2 writes to Top
PresentationFramework (2)
System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizedCellInfoCollection.cs (2)
639Top = region.Top; 683Top = Math.Min(Top, region.Top);
42 references to Top
PresentationFramework (42)
System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizedCellInfoCollection.cs (42)
163for (int r = region.Top; r <= bottom; r++) 318return regionCount + (((rowIndex - region.Top) * region.Width) + columnIndex - region.Left); 584return (x >= Left) && (y >= Top) && (x <= Right) && (y <= Bottom); 590return (Left <= region.Left) && (Top <= region.Top) && 597Intersects(Top, Bottom, region.Top, region.Bottom); 610int top = Math.Max(Top, region.Top); 639Top = region.Top; 650bool yMatch = (region.Top == Top) && (region.Height == Height); 655int start = xMatch ? Top : Left; 657int compareStart = xMatch ? region.Top : region.Left; 683Top = Math.Min(Top, region.Top); 716if (Top < region.Top) 719remainder.Add(new CellRegion(Left, Top, Width, region.Top - Top)); 725int top = Math.Max(Top, region.Top); 733int top = Math.Max(Top, region.Top); 803if (region.Top < top) 805top = region.Top; 995AddRegion(keptRegion.Top + 1, keptRegion.Left, keptRegion.Height, keptRegion.Width, /* notify = */ false); 1027AddRegion(keptRegion.Top - 1, keptRegion.Left, keptRegion.Height, keptRegion.Width, /* notify = */ false); 1083AddRegion(keptRegion.Top - 1, keptRegion.Left, keptRegion.Height, keptRegion.Width, /* notify = */ false); 1111AddRegion(keptRegion.Top + 1, keptRegion.Left, keptRegion.Height, keptRegion.Width, /* notify = */ false); 1168AddRegion(keptRegion.Top, keptRegion.Left + 1, keptRegion.Height, keptRegion.Width, /* notify = */ false); 1215AddRegion(keptRegion.Top, keptRegion.Left - 1, keptRegion.Height, keptRegion.Width, /* notify = */ false); 1274AddRegion(keptRegion.Top, keptRegion.Left - 1, keptRegion.Height, keptRegion.Width, /* notify = */ false); 1289AddRegion(movedRegion.Top, newIndex, movedRegion.Height, movedRegion.Width, /* notify = */ false); 1301AddRegion(keptRegion.Top, keptRegion.Left + 1, keptRegion.Height, keptRegion.Width, /* notify = */ false); 1356AddRegion(region.Top, region.Left, region.Height, region.Width); 1375c2.RemoveRegion(region.Top, region.Left, region.Height, region.Width); 1383c1.RemoveRegion(region.Top, region.Left, region.Height, region.Width); 1468RemoveAllButRegion(firstRegion.Top, firstRegion.Left, 1, 1); 1592rowIndex = region.Top + (index / region.Width); 1636for (int rowIndex = region.Top; rowIndex <= region.Bottom; rowIndex++)