7 instantiations of Run
PresentationFramework (7)
System\Windows\Documents\SpellerStatusTable.cs (7)
42_runList.Add(new Run(textContainerStart, RunType.Dirty)); 146_runList.Insert(runIndex + 1, new Run(start, RunType.Error)); 153_runList.Insert(runIndex + 1, new Run(end, RunType.Clean)); 479newRun = new Run(end, oppositeRunType); 495newRun = new Run(start, runType); 504newRun = new Run(start, runType); 506newRun = new Run(end, oppositeRunType);
15 references to Run
PresentationFramework (15)
System\Windows\Documents\SpellerStatusTable.cs (15)
85Run run; 125Run run; 275Run run = GetRun(index); 311Run run; 333Run run; 437Run run; 438Run newRun; 532Run run; 589Run run; 674Run run; 717Run run; 743private Run GetRun(int index) 745return (Run)_runList[index]; 765Run run = GetRun(index); 777Run run;