File: System\Windows\Automation\Peers\ItemsControlAutomationPeer.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationFramework\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Automation;
using MS.Internal.Hashing.PresentationFramework;    // HashHelper
namespace System.Windows.Automation.Peers
    public abstract class ItemsControlAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer, IItemContainerProvider
        protected ItemsControlAutomationPeer(ItemsControl owner): base(owner)
        override public object GetPattern(PatternInterface patternInterface)
            if(patternInterface == PatternInterface.Scroll)
                ItemsControl owner = (ItemsControl)Owner;
                if(owner.ScrollHost != null)
                    AutomationPeer scrollPeer = UIElementAutomationPeer.CreatePeerForElement(owner.ScrollHost);
                    if(scrollPeer != null && scrollPeer is IScrollProvider)
                        scrollPeer.EventsSource = this;
                        return (IScrollProvider)scrollPeer;
            else if (patternInterface == PatternInterface.ItemContainer)
                if(Owner as ItemsControl != null)
                    return this;
                return null;
            return base.GetPattern(patternInterface);
        /// If grouping is enabled then return peers corresponding to all the items in container
        /// otherwise sees VirtualizingStackPanel(itemsHost) and return peers corresponding to
        /// items which are de-virtualized.
        protected override List<AutomationPeer> GetChildrenCore()
            List<AutomationPeer> children = null;
            ItemPeersStorage<ItemAutomationPeer> oldChildren = _dataChildren; //cache the old ones for possible reuse
            _dataChildren = new ItemPeersStorage<ItemAutomationPeer>();
            ItemsControl owner = (ItemsControl)Owner;
            ItemCollection items = owner.Items;
            Panel itemHost = owner.ItemsHost;
            IList childItems = null;
            bool useNetFx472CompatibleAccessibilityFeatures = AccessibilitySwitches.UseNetFx472CompatibleAccessibilityFeatures;
            if (owner.IsGrouping)
                if (itemHost == null)
                    return null;
                if (!useNetFx472CompatibleAccessibilityFeatures)
                    _reusablePeers = oldChildren;
                childItems = itemHost.Children;
                children = new List<AutomationPeer>(childItems.Count);
                foreach (UIElement child in childItems)
                    UIElementAutomationPeer peer = child.CreateAutomationPeer() as UIElementAutomationPeer;
                    if (peer != null)
                        if (useNetFx472CompatibleAccessibilityFeatures)
                            // The AncestorsInvalid check is meant so that we do this call to invalidate the
                            // GroupItemPeers containing the realized item peers only when we arrive here from an
                            // UpdateSubtree call because that call does not otherwise descend into parts of the tree
                            // that have their children invalid as an optimization.
                            if (_recentlyRealizedPeers != null && _recentlyRealizedPeers.Count > 0 && this.AncestorsInvalid)
                                GroupItemAutomationPeer groupItemPeer = peer as GroupItemAutomationPeer;
                            // The AncestorsInvalid check is meant so that we do this call to invalidate the
                            // GroupItemPeers only when we arrive here from an
                            // UpdateSubtree call because that call does not otherwise descend into parts of the tree
                            // that have their children invalid as an optimization.
                            if (this.AncestorsInvalid)
                                GroupItemAutomationPeer groupItemPeer = peer as GroupItemAutomationPeer;
                                if (groupItemPeer != null)
                                    // invalidate all GroupItemAP children, so
                                    // that the top-level ItemsControlAP's
                                    // ItemPeers collection is repopulated.
                                    groupItemPeer.AncestorsInvalid = true;
                                    groupItemPeer.ChildrenValid = true;
                return children;
            else if (items.Count > 0)
                // To avoid the situation on legacy systems which may not have new unmanaged core. this check with old unmanaged core
                // ensures the older behavior as ItemContainer pattern won't be available.
                if (IsVirtualized)
                    if (itemHost == null)
                        return null;
                    childItems = itemHost.Children;
                    childItems = items;
                children = new List<AutomationPeer>(childItems.Count);
                foreach (object item in childItems)
                    object dataItem;
                    if (IsVirtualized)
                        // 'item' is a container - get the corresponding data item
                        DependencyObject d = item as DependencyObject;
                        dataItem = (d != null) ? owner.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(d) : null;
                        // ItemFromContainer can return {UnsetValue} if we're in a re-entrant
                        // call while the generator is in the midst of unhooking the container.
                        // Ignore such children. 
                        if (dataItem == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                        // 'item' is a data item
                        dataItem = item;
                    // try to reuse old peer if it exists either in Current AT or in WeakRefStorage of Peers being sent to Client
                    ItemAutomationPeer peer = oldChildren[dataItem];
                    peer = ReusePeerForItem(peer, dataItem);
                    if (peer == null)
                        peer = CreateItemAutomationPeer(dataItem);
                    // perform hookup so the events sourced from wrapper peer are fired as if from the data item
                    if (peer != null)
                        AutomationPeer wrapperPeer = peer.GetWrapperPeer();
                        if (wrapperPeer != null)
                            wrapperPeer.EventsSource = peer;
                    // protection from indistinguishable items - for example, 2 strings with same value
                    // this scenario does not work in ItemsControl however is not checked for.
                    if (peer != null && _dataChildren[dataItem] == null)
                        _dataChildren[dataItem] = peer;
                return children;
            return null;
        internal ItemAutomationPeer ReusePeerForItem(ItemAutomationPeer peer, object item)
            if (peer == null)
                peer = GetPeerFromWeakRefStorage(item);
                if (peer != null)
                    // As cached peer is getting used it must be invalidated.
                    peer.AncestorsInvalid = false;
                    peer.ChildrenValid = false;
            return peer;
        internal void AddProxyToWeakRefStorage(WeakReference wr, ItemAutomationPeer itemPeer)
            ItemsControl owner = this.Owner as ItemsControl;
            ItemCollection items = owner.Items;
            if(items != null)
                if(GetPeerFromWeakRefStorage(itemPeer.Item) == null)
                    WeakRefElementProxyStorage[itemPeer.Item] = wr;
        IRawElementProviderSimple IItemContainerProvider.FindItemByProperty(IRawElementProviderSimple startAfter, int propertyId, object value)
            // Checks if propertyId is valid else throws ArgumentException to notify it as invalid argument is being passed
            if (propertyId != 0)
                if (!IsPropertySupportedByControlForFindItem(propertyId))
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.PropertyNotSupported);
            ItemsControl owner = (ItemsControl)Owner;
            ItemCollection items = null;
            if(owner != null)
                items = owner.Items;
            if (items != null && items.Count > 0)
                ItemAutomationPeer startAfterItem = null;
                if (startAfter != null)
                    // get the peer corresponding to this provider
                    startAfterItem = PeerFromProvider(startAfter) as ItemAutomationPeer;
                    if(startAfterItem == null)
                        return null;
                // startIndex refers to the index of the item just after startAfterItem
                int startIndex = 0;
                if (startAfterItem != null)
                    if (startAfterItem.Item == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InavalidStartItem);
                    // To find the index of the item in items collection which occurs
                    // immidiately after startAfterItem.Item
                    startIndex = items.IndexOf(startAfterItem.Item)+ 1;
                    if (startIndex == 0 || startIndex == items.Count)
                        return null;
                if (propertyId == 0)
                    for (int i = startIndex; i < items.Count; i++)
                        // This is to handle the case of when dataItems are just plain strings and have duplicates,
                        // only the first occurence of duplicate Items will be returned. It has also been used couple more times below.
                        if (items.IndexOf(items[i]) != i)
                        return (ProviderFromPeer(FindOrCreateItemAutomationPeer(items[i])));
                ItemAutomationPeer currentItemPeer;
                object currentValue = null;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < items.Count; i++)
                    currentItemPeer = FindOrCreateItemAutomationPeer(items[i]);
                    if (currentItemPeer == null)
                        currentValue = GetSupportedPropertyValue(currentItemPeer, propertyId);
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        if(ex is ElementNotAvailableException)
                    if (value == null || currentValue == null)
                        // Accept null as value corresponding to the property if it finds an item with null as the value of corresponding property else ignore.
                        if (currentValue == null && value == null && items.IndexOf(items[i]) == i)
                            return (ProviderFromPeer(currentItemPeer));
                    // Match is found within the specified criterion of search
                    if (value.Equals(currentValue) && items.IndexOf(items[i]) == i)
                        return (ProviderFromPeer(currentItemPeer));
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies whether the propertyId is supported by find criterion. It can be overriden by derived classes
        /// if they wish to support more properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Property Id to be verified</param>
        /// <returns>true if property id is supported else false</returns>
        virtual internal bool IsPropertySupportedByControlForFindItem(int id)
            return ItemsControlAutomationPeer.IsPropertySupportedByControlForFindItemInternal(id);
        internal static bool IsPropertySupportedByControlForFindItemInternal(int id)
            if (AutomationElementIdentifiers.NameProperty.Id == id)
                return true;
            else if (AutomationElementIdentifiers.AutomationIdProperty.Id == id)
                return true;
            else if (AutomationElementIdentifiers.ControlTypeProperty.Id == id)
                return true;
                return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is responsible for providing the value corresponding to the propertyId for itemPeer
        /// This method can be overriden by derived classes if they support more properties for search.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemPeer"></param>
        /// <param name="propertyId"></param>
        /// <returns>returns the property value</returns>
        virtual internal object GetSupportedPropertyValue(ItemAutomationPeer itemPeer, int propertyId)
            return ItemsControlAutomationPeer.GetSupportedPropertyValueInternal(itemPeer, propertyId);
        internal static object GetSupportedPropertyValueInternal(AutomationPeer itemPeer, int propertyId)
            return itemPeer.GetPropertyValue(propertyId);
        /// <summary>
        /// It returns the ItemAutomationPeer if it exist corresponding to the item otherwise it creates
        /// one and does add the Handle and parent info by calling TrySetParentInfo.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual internal ItemAutomationPeer FindOrCreateItemAutomationPeer(object item)
            ItemAutomationPeer peer = ItemPeers[item];
            if (peer == null)
                peer = GetPeerFromWeakRefStorage(item);
            if (peer == null)
                peer = CreateItemAutomationPeer(item);
            if (peer != null)
                //perform hookup so the events sourced from wrapper peer are fired as if from the data item
                AutomationPeer wrapperPeer = peer.GetWrapperPeer();
                if (wrapperPeer != null)
                    wrapperPeer.EventsSource = peer;
            return peer;
        // Called by GroupItemAutomationPeer
        internal ItemAutomationPeer CreateItemAutomationPeerInternal(object item)
            return CreateItemAutomationPeer(item);
        abstract protected ItemAutomationPeer CreateItemAutomationPeer(object item);
        internal RecyclableWrapper GetRecyclableWrapperPeer(object item)
            ItemsControl itemsControl = (ItemsControl)Owner;
            if (_recyclableWrapperCache == null)
                _recyclableWrapperCache = new RecyclableWrapper(itemsControl, item);
            return _recyclableWrapperCache;
        // UpdateChildrenIntenal is called with ItemsInvalidateLimit to ensure we don’t fire unnecessary structure change events when items are just scrolled in/out of view in case of
        // virtualized controls.
        override internal IDisposable UpdateChildren()
            return AccessibilitySwitches.UseNetFx472CompatibleAccessibilityFeatures
                    ? null
                    : new UpdateChildrenHelper(this);
        // Provides Peer if exist in Weak Reference Storage
        internal ItemAutomationPeer GetPeerFromWeakRefStorage(object item)
            ItemAutomationPeer returnPeer = null;
            WeakReference weakRefEP = WeakRefElementProxyStorage[item];
            if(weakRefEP != null)
                ElementProxy provider = weakRefEP.Target as ElementProxy;
                if(provider != null)
                    returnPeer = PeerFromProvider(provider as IRawElementProviderSimple) as ItemAutomationPeer;
                    if(returnPeer == null)
            return returnPeer;
        internal AutomationPeer GetExistingPeerByItem(object item, bool checkInWeakRefStorage)
            AutomationPeer returnPeer = null;
                returnPeer = GetPeerFromWeakRefStorage(item);
            if(returnPeer == null)
                returnPeer = ItemPeers[item];
            return returnPeer;
        internal ItemAutomationPeer ReusablePeerFor(object item)
            if (_reusablePeers != null)
                return _reusablePeers[item];
                return ItemPeers[item];
        private void ClearReusablePeers(ItemPeersStorage<ItemAutomationPeer> oldChildren)
            if (_reusablePeers == oldChildren)
                _reusablePeers = null;
        protected virtual bool IsVirtualized
            get { return ItemContainerPatternIdentifiers.Pattern != null; }
        // Derived classes should be able to access peers cache
        internal ItemPeersStorage<ItemAutomationPeer> ItemPeers
            get { return _dataChildren; }
            set { _dataChildren = value; }
        internal ItemPeersStorage<WeakReference> WeakRefElementProxyStorage
            get { return _WeakRefElementProxyStorage; }
            set { _WeakRefElementProxyStorage = value; }
        // *** DEAD CODE   Only call is from dead code when UseNetFx472CompatibleAccessibilityFeatures==true ***
        internal List<ItemAutomationPeer> RecentlyRealizedPeers
                if (_recentlyRealizedPeers == null)
                    _recentlyRealizedPeers = new List<ItemAutomationPeer>();
                return _recentlyRealizedPeers;
        private ItemPeersStorage<ItemAutomationPeer> _dataChildren = new ItemPeersStorage<ItemAutomationPeer>();
        private ItemPeersStorage<ItemAutomationPeer> _reusablePeers;
        private ItemPeersStorage<WeakReference> _WeakRefElementProxyStorage = new ItemPeersStorage<WeakReference>();
        private List<ItemAutomationPeer> _recentlyRealizedPeers;    // *** DEAD CODE   Only use is from dead code when UseNetFx472CompatibleAccessibilityFeatures==true ***
        private RecyclableWrapper _recyclableWrapperCache;
        // In a grouped ItemsControl, the item peers are held by the ItemsControlAP.
        // Yet during UpdateSubtree the peers should be available for re-use by
        // the GroupItemAPs at the leaf level.  Otherwise, the cost of creating new
        // peers and raising events is a huge perf hit 
        // To achieve this, the ItemsControlAP retains its old children during the
        // recursive UpdateSubtree work, in its "ReusablePeers" store.  When UpdateSubtree
        // is done, it calls Dispose on this helper to release the temporary store.
        private class UpdateChildrenHelper : IDisposable
            internal UpdateChildrenHelper(ItemsControlAutomationPeer peer)
                _peer = peer;
                _oldChildren = peer.ItemPeers;
            void IDisposable.Dispose()
                if (_peer != null)
                    _peer = null;
            ItemsControlAutomationPeer _peer;
            ItemPeersStorage<ItemAutomationPeer> _oldChildren;
    internal class ItemPeersStorage<T> where T : class
        public ItemPeersStorage()
        public void Clear()
            _usesHashCode = false;
            _count = 0;
        public T this[object item]
                if (_count == 0 || item == null)
                    return default(T);
                if (_usesHashCode)
                    if (_hashtable == null || !_hashtable.ContainsKey(item))
                        return default(T);
                    return _hashtable[item] as T;
                    if (_list == null)
                        return default(T);
                    for (int i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++)
                        KeyValuePair<object, T> pair = _list[i];
                        if (Object.Equals(item, pair.Key))
                            return pair.Value;
                    return default(T);
                // Does not cache null items
                if (item == null)
                // When we add the first item we need to determine whether to use hashtable or list
                if (_count == 0)
                    _usesHashCode = item != null && HashHelper.HasReliableHashCode(item);
                if (_usesHashCode)
                    if (_hashtable == null)
                        _hashtable = new WeakDictionary<object,T>();
                    if(!_hashtable.ContainsKey(item) && value is not null)
                        _hashtable[item] = value;
                        Debug.Assert(false,"it must not add already present Item");
                    if (_list == null)
                        _list = new List<KeyValuePair<object, T>>();
                    if(value is not null)
                        _list.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, T>(item, value));
        public void Remove(object item)
                if(item != null && _hashtable.ContainsKey(item))
                if (_list != null)
                    int i =0;
                    for (i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++)
                        KeyValuePair<object, T> pair = _list[i];
                        if (Object.Equals(item, pair.Key))
                    if(i < _list.Count)
        // To purge the collection corresponding to WeakReference for dead references
        // write a generic Iterator and move the purging code to ItemsControlAutomationPeer using the Iterator of this collection class
        public void PurgeWeakRefCollection()
            List<object> cleanUpItemsCollection = new List<object>();
                if(_hashtable == null)
                foreach(KeyValuePair<object,T> dictionaryEntry in _hashtable)
                    WeakReference weakRef = dictionaryEntry.Value as WeakReference;
                    if(weakRef == null)
                    ElementProxy proxy = weakRef.Target as ElementProxy;
                    if(proxy == null)
                    ItemAutomationPeer peer = proxy.Peer as ItemAutomationPeer;
                    if(peer == null)
                if(_list == null)
                foreach(KeyValuePair<object, T> keyValuePair in _list)
                    WeakReference weakRef = keyValuePair.Value as WeakReference;
                    if(weakRef == null)
                    ElementProxy proxy = weakRef.Target as ElementProxy;
                    if(proxy == null)
                    ItemAutomationPeer peer = proxy.Peer as ItemAutomationPeer;
                    if(peer == null)
            foreach(object item in cleanUpItemsCollection)
        public int Count
            get { return _count; }
        private WeakDictionary<object, T> _hashtable = null;
        private List<KeyValuePair<object, T>> _list = null;
        private int _count = 0;
        private bool _usesHashCode = false;
    internal class RecyclableWrapper : IDisposable
        public RecyclableWrapper(ItemsControl itemsControl, object item)
            _itemsControl = itemsControl;
            _container = ((MS.Internal.Controls.IGeneratorHost)itemsControl).GetContainerForItem(item);
        public void LinkItem(object item)
            _item  = item;
            ItemContainerGenerator.LinkContainerToItem(_container, _item);
        private void UnlinkItem()
            if (_item != null)
                ItemContainerGenerator.UnlinkContainerFromItem(_container, _item, _itemsControl);
                _item = null;
        void IDisposable.Dispose()
        public AutomationPeer Peer
                return UIElementAutomationPeer.CreatePeerForElement((UIElement)_container);
        ItemsControl _itemsControl;
        DependencyObject _container;
        object _item;