// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Parser for the Path of a (CLR) binding
using System;
using System.Text; // StringBuilder
using System.Windows;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MS.Utility; // FrugalList
namespace MS.Internal.Data
internal enum SourceValueType { Property, Indexer, Direct };
internal enum DrillIn { Never, IfNeeded, Always };
internal struct SourceValueInfo
public SourceValueType type;
public DrillIn drillIn;
public string name; // the name the user supplied - could be "(0)"
public FrugalObjectList<IndexerParamInfo> paramList; // params for indexer
public string propertyName; // the real name - could be "Width"
public SourceValueInfo(SourceValueType t, DrillIn d, string n)
type = t;
drillIn = d;
name = n;
paramList = null;
propertyName = null;
public SourceValueInfo(SourceValueType t, DrillIn d, FrugalObjectList<IndexerParamInfo> list)
type = t;
drillIn = d;
name = null;
paramList = list;
propertyName = null;
internal struct IndexerParamInfo
// parse each indexer param "(abc)xyz" into two pieces - either can be empty
public string parenString;
public string valueString;
public IndexerParamInfo(string paren, string value)
parenString = paren;
valueString = value;
internal sealed class PathParser
private string _error;
public string Error => _error;
private void SetError(string id, params object[] args) => _error = SR.Format(SR.GetResourceString(id), args);
private enum State { Init, DrillIn, Prop, Done };
private enum IndexerState { BeginParam, ParenString, ValueString, Done }
// Each level of the path consists of
// a property or indexer:
// .propname
// /propname
// [index]
// /[index]
// (The . or / is optional in the very first level.)
// The parser is a finite-state machine with two states corresponding
// to the two-character lookahead above, plus two more states for the begining
// and end. The state transistions are done explicitly in the code below.
// The parser returns a 0-length array if it finds a syntax error.
// It sets the Error property, so the caller can find out what happened.
public SourceValueInfo[] Parse(string path)
_path = (path != null) ? path.Trim() : string.Empty;
_n = _path.Length;
if (_n == 0)
// When no path string is specified, use value directly and do not drill-in. (same as Path=".")
// ClrBindingWorker needs this information to tell XmlBindingWorker about collectionMode.
return new SourceValueInfo[] { new SourceValueInfo(SourceValueType.Direct, DrillIn.Never, (string)null) };
_index = 0;
_drillIn = DrillIn.IfNeeded;
_error = null;
_state = State.Init;
while (_state != State.Done)
char c = (_index < _n) ? _path[_index] : NullChar;
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
switch (_state)
case State.Init:
switch (c)
case '/':
case '.':
case NullChar:
_state = State.DrillIn;
_state = State.Prop;
case State.DrillIn:
switch (c)
case '/':
_drillIn = DrillIn.Always;
case '.':
_drillIn = DrillIn.Never;
case '[':
case NullChar:
SetError(nameof(SR.PathSyntax), _path.Substring(0, _index), _path.Substring(_index));
return Array.Empty<SourceValueInfo>();
_state = State.Prop;
case State.Prop:
switch (c)
case '[': // Indexer follows
default: // Property follows
// If an error has occurred, we return an empty array instead
return _error is null ? _sourceValueInfos.ToArray() : Array.Empty<SourceValueInfo>();
private void AddProperty()
int start = _index;
int level = 0;
// include leading dots in the path (for XLinq)
while (_index < _n && _path[_index] == '.')
while (_index < _n && (level > 0 || !IsSpecialChar(_path[_index])))
if (_path[_index] == '(')
else if (_path[_index] == ')')
if (level > 0)
SetError(nameof(SR.UnmatchedParen), _path.Substring(start));
if (level < 0)
SetError(nameof(SR.UnmatchedParen), _path.Substring(0, _index));
string name = _path.Substring(start, _index - start).Trim();
SourceValueInfo info = (name.Length > 0)
? new SourceValueInfo(SourceValueType.Property, _drillIn, name)
: new SourceValueInfo(SourceValueType.Direct, _drillIn, (string)null);
private void AddIndexer()
// indexer args are parsed by a (sub-) state machine with four
// states. The string is a comma-separated list of params, each
// of which has two parts: a "paren string" and a "value string"
// (both parts are optional). The character ^ can be used to
// escape any of the special characters: comma, parens, ], ^,
// and white space.
int start = ++_index; // skip over initial [
int level = 1; // level of nested []
bool escaped = false; // true if current char is escaped
bool trimRight = false; // true if value string has trailing white space
StringBuilder parenStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder valueStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
FrugalObjectList<IndexerParamInfo> paramList = new FrugalObjectList<IndexerParamInfo>();
IndexerState state = IndexerState.BeginParam;
while (state != IndexerState.Done)
if (_index >= _n)
SetError(nameof(SR.UnmatchedBracket), _path.Substring(start - 1));
char c = _path[_index++];
// handle the escape character - set the flag for the next character
if (c == EscapeChar && !escaped)
escaped = true;
switch (state)
case IndexerState.BeginParam: // look for optional (...)
if (escaped)
// no '(', go parse the value
state = IndexerState.ValueString;
goto case IndexerState.ValueString;
else if (c == '(')
// '(' introduces optional paren string
state = IndexerState.ParenString;
else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
// ignore leading white space
// no '(', go parse the value
state = IndexerState.ValueString;
goto case IndexerState.ValueString;
case IndexerState.ParenString: // parse (...)
if (escaped)
// add an escaped character without question
else if (c == ')')
// end of (...), start to parse value
state = IndexerState.ValueString;
// add normal characters inside (...)
case IndexerState.ValueString: // parse value
if (escaped)
// add an escaped character without question
trimRight = false;
else if (level > 1)
// inside nested [], add characters without question
trimRight = false;
if (c == ']')
else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
// add white space, but trim it later if it's trailing
trimRight = true;
else if (c == ',' || c == ']')
// end of current paramater - assemble the two parts
string parenString = parenStringBuilder.ToString();
string valueString = valueStringBuilder.ToString();
if (trimRight)
valueString = valueString.TrimEnd();
// add the parts to the final result
paramList.Add(new IndexerParamInfo(parenString, valueString));
// reset for the next parameter
parenStringBuilder.Length = 0;
valueStringBuilder.Length = 0;
trimRight = false;
// after ',' parse next parameter; after ']' we're done
state = (c == ']') ? IndexerState.Done : IndexerState.BeginParam;
// add normal characters
trimRight = false;
// keep track of nested []
if (c == '[')
// after processing each character, clear the escape flag
escaped = false;
// assemble the final result
SourceValueInfo info = new(SourceValueType.Indexer, _drillIn, paramList);
private void StartNewLevel()
_state = (_index < _n) ? State.DrillIn : State.Done;
_drillIn = DrillIn.Never;
private static bool IsSpecialChar(char ch)
return ch == '.' || ch == '/' || ch == '[' || ch == ']';
private State _state;
private string _path;
private int _index;
private int _n;
private DrillIn _drillIn;
private const char NullChar = char.MinValue;
private const char EscapeChar = '^';
private readonly List<SourceValueInfo> _sourceValueInfos = new();