// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Text line formatter.
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
namespace MS.Internal.Text
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Text line formatter.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
internal abstract class Line : TextSource, IDisposable
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// IDisposable Implementation
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#region IDisposable Implementation
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Free all resources associated with the line. Prepare it for reuse.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
public void Dispose()
// Dispose text line
if (_line != null)
_line = null;
#endregion IDisposable Implementation
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor.
// owner - owner of the line.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal Line(System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock owner)
_owner = owner;
_textAlignment = owner.TextAlignment;
_showParagraphEllipsis = false;
_wrappingWidth = _owner.RenderSize.Width;
PixelsPerDip = _owner.GetDpi().PixelsPerDip;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create and format text line.
// lineStartIndex - index of the first character in the line
// width - wrapping width of the line
// lineProperties - properties of the line
// textRunCache - run cache used by text formatter
// showParagraphEllipsis - true if paragraph ellipsis is shown
// at the end of the line
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal void Format(int dcp, double width, TextParagraphProperties lineProperties, TextLineBreak textLineBreak, TextRunCache textRunCache, bool showParagraphEllipsis)
TextPanelDebug.IncrementCounter("Line.Format", TextPanelDebug.Category.TextView);
_mirror = (lineProperties.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft);
_dcp = dcp;
_showParagraphEllipsis = showParagraphEllipsis;
_wrappingWidth = width;
_line = _owner.TextFormatter.FormatLine(this, dcp, width, lineProperties, textLineBreak, textRunCache);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Arrange content of formatted line.
// vc - Visual collection of the parent.
// lineOffset - Offset of the line.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal virtual void Arrange(VisualCollection vc, Vector lineOffset)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render formatted line.
// ctx - Drawing context to be used for rendering.
// lineOffset - Offset of the line.
// wrappingWidth - Wrapping width for the line.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal void Render(DrawingContext ctx, Point lineOffset)
Debug.Assert(_line != null, "Rendering line that has not been measured yet.");
// Handle text trimming.
System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextLine line = _line;
if (_line.HasOverflowed && _owner.ParagraphProperties.TextTrimming != TextTrimming.None)
line = _line.Collapse(GetCollapsingProps(_wrappingWidth, _owner.ParagraphProperties));
Debug.Assert(line.HasCollapsed, "Line has not been collapsed");
double delta = CalculateXOffsetShift();
line.Draw(ctx, new Point(lineOffset.X + delta, lineOffset.Y), (_mirror ? InvertAxes.Horizontal : InvertAxes.None));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve bounds of an object/character at specified text position.
// characterIndex - position of an object/character
// flowDirection - flow direction of object/character
// Returns: Bounds of an object/character.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal Rect GetBoundsFromTextPosition(int characterIndex, out FlowDirection flowDirection)
return GetBoundsFromPosition(characterIndex, 1, out flowDirection);
/// <summary>
/// Returns an ArrayList of rectangles (Rect) that form the bounds of the region specified between
/// the start and end points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cp"></param>
/// int offset indicating the starting point of the region for which bounds are required
/// <param name="cch">
/// Length in characters of the region for which bounds are required
/// </param>
/// <param name="xOffset">
/// Offset of line in x direction, to be added to line bounds to get actual rectangle for line
/// </param>
/// <param name="yOffset">
/// Offset of line in y direction, to be added to line bounds to get actual rectangle for line
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// This function calls GetTextBounds for the line, and then checks if there are text run bounds. If they exist,
/// it uses those as the bounding rectangles. If not, it returns the rectangle for the first (and only) element
/// of the text bounds.
/// </remarks>
internal List<Rect> GetRangeBounds(int cp, int cch, double xOffset, double yOffset)
List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
// Adjust x offset for trailing spaces
double delta = CalculateXOffsetShift();
double adjustedXOffset = xOffset + delta;
IList<TextBounds> textBounds;
if (_line.HasOverflowed && _owner.ParagraphProperties.TextTrimming != TextTrimming.None)
// We should not shift offset in this case
Invariant.Assert(DoubleUtil.AreClose(delta, 0));
System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextLine line = _line.Collapse(GetCollapsingProps(_wrappingWidth, _owner.ParagraphProperties));
Invariant.Assert(line.HasCollapsed, "Line has not been collapsed");
textBounds = line.GetTextBounds(cp, cch);
textBounds = _line.GetTextBounds(cp, cch);
Invariant.Assert(textBounds.Count > 0);
for (int boundIndex = 0; boundIndex < textBounds.Count; boundIndex++)
Rect rect = textBounds[boundIndex].Rectangle;
rect.X += adjustedXOffset;
rect.Y += yOffset;
return rectangles;
// Retrieve text position index from the distance.
// distance - distance relative to the beginning of the line
// Returns: Text position index.
internal CharacterHit GetTextPositionFromDistance(double distance)
// Adjust distance to account for a line shift due to rendering of trailing spaces
double delta = CalculateXOffsetShift();
if (_line.HasOverflowed && _owner.ParagraphProperties.TextTrimming != TextTrimming.None)
System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextLine line = _line.Collapse(GetCollapsingProps(_wrappingWidth, _owner.ParagraphProperties));
Invariant.Assert(DoubleUtil.AreClose(delta, 0));
Invariant.Assert(line.HasCollapsed, "Line has not been collapsed");
return line.GetCharacterHitFromDistance(distance);
return _line.GetCharacterHitFromDistance(distance - delta);
// Retrieve text position for next caret position
// index: CharacterHit for current position
// Returns: Text position index.
internal CharacterHit GetNextCaretCharacterHit(CharacterHit index)
return _line.GetNextCaretCharacterHit(index);
// Retrieve text position for previous caret position
// index: CharacterHit for current position
// Returns: Text position index.
internal CharacterHit GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(CharacterHit index)
return _line.GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(index);
// Retrieve text position for backspace caret position
// index: CharacterHit for current position
// Returns: Text position index.
internal CharacterHit GetBackspaceCaretCharacterHit(CharacterHit index)
return _line.GetBackspaceCaretCharacterHit(index);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true of char hit is at caret unit boundary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="charHit">
/// CharacterHit to be tested.
/// </param>
internal bool IsAtCaretCharacterHit(CharacterHit charHit)
return _line.IsAtCaretCharacterHit(charHit, _dcp);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find out if there are any inline objects.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal virtual bool HasInlineObjects()
return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hit tests to the correct ContentElement within the line.
// offset - offset within the line.
// Returns: ContentElement which has been hit.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal virtual IInputElement InputHitTest(double offset)
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Passes linebreak object back up from contained line
/// </summary>
internal TextLineBreak GetTextLineBreak()
if(_line == null)
return null;
return _line.GetTextLineBreak();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get length of content hidden by ellipses.
// wrappingWidth - Wrapping width for the line.
// Returns: Length of collapsed content (number of characters hidden
// by ellipses).
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal int GetEllipsesLength()
// There are no ellipses, if:
// * there is no overflow in the line
// * text trimming is turned off
if (!_line.HasOverflowed) { return 0; }
if (_owner.ParagraphProperties.TextTrimming == TextTrimming.None) { return 0; }
// Create collapsed text line to get length of collapsed content.
System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextLine collapsedLine = _line.Collapse(GetCollapsingProps(_wrappingWidth, _owner.ParagraphProperties));
Debug.Assert(collapsedLine.HasCollapsed, "Line has not been collapsed");
IList<TextCollapsedRange> collapsedRanges = collapsedLine.GetTextCollapsedRanges();
if (collapsedRanges != null)
Debug.Assert(collapsedRanges.Count == 1, "Multiple collapsed ranges are not supported.");
TextCollapsedRange collapsedRange = collapsedRanges[0];
return collapsedRange.Length;
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets width of content, collapsed at wrappingWidth (if necessary)
// wrappingWidth - Wrapping width for the line.
// Returns: Width of content, after collapse (may be greater than wrappingWidth)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal double GetCollapsedWidth()
// There are no ellipses, if:
// * there is no overflow in the line
// * text trimming is turned off
if (!_line.HasOverflowed)
return Width;
if (_owner.ParagraphProperties.TextTrimming == TextTrimming.None)
return Width;
// Create collapsed text line to get length of collapsed content.
System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextLine collapsedLine = _line.Collapse(GetCollapsingProps(_wrappingWidth, _owner.ParagraphProperties));
Debug.Assert(collapsedLine.HasCollapsed, "Line has not been collapsed");
return collapsedLine.Width;
#endregion Internal Methods
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculated width of the line.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal double Width
if (IsWidthAdjusted)
// Trailing spaces add to width
return _line.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace;
return _line.Width;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Distance from the beginning of paragraph edge to the line edge.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal double Start
if (IsXOffsetAdjusted)
return _line.Start + CalculateXOffsetShift();
return _line.Start;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Height of the line; line advance distance.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal double Height { get { return _line.Height; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Distance from top to baseline of this text line.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal double BaselineOffset { get { return _line.Baseline; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is this the last line of the paragraph?
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal bool EndOfParagraph
// If there are no Newline characters, it is not the end of paragraph.
if (_line.NewlineLength == 0) { return false; }
// Since there are Newline characters in the line, do more expensive and
// accurate check.
IList<TextSpan<TextRun>> runs = _line.GetTextRunSpans();
return (((TextSpan<TextRun>)runs[runs.Count-1]).Value is TextEndOfParagraph);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Length of the line excluding any synthetic characters.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal int Length { get { return _line.Length - (EndOfParagraph ? _syntheticCharacterLength : 0); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Length of the line excluding any synthetic characters and line breaks.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal int ContentLength { get { return _line.Length - _line.NewlineLength; } }
#endregion Internal Properties
// Protected Methods
#region Protected Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve bounds of an object/character at specified text index.
// cp - character index of an object/character
// cch - number of positions occupied by object/character
// flowDirection - flow direction of object/character
// Returns: Bounds of an object/character.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
protected Rect GetBoundsFromPosition(int cp, int cch, out FlowDirection flowDirection)
Rect rect;
// Adjust x offset for trailing spaces
double delta = CalculateXOffsetShift();
IList<TextBounds> textBounds;
if (_line.HasOverflowed && _owner.ParagraphProperties.TextTrimming != TextTrimming.None)
// We should not shift offset in this case
Invariant.Assert(DoubleUtil.AreClose(delta, 0));
System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextLine line = _line.Collapse(GetCollapsingProps(_wrappingWidth, _owner.ParagraphProperties));
Invariant.Assert(line.HasCollapsed, "Line has not been collapsed");
textBounds = line.GetTextBounds(cp, cch);
textBounds = _line.GetTextBounds(cp, cch);
Invariant.Assert(textBounds != null && textBounds.Count == 1, "Expecting exactly one TextBounds for a single text position.");
IList<TextRunBounds> runBounds = textBounds[0].TextRunBounds;
if (runBounds != null)
Debug.Assert(runBounds.Count == 1, "Expecting exactly one TextRunBounds for a single text position.");
rect = runBounds[0].Rectangle;
rect = textBounds[0].Rectangle;
rect.X += delta;
flowDirection = textBounds[0].FlowDirection;
return rect;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get collapsing properties.
// wrappingWidth - wrapping width for collapsed line.
// paraProperties - paragraph properties.
// Returns: Line collapsing properties.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
protected TextCollapsingProperties GetCollapsingProps(double wrappingWidth, LineProperties paraProperties)
Debug.Assert(paraProperties.TextTrimming != TextTrimming.None, "Text trimming must be enabled.");
TextCollapsingProperties collapsingProps;
if (paraProperties.TextTrimming == TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis)
collapsingProps = new TextTrailingCharacterEllipsis(wrappingWidth, paraProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties);
collapsingProps = new TextTrailingWordEllipsis(wrappingWidth, paraProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties);
return collapsingProps;
/// <summary>
/// Returns amount of shift for X-offset to render trailing spaces
/// </summary>
protected double CalculateXOffsetShift()
// Assert that textblock autosize is working correctly and that moving the offset back
// will not result in the front of the line being taken off rendered area
if (IsXOffsetAdjusted)
if (_textAlignment == TextAlignment.Center)
// Return trailing spaces length divided by two so line remains centered
return (_line.Width - _line.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace) / 2;
return (_line.Width - _line.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace);
return 0.0;
#endregion Protected Methods
// Protected Properites
#region Protected Properties
/// <summary>
/// True if eliipsis is displayed in the line
/// </summary>
protected bool ShowEllipsis
if (_owner.ParagraphProperties.TextTrimming == TextTrimming.None)
return false;
if (_line.HasOverflowed || _showParagraphEllipsis)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// True if line ends in hard line break
/// </summary>
protected bool HasLineBreak
return (_line.NewlineLength > 0);
/// <summary>
/// True if line's X-offset needs adjustment to render trailing spaces
/// </summary>
protected bool IsXOffsetAdjusted
return ((_textAlignment == TextAlignment.Right || _textAlignment == TextAlignment.Center) && IsWidthAdjusted);
/// <summary>
/// True if line's width is adjusted to include trailing spaces. For right and center alignment we need to
/// adjust line offset as well, but for left alignment we need to only make a width asjustment
/// </summary>
protected bool IsWidthAdjusted
bool adjusted = false;
// Trailing spaces rendered only around hard breaks
if (HasLineBreak || EndOfParagraph)
// Lines with ellipsis are not shifted because ellipsis would not appear after trailing spaces
if (!ShowEllipsis)
adjusted = true;
return adjusted;
#endregion Protected Properties
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Owner of the line.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
protected System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock _owner;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cached text line.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
protected System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting.TextLine _line;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Index of the first character in the line.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
protected int _dcp;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Synthetic character length.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
protected static int _syntheticCharacterLength = 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is text mirrored?
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
protected bool _mirror;
/// <summary>
/// Alignment direction of line. Set during formatting.
/// </summary>
protected TextAlignment _textAlignment;
/// <summary>
/// Does the line habe paragraph ellipsis. This is determined during formatting depending upon
/// the type of line properties passed.
/// </summary>
protected bool _showParagraphEllipsis;
/// <summary>
/// Wrapping width of line
/// </summary>
protected double _wrappingWidth;
#endregion Private Fields