11 instantiations of CellRegion
PresentationFramework (11)
System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizedCellInfoCollection.cs (11)
613return new CellRegion(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1); 719remainder.Add(new CellRegion(Left, Top, Width, region.Top - Top)); 727remainder.Add(new CellRegion(Left, top, region.Left - Left, bottom - top + 1)); 735remainder.Add(new CellRegion(region.Right + 1, top, Right - region.Right, bottom - top + 1)); 741remainder.Add(new CellRegion(Left, region.Bottom + 1, Width, Bottom - region.Bottom)); 759get { return new CellRegion(0, 0, 0, 0); } 834addList.Add(new CellRegion(columnIndex, rowIndex, columnCount, rowCount)); 908CellRegion removeRegion = new CellRegion(columnIndex, rowIndex, columnCount, rowCount); 1494_regions.Add(new CellRegion(columnIndex, rowIndex, columnCount, rowCount)); 1505CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1); 1530CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1);
72 references to CellRegion
PresentationFramework (72)
System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizedCellInfoCollection.cs (72)
29_regions = new List<CellRegion>(); 35private VirtualizedCellInfoCollection(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions) 42_regions = (regions != null) ? new List<CellRegion>(regions) : new List<CellRegion>(); 159CellRegion region = _regions[i]; 233public VirtualizedCellInfoCollectionEnumerator(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions, VirtualizedCellInfoCollection collection) 236_regions = new List<CellRegion>(regions); 294private List<CellRegion> _regions; 315CellRegion region = _regions[i]; 588public bool Contains(CellRegion region) 594public bool Intersects(CellRegion region) 605public CellRegion Intersection(CellRegion region) 626public bool Union(CellRegion region) 701public bool Remainder(CellRegion region, out List<CellRegion> remainder) 714remainder = new List<CellRegion>(); 757public static CellRegion Empty 797CellRegion region = _regions[i]; 833List<CellRegion> addList = new List<CellRegion>(); 840CellRegion region = _regions[i]; 843CellRegion subRegion = addList[c]; 844List<CellRegion> remainder; 867CellRegion region = _regions[i]; 894List<CellRegion> removeList = null; 903private void RemoveRegion(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, int rowCount, int columnCount, ref List<CellRegion> removeList) 908CellRegion removeRegion = new CellRegion(columnIndex, rowIndex, columnCount, rowCount); 911CellRegion region = _regions[i]; 912CellRegion intersection = region.Intersection(removeRegion); 918removeList = new List<CellRegion>(); 927List<CellRegion> remainder; 977List<CellRegion> keepRegions = null; 994CellRegion keptRegion = keepRegions[i]; 1005List<CellRegion> keepRegions = null; 1006List<CellRegion> removedRegions = null; 1026CellRegion keptRegion = keepRegions[i]; 1045List<CellRegion> removedRegions = null; 1061List<CellRegion> slideRegions = null; 1062List<CellRegion> movedRegions = null; 1082CellRegion keptRegion = slideRegions[i]; 1098CellRegion movedRegion = movedRegions[i]; 1110CellRegion keptRegion = slideRegions[i]; 1150List<CellRegion> keepRegions = null; 1167CellRegion keptRegion = keepRegions[i]; 1193List<CellRegion> keepRegions = null; 1194List<CellRegion> removedRegions = null; 1214CellRegion keptRegion = keepRegions[i]; 1233List<CellRegion> removedRegions = null; 1252List<CellRegion> slideRegions = null; 1253List<CellRegion> movedRegions = null; 1273CellRegion keptRegion = slideRegions[i]; 1288CellRegion movedRegion = movedRegions[i]; 1300CellRegion keptRegion = slideRegions[i]; 1312internal RemovedCellInfoCollection(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions, DataGridColumn column) 1318internal RemovedCellInfoCollection(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions, object item) 1355CellRegion region = collection._regions[i]; 1374CellRegion region = c1._regions[i]; 1382CellRegion region = orig2._regions[i]; 1401CellRegion region = _regions[0]; 1410List<CellRegion> removeList = new List<CellRegion>(); 1467CellRegion firstRegion = _regions[0]; 1486List<CellRegion> removeList = null; 1505CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1); 1530CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1); 1536CellRegion region = _regions[i]; 1578private static void ConvertIndexToIndexes(List<CellRegion> regions, int index, out int rowIndex, out int columnIndex) 1586CellRegion region = regions[i]; 1603private DataGridCellInfo GetCellInfoFromIndex(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions, int index) 1632private void AddRegionToList(CellRegion region, List<DataGridCellInfo> list) 1662private List<CellRegion> _regions;