// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Reflection;
namespace WinRT
internal static class TypeExtensions
public static Type FindHelperType(this Type type)
if (typeof(Exception).IsAssignableFrom(type))
type = typeof(Exception);
Type customMapping = Projections.FindCustomHelperTypeMapping(type);
if (customMapping is object)
return customMapping;
var helper = $"ABI.{type.FullName}";
string helperTypeName2 = $"MS.Internal.WindowsRuntime.ABI.{type.FullName}";
if (type.FullName.StartsWith("MS.Internal.WindowsRuntime."))
helper = $"MS.Internal.WindowsRuntime.ABI.{RemoveNamespacePrefix(type.FullName)}";
return Type.GetType(helper) ?? Type.GetType(helperTypeName2);
public static Type GetHelperType(this Type type)
var helperType = type.FindHelperType();
if (helperType is object)
return helperType;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Target type is not a projected type: {type.FullName}.");
public static Type GetGuidType(this Type type)
return type.IsDelegate() ? type.GetHelperType() : type;
public static Type FindVftblType(this Type helperType)
Type vftblType = helperType.GetNestedType("Vftbl");
if (vftblType is null)
return null;
if (helperType.IsGenericType && vftblType is object)
vftblType = vftblType.MakeGenericType(helperType.GetGenericArguments());
return vftblType;
public static Type GetAbiType(this Type type)
return type.GetHelperType().GetMethod("GetAbi", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).ReturnType;
public static Type GetMarshalerType(this Type type)
return type.GetHelperType().GetMethod("CreateMarshaler", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).ReturnType;
public static bool IsDelegate(this Type type)
return typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(type);
public static string RemoveNamespacePrefix(string ns)
const string NamespacePrefix = "MS.Internal.WindowsRuntime.";
if (ns.StartsWith(NamespacePrefix))
return ns.Substring(NamespacePrefix.Length);
return ns;