// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using WinRT.Interop;
namespace WinRT
internal enum TrustLevel
BaseTrust = 0,
PartialTrust = BaseTrust + 1,
FullTrust = PartialTrust + 1
// IInspectable
internal class IInspectable
internal struct Vftbl
internal delegate int _GetIids(IntPtr pThis, out uint iidCount, out Guid[] iids);
internal delegate int _GetRuntimeClassName(IntPtr pThis, out IntPtr className);
internal delegate int _GetTrustLevel(IntPtr pThis, out TrustLevel trustLevel);
public IUnknownVftbl IUnknownVftbl;
public _GetIids GetIids;
public _GetRuntimeClassName GetRuntimeClassName;
public _GetTrustLevel GetTrustLevel;
public static readonly Vftbl AbiToProjectionVftable;
public static readonly IntPtr AbiToProjectionVftablePtr;
static Vftbl()
AbiToProjectionVftable = new Vftbl
IUnknownVftbl = IUnknownVftbl.AbiToProjectionVftbl,
GetIids = Do_Abi_GetIids,
GetRuntimeClassName = Do_Abi_GetRuntimeClassName,
GetTrustLevel = Do_Abi_GetTrustLevel
AbiToProjectionVftablePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf<Vftbl>());
Marshal.StructureToPtr(AbiToProjectionVftable, AbiToProjectionVftablePtr, false);
private static int Do_Abi_GetIids(IntPtr pThis, out uint iidCount, out Guid[] iids)
iidCount = 0u;
iids = null;
iids = ComWrappersSupport.GetInspectableInfo(pThis).IIDs;
iidCount = (uint)iids.Length;
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.HResult;
return 0;
private unsafe static int Do_Abi_GetRuntimeClassName(IntPtr pThis, out IntPtr className)
className = default;
string runtimeClassName = ComWrappersSupport.GetInspectableInfo(pThis).RuntimeClassName;
className = MarshalString.FromManaged(runtimeClassName);
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.HResult;
return 0;
private static int Do_Abi_GetTrustLevel(IntPtr pThis, out TrustLevel trustLevel)
trustLevel = TrustLevel.BaseTrust;
return 0;
public static IInspectable FromAbi(IntPtr thisPtr) =>
new IInspectable(ObjectReference<Vftbl>.FromAbi(thisPtr));
private readonly ObjectReference<Vftbl> _obj;
public IntPtr ThisPtr => _obj.ThisPtr;
public static implicit operator IInspectable(IObjectReference obj) => obj.As<Vftbl>();
public static implicit operator IInspectable(ObjectReference<Vftbl> obj) => new IInspectable(obj);
public ObjectReference<I> As<I>() => _obj.As<I>();
public IObjectReference ObjRef { get => _obj; }
public IInspectable(IObjectReference obj) : this(obj.As<Vftbl>()) { }
public IInspectable(ObjectReference<Vftbl> obj)
_obj = obj;
public unsafe string GetRuntimeClassName(bool noThrow = false)
IntPtr __retval = default;
var hr = _obj.Vftbl.GetRuntimeClassName(ThisPtr, out __retval);
if (hr != 0)
if (noThrow)
return null;
uint length;
char* buffer = Platform.WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(__retval, &length);
return new string(buffer, 0, (int)length);