File: System\Windows\Documents\WinRTSpellerInteropExtensions.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationFramework\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using MS.Internal.WindowsRuntime.Windows.Data.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Documents.MsSpellCheckLib;
using System.Windows.Documents.Tracing;
using static System.Windows.Documents.WinRTSpellerInterop;
namespace System.Windows.Documents
    internal static class WinRTSpellerInteropExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Tokenizes <paramref name="text"/> using <paramref name="segmenter"/>, and then identifies fixes-up
        /// the tokens to account for any missed text "in-between" those tokens.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segmenter">Word-breaker instance</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text being tokenized</param>
        /// <param name="spellChecker">The spell-checker instance used to augment the tokenizing process</param>
        /// <param name="owner">Calling <see cref="WinRTSpellerInterop"/> instance</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Windows.Data.Text.WordsSegmenter tends to drop punctuation characters like period ('.')
        /// when tokenizing text. Though this behavior is compatible with a vast majority of text-processing
        /// scenarios (like word-counting), it is not ideal for spell-checking.
        /// In this method, the following <paramref name="spellChecker"/> augmented heuristic is applied to update the token-list generated by
        /// <paramref name="segmenter"/>.
        ///  - Identify if any text 'missingFragment' has been dropped by the <paramref name="segmenter"/>
        ///  - If the token immediately preceding 'missingFragment', previousToken, has a spelling error, then attempt to
        ///     create new candiate tokens in the following order:
        ///             previousToken + missingFragment[0..0]
        ///             previousToken + missingFragment[0..1]
        ///             previousToken + missingFragment[0..2]
        ///             ...
        ///             ...
        ///             previousToken + missingFragment[0..LEN-1], where LEN = LEN(missingFragment)
        ///  - Select the first candidate token that is free of spelling errors, and replace 'previousToken' with it.
        ///  - For performance reasons, we choose a constant MAXLEN = 4 such that when LEN > MAXLEN, only MAXLEN
        ///     tokens are considered.
        ///     - MAXLEN = 4 is a somewhat arbitrary choice, though it seems more than sufficient to address common
        ///       problems this heuristic is intended to help with.
        ///     - Typical word-breaking problems that have been observed empirically involve only one missed character,
        ///       for which MAXLEN=1 would be sufficient. MAXLEN=4 is chosen as a sufficiently-large tradeoff between
        ///       correctness and performance.
        ///     - Also see for a discussion related to this.
        /// </remarks>
        public static IReadOnlyList<SpellerSegment> ComprehensiveGetTokens(
            this WordsSegmenter segmenter,
            string text,
            SpellChecker spellChecker,
            WinRTSpellerInterop owner)
            IReadOnlyList<WordSegment> tokens = segmenter?.GetTokens(text) ?? Array.Empty<WordSegment>();
            if (tokens.Count == 0)
                return Array.Empty<SpellerSegment>();
            var allTokens = new List<SpellerSegment>();
            int predictedNextTokenStartPosition = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Count; i++)
                int nextTokenStartPosition = (int)tokens[i].SourceTextSegment.StartPosition;
                int nextTokenLength = (int)tokens[i].SourceTextSegment.Length;
                if (spellChecker != null)
                    if (nextTokenStartPosition > predictedNextTokenStartPosition)
                        // There is a "gap" between the last recorded token and the current token.
                        // Identify the missing token and add it as a "supplementary word segment" - but only if the token
                        // turns out to be a substantial one (i.e., if the string is non-blank/non-empty).
                        var missingFragment =
                            new SpellerSegment(
                                new WinRTSpellerInterop.TextRange(
                                    nextTokenStartPosition - predictedNextTokenStartPosition),
                        if (allTokens.Count > 0)
                            var substToken = GetSpellCheckCleanSubstitutionToken(spellChecker, text, allTokens[allTokens.Count - 1], missingFragment);
                            if (substToken != null)
                                allTokens[allTokens.Count - 1] = new SpellerSegment(text, substToken.Value, spellChecker, owner);
                    new SpellerSegment(
                        new WinRTSpellerInterop.TextRange(
                predictedNextTokenStartPosition = nextTokenStartPosition + nextTokenLength;
            if (tokens.Count > 0 &&
                spellChecker != null &&
                spellChecker.HasErrors(tokens[tokens.Count - 1].Text) &&
                predictedNextTokenStartPosition < text.Length)
                // There is a token possibly missing at the end of the string
                var missingFragment =
                    new SpellerSegment(
                        new WinRTSpellerInterop.TextRange(
                            text.Length - predictedNextTokenStartPosition),
                if (allTokens.Count > 0)
                    var substToken = GetSpellCheckCleanSubstitutionToken(spellChecker, text, allTokens[allTokens.Count - 1], missingFragment);
                    if (substToken != null)
                        allTokens[allTokens.Count - 1] = new SpellerSegment(text, substToken.Value, spellChecker, owner);
            return allTokens.AsReadOnly();
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks through combinations of <paramref name="lastToken"/> + substrings(<paramref name="missingFragment"/>) and
        /// returns the first spellcheck-clean result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spellChecker">Spell-checker</param>
        /// <param name="documentText">Overall document text within which the text-ranges are computed</param>
        /// <param name="lastToken">Previous token immediately preceding <paramref name="missingFragment"/></param>
        /// <param name="missingFragment">The missing-fragment identified immediately after <paramref name="lastToken"/></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// See note about MAXLEN in <see cref="ComprehensiveGetTokens(WordsSegmenter, string, SpellChecker, WinRTSpellerInterop)"/>
        /// which explains the rationale behind the value of the constant AlternateFormsMaximumCount.
        /// </remarks>
        private static WinRTSpellerInterop.TextRange? GetSpellCheckCleanSubstitutionToken(
            SpellChecker spellChecker,
            string documentText,
            SpellerSegment lastToken,
            SpellerSegment missingFragment)
            const int AlternateFormsMaximumCount = 4;
            string lastTokenText = lastToken?.Text;
            string missingFragmentText = missingFragment?.Text.TrimEnd('\0');
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(missingFragmentText) ||
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastTokenText) ||
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(documentText) ||
                spellChecker == null ||
                return null;
            string previousAltForm = lastTokenText;
            int altFormsCount = Math.Min(missingFragmentText.Length, AlternateFormsMaximumCount);
            // One of the substring-permutations of the missingFragment - when concatenated with 'lastToken' - could be a viable
            // replacement for 'lastToken'
            for (int i = 1; i <= altFormsCount; i++)
                var altForm = documentText.Substring(lastToken.TextRange.Start, lastTokenText.Length + i).TrimEnd('\0').TrimEnd();
                if (altForm.Length > previousAltForm.Length)
                    previousAltForm = altForm;
                    if (!spellChecker.HasErrors(altForm))
                        // Use this altForm in place lastToken
                        return new WinRTSpellerInterop.TextRange(
                    // trimming yielded an altForm we've already checked, don't check again.
                    // We could stop checking now if we knew that an altForm with
                    // embedded trimmable characters could never be a correctly spelled
                    // token.  That's probably true, but the spell-checking docs don't
                    // guarantee it.  So for safety, leaving the next line commented out.
                    // return null;
            return null;