// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections;
// Description: Thread local state for the TextEditor.
namespace System.Windows.Documents
// Thread local state for the TextEditor.
internal class TextEditorThreadLocalStore
// Constructors
#region Constructors
internal TextEditorThreadLocalStore()
#endregion Constructors
// Internal methods
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
// Ref count for TextEditorTyping's InputLanguageChangeEventHandler.
internal int InputLanguageChangeEventHandlerCount
return _inputLanguageChangeEventHandlerCount;
_inputLanguageChangeEventHandlerCount = value;
// Queue of pending KeyDownEvent/TextInputEvent items.
// We store events here, and handle them at Background priority.
// This has the effect of batching multiple events when layout
// cannot keep up with the input stream.
// A non-null value means a background queue item is pending.
internal ArrayList PendingInputItems
return _pendingInputItems;
_pendingInputItems = value;
// Flag indicating that Shift key up happened immediately after Shift Down
// without any intermediate key presses. This flag is used in
// FlowDirection commands - Control+RightShift and Control+LeftShift (on KeyUp).
internal bool PureControlShift
return _pureControlShift;
_pureControlShift = value;
// Bidirectional input
internal bool Bidi
return _bidi;
_bidi = value;
// Currently active text selection - the one that owns a caret.
internal TextSelection FocusedTextSelection
return _focusedTextSelection;
_focusedTextSelection = value;
// Manages registration of all TextStores in a thread.
internal TextServicesHost TextServicesHost
return _textServicesHost;
_textServicesHost = value;
// Set true while hiding the mouse cursor after typing.
internal bool HideCursor
return _hideCursor;
_hideCursor = value;
#endregion Internal Properties
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
// Ref count for TextEditorTyping's InputLanguageChangeEventHandler.
private int _inputLanguageChangeEventHandlerCount;
// Queue of pending KeyDownEvent/TextInputEvent items.
// We store events here, and handle them at Background priority.
// This has the effect of batching multiple events when layout
// cannot keep up with the input stream.
// A non-null value means a background queue item is pending.
private ArrayList _pendingInputItems;
// Flag indicating that Shift key up happened immediately after Shift Down
// without any intermediate key presses. This flag is used in
// FlowDirection commands - Control+RightShift and Control+LeftShift (on KeyUp).
private bool _pureControlShift;
// bidi caret for middle east(Hebrew, Arablic)
private bool _bidi;
// Currently active text selection - the one that owns a caret.
private TextSelection _focusedTextSelection;
// Manages registration of all TextStores in a thread.
private TextServicesHost _textServicesHost;
// Set true while hiding the mouse cursor after typing.
private bool _hideCursor;
#endregion Private Fields