// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Mapping of (collection, viewName) to CollectionView
Avalon data binding supports multiple views over a data collection.
Each view (CollectionView) is identified by a key (CollectionViewSource), and
can be sorted and filtered independently of other views.
Managing the lifetimes of the views involves some subtle challenges.
Do not modify the code in this file until you understand these issues!
The fundamental design goal is that a collection should not be responsible
for managing its own views. A collection is a data-centric object, while a
view (or a set of views) is UI-centric. Therefore view management is a job
for UI-related code. The view manager cannot modify the collection in any
way, nor can it can assume that the collection has a reference to the view.
This principle allows us to define the IDataCollection interface in a
system assembly, where it is visible to third-parties who can then
implement their own collection classes without having to know anything
about view management. It also allows us to create views over collections
that don't even implement IDataCollection; for instance, we support
views over an IList (and thus over any Array, ArrayList, etc.).
However, this principle makes lifetime management very tricky. An
application may create views named "A", "B", and "C" over a given
data collection, and apply a particular sort order to each view. Next
the application may release all its references to view "C", while keeping
references to views "A" and "B and to the collection itself. Then the
application may refer to view "C" again, and will expect it to still have
the same currency, sort order, etc. Thus view "C" must be kept alive as long
as the collection itself (or any other view on the collection). However, once
the application releases its references to the collection and all its views,
they should become eligible for garbage collection.
If the collection managed its own views, there would be no problem. You
could imagine drawing a dotted line surrounding the collection and its
views. All references related to view management would be contained inside
this line, so as soon as the application released its references, the
objects inside the line could be garbage collected.
With "external" view management, it gets much harder. The manager will
obviously require some references to the collection and its views. The
trick is to create these references in such a way that they keep the objects
alive as long as necessary, but no longer. Here's how we do it.
For each collection, the manager has a ViewTable - a dictionary that maps
keys into views. The table contains strong references to the views, and of
course each view has a strong reference to its underlying collection. This
guarantees that the collection stays alive as long as any view.
The view manager has a master ViewManager - a dictionary that maps
collections to ViewTables. This is a "global" table, so it must not contain
a strong reference to a collection (which would keep the collection alive
forever). Instead, it contains weak references to the collection and to
its ViewTable. Now you can draw a dotted line around the collection and
its ViewTable; all strong references are either inside the line, or
correspond to the application's references to the collection or its views.
Thus when the application releases all its references, the collection and
its views can be garbage collected. This will invalidate the weak references
in the master ViewManager; we occasionally purge the table of dead
So far, the only reference to the ViewTable is the weak reference stored in
the master ViewManager. This is not enough to keep the ViewTable alive;
we need some way to keep it alive as long as any of the views in it are alive.
We do this by giving each view a strong reference back to its ViewTable,
using the mysterious ViewManagerData property of a DataCollectionView. This
adds more strong references inside the dotted line. These do not affect
our garbage collection goal, but do keep the ViewTable alive.
The picture: (arrows with bulbs are weak references: o---> )
| | |
/--|-o(collection) | (ViewTable)o-|--\
| | | | |
| |________________________________| |
| |
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | v |
| _______________
| | | |<--\ |
| /-------------------------|---- View "A" -|---|
| v v | | | |
Collection <---------------------|---- View "B" -|---|
| ^ | | | |
\-------------------------|---- View "C" -|---|
| |_______________| |
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
not shown: Strong references from collection to view due to
event listeners.
(CollectionView sorting is silently discarded), which exposed a small flaw in this scheme.
The "not shown"
strong reference from the collection to a view (via the CollectionChanged event)
turns out to be important. It keeps the view alive at least as
long as the collection, even if the app releases all its references to views.
If the collection doesn't expose INotifyCollectionChanged, this reference isn't
present, and you can draw a smaller dotted line around the views and the view
table that has no incoming strong references. This means the view table (and
the views) can get GC'd.
We can't fix this. We need that strong reference, but without an event there's
no way to get it (remember, we can't touch the collection itself). But we can
mitigate it.
Here's the mitigation. The view manager keeps a list of strong references to the
relevant view tables, each with an "expiration date" (an integer). At
each purge cycle, decrease the expiration dates and discard the ones that reach
zero. Whenever there is actual activity on a view table, reset its expiration
date to the initial value N. This keeps the view table alive for N purge cycles
after its last activity, so it can survive a short transition period of inactivity
such as the one in bug 452676. This will also keep the collection alive for up
to N purge cycles longer than before, which customer may perceive as a leak.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows; // for exception strings
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace MS.Internal.Data
#region WeakRefKey
// for use as the key to a hashtable, when the "real" key is an object
// that we should not keep alive by a strong reference.
internal struct WeakRefKey
// Constructors
internal WeakRefKey(object target)
_weakRef = new WeakReference(target);
_hashCode = (target != null) ? target.GetHashCode() : 314159;
// Internal Properties
internal object Target
get { return _weakRef.Target; }
// Public Methods
public override int GetHashCode()
return _hashCode;
public override bool Equals(object o)
if (o is WeakRefKey ck)
object c1 = Target;
object c2 = ck.Target;
if (c1 != null && c2 != null)
return (c1 == c2);
return (_weakRef == ck._weakRef);
return false;
// overload operator for ==, to be same as Equal implementation.
public static bool operator ==(WeakRefKey left, WeakRefKey right)
if ((object)left == null)
return (object)right == null;
return left.Equals(right);
// overload operator for !=, to be same as Equal implementation.
public static bool operator !=(WeakRefKey left, WeakRefKey right)
return !(left == right);
// Private Fields
WeakReference _weakRef;
int _hashCode; // cache target's hashcode, lest it get GC'd out from under us
#endregion WeakRefKey
#region ViewTable
internal class ViewTable : HybridDictionary
// Internal Properties
internal ViewRecord this[CollectionViewSource cvs]
get { return (ViewRecord)base[new WeakRefKey(cvs)]; }
Debug.Assert(cvs != null, "Required CVS key is missing");
base[new WeakRefKey(cvs)] = value;
// remove entries whose key (CVS) has been GC'd, and whose collection
// view is no longer in use. Return true if anything got removed,
// or if there are no entries left
internal bool Purge()
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in this)
WeakRefKey key = (WeakRefKey)de.Key;
if (key.Target == null)
ViewRecord vr = (ViewRecord)de.Value;
CollectionView cv = vr.View as CollectionView;
if (cv != null)
if (!cv.IsInUse)
// tell the corresponding CollectionView to detach
al.Add(key); // mark this entry for removal
for (int k = 0; k < al.Count; ++k)
return (al.Count > 0 || this.Count == 0);
#endregion ViewTable
#region ViewRecord
// A ViewTable holds values of type ViewRecord. A ViewRecord is a pair
// [view, version], where view is the collection view and version is the
// version number in effect when the CollectionViewSource last set the
// view's properties.
internal class ViewRecord
internal ViewRecord(ICollectionView view)
_view = view;
_version = -1;
internal ICollectionView View
get { return _view; }
internal int Version
get { return _version; }
set { _version = value; }
internal bool IsInitialized
get { return _isInitialized; }
internal void InitializeView()
_isInitialized = true;
ICollectionView _view;
int _version;
bool _isInitialized = false;
#endregion ViewRecord
#region CollectionRecord
// A ViewTable holds values of type CollectionRecord. A CollectionRecord
// contains information relevant to a given collection. This includes
// information we create (e.g. the view records), and information the app
// registers (e.g. the CollectionSynchronizationCallback).
internal class CollectionRecord
public ViewTable ViewTable
get { return (ViewTable)_wrViewTable.Target; }
set { _wrViewTable = new WeakReference(value); }
public bool IsAlive
return SynchronizationInfo.IsAlive ||
public SynchronizationInfo SynchronizationInfo;
WeakReference _wrViewTable = ViewManager.NullWeakRef;
internal struct SynchronizationInfo
public SynchronizationInfo(object context, CollectionSynchronizationCallback callback)
if (callback == null)
// 80% case: no callback - use the context as target of lock().
// For this case, just store the context directly - we ask people
// not to use a lock object that hold references.
_context = context;
_callbackMethod = null;
_callbackTarget = null;
// General case: invoke the callback to gain access.
// In this case, both the context and the callback's target
// belong to the app and should not be kept alive by WPF.
_context = new WeakReference(context);
_callbackMethod = callback.Method;
// distinguish static methods (target = null) from methods whose
// target gets GC'd
object target = callback.Target;
_callbackTarget = (target != null) ? new WeakReference(target) : ViewManager.StaticWeakRef;
public bool IsSynchronized
get { return _context != null || _callbackMethod != null; }
public void AccessCollection(IEnumerable collection, Action accessMethod, bool writeAccess)
if (_callbackMethod != null)
// make sure the callback's target is still available
object target = _callbackTarget.Target;
if (target == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionView_MissingSynchronizationCallback, collection));
// invoke the callback
if (_callbackTarget == ViewManager.StaticWeakRef)
target = null; // static method
WeakReference wrContext = _context as WeakReference;
object context = (wrContext != null) ? wrContext.Target : _context;
_callbackMethod.Invoke(target, new object[] { collection, context, accessMethod, writeAccess });
else if (_context != null)
lock (_context)
public bool IsAlive
return (_callbackMethod != null && _callbackTarget.IsAlive) ||
(_callbackMethod == null && _context != null);
public static readonly SynchronizationInfo None = new SynchronizationInfo(null, null);
object _context;
MethodInfo _callbackMethod;
WeakReference _callbackTarget;
#endregion CollectionRecord
#region ViewManager
internal class ViewManager : HybridDictionary
// This is the N from the mitigation description (see the comment at the
// top of the file. Increasing this value enables views to
// survive a longer period of inactivity, but also means
// the collection will live past its normal lifetime a longer time.
// There's a tradeoff between robustness and perceived leaking.
const int InactivityThreshold = 2;
// Public Properties
public new CollectionRecord this[object o]
// look up the entry for o
WeakRefKey key = new WeakRefKey(o);
CollectionRecord cr = (CollectionRecord)base[key];
return cr;
// Internal Methods
internal void Add(object collection, CollectionRecord cr)
base.Add(new WeakRefKey(collection), cr);
// a new collection has been put into play - schedule a cleanup.
// This heuristic is similar to DataBindEngine.GetViewRecord - a
// new collection suggests that old collections may no longer be
// alive - but also handles the case where collections are put
// into play but not any views. This can arise in collection
// synchronization.
/// <summary>
/// Return the object associated with (collection, cvs, type).
/// If this is the first reference to this view, add it to the tables.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// Thrown when the collectionViewType does not implement ICollectionView
/// or does not have a constructor that accepts the type of collection.
/// Also thrown when the named collection view already exists and is
/// not the specified collectionViewType.
/// </exception>
internal ViewRecord GetViewRecord(object collection, CollectionViewSource cvs, Type collectionViewType, bool createView, Func<object, object> GetSourceItem)
// Order of precendence in acquiring the View:
// 0) If collection is already a CollectionView, return it.
// 1) If the CollectionView for this collection has been cached, then
// return the cached instance.
// 2) If a CollectionView derived type has been passed in collectionViewType
// create an instance of that Type
// 3) If the collection is an ICollectionViewFactory use ICVF.CreateView()
// from the collection
// 4) If the collection is an IListSource call GetList() and perform 5),
// etc. on the returned list
// 5) If the collection is an IBindingList return a new BindingListCollectionView
// 6) If the collection is an IList return a new ListCollectionView
// 7) If the collection is an IEnumerable, return a new CollectionView
// (it uses the ListEnumerable wrapper)
// 8) return null
// An IListSource must share the view with its underlying list.
// if the view already exists, just return it
// Also, return null if it doesn't exist and we're called in "lazy" mode
ViewRecord viewRecord = GetExistingView(collection, cvs, collectionViewType, GetSourceItem);
if (viewRecord != null || !createView)
return viewRecord;
// If the collection is an IListSource, it uses the same view as its
// underlying list.
IListSource ils = collection as IListSource;
IList ilsList = null;
if (ils != null)
ilsList = ils.GetList();
viewRecord = GetExistingView(ilsList, cvs, collectionViewType, GetSourceItem);
if (viewRecord != null)
return CacheView(collection, cvs, (CollectionView)viewRecord.View, viewRecord);
// Create a new view
ICollectionView icv = collection as ICollectionView;
if (icv != null)
icv = new CollectionViewProxy(icv);
else if (collectionViewType == null)
// Caller didn't specify a type for the view.
ICollectionViewFactory icvf = collection as ICollectionViewFactory;
if (icvf != null)
// collection is a view factory - call its factory method
icv = icvf.CreateView();
// collection is not a factory - create an appropriate view
IList il = ilsList ?? collection as IList;
if (il != null)
// create a view on an IList or IBindingList
IBindingList ibl = il as IBindingList;
if (ibl != null)
icv = new BindingListCollectionView(ibl);
icv = new ListCollectionView(il);
// collection is not IList, wrap it
IEnumerable ie = collection as IEnumerable;
if (ie != null)
icv = new EnumerableCollectionView(ie);
// caller specified a type for the view. Try to honor it.
if (!typeof(ICollectionView).IsAssignableFrom(collectionViewType))
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionView_WrongType, collectionViewType.Name));
// if collection is IListSource, get its list first (bug 1023903)
object arg = ilsList ?? collection;
icv = Activator.CreateInstance(collectionViewType,
System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null,
new object[1] { arg }, null) as ICollectionView;
catch (MissingMethodException e)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionView_ViewTypeInsufficient,
collectionViewType.Name, collection.GetType()), e);
// if we got a view, add it to the tables
if (icv != null)
// if the view doesn't derive from CollectionView, create a proxy that does
CollectionView cv = icv as CollectionView;
if (cv == null)
cv = new CollectionViewProxy(icv);
if (ilsList != null) // IListSource's list shares the same view
viewRecord = CacheView(ilsList, cvs, cv, null);
viewRecord = CacheView(collection, cvs, cv, viewRecord);
// raise the event for a new view
return viewRecord;
// return the CollectionRecord for the given collection. If one doesn't
// exist yet, create it and raise the CollectionRegistering event
CollectionRecord EnsureCollectionRecord(object collection, Func<object, object> GetSourceItem = null)
CollectionRecord cr = this[collection];
if (cr == null)
cr = new CollectionRecord();
Add(collection, cr);
object parent = (GetSourceItem != null) ? GetSourceItem(collection) : null;
IEnumerable ie = collection as IEnumerable;
if (ie != null)
BindingOperations.OnCollectionRegistering(ie, parent);
return cr;
internal void RegisterCollectionSynchronizationCallback(
IEnumerable collection,
object context,
CollectionSynchronizationCallback synchronizationCallback)
CollectionRecord cr = EnsureCollectionRecord(collection);
cr.SynchronizationInfo = new SynchronizationInfo(context, synchronizationCallback);
ViewTable vt = cr.ViewTable;
if (vt != null)
bool isSynchronized = cr.SynchronizationInfo.IsSynchronized;
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in vt)
ViewRecord vr = (ViewRecord)de.Value;
CollectionView cv = vr.View as CollectionView;
internal SynchronizationInfo GetSynchronizationInfo(IEnumerable collection)
CollectionRecord cr = this[collection];
return (cr != null) ? cr.SynchronizationInfo : SynchronizationInfo.None;
public void AccessCollection(
IEnumerable collection,
Action accessMethod,
bool writeAccess)
SynchronizationInfo si = GetSynchronizationInfo(collection);
si.AccessCollection(collection, accessMethod, writeAccess);
static internal ViewManager Current
get { return DataBindEngine.CurrentDataBindEngine.ViewManager; }
// return an existing view (or null if there isn't one) over the collection
private ViewRecord GetExistingView(object collection, CollectionViewSource cvs, Type collectionViewType, Func<object, object> GetSourceItem)
ViewRecord result;
CollectionView cv = collection as CollectionView;
if (cv == null)
// look up cached entry
CollectionRecord cr = EnsureCollectionRecord(collection, GetSourceItem);
ViewTable vt = cr.ViewTable;
if (vt != null)
ViewRecord vr = vt[cvs];
if (vr != null)
cv = (CollectionView)vr.View;
result = vr;
// activity on the VT - reset its expiration date
if (_inactiveViewTables.Contains(vt))
_inactiveViewTables[vt] = InactivityThreshold;
result = null;
// the collection is already a view, just use it directly (no tables needed)
result = new ViewRecord(cv);
if (cv != null)
ValidateViewType(cv, collectionViewType);
return result;
private ViewRecord CacheView(object collection, CollectionViewSource cvs, CollectionView cv, ViewRecord vr)
// create the view table, if necessary
CollectionRecord cr = this[collection];
ViewTable vt = cr.ViewTable;
if (vt == null)
vt = new ViewTable();
cr.ViewTable = vt;
// if the collection doesn't implement INCC, it won't hold a strong
// reference to its views. To mitigate CollecitonView sorting from being silently
// discarded, keep a
// strong reference to the ViewTable alive for at least a few
// Purge cycles. (See comment at the top of the file.)
if (!(collection is INotifyCollectionChanged))
_inactiveViewTables.Add(vt, InactivityThreshold);
// keep the view and the view table alive as long as any view
// (or the collection itself) is alive
if (vr == null)
vr = new ViewRecord(cv);
else if (cv == null)
cv = (CollectionView)vr.View;
// add the view to the table
vt[cvs] = vr;
return vr;
// purge the table of dead entries
internal bool Purge()
// decrease the expiration dates of ViewTables on the inactive
// list, and remove the ones that have expired.
int n = _inactiveViewTables.Count;
if (n > 0)
ViewTable[] keys = new ViewTable[n];
_inactiveViewTables.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
ViewTable vt = keys[i];
int expirationDate = (int)_inactiveViewTables[vt];
if (--expirationDate > 0)
_inactiveViewTables[vt] = expirationDate;
// purge the table of entries whose collection has been GC'd.
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
bool foundViewTableDirt = false;
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in this)
WeakRefKey key = (WeakRefKey)de.Key;
CollectionRecord cr = (CollectionRecord)de.Value;
if (key.Target == null || !cr.IsAlive)
// also purge ViewTable entries whose key (CVS) has been GC'd
ViewTable vt = cr.ViewTable;
if (vt != null && vt.Purge())
foundViewTableDirt = true;
if (vt.Count == 0)
// remove the ViewTable (it has no views remaining)
cr.ViewTable = null;
if (!cr.IsAlive)
for (int k = 0; k < al.Count; ++k)
return (al.Count > 0 || foundViewTableDirt);
private void ValidateViewType(CollectionView cv, Type collectionViewType)
if (collectionViewType != null)
// If the view contained in the ViewTable is a proxy of another
// view, then what we really want to compare is the type of that
// other view.
CollectionViewProxy cvp = cv as CollectionViewProxy;
Type cachedViewType = (cvp == null) ? cv.GetType() : cvp.ProxiedView.GetType();
if (cachedViewType != collectionViewType)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionView_NameTypeDuplicity, collectionViewType, cachedViewType));
HybridDictionary _inactiveViewTables = new HybridDictionary();
static object StaticObject = new object();
internal static WeakReference StaticWeakRef = new WeakReference(StaticObject);
internal static WeakReference NullWeakRef = new WeakReference(null);
#endregion ViewManager