// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Helper methods for code that uses types from System.Data.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;
namespace MS.Internal
internal static class SystemDataHelper
// return true if the list is a DataView
internal static bool IsDataView(IBindingList list)
SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();
return (extensions != null) ? extensions.IsDataView(list) : false;
// return true if the item is a DataRowView
internal static bool IsDataRowView(object item)
SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();
return (extensions != null) ? extensions.IsDataRowView(item) : false;
// return true if the value is null in the SqlTypes sense
internal static bool IsSqlNull(object value)
SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();
return (extensions != null) ? extensions.IsSqlNull(value) : false;
// return true if the type is nullable in the SqlTypes sense
internal static bool IsSqlNullableType(Type type)
SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();
return (extensions != null) ? extensions.IsSqlNullableType(type) : false;
// ADO DataSet exposes some properties that cause problems involving
// identity and change notifications. We handle these specially.
internal static bool IsDataSetCollectionProperty(PropertyDescriptor pd)
SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();
return (extensions != null) ? extensions.IsDataSetCollectionProperty(pd) : false;
// Intercept GetValue calls for certain ADO properties
internal static object GetValue(object item, PropertyDescriptor pd, bool useFollowParent)
SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();
return extensions?.GetValue(item, pd, useFollowParent);
// return true if DBNull is a valid value for the given item and column.
// The column may be specified directly by name, or indirectly by indexer: Item[arg]
internal static bool DetermineWhetherDBNullIsValid(object item, string columnName, object arg)
SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();
return (extensions != null) ? extensions.DetermineWhetherDBNullIsValid(item, columnName, arg) : false;
// return a null value appropriate for the given SqlNullable type
internal static object NullValueForSqlNullableType(Type type)
// some SqlTypes are structs with a Null field.
FieldInfo nullField = type.GetField("Null", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
if (nullField != null)
return nullField.GetValue(null);
// Others are classes with a Null property.
PropertyInfo nullProperty = type.GetProperty("Null", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
if (nullProperty != null)
return nullProperty.GetValue(null, null);
Debug.Assert(false, "Could not find Null field or property for SqlNullable type");
return null;