1 write to Right
PresentationFramework (1)
System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizedCellInfoCollection.cs (1)
684Right = Math.Max(prevRight, region.Right);
20 references to Right
PresentationFramework (20)
System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizedCellInfoCollection.cs (20)
160if ((region.Left <= columnIndex) && (columnIndex <= region.Right)) 584return (x >= Left) && (y >= Top) && (x <= Right) && (y <= Bottom); 591(Right >= region.Right) && (Bottom >= region.Bottom); 596return Intersects(Left, Right, region.Left, region.Right) && 611int right = Math.Min(Right, region.Right); 656int end = xMatch ? Bottom : Right; 658int compareEnd = xMatch ? region.Bottom : region.Right; 680int prevRight = Right; 684Right = Math.Max(prevRight, region.Right); 730if (Right > region.Right) 735remainder.Add(new CellRegion(region.Right + 1, top, Right - region.Right, bottom - top + 1)); 808if (region.Right > right) 810right = region.Right; 1639for (int columnIndex = region.Left; columnIndex <= region.Right; columnIndex++)