It should be requeried at such times.
/// </remarks>
public List<JumpItem> JumpItems
get { return _jumpItems; }
private bool IsUnmodified
return _initializing == null
&& JumpItems.Count == 0
&& !ShowRecentCategory
&& !ShowFrequentCategory;
#region ISupportInitialize Members
/// <summary>
/// Prepare the JumpList for modification.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This works in concert with the Application.JumpList attached property. The JumpList will automatically be applied
/// to the current application when attached and a corresponding call to EndInit is made.
/// Nested calls to BeginInit are not allowed.
/// </remarks>
public void BeginInit()
if (!IsUnmodified)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.JumpList_CantNestBeginInitCalls);
_initializing = true;
/// <summary>
/// Signal the end of initialization of this JumpList. If it is attached to the current Application, apply the contents of the jump list.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Calls to EndInit must be paired with calls to BeginInit.
/// </remarks>
public void EndInit()
if (_initializing != true)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.JumpList_CantCallUnbalancedEndInit);
_initializing = false;
// EndInit only implicitly applies the list if the current Application has been set as an attached property.
/// <summary>
/// Get the AppUserModelId for the running process.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is a Shell property that currently is only used as part of a heuristic
/// for what taskbar item an HWND should be associated with, e.g. you can put
/// windows from multiple processes into the same group, or you can prevent glomming
/// of HWNDs that would otherwise be shown together.
/// Even though this property isn't exposed on the public WPF OM
/// we still want to make sure that the jump list gets associated with
/// the current running app even if the client has explicitly changed the id.
/// It's straightforward to p/invoke to set these for the running application or
/// the HWND. Not so much for this object.
/// </remarks>
private static string _RuntimeId
string appId;
HRESULT hr = NativeMethods2.GetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(out appId);
if (hr == HRESULT.E_FAIL)
// This is how Shell signals that the app id hasn't been set.
appId = null;
return appId;
public void Apply()
if (_initializing == true)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.JumpList_CantApplyUntilEndInit);
// After this attempting to use ISupportInitialize is invalid.
_initializing = false;
private void ApplyFromApplication()
// If we're here and the caller has modified the JumpList without using ISupportInitialize
// we still want to apply the changes.
if (_initializing != true && !IsUnmodified)
_initializing = false;
if (_application == Application.Current && _initializing == false)
// If we're applying due to being an attached property, then don't apply
// unless we're really on the current application and wait until EndInit
// has been called, or the list has otherwise been modified.
private void ApplyList()
Debug.Assert(_initializing == false);
// We don't want to force applications to conditionally check this before constructing a JumpList,
// but if we're not on 7 then this isn't going to work. Fail fast.
if (!Utilities.IsOSWindows7OrNewer)
List<JumpItem> successList;
List<_RejectedJumpItemPair> rejectedList;
// Declare these outside the try block so we can cleanup native resources in the _ShellObjectPairs.
List<List<_ShellObjectPair>> categories = null;
List<_ShellObjectPair> removedList = null;
var destinationList = (ICustomDestinationList)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(CLSID.DestinationList)));
// Even though we're not exposing Shell's AppModelId concept, we'll still respect it
// since it's easy to clients to p/invoke to set it for Application and Window, but not for JumpLists
string appId = _RuntimeId;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appId))
// The number ot items visible on a jump list is a user setting. Shell doesn't reject items based on overflow.
// We don't bother checking against it because the app can query the setting and manage overflow based on it
// if they really care. We'll happily add too many items with the hope that if the user changes the setting
// items will be recovered from the overflow.
uint slotsVisible;
Guid removedIid = new Guid(IID.ObjectArray);
var objectsRemoved = (IObjectArray)destinationList.BeginList(out slotsVisible, ref removedIid);
// Keep track of the items that were previously removed by the user.
// We don't want to pend any items that are contained in this list.
// It's possible that this contains null JumpItems when we were unable to do the conversion.
removedList = GenerateJumpItems(objectsRemoved);
// Keep track of the items that have been successfully pended.
// IMPORTANT: Ensure at the end of this that if the list is applied again that it would
// result in items being added to the JumpList in the same order.
// This doesn't mean that they'll be ordered the same as how the user added them
// (e.g. categories will be coalesced), but the categories should appear in the same order.
// Since when we call AddCategory we're doing it in reverse order, AddCategory augments
// the items in the list in reverse as well. At the end the final list is reversed.
successList = new List<JumpItem>(JumpItems.Count);
// Keep track of the items that we couldn't pend, and why.
rejectedList = new List<_RejectedJumpItemPair>(JumpItems.Count);
// Need to group the JumpItems based on their categories.
// The special "Tasks" category doesn't actually have a name and should be first so it's unconditionally added.
categories = new List<List<_ShellObjectPair>>() { new List<_ShellObjectPair>() };
// This is not thread-safe.
// We're traversing the original list so we're vulnerable to another thread modifying it during the enumeration.
foreach (var jumpItem in JumpItems)
if (jumpItem == null)
// App added a null jump item? Just go through the normal failure mechanisms.
rejectedList.Add(new _RejectedJumpItemPair{ JumpItem = jumpItem, Reason = JumpItemRejectionReason.InvalidItem });
object shellObject = null;
shellObject = GetShellObjectForJumpItem(jumpItem);
// If for some reason we couldn't create the item add it to the rejected list.
if (shellObject == null)
rejectedList.Add(new _RejectedJumpItemPair { Reason = JumpItemRejectionReason.InvalidItem, JumpItem = jumpItem });
// Don't add this item if it's in the list of items previously removed by the user.
if (ListContainsShellObject(removedList, shellObject))
rejectedList.Add(new _RejectedJumpItemPair { Reason = JumpItemRejectionReason.RemovedByUser, JumpItem = jumpItem });
var shellMap = new _ShellObjectPair { JumpItem = jumpItem, ShellObject = shellObject };
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jumpItem.CustomCategory))
// No custom category, so add to the Tasks list.
// Find the appropriate category and add to that list.
// If it doesn't exist, add a new category for it.
bool categoryExists = false;
foreach (var list in categories)
// The first item in the category list can be used to check the name.
if (list.Count > 0 && list[0].JumpItem.CustomCategory == jumpItem.CustomCategory)
categoryExists = true;
if (!categoryExists)
categories.Add(new List<_ShellObjectPair>() { shellMap });
// Shell interface is now owned by the category list.
shellObject = null;
Utilities.SafeRelease(ref shellObject);
// Jump List categories get added top-down, except for "Tasks" which is special and always at the bottom.
// We want the Recent/Frequent to always be at the top so they get added first.
// Logically the categories are added bottom-up, but their contents are top-down,
// so we reverse the order we add the categories to the destinationList.
// To preserve the item ordering AddCategory also adds items in reverse.
// We need to reverse the final list when everything is done.
if (ShowFrequentCategory)
if (ShowRecentCategory)
// Now that all the JumpItems are grouped add them to the custom destinations list.
foreach (List<_ShellObjectPair> categoryList in categories)
if (categoryList.Count > 0)
string categoryHeader = categoryList[0].JumpItem.CustomCategory;
AddCategory(destinationList, categoryHeader, categoryList, successList, rejectedList);
// It's not okay to throw an exception here. If Shell is rejecting the JumpList for some reason
// we don't want to be responsible for the app throwing an exception in its startup path.
// For common use patterns there isn't really any user code on the stack, so there isn't
// an opportunity to catch this in the app.
// We can instead handle this.
// Try to notify the developer if they're hitting this.
if (TraceShell.IsEnabled)
TraceShell.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceShell.RejectingJumpItemsBecauseCatastrophicFailure);
// Deterministically release native resources.
Utilities.SafeRelease(ref destinationList);
if (categories != null)
foreach (List<_ShellObjectPair> list in categories)
// Note that this only clears the ShellObjects, not the JumpItems.
// We still need the JumpItems out of this list for the JumpItemsRemovedByUser event.
// Swap the current list with what we were able to successfully place into the JumpList.
// Reverse it first to ensure that the items are in a repeatable order.
_jumpItems = successList;
// Raise the events for rejected and removed.
EventHandler<JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs> rejectedHandler = JumpItemsRejected;
EventHandler<JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs> removedHandler = JumpItemsRemovedByUser;
if (rejectedList.Count > 0 && rejectedHandler != null)
var items = new List<JumpItem>(rejectedList.Count);
var reasons = new List<JumpItemRejectionReason>(rejectedList.Count);
foreach (_RejectedJumpItemPair rejectionPair in rejectedList)
rejectedHandler(this, new JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs(items, reasons));
if (removedList.Count > 0 && removedHandler != null)
var items = new List<JumpItem>(removedList.Count);
foreach (_ShellObjectPair shellMap in removedList)
// It's possible that not every shell object could be converted to a JumpItem.
if (shellMap.JumpItem != null)
if (items.Count > 0)
removedHandler(this, new JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs(items));
private static bool ListContainsShellObject(List<_ShellObjectPair> removedList, object shellObject)
Debug.Assert(removedList != null);
Debug.Assert(shellObject != null);
if (removedList.Count == 0)
return false;
// Casts in .Net don't AddRef. Don't need to release these.
var shellItem = shellObject as IShellItem;
if (shellItem != null)
foreach (var shellMap in removedList)
var removedItem = shellMap.ShellObject as IShellItem;
if (removedItem != null)
return true;
return false;
var shellLink = shellObject as IShellLinkW;
if (shellLink != null)
foreach (var shellMap in removedList)
var removedLink = shellMap.ShellObject as IShellLinkW;
if (removedLink != null)
// There's no intrinsic comparison function for ShellLinks.
// Talking to the Shell guys, the way they compare these is to catenate a string with
// a normalized version of the app path and the unmodified args.
// If the two strings ordinally compare, they're the same.
string removedLinkString = ShellLinkToString(removedLink);
string linkString = ShellLinkToString(shellLink);
if (removedLinkString == linkString)
return true;
return false;
// Unlikely. It's not a supported shell interface?
return false;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This returns a native COM object that should be deterministically released by the caller, when possible.
/// </remarks>
private static object GetShellObjectForJumpItem(JumpItem jumpItem)
var jumpPath = jumpItem as JumpPath;
var jumpTask = jumpItem as JumpTask;
// Either of these create functions could return null if the item is invalid but they shouldn't throw.
if (jumpPath != null)
return CreateItemFromJumpPath(jumpPath);
else if (jumpTask != null)
return CreateLinkFromJumpTask(jumpTask, true);
// Unsupported type?
return null;
private static List<_ShellObjectPair> GenerateJumpItems(IObjectArray shellObjects)
Debug.Assert(shellObjects != null);
var retList = new List<_ShellObjectPair>();
Guid unknownIid = new Guid(IID.Unknown);
uint count = shellObjects.GetCount();
for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
// This is potentially a heterogenous list, so get as an IUnknown and QI afterwards.
object unk = shellObjects.GetAt(i, ref unknownIid);
JumpItem item = null;
item = GetJumpItemForShellObject(unk);
catch (Exception e)
if (e is NullReferenceException || e is System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException)
// If we failed the conversion we still want to keep the shell interface for comparision.
// Just leave the JumpItem property as null.
retList.Add(new _ShellObjectPair { ShellObject = unk, JumpItem = item });
return retList;
private static void AddCategory(ICustomDestinationList cdl, string category, List<_ShellObjectPair> jumpItems, List<JumpItem> successList, List<_RejectedJumpItemPair> rejectionList)
AddCategory(cdl, category, jumpItems, successList, rejectionList, true);
private static void AddCategory(ICustomDestinationList cdl, string category, List<_ShellObjectPair> jumpItems, List<JumpItem> successList, List<_RejectedJumpItemPair> rejectionList, bool isHeterogenous)
Debug.Assert(jumpItems.Count != 0);
Debug.Assert(cdl != null);
var shellObjectCollection = (IObjectCollection)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(CLSID.EnumerableObjectCollection)));
foreach (var itemMap in jumpItems)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
hr = cdl.AddUserTasks((IObjectArray)shellObjectCollection);
hr = cdl.AppendCategory(category, (IObjectArray)shellObjectCollection);
if (hr.Succeeded)
// Woot! Add these items to the list.
// Do it in reverse order so Apply has the items in the correct order.
for (int i = jumpItems.Count; --i >= 0;)
// If the list contained items that could not be added because this object isn't a handler
// then drop all ShellItems and retry without them.
if (TraceShell.IsEnabled)
TraceShell.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceShell.RejectingJumpListCategoryBecauseNoRegisteredHandler(category));
Utilities.SafeRelease(ref shellObjectCollection);
var linksOnlyList = new List<_ShellObjectPair>();
foreach (var itemMap in jumpItems)
if (itemMap.JumpItem is JumpPath)
rejectionList.Add(new _RejectedJumpItemPair { JumpItem = itemMap.JumpItem, Reason = JumpItemRejectionReason.NoRegisteredHandler });
if (linksOnlyList.Count > 0)
// There's not a reason I know of that we should reject a list of only links...
Debug.Assert(jumpItems.Count != linksOnlyList.Count);
AddCategory(cdl, category, linksOnlyList, successList, rejectionList, false);
// If we failed for some other reason, just reject everything.
foreach (var item in jumpItems)
rejectionList.Add(new _RejectedJumpItemPair { JumpItem = item.JumpItem, Reason = JumpItemRejectionReason.InvalidItem });
private static readonly string _FullName;
#region Converter methods
private static IShellLinkW CreateLinkFromJumpTask(JumpTask jumpTask, bool allowSeparators)
Debug.Assert(jumpTask != null);
// Title is generally required. If it's missing we need to treat this like a separator.
// Everything else can still appear on separator elements,
// but separators can only exist in the Tasks category.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jumpTask.Title))
if (!allowSeparators || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jumpTask.CustomCategory))
// Just treat this situation as an InvalidItem.
return null;
var link = (IShellLinkW)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(CLSID.ShellLink)));
string appPath = _FullName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jumpTask.ApplicationPath))
appPath = jumpTask.ApplicationPath;
// This is optional. Don't set it if the app hasn't explicitly requested it.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jumpTask.WorkingDirectory))
// Don't verify this. It's possible that the directory doesn't exist now, but it will later.
// Shell handles this fine when we try to set an improperly formatted path.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jumpTask.Arguments))
// -1 is a sentinel value indicating not to use the icon.
if (jumpTask.IconResourceIndex != -1)
string resourcePath = _FullName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jumpTask.IconResourcePath))
// Shell bug (Windows 7 595770): IShellLink doesn't correctly limit icon location path to MAX_PATH.
// It's really too bad we have to enforce this here. When the shortcut gets
// serialized it streams the full string. On deserialization it only retrieves
// MAX_PATH for this field leaving junk behind for subsequent gets, leading to data corruption.
// Because we don't want to allow the app to do create something that we know may
// be corrupt we have to enforce this ourselves. If Shell fixes this later then
// we need to remove this check to let them handle this as they see fit.
// If they fix it by supporting longer paths, then we're artificially constraining this value...
if (jumpTask.IconResourcePath.Length >= Win32Constant.MAX_PATH)
// we could throw the exception here, but we're already globally catching everything.
return null;
resourcePath = jumpTask.IconResourcePath;
link.SetIconLocation(resourcePath, jumpTask.IconResourceIndex);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jumpTask.Description))
IPropertyStore propStore = (IPropertyStore)link;
var pv = new PROPVARIANT();
PKEY pkey = default(PKEY);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jumpTask.Title))
pkey = PKEY.Title;
pkey = PKEY.AppUserModel_IsDestListSeparator;
propStore.SetValue(ref pkey, pv);
Utilities.SafeDispose(ref pv);
IShellLinkW retLink = link;
link = null;
return retLink;
catch (Exception)
// IShellLinkW::Set* methods tend to return E_FAIL when trying to set invalid data.
// The create methods don't explicitly check for these kinds of errors.
// If we aren't able to create the item for any reason just return null to indicate an invalid item.
return null;
Utilities.SafeRelease(ref link);
private static IShellItem2 CreateItemFromJumpPath(JumpPath jumpPath)
Debug.Assert(jumpPath != null);
// This will return null if the path doesn't exist.
return ShellUtil.GetShellItemForPath(Path.GetFullPath(jumpPath.Path));
catch (Exception)
// Don't propagate exceptions here. If we couldn't create the item, it's just invalid.
return null;
private static JumpItem GetJumpItemForShellObject(object shellObject)
var shellItem = shellObject as IShellItem2;
var shellLink = shellObject as IShellLinkW;
if (shellItem != null)
JumpPath path = new JumpPath
return path;
if (shellLink != null)
var pathBuilder = new StringBuilder(Win32Constant.MAX_PATH);
shellLink.GetPath(pathBuilder, pathBuilder.Capacity, null, SLGP.RAWPATH);
var argsBuilder = new StringBuilder(Win32Constant.INFOTIPSIZE);
shellLink.GetArguments(argsBuilder, argsBuilder.Capacity);
var descBuilder = new StringBuilder(Win32Constant.INFOTIPSIZE);
shellLink.GetDescription(descBuilder, descBuilder.Capacity);
var iconBuilder = new StringBuilder(Win32Constant.MAX_PATH);
int iconIndex;
shellLink.GetIconLocation(iconBuilder, iconBuilder.Capacity, out iconIndex);
var dirBuilder = new StringBuilder(Win32Constant.MAX_PATH);
shellLink.GetWorkingDirectory(dirBuilder, dirBuilder.Capacity);
JumpTask task = new JumpTask
// Set ApplicationPath and IconResources, even if they're from the current application.
// This means that equivalent JumpTasks won't necessarily compare property-for-property.
ApplicationPath = pathBuilder.ToString(),
Arguments = argsBuilder.ToString(),
Description = descBuilder.ToString(),
IconResourceIndex = iconIndex,
IconResourcePath = iconBuilder.ToString(),
WorkingDirectory = dirBuilder.ToString(),
var propStore = (IPropertyStore)shellLink;
PKEY pkeyTitle = PKEY.Title;
propStore.GetValue(ref pkeyTitle, pv);
// PKEY_Title should be an LPWSTR if it's not empty.
task.Title = pv.GetValue() ?? "";
return task;
// Unsupported type?
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Generate a unique string for the ShellLink that can be used for equality checks.
/// </summary>
private static string ShellLinkToString(IShellLinkW shellLink)
var pathBuilder = new StringBuilder(Win32Constant.MAX_PATH);
shellLink.GetPath(pathBuilder, pathBuilder.Capacity, null, SLGP.RAWPATH);
string title = null;
// Need to use the property store to get the title for the link.
var propStore = (IPropertyStore)shellLink;
PKEY pkeyTitle = PKEY.Title;
propStore.GetValue(ref pkeyTitle, pv);
// PKEY_Title should be an LPWSTR if it's not empty.
title = pv.GetValue() ?? "";
var argsBuilder = new StringBuilder(Win32Constant.INFOTIPSIZE);
shellLink.GetArguments(argsBuilder, argsBuilder.Capacity);
// Path and title should be case insensitive.
// Shell treats arguments as case sensitive because apps can handle those differently.
return pathBuilder.ToString().ToUpperInvariant() + title.ToUpperInvariant() + argsBuilder.ToString();
private void RejectEverything()
EventHandler<JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs> handler = JumpItemsRejected;
if (handler == null)
if (_jumpItems.Count > 0)
var reasons = new List<JumpItemRejectionReason>(_jumpItems.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < _jumpItems.Count; ++i)
// We're rejecting everything,
// so create an event args with the original list and then clear it.
var args = new JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs(_jumpItems, reasons);
handler(this, args);
public event EventHandler<JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs> JumpItemsRejected;
public event EventHandler<JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs> JumpItemsRemovedByUser;