6 writes to ChildCount
PresentationFramework (6)
System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlReader.cs (6)
6567dnClose.ChildCount = nChildCount; 7116dnParent.ChildCount += 1; 7149dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount - nExcise; 7312dn.ChildCount = nChildrenOldTable; // Update old table child count 7313EntryAt(nAt + 1).ChildCount = nChildrenOldTable - 1; // Update old TableBody child count 7324dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount + 2;
49 references to ChildCount
PresentationFramework (49)
System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlReader.cs (34)
5458int parentLastChild = Index + ChildCount; 5477int nLast = dnCell.Index + dnCell.ChildCount; 5504int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount; 5528int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount; 5556int nLast = dnRow.Index + dnRow.ChildCount; 5825return ChildCount > 0 || Xaml != null; 5951return Index + ChildCount; 6336int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; 6433int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; 6446if (dn.ChildCount == 0) 6452Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount <= nEnd); 6457int nChildrenHere = dn.ChildCount; 6462Debug.Assert(dnChild.ChildCount == 0 && dnChild.IsTerminated); 6494int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; 6507if (dn.ChildCount == 0 && nAt != nStart) 6511else if (dn.ChildCount > 0) 6513Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount <= nEnd); 6521int nChildrenHere = dn.ChildCount; 6526Debug.Assert(dnChild.ChildCount == 0 && dnChild.IsTerminated); 6570int nEnd = index + dnClose.ChildCount; 6575nAt += dn.ChildCount + 1; 6626Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount < Count); 6630Debug.Assert(dnPa.IsPending || (nAt > dnPa.Index && nAt <= dnPa.Index + dnPa.ChildCount)); 7024if (dnPrev.ChildCount == 0) 7149dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount - nExcise; 7209int nEndItem = nAt + dn.ChildCount; 7250int nEndItem = nAt + dn.ChildCount; 7311int nChildrenNewTable = dn.ChildCount - nChildrenOldTable; 7324dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount + 2; 8228Debug.Assert(dn.ChildCount == 0); 8256Debug.Assert(dn.ChildCount == 0); 8291nChildCount -= dn.ChildCount; 8827int nEnd = ndnListText + dnListText.ChildCount; 9842&& nInsertAt + dn.ChildCount == dna.Count)
System\Windows\Documents\XamlToRtfWriter.cs (15)
238nEndList = dn1.Index + dn1.ChildCount + 1; 268nEndList = dn.Index + dn.ChildCount + 1; 412nEndList = dn1.Index + dn1.ChildCount + 1; 433nEndList = dn.Index + dn.ChildCount + 1; 871for (; nStart <= nIndex + documentNode.ChildCount; nStart++) 905for (; nStart <= nIndex + documentNode.ChildCount; nStart++) 1008for (nAt = nStart; nAt <= nIndex + dnThis.ChildCount; nAt++) 1065for (nAt = nStart; nAt <= nIndex + dnThis.ChildCount; nAt++) 1194for (nAt = nStart; nAt <= nIndex + dnThis.ChildCount; nAt++) 1683for (int childIndex = dnCell.Index + 1; childIndex <= dnCell.Index + dnCell.ChildCount; childIndex++) 1704for (int tableChildIndex = dnTable.Index+1; tableChildIndex <= dnTable.Index+dnTable.ChildCount; tableChildIndex++) 1728tableChildIndex += dnChild.ChildCount; 1826dna.InsertChildAt(dnRow, dnNew, dnRow.Index + dnRow.ChildCount + 1, 0); 1935for (; nStart <= nIndex + dnThis.ChildCount; nStart++) 1987i += dn.ChildCount + 1;