// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description:
// Interop services between windows client applications
// and the browser host. This interface is implemented on
// the client application end to support services to the
// unmanaged docobj hosted in the browser
// ***********************IMPORTANT**************************
// If you change any of the interface definitions here
// make sure you also change the interface definitions
// in the unmanaged side. (wcp\host\inc\hostservices.idl)
// If you are not sure about how to define it
// here, TEMPORARILY mark the interface as
// ComVisible in the managed side, use tlbexp to generate
// a typelibrary from the managed dll and copy the method
// signatures from there. REMEMBER to remove the ComVisible
// in the managed code when you are done.
// Defining the interfaces at both ends prevents us from
// publicly exposing these interfaces to the outside world.
// In order for marshaling to work correctly, the vtable
// and data types should match EXACTLY in both the managed
// and unmanaged worlds
namespace MS.Internal.AppModel
// If you change or update this interface, make sure you update the definitions in
// wcp\host\inc\hostservices.idl
enum HostingFlags
hfHostedInIE = 1, // Not mutually exclusive! See master definition in the IDL file.
hfHostedInWebOC = 2,//
hfHostedInIEorWebOC = 3,
hfHostedInMozilla = 4,
hfHostedInFrame = 8, // hosted in an HTML frame or iframe element or WebOC in the IE process
hfIsBrowserLowIntegrityProcess = 0x10,
hfInDebugMode = 0x20