// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using MS.Internal.AppModel;
using MS.Internal.Interop;
using MS.Win32;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
// There are THREE definitions of HRESULT. Two in ErrorCodes, and one in wgx_render.cs.
// wgx_render.cs wins if we don't explicitly define it here.
using HRESULT = MS.Internal.Interop.HRESULT;
namespace Microsoft.Win32
/// <summary>
/// Provides a common base class for wrappers around both the
/// File Open and File Save common dialog boxes. Derives from
/// CommonDialog.
/// This class is not intended to be derived from except by
/// the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog classes.
/// </summary>
public abstract class CommonItemDialog : CommonDialog
// Constructors
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// In an inherited class, initializes a new instance of
/// the System.Windows.CommonItemDialog class.
/// </summary>
private protected CommonItemDialog()
// Call Initialize to set defaults for fields
// and to set defaults for some option flags.
// Initialize() is also called from the virtual
// Reset() function to restore defaults.
#endregion Constructors
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Resets all properties to their default values.
/// Classes derived from CommonItemDialog are expected to
/// call Base.Reset() at the beginning of their
/// implementation of Reset() if they choose to
/// override this function.
/// </summary>
public override void Reset()
/// <summary>
/// Returns a string representation of the dialog with key information
/// for debugging purposes.
/// </summary>
// We overload ToString() so that we can provide a useful representation of
// this object for users' debugging purposes.
public override string ToString()
return $"{base.ToString()}: Title: {Title}";
#endregion Public Methods
// Public Properties
#region Public Properties
// Do not add the item being opened or saved to the recent documents list (SHAddToRecentDocs).
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box will add the item
/// being opened or saved to the recent documents list.
/// </summary>
public bool AddToRecent
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a Guid to associate with the dialog's persisted state.
/// </summary>
public Guid? ClientGuid { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the directory displayed by the file dialog box
/// if there is not a recently used directory value available.
/// </summary>
public string DefaultDirectory
// Avoid returning a null string - return String.Empty instead.
return _defaultDirectory ?? string.Empty;
_defaultDirectory = value;
// The actual flag is FOS_NODEREFERENCELINKS (set = do not dereference, unset = deref) -
// while we have true = dereference and false=do not dereference. Because we expose
// the opposite of the Windows flag as a property to be clearer, we need to negate
// the value in both the getter and the setter here.
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box returns the location
/// of the file referenced by the shortcut or whether it returns the location
/// of the shortcut (.lnk). Not all dialogs allow users to select shortcuts.
/// </summary>
public bool DereferenceLinks
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the initial directory displayed by the file dialog box.
/// </summary>
public string InitialDirectory
// Avoid returning a null string - return String.Empty instead.
return _initialDirectory ?? string.Empty;
_initialDirectory = value;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the directory displayed as the navigation root for the dialog.
/// Items in the navigation pane are replaced with the specified item, to guide the user
/// from navigating outside of the namespace.
/// </summary>
public string RootDirectory
// Avoid returning a null string - return String.Empty instead.
return _rootDirectory ?? string.Empty;
_rootDirectory = value;
// Include hidden and system items.
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box will show
/// hidden and system items regardless of user preferences.
/// </summary>
public bool ShowHiddenItems
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a string shown in the title bar of the file dialog.
/// If this property is null, a localized default from the operating
/// system itself will be used (typically something like "Save As" or "Open")
/// </summary>
public string Title
// Avoid returning a null string - return String.Empty instead.
return _title ?? string.Empty;
_title = value;
// If false, the file dialog boxes will allow invalid characters in the returned file name.
// We are actually responsible for dealing with this flag - it determines whether all of the
// processing in ProcessFileNames (which includes things such as the AddExtension feature)
// occurs.
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check for situations that would prevent
/// an application from opening the selected file, such as sharing violations or access denied errors.
/// </summary>
public bool ValidateNames
return !GetOption(FOS.NOVALIDATE);
SetOption(FOS.NOVALIDATE, !value);
public IList<FileDialogCustomPlace> CustomPlaces { get; set; }
#endregion Public Properties
// Protected Methods
#region Protected Methods
/// <summary>
/// Handles the IFileDialogEvents.OnFileOk callback.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnItemOk(CancelEventArgs e) { }
// Because this class, CommonItemDialog, is the parent class for OpenFileDialog
// SaveFileDialog and OpenFolderDialog, this function will perform the common setup tasks
// shared between the dialogs.
/// <summary>
/// Performs initialization work in preparation
/// to show a file open, file save or folder open dialog box.
/// </summary>
protected override bool RunDialog(IntPtr hwndOwner)
IFileDialog dialog = CreateDialog();
using (VistaDialogEvents events = new VistaDialogEvents(dialog, HandleItemOk))
return dialog.Show(hwndOwner).Succeeded;
#endregion Protected Methods
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// Returns the state of the given options flag.
/// </summary>
internal bool GetOption(FOS option)
return (_dialogOptions & option) != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the given option to the given boolean value.
/// </summary>
internal void SetOption(FOS option, bool value)
if (value)
// if value is true, bitwise OR the option with _dialogOptions
_dialogOptions |= option;
// if value is false, AND the bitwise complement of the
// option with _dialogOptions
_dialogOptions &= ~option;
/// <summary>
/// Prompts the user with a System.Windows.MessageBox
/// with the given parameters. It also ensures that
/// the focus is set back on the window that had
/// the focus to begin with (before we displayed
/// the MessageBox).
/// Returns the choice the user made in the message box
/// (true if MessageBoxResult.Yes,
/// false if OK or MessageBoxResult.No)
/// We have to do this instead of just calling MessageBox because
/// of an issue where keyboard navigation would fail after showing
/// a message box. See http://bugcheck/default.asp?URL=/Bugs/URT/84016.asp
/// (WinForms ASURT 80262)
/// </summary>
internal bool MessageBoxWithFocusRestore(string message,
MessageBoxButton buttons,
MessageBoxImage image)
bool ret = false;
// Get the window that currently has focus and temporarily cache a handle to it
IntPtr focusHandle = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetFocus();
// Show the message box and compare the return value to MessageBoxResult.Yes to get the
// actual return value.
ret = (MessageBox.Show(message, DialogCaption, buttons, image, MessageBoxResult.OK /*default button is OK*/, 0)
// Return focus to the window that had focus before we showed the messagebox.
// SetFocus can handle improper hwnd values, including null.
UnsafeNativeMethods.SetFocus(new HandleRef(this, focusHandle));
return ret;
#endregion Internal Methods
#region Internal and Protected Methods
private protected abstract IFileDialog CreateDialog();
private protected virtual void PrepareDialog(IFileDialog dialog)
if (ClientGuid is Guid guid)
dialog.SetClientGuid(ref guid);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultDirectory))
IShellItem defaultDirectory = ShellUtil.GetShellItemForPath(DefaultDirectory);
if (defaultDirectory != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InitialDirectory))
IShellItem initialDirectory = ShellUtil.GetShellItemForPath(InitialDirectory);
if (initialDirectory != null)
// Setting both of these so the dialog doesn't display errors when a remembered folder is missing.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultDirectory))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RootDirectory))
IShellItem rootDirectory = ShellUtil.GetShellItemForPath(RootDirectory);
if (rootDirectory != null && dialog is IFileDialog2 dialog2)
FOS options = _dialogOptions;
IList<FileDialogCustomPlace> places = CustomPlaces;
if (places != null && places.Count != 0)
foreach (FileDialogCustomPlace customPlace in places)
IShellItem shellItem = ResolveCustomPlace(customPlace);
if (shellItem != null)
dialog.AddPlace(shellItem, FDAP.BOTTOM);
catch (ArgumentException)
// The dialog doesn't allow some ShellItems to be set as Places (like device ports).
// Silently swallow errors here.
// The FileOk event expects all properties to be set, but if the event is cancelled, they need to be reverted.
// This method is called inside a try block, and inheritors can store any data to be reverted in the revertState.
private protected virtual bool TryHandleItemOk(IFileDialog dialog, out object revertState)
revertState = null;
return true;
// This method is called inside a finally block when OK event was cancelled.
// Inheritors should revert properties to the state before the dialog was shown, so that it can be shown again.
private protected virtual void RevertItemOk(object state) { }
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
// If multiple files are selected, we only return the first filename.
/// <summary>
/// Gets a string containing the full path of the file or folder selected in
/// the dialog box.
/// </summary>
private protected string CriticalItemName
if (_itemNames?.Length > 0)
return _itemNames[0];
return string.Empty;
private protected string[] MutableItemNames
get { return _itemNames; }
set { _itemNames = value; }
/// <summary>
/// In cases where we need to return an array of strings, we return
/// a clone of the array. We also need to make sure we return a
/// string[0] instead of a null if we don't have any filenames.
/// </summary>
private protected string[] CloneItemNames()
if (_itemNames == null)
return Array.Empty<string>();
return (string[])_itemNames.Clone();
#endregion Internal Properties
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
// Provides the actual implementation of initialization tasks.
// Initialize() is called from both the constructor and the
// public Reset() function to set default values for member
// variables and for the options bitmask.
private void Initialize()
// Initialize Options Flags
_dialogOptions = 0; // _dialogOptions is an int containing a set of
// bit flags used to initialize the dialog box.
// Within our code, we only use GetOption and SetOption
// (change from Windows Forms, which sometimes directly
// modified _dialogOptions). As such, we initialize to 0
// here and then call SetOption to get _dialogOptions
// into the default state.
// Set some default options
// - Specifies that the user can type only valid paths and file names. If this flag is
// used and the user types an invalid path and file name in the File Name entry field,
// we will display a warning in a message box.
// - Force no mini mode for the SaveFileDialog.
// Only accept physically backed locations.
// Initialize additional properties
_itemNames = null;
_title = null;
_initialDirectory = null;
_defaultDirectory = null;
_rootDirectory = null;
// Set this to an empty list so callers can simply add to it. They can also replace it wholesale.
CustomPlaces = new List<FileDialogCustomPlace>();
ClientGuid = null;
private bool HandleItemOk(IFileDialog dialog)
// When this callback occurs, the HWND is visible and we need to
// grab it because it is used for various things like looking up the
// DialogCaption.
UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleWindow oleWindow = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleWindow)dialog;
oleWindow.GetWindow(out _hwndFileDialog);
string[] saveItemNames = _itemNames;
object saveState = null;
bool ok = false;
IShellItem[] shellItems = ResolveResults(dialog);
_itemNames = GetParsingNames(shellItems);
if (TryHandleItemOk(dialog, out saveState))
var cancelArgs = new CancelEventArgs();
ok = !cancelArgs.Cancel;
if (!ok)
_itemNames = saveItemNames;
return ok;
private static string[] GetParsingNames(IShellItem[] items)
if (items == null)
return null;
string[] names = new string[items.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
names[i] = items[i].GetDisplayName(SIGDN.DESKTOPABSOLUTEPARSING);
return names;
private static IShellItem[] ResolveResults(IFileDialog dialog)
// covers both file and folder dialogs
if (dialog is IFileOpenDialog openDialog)
IShellItemArray results = openDialog.GetResults();
uint count = results.GetCount();
IShellItem[] items = new IShellItem[count];
for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
items[i] = results.GetItemAt(i);
return items;
IShellItem item = dialog.GetResult();
return new[] { item };
private static IShellItem ResolveCustomPlace(FileDialogCustomPlace customPlace)
// Use the KnownFolder Guid if it exists. Otherwise use the Path.
return ShellUtil.GetShellItemForPath(ShellUtil.GetPathForKnownFolder(customPlace.KnownFolder) ?? customPlace.Path);
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Properties
#region Private Properties
/// <summary>
/// Gets a string containing the title of the file dialog.
/// </summary>
// When showing message boxes onscreen, we want them to have the
// same title bar as the file open or save dialog itself. We can't
// just use the Title property, because if it's null the operating
// system substitutes a standard localized title.
// The solution is this private property, which returns the title of the
// file dialog (using the stored handle of the dialog _hwndFileDialog to
// call GetWindowText).
// It is designed to only be called by MessageBoxWithFocusRestore.
private string DialogCaption
if (!UnsafeNativeMethods.IsWindow(new HandleRef(this, _hwndFileDialog)))
return String.Empty;
// Determine the length of the text we want to retrieve...
int textLen = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowTextLength(new HandleRef(this, _hwndFileDialog));
// then make a StringBuilder...
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(textLen + 1);
// and call GetWindowText to fill it up...
UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowText(new HandleRef(this, _hwndFileDialog),
sb /*target string*/,
sb.Capacity /* max # of chars to copy before truncation occurs */
// then return the results.
return sb.ToString();
#endregion Private Properties
/// <summary>
/// Events sink for IFileDialog. MSDN says to return E_NOTIMPL for several, but not all, of these methods when we don't want to support them.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Be sure to explictly Dispose of it, or use it in a using block. Unadvise happens as a result of Dispose.
/// </remarks>
private protected sealed class VistaDialogEvents : IFileDialogEvents, IDisposable
public delegate bool OnOkCallback(IFileDialog dialog);
private readonly IFileDialog _dialog;
private readonly OnOkCallback _okCallback;
private readonly uint _eventCookie;
public VistaDialogEvents(IFileDialog dialog, OnOkCallback okCallback)
_dialog = dialog;
_eventCookie = dialog.Advise(this);
_okCallback = okCallback;
HRESULT IFileDialogEvents.OnFileOk(IFileDialog pfd)
return _okCallback(pfd) ? HRESULT.S_OK : HRESULT.S_FALSE;
HRESULT IFileDialogEvents.OnFolderChanging(IFileDialog pfd, IShellItem psiFolder)
HRESULT IFileDialogEvents.OnFolderChange(IFileDialog pfd)
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT IFileDialogEvents.OnSelectionChange(IFileDialog pfd)
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT IFileDialogEvents.OnShareViolation(IFileDialog pfd, IShellItem psi, out FDESVR pResponse)
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT IFileDialogEvents.OnTypeChange(IFileDialog pfd)
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT IFileDialogEvents.OnOverwrite(IFileDialog pfd, IShellItem psi, out FDEOR pResponse)
pResponse = FDEOR.DEFAULT;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
void IDisposable.Dispose()
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
// _dialogOptions is a set of bit flags used to control the behavior
// of the Win32 dialog box.
private FOS _dialogOptions;
// These private variables store data for the various public properties
// that control the appearance of the file dialog box.
private string _title; // Title bar of the message box
private string _initialDirectory; // Starting directory
private string _defaultDirectory; // Starting directory if no recent
private string _rootDirectory; // Topmost directory
// We store the handle of the file dialog inside our class
// for a variety of purposes (like getting the title of the dialog
// box when we need to show a message box with the same title bar caption)
private IntPtr _hwndFileDialog;
// This is the array that stores the item(s) the user selected in the
// dialog box. If Multiselect is not enabled, only the first element
// of this array will be used.
private string[] _itemNames;
#endregion Private Fields