// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using WinRT.Interop;
namespace WinRT
internal static class ExceptionHelpers
private const int COR_E_OBJECTDISPOSED = unchecked((int)0x80131622);
private const int RO_E_CLOSED = unchecked((int)0x80000013);
internal const int E_BOUNDS = unchecked((int)0x8000000b);
internal const int E_CHANGED_STATE = unchecked((int)0x8000000c);
private const int E_ILLEGAL_STATE_CHANGE = unchecked((int)0x8000000d);
private const int E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL = unchecked((int)0x8000000e);
private const int E_ILLEGAL_DELEGATE_ASSIGNMENT = unchecked((int)0x80000018);
private const int APPMODEL_ERROR_NO_PACKAGE = unchecked((int)0x80073D54);
internal const int E_XAMLPARSEFAILED = unchecked((int)0x802B000A);
internal const int E_LAYOUTCYCLE = unchecked((int)0x802B0014);
internal const int E_ELEMENTNOTENABLED = unchecked((int)0x802B001E);
internal const int E_ELEMENTNOTAVAILABLE = unchecked((int)0x802B001F);
private static extern int SetErrorInfo(uint dwReserved, IntPtr perrinfo);
internal delegate int GetRestrictedErrorInfo(out IntPtr ppRestrictedErrorInfo);
private static GetRestrictedErrorInfo getRestrictedErrorInfo;
internal delegate int SetRestrictedErrorInfo(IntPtr pRestrictedErrorInfo);
private static SetRestrictedErrorInfo setRestrictedErrorInfo;
internal delegate int RoOriginateLanguageException(int error, IntPtr message, IntPtr langaugeException);
private static RoOriginateLanguageException roOriginateLanguageException;
internal delegate int RoReportUnhandledError(IntPtr pRestrictedErrorInfo);
private static RoReportUnhandledError roReportUnhandledError;
static ExceptionHelpers()
IntPtr winRTErrorModule = Platform.LoadLibraryExW("api-ms-win-core-winrt-error-l1-1-1.dll", IntPtr.Zero, (uint)DllImportSearchPath.System32);
if (winRTErrorModule != IntPtr.Zero)
getRestrictedErrorInfo = Platform.GetProcAddress<GetRestrictedErrorInfo>(winRTErrorModule);
setRestrictedErrorInfo = Platform.GetProcAddress<SetRestrictedErrorInfo>(winRTErrorModule);
roOriginateLanguageException = Platform.GetProcAddress<RoOriginateLanguageException>(winRTErrorModule);
roReportUnhandledError = Platform.GetProcAddress<RoReportUnhandledError>(winRTErrorModule);
winRTErrorModule = Platform.LoadLibraryExW("api-ms-win-core-winrt-error-l1-1-0.dll", IntPtr.Zero, (uint)DllImportSearchPath.System32);
if (winRTErrorModule != IntPtr.Zero)
getRestrictedErrorInfo = Platform.GetProcAddress<GetRestrictedErrorInfo>(winRTErrorModule);
setRestrictedErrorInfo = Platform.GetProcAddress<SetRestrictedErrorInfo>(winRTErrorModule);
public static void ThrowExceptionForHR(int hr)
Exception ex = GetExceptionForHR(hr, useGlobalErrorState: true, out bool restoredExceptionFromGlobalState);
if (restoredExceptionFromGlobalState)
else if (ex is not null)
throw ex;
public static Exception GetExceptionForHR(int hr) => GetExceptionForHR(hr, false, out _);
private static Exception GetExceptionForHR(int hr, bool useGlobalErrorState, out bool restoredExceptionFromGlobalState)
restoredExceptionFromGlobalState = false;
if (hr >= 0)
return null;
ObjectReference<ABI.WinRT.Interop.IErrorInfo.Vftbl> iErrorInfo = null;
IObjectReference restrictedErrorInfoToSave = null;
Exception ex;
string description = null;
string restrictedError = null;
string restrictedErrorReference = null;
string restrictedCapabilitySid = null;
bool hasOtherLanguageException = false;
if (useGlobalErrorState && getRestrictedErrorInfo != null)
Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(getRestrictedErrorInfo(out IntPtr restrictedErrorInfoPtr));
if (restrictedErrorInfoPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
IObjectReference restrictedErrorInfoRef = ObjectReference<ABI.WinRT.Interop.IRestrictedErrorInfo.Vftbl>.Attach(ref restrictedErrorInfoPtr);
restrictedErrorInfoToSave = restrictedErrorInfoRef.As<ABI.WinRT.Interop.IRestrictedErrorInfo.Vftbl>();
ABI.WinRT.Interop.IRestrictedErrorInfo restrictedErrorInfo = new ABI.WinRT.Interop.IRestrictedErrorInfo(restrictedErrorInfoRef);
restrictedErrorInfo.GetErrorDetails(out description, out int hrLocal, out restrictedError, out restrictedCapabilitySid);
restrictedErrorReference = restrictedErrorInfo.GetReference();
if (restrictedErrorInfoRef.TryAs<ABI.WinRT.Interop.ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo.Vftbl>(out var languageErrorInfoRef) >= 0)
ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo languageErrorInfo = new ABI.WinRT.Interop.ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo(languageErrorInfoRef);
using IObjectReference languageException = languageErrorInfo.GetLanguageException();
if (languageException is not null)
if (languageException.IsReferenceToManagedObject)
ex = ComWrappersSupport.FindObject<Exception>(languageException.ThisPtr);
if (GetHRForException(ex) == hr)
restoredExceptionFromGlobalState = true;
return ex;
hasOtherLanguageException = true;
if (hr == hrLocal)
restrictedErrorInfoRef.TryAs<ABI.WinRT.Interop.IErrorInfo.Vftbl>(out iErrorInfo);
using (iErrorInfo)
switch (hr)
ex = new InvalidOperationException(description);
ex = Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(hr, iErrorInfo?.ThisPtr ?? (IntPtr)(-1));
return ex;
public static unsafe void SetErrorInfo(Exception ex)
if (getRestrictedErrorInfo != null && setRestrictedErrorInfo != null && roOriginateLanguageException != null)
// If the exception has information for an IRestrictedErrorInfo, use that
// as our error so as to propagate the error through WinRT end-to-end.
if (ex.TryGetRestrictedLanguageErrorObject(out var restrictedErrorObject))
using (restrictedErrorObject)
string message = ex.Message;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
message = ex.GetType().FullName;
IntPtr hstring;
if (Platform.WindowsCreateString(message, message.Length, &hstring) != 0)
hstring = IntPtr.Zero;
using var managedExceptionWrapper = ComWrappersSupport.CreateCCWForObject(ex);
roOriginateLanguageException(GetHRForException(ex), hstring, managedExceptionWrapper.ThisPtr);
using var iErrorInfo = ComWrappersSupport.CreateCCWForObject(new ManagedExceptionErrorInfo(ex));
SetErrorInfo(0, iErrorInfo.ThisPtr);
public static void ReportUnhandledError(Exception ex)
if (getRestrictedErrorInfo != null && roReportUnhandledError != null)
Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(getRestrictedErrorInfo(out IntPtr ppRestrictedErrorInfo));
using var restrictedErrorRef = ObjectReference<IUnknownVftbl>.Attach(ref ppRestrictedErrorInfo);
public static int GetHRForException(Exception ex)
int hr = ex.HResult;
if (ex.TryGetRestrictedLanguageErrorObject(out var restrictedErrorObject))
restrictedErrorObject.AsType<ABI.WinRT.Interop.IRestrictedErrorInfo>().GetErrorDetails(out _, out hr, out _, out _);
return RO_E_CLOSED;
return hr;
// Exception requires anything to be added into Data dictionary is serializable
// This wrapper is made serializable to satisfy this requirement but does NOT serialize
// the object and simply ignores it during serialization, because we only need
// the exception instance in the app to hold the error object alive.
internal class __RestrictedErrorObject
// Hold the error object instance but don't serialize/deserialize it
private readonly IObjectReference _realErrorObject;
internal __RestrictedErrorObject(IObjectReference errorObject)
_realErrorObject = errorObject;
public IObjectReference RealErrorObject
return _realErrorObject;
internal static void AddExceptionDataForRestrictedErrorInfo(
this Exception ex,
string description,
string restrictedError,
string restrictedErrorReference,
string restrictedCapabilitySid,
IObjectReference restrictedErrorObject,
bool hasRestrictedLanguageErrorObject = false)
IDictionary dict = ex.Data;
if (dict != null)
dict.Add("Description", description);
dict.Add("RestrictedDescription", restrictedError);
dict.Add("RestrictedErrorReference", restrictedErrorReference);
dict.Add("RestrictedCapabilitySid", restrictedCapabilitySid);
// Keep the error object alive so that user could retrieve error information
// using Data["RestrictedErrorReference"]
dict.Add("__RestrictedErrorObjectReference", restrictedErrorObject == null ? null : new __RestrictedErrorObject(restrictedErrorObject));
dict.Add("__HasRestrictedLanguageErrorObject", hasRestrictedLanguageErrorObject);
internal static bool TryGetRestrictedLanguageErrorObject(
this Exception ex,
out IObjectReference restrictedErrorObject)
restrictedErrorObject = null;
IDictionary dict = ex.Data;
if (dict != null && dict.Contains("__HasRestrictedLanguageErrorObject"))
if (dict.Contains("__RestrictedErrorObjectReference"))
if (dict["__RestrictedErrorObjectReference"] is __RestrictedErrorObject restrictedObject)
restrictedErrorObject = restrictedObject.RealErrorObject;
return (bool)dict["__HasRestrictedLanguageErrorObject"]!;
return false;
public static Exception AttachRestrictedErrorInfo(Exception e)
// If there is no exception, then the restricted error info doesn't apply to it
if (e != null)
// Get the restricted error info for this thread and see if it may correlate to the current
// exception object. Note that in general the thread's IRestrictedErrorInfo is not meant for
// exceptions that are marshaled Windows.Foundation.HResults and instead are intended for
// HRESULT ABI return values. However, in many cases async APIs will set the thread's restricted
// error info as a convention in order to provide extended debugging information for the ErrorCode
// property.
Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(getRestrictedErrorInfo(out IntPtr restrictedErrorInfoPtr));
if (restrictedErrorInfoPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
IObjectReference restrictedErrorInfoRef = ObjectReference<ABI.WinRT.Interop.IRestrictedErrorInfo.Vftbl>.Attach(ref restrictedErrorInfoPtr);
ABI.WinRT.Interop.IRestrictedErrorInfo restrictedErrorInfo = new ABI.WinRT.Interop.IRestrictedErrorInfo(restrictedErrorInfoRef);
restrictedErrorInfo.GetErrorDetails(out string description,
out int restrictedErrorInfoHResult,
out string restrictedDescription,
out string capabilitySid);
// Since this is a special case where by convention there may be a correlation, there is not a
// guarantee that the restricted error info does belong to the async error code. In order to
// reduce the risk that we associate incorrect information with the exception object, we need
// to apply a heuristic where we attempt to match the current exception's HRESULT with the
// HRESULT the IRestrictedErrorInfo belongs to. If it is a match we will assume association
// for the IAsyncInfo case.
if (e.HResult == restrictedErrorInfoHResult)
// If we can't get the restricted error info, then proceed as if it isn't associated with this
// error.
return e;
internal static class ExceptionExtensions
public static void SetHResult(this Exception ex, int value)
ex.GetType().GetProperty("HResult").SetValue(ex, value);
internal static Exception GetExceptionForHR(this Exception innerException, int hresult, string messageResource)
Exception e;
if (innerException != null)
string message = innerException.Message ?? messageResource;
e = new Exception(message, innerException);
e = new Exception(messageResource);
return e;
internal class ErrorStrings
internal static string Format(string format, params object[] args) => String.Format(format, args);
internal static readonly string Arg_IndexOutOfRangeException = "Index was outside the bounds of the array.";
internal static readonly string Arg_KeyNotFound = "The given key was not present in the dictionary.";
internal static readonly string Arg_KeyNotFoundWithKey = "The given key '{0}' was not present in the dictionary.";
internal static readonly string Arg_RankMultiDimNotSupported = "Only single dimensional arrays are supported for the requested action.";
internal static readonly string Argument_AddingDuplicate = "An item with the same key has already been added.";
internal static readonly string Argument_AddingDuplicateWithKey = "An item with the same key has already been added. Key: {0}";
internal static readonly string Argument_IndexOutOfArrayBounds = "The specified index is out of bounds of the specified array.";
internal static readonly string Argument_InsufficientSpaceToCopyCollection = "The specified space is not sufficient to copy the elements from this Collection.";
internal static readonly string ArgumentOutOfRange_Index = "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.";
internal static readonly string ArgumentOutOfRange_IndexLargerThanMaxValue = "This collection cannot work with indices larger than Int32.MaxValue - 1 (0x7FFFFFFF - 1).";
internal static readonly string InvalidOperation_CannotRemoveLastFromEmptyCollection = "Cannot remove the last element from an empty collection.";
internal static readonly string InvalidOperation_CollectionBackingDictionaryTooLarge = "The collection backing this Dictionary contains too many elements.";
internal static readonly string InvalidOperation_CollectionBackingListTooLarge = "The collection backing this List contains too many elements.";
internal static readonly string InvalidOperation_EnumEnded = "Enumeration already finished.";
internal static readonly string InvalidOperation_EnumFailedVersion = "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.";
internal static readonly string InvalidOperation_EnumNotStarted = "Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.";
internal static readonly string NotSupported_KeyCollectionSet = "Mutating a key collection derived from a dictionary is not allowed.";
internal static readonly string NotSupported_ValueCollectionSet = "Mutating a value collection derived from a dictionary is not allowed.";