// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Command definitions for Rich Text Editing.
namespace System.Windows.Documents
using System.Windows.Input; // Command
using System.ComponentModel; // TypeConverter
/// <summary>
/// Command definitions for Rich Text Editing.
/// </summary>
public static class EditingCommands
// Public Properties
#region Public Properties
// Typing Commands
// ---------------
/// <summary>
/// ToggleInsert command.
/// Changed typing mode between insertion and overtyping.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand ToggleInsert { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ToggleInsert , "ToggleInsert" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// Delete command.
/// When selection is empty deletes the following character or paragraph separator.
/// When selection is not empty deletes the selected content.
/// Formatting of deleted content is not springloaded (unlike Backspace).
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand Delete { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _Delete , "Delete" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand Clear { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _Clear , "Clear" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// Backspace command.
/// When selection is empty deleted the previous character or paragraph separator.
/// When selection is not empty deletes the selected content.
/// Formatting of deleted content is springloaded (unlike Delete).
/// Formatting for springloading is taken from the very first selected character.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand Backspace { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _Backspace , "Backspace" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// DeleteNextWord command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand DeleteNextWord { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _DeleteNextWord , "DeleteNextWord" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// DeletePreviousWord command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand DeletePreviousWord { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _DeletePreviousWord , "DeletePreviousWord" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// EnterParagraphBreak command.
/// Acts as if the user presses Enter key. The content of current selection is deleted (if not empty)
/// like with Backspace command(performing formatting springloading), and then
/// the structure of text elements is changed so that paragraph break appears
/// at caret position.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand EnterParagraphBreak { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _EnterParagraphBreak , "EnterParagraphBreak" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// EnterLineBreak command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand EnterLineBreak { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _EnterLineBreak , "EnterLineBreak" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// TabForward command.
/// The behavior depends from the current condition of selection.
/// If selection is non-empty then it redirects to a IncreaseIndentation command,
/// so that all affected paragraphs become promoted (by increasing their Margin.Left property in RichTextBox
/// or by inserting additional Tab charater in the beginning of each non-wrapped line).
/// If the caret is in table cell then it moves to the next cell.
/// If the caret is in the last table cell, then in creates new row in a table and moves
/// the caret into first cell of that row.
/// Otherwise Tab character is inserted in current position.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand TabForward { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _TabForward , "TabForward" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// TabBackward command.
/// The behavior depends from the current condition of selection.
/// If selection is non-empty then it redirects to a DecreaseIndentation command,
/// so that all affected paragraphs become promoted (by decreasing their Margin.Left property in RichTextBox
/// or by deleting a Tab charater in the beginning of each non-wrapped line).
/// If the caret is in table cell then it moves to the previous cell.
/// Otherwise Tab character is inserted in current position.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand TabBackward { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _TabBackward , "TabBackward" ); } }
// Caret navigation commands
// -------------------------
/// <summary>
/// MoveRightByCharacter command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveRightByCharacter { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveRightByCharacter , "MoveRightByCharacter" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveLeftByCharacter command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveLeftByCharacter { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveLeftByCharacter , "MoveLeftByCharacter" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveRightByWord command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveRightByWord { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveRightByWord , "MoveRightByWord" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveLeftByWord command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveLeftByWord { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveLeftByWord , "MoveLeftByWord" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveDownByLine command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveDownByLine { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveDownByLine , "MoveDownByLine" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveUpByLine command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveUpByLine { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveUpByLine , "MoveUpByLine" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveDownByParagraph command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveDownByParagraph { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveDownByParagraph , "MoveDownByParagraph" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveUpByParagraph command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveUpByParagraph { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveUpByParagraph , "MoveUpByParagraph" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveDownByPage command.
/// Corresponds to PgDn key on the keyboard.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveDownByPage { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveDownByPage , "MoveDownByPage" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveUpByPage command.
/// Corresponds to PgUp key on the keyboard.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveUpByPage { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveUpByPage , "MoveUpByPage" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveToLineStart command.
/// Corresponds to Home key on the keyboard.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveToLineStart { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveToLineStart , "MoveToLineStart" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveToLineEnd command.
/// Corresponds to End key on the keyboard.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveToLineEnd { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveToLineEnd , "MoveToLineEnd" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveToDocumentStart command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveToDocumentStart { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveToDocumentStart , "MoveToDocumentStart" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// MoveToDocumentEnd command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand MoveToDocumentEnd { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveToDocumentEnd , "MoveToDocumentEnd" ); } }
// Selection extension commands
// ----------------------------
/// <summary>
/// SelectRightByCharacter command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectRightByCharacter { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectRightByCharacter , "SelectRightByCharacter" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectLeftByCharacter command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectLeftByCharacter { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectLeftByCharacter , "SelectLeftByCharacter" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectRightByWord command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectRightByWord { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectRightByWord , "SelectRightByWord" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectLeftbyWord command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectLeftByWord { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectLeftByWord , "SelectLeftByWord" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectDownByLine command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectDownByLine { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectDownByLine , "SelectDownByLine" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectUpByLine command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectUpByLine { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectUpByLine , "SelectUpByLine" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectDownByParagraph command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectDownByParagraph { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectDownByParagraph , "SelectDownByParagraph" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectUpByParagraph command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectUpByParagraph { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectUpByParagraph , "SelectUpByParagraph" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectDownByPage command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectDownByPage { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectDownByPage , "SelectDownByPage" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectUpByPage command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectUpByPage { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectUpByPage , "SelectUpByPage" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectToLineStart command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectToLineStart { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectToLineStart , "SelectToLineStart" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectToLineEnd command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectToLineEnd { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectToLineEnd , "SelectToLineEnd" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectToDocumentStart command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectToDocumentStart { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectToDocumentStart , "SelectToDocumentStart" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// SelectToDocumentEnd command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand SelectToDocumentEnd { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectToDocumentEnd , "SelectToDocumentEnd" ); } }
// Character editing commands
// --------------------------
/// <summary>
/// ToggleBold command.
/// When command argument is present applies provided value to a selected range.
/// When command argument is null applies an value of FontWeight opposite to the one taken from the first
/// character of selected range.
/// When selection is empty and within a word, the same operation is applied to this word.
/// When empty selection is between words or in the process of typing
/// the property is springloaded.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand ToggleBold { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ToggleBold , "ToggleBold" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// ToggleItalic command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand ToggleItalic { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ToggleItalic , "ToggleItalic" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// ToggleUnderline command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand ToggleUnderline { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ToggleUnderline , "ToggleUnderline" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// ToggleSubscript command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand ToggleSubscript { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ToggleSubscript , "ToggleSubscript" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// ToggleSuperscript command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand ToggleSuperscript { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ToggleSuperscript , "ToggleSuperscript" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// IncreaseFontSize command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand IncreaseFontSize { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _IncreaseFontSize , "IncreaseFontSize" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// DecreaseFontSize command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand DecreaseFontSize { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _DecreaseFontSize , "DecreaseFontSize" ); } }
// Paragraph editing commands
// --------------------------
/// <summary>
/// AlignLeft command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand AlignLeft { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _AlignLeft , "AlignLeft" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// AlightCenter command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand AlignCenter { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _AlignCenter , "AlignCenter" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// AlignRight command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand AlignRight { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _AlignRight , "AlignRight" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// AlignJustify command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand AlignJustify { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _AlignJustify , "AlignJustify" ); } }
// List editing commands
// ---------------------
/// <summary>
/// ToggelBullets command.
/// When command argument is present it must be of ListMarkerStyle value;
/// this value is set as a marker style to all selected list items.
/// When command argument is null the command toggles a marker style
/// by circle over all predefined non-numeric list marker styles.
/// The circle includes no-list state as well.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand ToggleBullets { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ToggleBullets , "ToggleBullets" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// ToggelNumbers command.
/// When command argument is present it must be of ListMarkerStyle value;
/// this value is set as a marker style to all selected list items.
/// When command argument is null the command toggles a marker style
/// by circle over all predefined numeric list marker styles
/// The circle includes no-list state as well.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand ToggleNumbering { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ToggleNumbering , "ToggleNumbering" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// IncreaseIndentation command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand IncreaseIndentation { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _IncreaseIndentation, "IncreaseIndentation"); } }
/// <summary>
/// DecreaseIndentation command.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand DecreaseIndentation { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _DecreaseIndentation, "DecreaseIndentation"); } }
// Spelling commands
// ---------------------
/// <summary>
/// Corrects a misspelled word at the insertion position.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand CorrectSpellingError { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _CorrectSpellingError, "CorrectSpellingError" ); } }
/// <summary>
/// Ignores all instances of the misspelled word at the insertion position.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedUICommand IgnoreSpellingError { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _IgnoreSpellingError, "IgnoreSpellingError" ); } }
#endregion Public Properties
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
// NOTE: The following pieces of code must be maintained consistently
// f) Re-expose via reflection in Lexicon
// Typing commands
internal static RoutedUICommand Space { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _Space , "Space" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ShiftSpace { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ShiftSpace , "ShiftSpace" ); } }
// Caret navigation commands
// -------------------------
internal static RoutedUICommand MoveToColumnStart { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveToColumnStart , "MoveToColumnStart" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand MoveToColumnEnd { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveToColumnEnd , "MoveToColumnEnd" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand MoveToWindowTop { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveToWindowTop , "MoveToWindowTop" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand MoveToWindowBottom { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MoveToWindowBottom , "MoveToWindowBottom" ); } }
// Selection extension commands
// ----------------------------
internal static RoutedUICommand SelectToColumnStart { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectToColumnStart , "SelectToColumnStart" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand SelectToColumnEnd { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectToColumnEnd , "SelectToColumnEnd" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand SelectToWindowTop { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectToWindowTop , "SelectToWindowTop" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand SelectToWindowBottom { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SelectToWindowBottom , "SelectToWindowBottom" ); } }
// Character editing commands
// --------------------------
internal static RoutedUICommand ResetFormat { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ResetFormat , "ResetFormat" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ToggleSpellCheck { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ToggleSpellCheck , "ToggleSpellCheck" ); } }
// BEGIN Application Compatibility Note
// The following commands are internal, but they are exposed publicly
// from our command converter. We cannot change this behavior
// because it is well documented. For example, in the
// "WPF XAML Vocabulary Specification 2006" found here:
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd361848(PROT.10).aspx
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyFontSize { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyFontSize , "ApplyFontSize" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyFontFamily { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyFontFamily , "ApplyFontFamily" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyForeground { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyForeground , "ApplyForeground" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyBackground { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyBackground , "ApplyBackground" ); } }
// END Application Compatibility Note
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyInlineFlowDirectionRTL { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyInlineFlowDirectionRTL , "ApplyInlineFlowDirectionRTL" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyInlineFlowDirectionLTR { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyInlineFlowDirectionLTR , "ApplyInlineFlowDirectionLTR" ); } }
// Paragraph editing commands
// --------------------------
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplySingleSpace { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplySingleSpace , "ApplySingleSpace" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyOneAndAHalfSpace { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyOneAndAHalfSpace , "ApplyOneAndAHalfSpace" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyDoubleSpace { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyDoubleSpace , "ApplyDoubleSpace" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyParagraphFlowDirectionRTL { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyParagraphFlowDirectionRTL , "ApplyParagraphFlowDirectionRTL" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand ApplyParagraphFlowDirectionLTR { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _ApplyParagraphFlowDirectionLTR , "ApplyParagraphFlowDirectionLTR" ); } }
// CopyPaste Commands
// ------------------
internal static RoutedUICommand CopyFormat { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _CopyFormat , "CopyFormat" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand PasteFormat { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _PasteFormat , "PasteFormat" ); } }
// List editing commands
// ---------------------
internal static RoutedUICommand RemoveListMarkers { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _RemoveListMarkers , "RemoveListMarkers" ); } }
// Table editing commands
// ----------------------
internal static RoutedUICommand InsertTable { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _InsertTable , "InsertTable" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand InsertRows { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _InsertRows , "InsertRows" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand InsertColumns { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _InsertColumns , "InsertColumns" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand DeleteRows { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _DeleteRows , "DeleteRows" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand DeleteColumns { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _DeleteColumns , "DeleteColumns" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand MergeCells { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _MergeCells , "MergeCells" ); } }
internal static RoutedUICommand SplitCell { get { return EnsureCommand(ref _SplitCell , "SplitCell" ); } }
#endregion Public Properties
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
// Initializes a static command definition - by demand
private static RoutedUICommand EnsureCommand(ref RoutedUICommand command, string commandPropertyName)
lock (_synchronize)
if (command == null)
// The first parameter should be localized
command = new RoutedUICommand(commandPropertyName, commandPropertyName, typeof(EditingCommands));
return command;
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Properties
#region Private Properties
private static object _synchronize = new object();
// Input commands
// --------------
private static RoutedUICommand _ToggleInsert;
private static RoutedUICommand _Delete;
private static RoutedUICommand _Clear;
private static RoutedUICommand _Backspace;
private static RoutedUICommand _DeleteNextWord;
private static RoutedUICommand _DeletePreviousWord;
private static RoutedUICommand _EnterParagraphBreak;
private static RoutedUICommand _EnterLineBreak;
private static RoutedUICommand _TabForward;
private static RoutedUICommand _TabBackward;
private static RoutedUICommand _Space;
private static RoutedUICommand _ShiftSpace;
// Caret navigation commands
// -------------------------
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveRightByCharacter;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveLeftByCharacter;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveRightByWord;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveLeftByWord;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveDownByLine;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveUpByLine;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveDownByParagraph;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveUpByParagraph;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveDownByPage;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveUpByPage;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveToLineStart;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveToLineEnd;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveToColumnStart;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveToColumnEnd;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveToWindowTop;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveToWindowBottom;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveToDocumentStart;
private static RoutedUICommand _MoveToDocumentEnd;
// Selection extension commands
// ----------------------------
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectRightByCharacter;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectLeftByCharacter;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectRightByWord;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectLeftByWord;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectDownByLine;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectUpByLine;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectDownByParagraph;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectUpByParagraph;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectDownByPage;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectUpByPage;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectToLineStart;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectToLineEnd;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectToColumnStart;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectToColumnEnd;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectToWindowTop;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectToWindowBottom;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectToDocumentStart;
private static RoutedUICommand _SelectToDocumentEnd;
// Character editing commands
// --------------------------
private static RoutedUICommand _CopyFormat;
private static RoutedUICommand _PasteFormat;
private static RoutedUICommand _ResetFormat;
private static RoutedUICommand _ToggleBold;
private static RoutedUICommand _ToggleItalic;
private static RoutedUICommand _ToggleUnderline;
private static RoutedUICommand _ToggleSubscript;
private static RoutedUICommand _ToggleSuperscript;
private static RoutedUICommand _IncreaseFontSize;
private static RoutedUICommand _DecreaseFontSize;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyFontSize;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyFontFamily;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyForeground;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyBackground;
private static RoutedUICommand _ToggleSpellCheck;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyInlineFlowDirectionRTL;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyInlineFlowDirectionLTR;
// Paragraph editing commands
// --------------------------
private static RoutedUICommand _AlignLeft;
private static RoutedUICommand _AlignCenter;
private static RoutedUICommand _AlignRight;
private static RoutedUICommand _AlignJustify;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplySingleSpace;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyOneAndAHalfSpace;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyDoubleSpace;
private static RoutedUICommand _IncreaseIndentation;
private static RoutedUICommand _DecreaseIndentation;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyParagraphFlowDirectionRTL;
private static RoutedUICommand _ApplyParagraphFlowDirectionLTR;
// List editing commands
// ---------------------
private static RoutedUICommand _RemoveListMarkers;
private static RoutedUICommand _ToggleBullets;
private static RoutedUICommand _ToggleNumbering;
// Table editing commands
// ----------------------
private static RoutedUICommand _InsertTable;
private static RoutedUICommand _InsertRows;
private static RoutedUICommand _InsertColumns;
private static RoutedUICommand _DeleteRows;
private static RoutedUICommand _DeleteColumns;
private static RoutedUICommand _MergeCells;
private static RoutedUICommand _SplitCell;
// Spelling Commands
// -----------------
private static RoutedUICommand _CorrectSpellingError;
private static RoutedUICommand _IgnoreSpellingError;
#endregion Private Methods