2 writes to Padding
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Wpf (2)
InlineDiagnostics\InlineDiagnosticsTag.cs (1)
63Padding = new Thickness(left: 2, top: 0, right: 2, bottom: 0),
InlineHints\InlineHintsTag.cs (1)
137Padding = new Thickness(left: 2, top: 0, right: 2, bottom: 0)
8 references to Padding
PresentationFramework (8)
System\Windows\Controls\TextBlock.cs (8)
995/// DependencyProperty for <see cref="Padding" /> property. 1259Thickness padding = this.Padding; 1523double contentBottom = Math.Max(0.0, RenderSize.Height - Padding.Bottom); 1956Thickness padding = this.Padding; 3096Thickness padding = this.Padding; 3147double contentBottom = Math.Max(0.0, RenderSize.Height - Padding.Bottom); 3175double paddingWidth = Padding.Left + Padding.Right;