// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Base class for all TextContainer undo units.
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Documents;
namespace System.Windows.Documents
// Base class for all TextContainer undo units.
internal abstract class TextTreeUndoUnit : IUndoUnit
// Constructors
#region Constructors
// Create a new undo unit instance.
internal TextTreeUndoUnit(TextContainer tree, int symbolOffset)
_tree = tree;
_symbolOffset = symbolOffset;
_treeContentHashCode = _tree.GetContentHashCode();
#endregion Constructors
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
// Called by the undo manager. Restores tree state to its condition
// when the unit was created. Assumes the tree state matches conditions
// just after the unit was created.
public void Do()
// Worker for Do method, implemented by derived class.
public abstract void DoCore();
// Called by the undo manager. TextContainer undo units never merge.
public bool Merge(IUndoUnit unit)
Invariant.Assert(unit != null);
return false;
#endregion Public Methods
// Protected Properties
#region Protected Properties
// TextContainer associated with this undo unit.
protected TextContainer TextContainer
get { return _tree; }
// Offset in symbols of this undo unit within the TextContainer content.
protected int SymbolOffset
get { return _symbolOffset; }
#endregion Protected Properties
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
// Explicitly sets this undo unit's content hash code to match the
// current tree state. This happens automatically in the ctor, but
// some undo units (for delte operations) need to be initialized before
// the content is modified, in which case they call this method
// afterwards.
internal void SetTreeHashCode()
_treeContentHashCode = _tree.GetContentHashCode();
// Verifies the TextContainer state matches the original state when this undo
// unit was created. Because we use symbol offsets to track the
// position of the content to modify, errors in the undo code or reentrant
// document edits by random code could potentially
// corrupt data rather than raise an immediate exception.
// This method uses Invariant.Assert to trigger a FailFast in the case an error
// is detected, before we get a chance to corrupt data.
internal void VerifyTreeContentHashCode()
if (_tree.GetContentHashCode() != _treeContentHashCode)
// Data is irrecoverably corrupted, shut down!
Invariant.Assert(false, "Undo unit is out of sync with TextContainer!");
// Gets an array of PropertyRecords from a DependencyObject's LocalValueEnumerator.
// The array is safe to cache, LocalValueEnumerators are not.
internal static PropertyRecord[] GetPropertyRecordArray(DependencyObject d)
LocalValueEnumerator valuesEnumerator = d.GetLocalValueEnumerator();
PropertyRecord[] records = new PropertyRecord[valuesEnumerator.Count];
int count = 0;
while (valuesEnumerator.MoveNext())
DependencyProperty dp = valuesEnumerator.Current.Property;
if (!dp.ReadOnly)
// LocalValueEntry.Value can be an Expression, which we can't duplicate when we
// undo, so we copy over the current value from DependencyObject.GetValue instead.
records[count].Property = dp;
records[count].Value = d.GetValue(dp);
PropertyRecord[] trimmedResult;
if(valuesEnumerator.Count != count)
trimmedResult = new PropertyRecord[count];
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
trimmedResult[i] = records[i];
trimmedResult = records;
return trimmedResult;
// Converts array of PropertyRecords into a LocalValueEnumerator.
// The array is safe to cache, LocalValueEnumerators are not.
internal static LocalValueEnumerator ArrayToLocalValueEnumerator(PropertyRecord[] records)
DependencyObject obj;
int i;
obj = new DependencyObject();
for (i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
obj.SetValue(records[i].Property, records[i].Value);
return obj.GetLocalValueEnumerator();
#endregion Internal Methods
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
// The tree associated with this undo unit.
private readonly TextContainer _tree;
// Offset in the tree at which to undo.
private readonly int _symbolOffset;
// Hash representing the state of the tree when the undo unit was
// created. If the hash doesn't match when Do is called, there's a bug
// somewhere, and any TextContainer undo units on the stack are probably
// corrupted.
private int _treeContentHashCode;
#endregion Private Fields