11 instantiations of CellRegion
PresentationFramework (11)
System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizedCellInfoCollection.cs (11)
617return new CellRegion(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1);
723remainder.Add(new CellRegion(Left, Top, Width, region.Top - Top));
731remainder.Add(new CellRegion(Left, top, region.Left - Left, bottom - top + 1));
739remainder.Add(new CellRegion(region.Right + 1, top, Right - region.Right, bottom - top + 1));
745remainder.Add(new CellRegion(Left, region.Bottom + 1, Width, Bottom - region.Bottom));
763get { return new CellRegion(0, 0, 0, 0); }
838addList.Add(new CellRegion(columnIndex, rowIndex, columnCount, rowCount));
912CellRegion removeRegion = new CellRegion(columnIndex, rowIndex, columnCount, rowCount);
1498_regions.Add(new CellRegion(columnIndex, rowIndex, columnCount, rowCount));
1509CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1);
1534CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1);
72 references to CellRegion
PresentationFramework (72)
System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizedCellInfoCollection.cs (72)
33_regions = new List<CellRegion>();
39private VirtualizedCellInfoCollection(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions)
46_regions = (regions != null) ? new List<CellRegion>(regions) : new List<CellRegion>();
163CellRegion region = _regions[i];
237public VirtualizedCellInfoCollectionEnumerator(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions, VirtualizedCellInfoCollection collection)
240_regions = new List<CellRegion>(regions);
298private List<CellRegion> _regions;
319CellRegion region = _regions[i];
592public bool Contains(CellRegion region)
598public bool Intersects(CellRegion region)
609public CellRegion Intersection(CellRegion region)
630public bool Union(CellRegion region)
705public bool Remainder(CellRegion region, out List<CellRegion> remainder)
718remainder = new List<CellRegion>();
761public static CellRegion Empty
801CellRegion region = _regions[i];
837List<CellRegion> addList = new List<CellRegion>();
844CellRegion region = _regions[i];
847CellRegion subRegion = addList[c];
848List<CellRegion> remainder;
871CellRegion region = _regions[i];
898List<CellRegion> removeList = null;
907private void RemoveRegion(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, int rowCount, int columnCount, ref List<CellRegion> removeList)
912CellRegion removeRegion = new CellRegion(columnIndex, rowIndex, columnCount, rowCount);
915CellRegion region = _regions[i];
916CellRegion intersection = region.Intersection(removeRegion);
922removeList = new List<CellRegion>();
931List<CellRegion> remainder;
981List<CellRegion> keepRegions = null;
998CellRegion keptRegion = keepRegions[i];
1009List<CellRegion> keepRegions = null;
1010List<CellRegion> removedRegions = null;
1030CellRegion keptRegion = keepRegions[i];
1049List<CellRegion> removedRegions = null;
1065List<CellRegion> slideRegions = null;
1066List<CellRegion> movedRegions = null;
1086CellRegion keptRegion = slideRegions[i];
1102CellRegion movedRegion = movedRegions[i];
1114CellRegion keptRegion = slideRegions[i];
1154List<CellRegion> keepRegions = null;
1171CellRegion keptRegion = keepRegions[i];
1197List<CellRegion> keepRegions = null;
1198List<CellRegion> removedRegions = null;
1218CellRegion keptRegion = keepRegions[i];
1237List<CellRegion> removedRegions = null;
1256List<CellRegion> slideRegions = null;
1257List<CellRegion> movedRegions = null;
1277CellRegion keptRegion = slideRegions[i];
1292CellRegion movedRegion = movedRegions[i];
1304CellRegion keptRegion = slideRegions[i];
1316internal RemovedCellInfoCollection(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions, DataGridColumn column)
1322internal RemovedCellInfoCollection(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions, object item)
1359CellRegion region = collection._regions[i];
1378CellRegion region = c1._regions[i];
1386CellRegion region = orig2._regions[i];
1405CellRegion region = _regions[0];
1414List<CellRegion> removeList = new List<CellRegion>();
1471CellRegion firstRegion = _regions[0];
1490List<CellRegion> removeList = null;
1509CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1);
1534CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1);
1540CellRegion region = _regions[i];
1582private static void ConvertIndexToIndexes(List<CellRegion> regions, int index, out int rowIndex, out int columnIndex)
1590CellRegion region = regions[i];
1607private DataGridCellInfo GetCellInfoFromIndex(DataGrid owner, List<CellRegion> regions, int index)
1636private void AddRegionToList(CellRegion region, List<DataGridCellInfo> list)
1666private List<CellRegion> _regions;