// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description:
// Implements an indexing filter for XAML streams.
// Invoked by the PackageFilter.
// #define TRACE
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Globalization; // For CultureInfo
using System.Collections; // For Stack and Hashtable
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // For COMException
using System.Windows; // for ExceptionStringTable
using MS.Internal.Interop; // for CHUNK_BREAKTYPE (and other IFilter-related definitions)
namespace MS.Internal.IO.Packaging
#region XamlFilter
/// <summary>
/// The class that supports content extraction from XAML files for indexing purposes.
/// Note: It would be nice to have fixed page content extractor look for flow elements in a fixed page.
/// This however, is not really doable: FixedPageContentExtractor is XSLT-based, not reader-based.
/// It cannot do anything more efficiently than what XamlFilter is currently doing.
/// The "flow pass" on a DOM reader for a fixed page does not entail any redundant IO or DOM building.
/// </summary>
internal partial class XamlFilter : IManagedFilter
#region Nested Types
/// <summary>
/// The following enumeration makes it easier to keep track of the filter's multi-modal behavior.
/// Each state implements a distinct method for collecting the next content unit, as follows:
/// Uninitialized Return appropriate errors from GetChunk and GetText.
/// FindNextUnit Standard mode. Return content as it is discovered in markup.
/// UseContentExtractor Retrieve content from a FixedPageContentExtractor object (expected to
/// perform adjacency analysis).
/// FindNextFlowUnit Look for content in markup ignoring fixed-format markup (second pass over a
/// fixed page).
/// EndOfStream Return appropriate errors from GetChunk and GetText.
/// Transitions between these states are handled as follows:
/// state | transition | action | next state
/// -------- | ------------ | -------- | ------------
/// Uninitialized | constructor | create an XML reader | FindNextUnit
/// | | |
/// FindNextUnit | end of reader | clean up | EndOfStream
/// | | |
/// FindNextUnit | FixedPage tag | create FixedPageContentExtractor, | UseContentExtractor
/// | | save a DOM of the FixedPage |
/// | | |
/// UseContentExtractor | end of extractor | create sub-reader from FixedPage DOM,| FindNextFlowUnit
/// | | save top-level reader |
/// | | |
/// FindNextFlowUnit | end of reader | restore top-level reader | FindNextUnit
/// | | |
/// </summary>
internal enum FilterState
Uninitialized =1,
/// <summary>
/// A single reader position on an element start may correspond to 3 distinct states depending on
/// whether the title and/or content property in the start tag has already been processed.
/// </summary>
internal enum AttributesToIgnore
None =0,
Title =1,
Content =2
#endregion Nested Types
#region Internal Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Constructor. Does initialization.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">xaml stream to filter</param>
internal XamlFilter(Stream stream)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("New Xaml filter created.");
_lcidDictionary = new Dictionary<string, uint>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
_contextStack = new Stack(32);
_xamlStream = stream;
// Create a XAML reader (field _xamlReader) on the stream.
// Reflect load in filter's state.
_filterState = FilterState.FindNextUnit;
/// <remarks>
/// This function is called from the constructor. It makes the object re-initializable,
/// which would come in handy if the XamlFilter is ever made visible to unmanaged code
/// and Load is allowed to be called multiple times.
/// </remarks>
private void InitializeDeclaredFields()
// Initialize context variables.
_filterState = FilterState.Uninitialized;
// Initialize current ID.
_currentChunkID = 0;
// Initialize the content model dictionary.
// Note: Hashtable is not IDisposable.
// Misc. initializations.
_countOfCharactersReturned = 0;
_currentContent = null;
_indexingContentUnit = null;
_expectingBlockStart = true; // If text data occurred at top level, it would be a block start.
_topLevelReader = null;
_fixedPageContentExtractor = null;
_fixedPageDomTree = null;
#endregion Internal Constructors
#region Managed IFilter API
/// <summary>
/// Managed counterpart of IFilter.Init.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="grfFlags">Usage flags. Only IFILTER_INIT_CANON_PARAGRAPHS can be meaningfully
/// honored by the XAML filter.</param>
/// <param name="aAttributes">array of Managed FULLPROPSPEC structs to restrict responses</param>
/// <returns>IFILTER_FLAGS_NONE, meaning the caller should not try to retrieve OLE property using
/// IPropertyStorage on the Xaml part.</returns>
/// <remarks>Input parameters are ignored because this filter never returns any property value.</remarks>
public IFILTER_FLAGS Init(
ManagedFullPropSpec[] aAttributes) // restrict responses to the specified attributes
// Content is filtered either if no attributes are specified,
// or if there are attributes specified, the attribute with PSGUID_STORAGE
// property set and PID_STG_CONTENTS property id is present.
_filterContents = true;
if (aAttributes != null && aAttributes.Length > 0)
_filterContents = false;
for (int i = 0; i < aAttributes.Length; i++)
if (aAttributes[i].Guid == IndexingFilterMarshaler.PSGUID_STORAGE
&& aAttributes[i].Property.PropType == PropSpecType.Id
&& aAttributes[i].Property.PropId == (uint)MS.Internal.Interop.PID_STG.CONTENTS)
_filterContents = true;
// The only flag in grfFlags that makes sense to honor is IFILTER_INIT_CANON_PARAGRAPHS
_returnCanonicalParagraphBreaks =
// Return zero value to indicate that the client code should not take any special steps
// to retrieve OLE properties. This might have to change if filtering loose Xaml is supported.
/// <summary>
/// Managed counterpart of IFilter.GetChunk.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// Chunk descriptor.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// On end of stream, this function will return null.
/// </remarks>
public ManagedChunk GetChunk()
if (!_filterContents)
// Contents not being filtered, no chunks to return in that case.
_currentContent = null;
// End of chunks.
return null;
IndexingContentUnit contentUnit;
// If client code forgot to load the stream, throw appropriate exception.
if (_xamlReader == null)
throw new COMException(SR.FilterGetChunkNoStream, (int)FilterErrorCode.FILTER_E_ACCESS);
// If at end of chunks, report the condition.
if (_filterState == FilterState.EndOfStream)
//Ensure _xamlReader has been closed
// End of chunks.
return null;
contentUnit = NextContentUnit();
catch (XmlException xmlException)
//Ensure _xamlReader has been closed
// Return FILTER_E_UNKNOWNFORMAT for ill-formed documents.
throw new COMException(xmlException.Message, (int)FilterErrorCode.FILTER_E_UNKNOWNFORMAT);
if (contentUnit == null)
// Update text information.
_currentContent = null;
//Ensure _xamlReader has been closed
// Report end of stream by indicating end of chunks.
return null;
// Store the text for returning in GetText.
_currentContent = contentUnit.Text;
// Record the fact that GetText hasn't been called on this chunk.
_countOfCharactersReturned = 0;
return contentUnit;
/// <summary>
/// Return a maximum of bufferCharacterCount characters (*not* bytes) from the current content unit.
/// </summary>
public String GetText(int bufferCharacterCount)
//BufferCharacterCount should be non-negative
Debug.Assert(bufferCharacterCount >= 0);
if (_currentContent == null)
int numCharactersToReturn = _currentContent.Length - _countOfCharactersReturned;
if (numCharactersToReturn <= 0)
// Return at most bufferCharacterCount characters. The marshaler makes sure it can add a terminating
// NULL beyond the end of the string that is returned.
if (numCharactersToReturn > bufferCharacterCount)
numCharactersToReturn = bufferCharacterCount;
String result = _currentContent.Substring(_countOfCharactersReturned, numCharactersToReturn);
_countOfCharactersReturned += numCharactersToReturn;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// The XAML indexing filter never returns property values.
/// </summary>
public Object GetValue()
return null;
#endregion Managed IFilter API
#region Internal Methods
internal string DumpElementTable()
ICollection keys = _xamlElementContentDescriptorDictionary.Keys;
ICollection values = _xamlElementContentDescriptorDictionary.Values;
int length = keys.Count;
ElementTableKey[] keyList = new ElementTableKey[length];
ContentDescriptor[] valueList = new ContentDescriptor[length];
keys.CopyTo(keyList, 0);
string result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
result += $"{i}: [{keyList[i]} -> {valueList[i]}]\n";
return result;
///<summary>Return the next text chunk, or null at end of stream.</summary>
internal IndexingContentUnit NextContentUnit()
// Loop until we are able to return some content or encounter an end of file.
IndexingContentUnit nextContentUnit = null;
while (nextContentUnit == null)
// If we have a content extractor delivering content units for us, use it.
if (_filterState == FilterState.UseContentExtractor)
Debug.Assert(_fixedPageContentExtractor != null);
// If we've consumed all the glyph run info, switch to a mode in which only the flow content
// of the fixed page just scanned will be returned.
if (_fixedPageContentExtractor.AtEndOfPage)
// Discard extractor.
_fixedPageContentExtractor = null;
// Set up reader.
_topLevelReader = _xamlReader;
_xamlReader = new XmlNodeReader(_fixedPageDomTree.DocumentElement);
// Transition to flow-only mode.
_filterState = FilterState.FindNextFlowUnit;
bool chunkIsInline;
uint lcid;
string chunk = _fixedPageContentExtractor.NextGlyphContent(out chunkIsInline, out lcid);
_expectingBlockStart = !chunkIsInline;
return BuildIndexingContentUnit(chunk, lcid);
if (_xamlReader.EOF)
switch (_filterState)
// If in standard mode, return a null chunk to signal the end of all chunks.
case FilterState.FindNextUnit:
// A non-empty stack at this point could only be attributable to an internal error,
// for an early EOF would have been reported as an XML exception by the XML reader.
Debug.Assert(_contextStack.Count == 0);
_filterState = FilterState.EndOfStream;
return null;
// If processing a fixed page, revert to top-level XML reader.
case FilterState.FindNextFlowUnit:
Debug.Assert(_topLevelReader != null);
_xamlReader = _topLevelReader;
_filterState = FilterState.FindNextUnit;
switch (_xamlReader.NodeType)
// If current token is a text element,
// if it can be part of its parent's content, return a chunk;
// else, skip.
case XmlNodeType.Text:
case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
nextContentUnit = HandleTextData();
// If current token is an element start, then,
// if appropriate, extract chunk text from an attribute
// else, record content information and recurse.
case XmlNodeType.Element:
nextContentUnit = HandleElementStart();
// On end of element, restore context data (pop, etc.) and look further.
case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
nextContentUnit = HandleElementEnd();
// Default action is to ignore current token and look further.
// Note that non-significant whitespace is handled here.
_xamlReader.Read(); // Consume current token.
return nextContentUnit;
/// <summary>
/// Load a hash table to map qualified element names to content descriptors.
/// </summary>
private void LoadContentDescriptorDictionary()
// Invoke init function that is generated at build time.
#endregion Internal Methods
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>Ancillary function of NextContentUnit(). Create new chunk, taking _contextStack into
/// account, and updating it if needed.</summary>
private IndexingContentUnit BuildIndexingContentUnit(string text, uint lcid)
// If a paragraph break is expected, reflect this in the new chunk.
if (_expectingBlockStart)
if (_returnCanonicalParagraphBreaks)
text = _paragraphSeparator + text;
if (_indexingContentUnit == null)
_indexingContentUnit = new IndexingContentUnit(text, AllocateChunkID(), breakType, _propSpec, lcid);
// Optimization: reuse indexing content unit.
_indexingContentUnit.InitIndexingContentUnit(text, AllocateChunkID(), breakType, _propSpec, lcid);
// Until proven separated (by the occurrence of a block tag), right neighbors are contiguous.
_expectingBlockStart = false;
return _indexingContentUnit;
///<summary>Obtain a content descriptor for a custom element not found in the dictionary.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// There is currently no general way of extracting information about custom elements,
/// so the default descriptor is systematically returned.
/// </remarks>
private ContentDescriptor GetContentInformationAboutCustomElement(ElementTableKey customElement)
return _defaultContentDescriptor;
/// If current token is a text element,
/// assume it can be part of its parent's content and return a chunk.
/// Ancillary function of NextContentUnit.
private IndexingContentUnit HandleTextData()
ContentDescriptor topOfStack = TopOfStack();
if (topOfStack != null)
// The descendants of elements with HasIndexableContent set to false get skipped.
// Return a chunk with appropriate block-break information.
IndexingContentUnit result = BuildIndexingContentUnit(_xamlReader.Value, GetCurrentLcid());
_xamlReader.Read(); // Move past data just processed.
return result;
// Bad Xaml (no top-level element). The Xaml filter should at some point raise an exception.
// Just to be safe, ignore all content when in this state.
_xamlReader.Read(); // Skip data.
return null;
/// If current token is an element start, then,
/// if appropriate, extract chunk text from an attribute
/// else, record content information and recurse.
/// Ancillary function of NextContentUnit.
private IndexingContentUnit HandleElementStart()
ElementTableKey elementFullName = new ElementTableKey(_xamlReader.NamespaceURI, _xamlReader.LocalName);
string propertyName;
// Handle the case of a complex property (e.g. Button.Content).
if (IsPrefixedPropertyName(elementFullName.BaseName, out propertyName))
ContentDescriptor topOfStack = TopOfStack();
// Handle the semantically incorrect case of a compound property occurring at the root
// by ignoring it totally.
if (topOfStack == null)
return null;
// Index the text children of property elements only if they are content or title properties.
bool elementIsIndexable =
( elementFullName.XmlNamespace.Equals(ElementTableKey.XamlNamespace, StringComparison.Ordinal)
&& ( propertyName == topOfStack.ContentProp
|| propertyName == topOfStack.TitleProp ));
if (!elementIsIndexable)
// Skip element together with all its descendants.
return null;
// Push descriptor, advance reader, and have caller look further.
new ContentDescriptor(
String.Empty, // has potential text content, but no content property
null)); // no title property
return null;
// Handle fixed-format markup in a special way (because assumptions for building
// content descriptors don't work for these and they require actions beyond what
// is stated in content descriptors).
// Note: The elementFullyHandled boolean is required as the nextUnit returned can
// be null in both cases - when element is fully handled and when its not.
bool elementFullyHandled;
IndexingContentUnit nextUnit = HandleFixedFormatTag(elementFullName, out elementFullyHandled);
if (elementFullyHandled)
return nextUnit;
// When HandleFixedFormatTag declines to handle a tag because it is not fixed-format, it
// will return null.
Invariant.Assert(nextUnit == null);
// Obtain a content descriptor for the current element.
ContentDescriptor elementDescriptor =
(ContentDescriptor) _xamlElementContentDescriptorDictionary[elementFullName];
if (elementDescriptor == null)
if (elementFullName.XmlNamespace.Equals(ElementTableKey.XamlNamespace, StringComparison.Ordinal))
elementDescriptor = _defaultContentDescriptor;
else if (elementFullName.XmlNamespace.Equals(_inDocumentCodeURI, StringComparison.Ordinal))
elementDescriptor = _nonIndexableElementDescriptor;
elementDescriptor = GetContentInformationAboutCustomElement(elementFullName);
_xamlElementContentDescriptorDictionary.Add(elementFullName, elementDescriptor);
// If the element has no indexable content, skip all its descendants.
if (!elementDescriptor.HasIndexableContent)
return null;
// If appropriate, retrieve title from an attribute.
string title = null;
if ( elementDescriptor.TitleProp != null
&& (_attributesToIgnore & AttributesToIgnore.Title) == 0 )
title = GetPropertyAsAttribute(elementDescriptor.TitleProp);
if (title != null && title.Length > 0)
// Leave the reader in its present state, but return the title as a block chunk,
// and mark this attribute as processed.
_attributesToIgnore |= AttributesToIgnore.Title;
_expectingBlockStart = true;
IndexingContentUnit titleContent = BuildIndexingContentUnit(title, GetCurrentLcid());
_expectingBlockStart = true; // Simulate a stack pop for a block element.
return titleContent;
// If appropriate, retrieve content from an attribute.
string content = null;
if ( elementDescriptor.ContentProp != null
&& (_attributesToIgnore & AttributesToIgnore.Content) == 0 )
content = GetPropertyAsAttribute(elementDescriptor.ContentProp);
if (content != null && content.Length > 0)
// Leave the reader in its present state, but mark the content attribute
// as processed.
_attributesToIgnore |= AttributesToIgnore.Content;
// Create a new chunk with appropriate break data.
if (!elementDescriptor.IsInline)
_expectingBlockStart = true;
IndexingContentUnit result = BuildIndexingContentUnit(content, GetCurrentLcid());
// Emulate a stack pop for the content attribute (which never gets pushed on the stack).
_expectingBlockStart = !elementDescriptor.IsInline;
return result;
// Reset the attribute flag, since we are going to change the reader's state.
_attributesToIgnore = AttributesToIgnore.None;
// Handle the special case of an empty element: no descendants, but a possible paragraph break.
if (_xamlReader.IsEmptyElement)
if (!elementDescriptor.IsInline)
_expectingBlockStart = true;
// Have caller search for content past the tag.
return null;
// Have caller look for content in descendants.
_xamlReader.Read(); // skip start-tag
return null;
/// On end of element, restore context data (pop, etc.) and look further.
/// Ancillary function of NextContentUnit.
private IndexingContentUnit HandleElementEnd()
// Pop current descriptor.
ContentDescriptor item = Pop();
// Consume end-tag.
return null;
/// <summary>
/// If the current tag is one of Glyphs, FixedPage or PageContent, process it adequately
/// and return the next content unit or null (if not supposed to return content from fixed format).
/// Otherwise, set 'handled' to false to tell the caller we didn't do anything useful.
/// </summary>
private IndexingContentUnit HandleFixedFormatTag(ElementTableKey elementFullName, out bool handled)
handled = true; // Not true until we return, but this is the most convenient default.
if (!elementFullName.XmlNamespace.Equals(ElementTableKey.FixedMarkupNamespace, StringComparison.Ordinal))
handled = false; // Let caller handle that tag.
return null;
if (string.Equals(elementFullName.BaseName, _glyphRunName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
// Ignore glyph runs during flow pass over a FixedPage.
if (_filterState == FilterState.FindNextFlowUnit)
return null;
return ProcessGlyphRun();
if (string.Equals(elementFullName.BaseName, _fixedPageName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
// Ignore FixedPage element (i.e. root element) during flow pass over a fixed page.
if (_filterState == FilterState.FindNextFlowUnit)
return null;
return ProcessFixedPage();
if (string.Equals(elementFullName.BaseName, _pageContentName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
// If the element has a Source attribute, any inlined content should be ignored.
string sourceUri = _xamlReader.GetAttribute(_pageContentSourceAttribute);
if (sourceUri != null)
return null;
// Have NextContentUnit() look for content in descendants.
Push( _defaultContentDescriptor);
return null;
// No useful work was done. Report 'unhandled'.
handled = false;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Handle the presence of a glyph run in the middle of flow markup by extracting
/// its UnicodeString attribute and considering it a separate paragraph.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The handling of glyph runs inside fixed pages is performed in ProcessFixedPage.
/// </remarks>
private IndexingContentUnit ProcessGlyphRun()
Debug.Assert(_xamlReader != null);
string textContent = _xamlReader.GetAttribute(_unicodeStringAttribute);
if (textContent == null || textContent.Length == 0)
return null;
_expectingBlockStart = true;
// Read Lcid at current position and advance reader to next element before returning.
uint lcid = GetCurrentLcid();
return BuildIndexingContentUnit(textContent, lcid);
/// <summary>
/// Load FixedPage element into a DOM tree to initialize a FixedPageContentExtractor.
/// The content extractor will then be used to incrementally return the content of the fixed page.
/// </summary>
private IndexingContentUnit ProcessFixedPage()
// Reader is positioned on the start-tag for a FixedPage element.
Debug.Assert(string.Equals(_xamlReader.LocalName, _fixedPageName, StringComparison.Ordinal));
// A FixedPage nested in a FixedPage is invalid.
// XmlException gets handled inside this class (see GetChunk).
if (_filterState == FilterState.FindNextFlowUnit)
throw new XmlException(SR.XamlFilterNestedFixedPage);
// Create a DOM for the current FixedPage.
string fixedPageMarkup = _xamlReader.ReadOuterXml();
XmlDocument fixedPageTree = new XmlDocument();
// Preserve the current language ID
if (_xamlReader.XmlLang.Length > 0)
fixedPageTree.DocumentElement.SetAttribute(_xmlLangAttribute, _xamlReader.XmlLang);
// Initialize a content extractor with this DOM tree.
_fixedPageContentExtractor = new FixedPageContentExtractor(fixedPageTree.DocumentElement);
// Save the DOM (to search for flow elements in it once the extractor is done)
// and switch to extractor mode.
_fixedPageDomTree = fixedPageTree;
_filterState = FilterState.UseContentExtractor;
// Have NextContentUnit look for the appropriate unit in the new mode.
return null;
/// Create an XmlTextReader on _xamlStream with the appropriate settings.
private void CreateXmlReader()
_xamlReader = new XmlTextReader(_xamlStream);
// Do not return pretty-pretting spacing between tags as data.
((XmlTextReader)_xamlReader).WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.Significant;
// Initialize reader state.
_attributesToIgnore = AttributesToIgnore.None; // not in the middle of processing a start-tag
private void EnsureXmlReaderIsClosed()
/// Return the LCID in scope for the current node or, if there is none,
/// the system's default LCID.
/// Note: XmlGlyphRunInfo.LanguageID is an internal property that also has
/// similar logic and will default to CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.LCID
/// CultureInfo.InvariantCulture will never be null
private uint GetCurrentLcid()
string languageString = GetLanguageString();
if (languageString.Length == 0)
return (uint)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.LCID;
if (_lcidDictionary.ContainsKey(languageString))
return _lcidDictionary[languageString];
CultureInfo cultureInfo = new CultureInfo(languageString);
_lcidDictionary.Add(languageString, (uint)cultureInfo.LCID);
return (uint)cultureInfo.LCID;
private string GetLanguageString()
string languageString = _xamlReader.XmlLang;
if (languageString.Length == 0)
// Check whether there is a parent XAML reader.
if (_topLevelReader != null)
languageString = _topLevelReader.XmlLang;
return languageString;
private void SkipCurrentElement()
private bool IsPrefixedPropertyName(string name, out string propertyName)
int suffixStart = name.IndexOf('.');
if (suffixStart == -1)
propertyName = null;
return false;
propertyName = name.Substring(suffixStart + 1);
return true;
/// <remarks>
/// 0 is an illegal value, so this function never returns 0.
/// After the counter reaches UInt32.MaxValue we assert, since such a
/// high number for chunks is most likely an indicator of some other
/// problem in the system/code.
/// </remarks>
private uint AllocateChunkID()
Invariant.Assert(_currentChunkID <= UInt32.MaxValue);
return _currentChunkID;
/// <summary>
/// Find an attribute named propertyName or X.propertyName.
/// </summary>
private string GetPropertyAsAttribute(string propertyName)
string value = _xamlReader.GetAttribute(propertyName);
if (value != null)
return value;
bool attributeFound = _xamlReader.MoveToFirstAttribute();
while (attributeFound)
string attributePropertyName;
if ( IsPrefixedPropertyName(_xamlReader.LocalName, out attributePropertyName)
&& attributePropertyName.Equals(propertyName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
value = _xamlReader.Value;
// Advance reader.
attributeFound = _xamlReader.MoveToNextAttribute();
// Reposition reader on owner element.
return value;
#region Context Stack Accessors
private ContentDescriptor TopOfStack()
return (ContentDescriptor) _contextStack.Peek();
private void Push(ContentDescriptor contentDescriptor)
if (!contentDescriptor.IsInline)
_expectingBlockStart = true;
private ContentDescriptor Pop()
ContentDescriptor topOfStack = (ContentDescriptor) _contextStack.Pop();
// If we reach an end of block, we expect the next item to
// start with a block separator.
if (!topOfStack.IsInline)
_expectingBlockStart = true;
return topOfStack;
private void ClearStack()
#endregion Context Stack Accessors
#endregion Private Methods
#region Private Constants
///<summary>XML namespace URI for in-document code.</summary>
private const string _inDocumentCodeURI = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml";
// Tag and attribute names.
private const string _pageContentName = "PageContent";
private const string _glyphRunName = "Glyphs";
private const string _pageContentSourceAttribute = "Source";
private const string _fixedPageName = "FixedPage";
private const string _xmlLangAttribute = "xml:lang";
private const string _paragraphSeparator = "\u2029";
private const string _unicodeStringAttribute = "UnicodeString";
/// <summary>
/// The default content descriptor has content in child nodes, no title, and block-type content.
/// </summary>
private readonly ContentDescriptor _defaultContentDescriptor =
new ContentDescriptor(true /*hasIndexableContent*/, false /*isInline*/, null, null);
private readonly ContentDescriptor _nonIndexableElementDescriptor =
new ContentDescriptor(false);
// Static fields.
private static readonly ManagedFullPropSpec _propSpec
= new ManagedFullPropSpec(IndexingFilterMarshaler.PSGUID_STORAGE, (uint)MS.Internal.Interop.PID_STG.CONTENTS);
#endregion Private Constants
#region Private Fields
// Variables initialized in constructor and InitializeDeclaredFields.
private Stack _contextStack;
private FilterState _filterState;
private string _currentContent;
private uint _currentChunkID;
private int _countOfCharactersReturned;
private IndexingContentUnit _indexingContentUnit;
private bool _expectingBlockStart;
private XmlReader _topLevelReader;
private FixedPageContentExtractor _fixedPageContentExtractor;
private XmlDocument _fixedPageDomTree;
// Variables initialized in constructor and (potentially, if implemented some day) in IPersistFile.Load.
private Stream _xamlStream;
// Variables initialized in Init.
private bool _filterContents; //defaults to false
private bool _returnCanonicalParagraphBreaks; //defaults to false
// Reader state variables (initialized in CreateXmlReader).
private XmlReader _xamlReader;
private AttributesToIgnore _attributesToIgnore;
///<summary>Map from fully qualified element name to content location information.</summary>
private Hashtable _xamlElementContentDescriptorDictionary;
//Dictionary of Language strings and the corresponding LCID.
private Dictionary<string, uint> _lcidDictionary;
#endregion Private Fields
} // class XamlFilter
#endregion XamlFilter
} // namespace MS.Internal.IO.Packaging